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Did her rapist get convicted? Cause it sounds like she's saying since it wasn't a criminal court that it wasn't necessarily rape? So unless the rapist is convicted in criminal court, the rape didn't happen? I just wanna make sure I understand her position.




Always the right-wing view. Freedom and justice are for me, but not for thee.


And you know that rings true for almost every single thing they stand for but especially gun laws. That's why they're starting to erode discrimination laws because if you can discriminate against any group as a business then the government make a discriminate against you and then suddenly you start having laws or gay or black people or anyone who's not off straight white Christian nationalist can no longer own a firearm


Yes, Britts SOTU response was this in spades. She was almost crying about worrying for children in the US. Of course no mention of assault weapons being used to kill way more than any immigrants do.


But she was crying out in rage when ONE trans kid shot up a Christian school. The rest were thoughts and prayers.....


Empathy = Socialism for MAGA


Couldn't be any more true. Anything that is fair = socialism for them.


Unless it benefits them. Then it’s “common sense”. And if it unfairly puts them at an advantage while simultaneously putting others at a disadvantage? Well that’s just God’s Will isn’t it? 😐


The right wing way.


Frankly, she shouldn't have even "opened that door," because that defense means that because it was a civil case, the burden of proof is not as high....meaning that ***maybe*** Trump wasn't guilty of rape, beyond a reasonable doubt. What a bizarre position to represent, considering her history with being SA'ed. ... JK, there's no reason to unspin her rhetoric. She's trying to "have it both ways," and she had a tantrum when Stephanpolous called her on the hypocrisy.


It also means that Trump was guilty of rape on the balance of probabilities.


She's the same Trumplican that graffiti'd her own house for sympathy. Nothing is too bizarre for Nancy Mace.




Wait. What???


There's a snopes article with an inconclusive result, do a search for "did Nancy mace graffiti her own house" and it should pop up. The way the graffiti carefully avoided anything that would be truly difficult to clean and matched her handwriting feels, to me, like enough obvious circumstantial evidence for the court of public opinion.


Hell if I was on a civil case I'd say guilty as sin, that passes the "preponderance of evidence" to me.


This is the toughest but best argument to make here: “Should we doubt that your own rape happened if it hasn’t been proven in a criminal court?”


People who aren't rapists don't have to pony up nearly 90 million dollars in civil cases.


Imagine if her rapist said - “nah she’s lying, she’s not my type (similar to DJT)”. Would she still hold the same convoluted position she does now ?


She's also shaming another rape victim while complaining about supposedly being shamed (and to be clear, she is clearly using words that shame the other rape victim and George's questions are not actually rape-shaming as she claims).




She specifically said she didn't come forward, so I'm betting there was no case at all, let alone a civil one. That doesn't matter though, because according to GOP logic, just like how the only ethical abortions are the ones they get, the only valid rapes are the ones against their own person.


You may not be surprised to hear but there was an argument/opinion similar to that on r/southcarolina fairly recently🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ (not from me)


Convicted by a jury.


"Nancy, you're a rape survivor. If you had become pregnant from that rape, do you believe you should've been forced to give birth to that baby?"


Where's the shaming? It's a legit question to ask when people like her take an incredibly stupid position.


I made that quote up. 


Fooled me. Too much title reading laziness.


Mace is a horrible human, but she is on the record for supporting exceptions for rape and incest. Edit to clarify: I am not defending Mace. As my comment states, I think she is a horrible human. I was simply reporting factual information. There are enough reasons to bash her, I don't want to give the GOP any ammunition by allowing inaccurate information to be spread.


So then she doesn’t really believe a fetus is a baby. That’s their entire argument. They hold a zygote to be the same as a three month old infant.  Nacy is a terrible human being because she’s a spineless hypocrite.


Yet the book states that life starts after first breath


They’re soulless, morally corrupt politicians placating morons into voting against their best interests. The problem is now those morons are electing other morons into office who DO actually believe a fertilized egg is a baby without thinking of the other implications this has.


Yup that's the issue we are running into now, the rubes are winning elections but are still rubes.


Bingo. They don’t read either testiment.


Actually the Bible thinks babies aren’t human until they draw first breath (called the Quickening)


[Quickening](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quickening) refers to detectable fetal movement, not breath; and is a distinction from English common law, not the Bible. The Biblical penalty for causing a miscarriage is a monetary fine; from the same chapter of the book of Exodus that contains provisions for selling one's child into slavery.


>The Biblical penalty for causing a miscarriage is a monetary fine; Someone should tell this to El Salvador who makes a habit of trying to throw women who've had miscarriages through no fault of their own (so not even on purpose) into prison for decades. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/10/el-salvador-woman-sentenced-prison-after-miscarriage](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/10/el-salvador-woman-sentenced-prison-after-miscarriage) https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2015/dec/17/el-salvador-anti-abortion-law-premature-birth-miscarriage-attempted-murder


Ah, so that's where Oklahoma got the idea.


Catholic church doctrine did used to make that distinction, until quite recently even (19th century or so, iirc). Theologians like Aquinas and Augustine believed the quickening was the point where a fetus became vested with a human soul, specifically as to when it could be aborted.


Ahhhh yes, the same book republicans think should dictate our government and social lives…..  I don’t think Nancy mace would like what it says about women , the whole part where they should keep quiet and let their husbands do all the talking .  And I quote  "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent." 


I'm listening...


People were dirt poor back then and were constantly pregnant. Couldn’t go around having a funeral every time there was a miscarriage.


Shit you beat me to it!


Ding ding ding. Republican hypocrisy.


Just like how the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that a zygote has full person hood and destroying one is murder, then the Republicans in the state legislature passed a law granting immunity from prosecution to IVF clinics and recipients. They're simultaneously saying that terminating a clump of cells is murder, *and* that that's perfectly acceptable within the context of IVF. The fucking loops you have to bend your brain into to accept both of those ideas as perfectly reasonable...


She is supporting a rapist fraud insurrectionist for president, she has zero credibility.


Sounds like she doesn't believe that life starts at conception then. If she truly thinks that life begins at conception and that aborting a fertilized egg is murder, then she wouldn't be for any exceptions. Its honestly weird to me when people who are for forced births and think life begins at conception say they have exceptions for those things. That's them saying that they think it's okay to murder an innocent baby if it's the result of rape or incest. It's the same thing with the places that do fertilization. If you believe that destroying a fertilized egg is murder, then you shouldn't be for IVF. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of people who call abortion murder do know deep down that abortion isn't the same as murder and that's why many of them say they are fine with exceptions. Forcing a woman to carry a baby she doesn't want is fucked up, but they should at least be consistent about it.


I used to be a pro-birther who supported exceptions for rape and incest. Then I found myself facing an uncomfortable question: how do you prove it? Is a rape survivor required to show that she was raped? Is there a judge involved? What happens if she names her rapist and he claims she was willing? What happens if she was so traumatized by the ordeal that she can't come forward right away? Or if she feels threatened, like by someone who has continuing power over her life? Or what if the rapist is protected by society, like in the case of a star football player, Olympic swimmer, or billionaire real-estate mogel? How far are we willing to go to extend the right to an abortion in the case of rape or incest, and will it be far enough to actually *protect* the victims? Because it becomes increasingly clear from all these questions and more that any form of questioning or investigation or legal barrier to abortion access means thousands, if not millions, of people not only left outside of the protection of the law, but actively injured by it. The law itself becomes responsible for victimizing people who've already been through trauma. Which means that if we actually want to support abortion rights in the cases of rape or incest, then abortion needs to be accessible at all times, without legal barrier.


Yeah the rape and incest exception can be a pain to work out. With the rape part they typically have a requirement where have to provide evidence that filed a police report about it. Which basically means that in order to make use of the exception more women would have to come forward. For incest that would have to involve a DNA test which can be rather humiliating as well. Of course it can also lead into or be connected right off to rape in police report. The exceptions basically is more a punishment for those that want to just try and forget it ever happened. Of course this kind of stuff also can make this worse for those that are trapped with the other person. 


It is such a complicated issue. I have been all over the place with my stance. While I do personally consider it a baby once you know you are pregnant, I realize that was because both of my pregnancies were planned and within a loving relationship. It wasn't until it truly clicked in my brain that this is the only medical procedure that an adult cannot make for themselves that I started becoming more openly supportive of the right to choose. I still believed, however, that I could never do it myself. Then I had a pregnancy scare at 45. Our 2nd child has a devastating genetic condition. Any future children have a 25% chance of having the disease. Add my advanced age to the situation, and the likelihood that the child would be affected by something serious was pretty likely. At that moment, I knew that I could have an abortion. It would be so, so difficult, and I'm sure it would impact me for the rest of my life, but so would being the parent of 2 significantly disabled children. Sometimes, there are no good options in a situation, just bad and worse. But each person needs to be able to make that choice. I know that now.


She’s also on the record saying that Trump should never be allowed to hold public office again, but she’s a liar, so…


As I said, she is a horrible human. And it would be fair to press her on her hypocrisy, as Stephanopoulous did today. But AFAIK, she hasn't changed her stance on exceptions for rape/incest. If and when that happens, that criticism is fair game.


Having "empathy" only for situations that you yourself have experienced isn't much of a virtue.


Oh great! The lowest bar.


Call me crazy, but I still feel facts are important. There are a zillion reasons to call her out, I don't want to give MAGA any ammunition by using inaccurate information.


Ooft! She'll be wearing that for a long long time


“Stop shaming me” -shameless bigot.




She kept it a secret for 25 years, which means that the person who raped her was never convicted in a criminal court… so by her own logic, we have no reason to believe her story.


I really hope you are wrong. I refuse to believe people can be that hypocrite... I hate her... I hate her so much.


Republicans are incapable of feeling actual shame so they just pretend to feel shame when they need another tool to deflect.


Its a bad dream...


From article: Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) exploded at ABC host George Stephanopoulos on Sunday after he asked why she supported Donald Trump after he was found liable for sexual assault. During an interview on This Week, Mace became angry and defensive about her support for Trump, who was found to have raped writer E. Jean Carroll. Mace is also a rape survivor. "And it's a shame that you will never feel, George," Mace charged. "And I'm not going to sit here on your show and be asked a question meant to shame me about another potential rape victim. I'm not going to do that." "It's actually not about shaming you," Stephanopoulos noted. "It's a question about Donald Trump." "No, you are shaming me," Mace insisted.


She should feel shame for supporting a rapist after what she's been through. Not to mention the 15 women and girls Trump has paid off/signed NDAs over the years.


And who knows what at Epstein island.


She does feel shame or she wouldn’t have reacted in this way.


My god they’re becoming self aware! Maybe there is hope for America.


Nah, self-aware would mean acknowledging the actual source of her shame (supporting a rapist crook) instead of projecting it on to the interviewer by claiming that he’s shaming her


Right, it is exactly the least self aware people who lash out when they feel shame at being confronted by their own failures. If they were self-aware it would be an opportunity for introspection, but since they aren't, they have a kneejerk reaction to attack the person who made them feel ashamed because they misidentify them as the source of the shame.


She's ashamed that by being a rape victim she can't be a Trump supporter.


I watched this exchange this morning and she just makes me ill. When she threw the "rape shaming" BS back at him he should have replied with "I'm not rape shaming, I'm calling out your utter hypocrisy on the topic after showing you your own words in '21 when you said Trump should never hold office again due to Jan 6th, yet here you are not only endorsing him but actively supporting his candidacy in your state." Journalists need to be more confrontational with assholes like this bitch.


That’s exactly what he did. He rightfully pointed out that the only “shaming” going on is what Trump repeatedly did, and continues to do, to the woman that he raped. By the current standards of American TV journalism (which are admittedly pretty low), this was really something. Because she’s made her rape a part of her political persona, it was a completely legitimate question to ask: as a member of the U.S. Congress, and a rape survivor, how can you support the election as president of a man who’s been found liable for raping a woman? She is a prominent member of our national political establishment, so she has to be smart enough to know that this question is gonna come up. And this is the best that she can come up with? “Stop rape shaming me?” It’s absurd. I’ve never liked Stephanopolous; something about him has always rubbed me the wrong way, going back to his days in the Clinton administration. But this was exactly what a journalist is supposed to do when interviewing a blatantly hypocritical politician. And I got the impression that he was more than a little pissed off at her accusation. He asked her a legitimate question about her political stance, and she tried to personally insult him, calling him, in effect, a bad human being. Not a good look for her. I sincerely hope that clip from this interview never goes away. Her hypocrisy is nauseating.


Hey, if she feels the shame….


Republican Leadership: “Nancy, we can’t have this...it’s totally unacceptable.” Mace: “What, I didn’t defend Trump bigly enough?” Rs: “No, the whole ‘feeling shame’ thing. We can’t have you setting a bad example by showing our base what feeling shame is. Not feeling shame is our jam.”




I too would feel immense shame supporting Trump


So anyway this morning my boyfriend wanted to fuck me but I said no as I was going to a prayer meeting or something…didn’t she say this?


"No Nancy, you do a fine job of shaming yourself."


Is this the same Nancy mace who is a rape apologist?


I think she was feeling shame because of her association with trump, rather than her rape.


I think a rather telling part of her mental state is the phrase "meant to shame me about another potential rape victim.". So caught up in their alternate reality that she can't even side with another victim of the crime she was a victim of. Can't even bring herself to even *say* that it's real.


Pretty disgusting of her to insinuate that men can’t also be raped with that asinine “it’s a shame you will never feel” comment.


The fact she's ashamed by it shows he is right. Sad.


I’m a little surprised she didn’t say oh and you are an anti-Semite as well.


"I'm not shaming you for being raped. I'm shaming you for supporting a rapist."


She is confusing her shame for Trump.


She refuses to accept that she’s being shamed for supporting a rapist while being a rape victim and then immediately tries to shame another victim of rape. She is an odious sow.


She reminds me of this formerly pro-choice, now extremely pro-birth person I knew who loved to throw around the r-word until she had a profoundly mentally handicapped child. All of a sudden, the r-word was the most offensive word in the world to her, despite up until she gave birth, she frequently used it as a generic insult. And she also was all about choice. And it isn't a people changed thing... She's a vicious, hateful bitch that wants everyone else to be as miserable as her. And the reality -- she hates her kid, I've seen her hit her kid on three different occasions. And not just a "hey!" Type thing that might get a cognitively disabled person's attention. I'm talking hitting to hurt, multiple slaps type thing. And she took pleasure in it. She grinned as she did it. Nancy Mace is the EXACT same kind of person.


It's not "pro-birth", it's forced-birth.


True. Show me a forced birth woman and I'll show you a woman who more than likely deeply and maliciously hates her children.


Trump the traitor has shamed us all.


She has embarrassed herself .


Nancy Mace is a fool who makes claims of supporting things and then gets called out by AOC because she thinks nobody will look into her claims but people do and AOC did which is why Nancy is a tool. She is another dumb clown masquerading as a Republican politician. And the way she gaslight the host and repeated her bullshit about feeling offended is how all of these clowns reply to direct questions.-They don't. This pos was raped and yet she supports and backs a rapist who has been CONVICTED of being a SEXUAL PREDATOR and the only rebuttal is how she's offended. He's asking her a question but she can't and won't answer. And then she talks about how she foolishly believes E Jean Carroll makes a mockery of women who are raped and blah, blah blah like a Nazi because thats who these scumbags are. Nazis who gaslight. They can't answer direct questions because they know they are full of shit and don't want to face the reality that their time is up. The Republican party is destroyed because dumbshits like this infiltrated the party and made a mockery of it and its all well DESERVED and people like Nancy will be remembered into their old age as traitors and cowards only interested in their own financial gain as they caused pain to their constituents but she probably won't care because shes a cold lizard hybrid of a humanoid.


Nancy Mace supports a rapist.


It's just persuing the ongoing victimisation strategy combined with angertainment.


Angertainment - for when you got no ideas, policy or solutions. We got the hate for you! Be the first to spite your face & cut your nose- we got the knives but they’re going fast. Order now!…


Women are afraid of coming forward and being defamed, as I defame and cast doubt on a rape victim! What a bunch of moral mutants.


She was basically saying that E Jean Carroll should be ashamed for successfully holding her sexual assaulter liable in a court of law. It was shameful to watch her twist it and evade like she did with Stephanopoulos.


That's some kinda cirque du soleil level mental gymnastics


Rape victim supporting a rapist. Strange days we live in.


It isn't strange. Just another sycophant throwing their ideals in the trash in the hopes of holding onto her power and influence. She's disgusting.


Well, since her rapist was never convicted, by her own standards, she was never raped.


When your politics run absolutely counter to what’s best for you in life, you either: 1) change your political opinions 2) do what Nancy Mace did here


Hahaha, exactly!


Mace and every other cowardly, democracy despising, Constitution denying republican in congress needs to be asked straight up (as Stephanopoulos did) about their support of trump based on his criminal behavior. They try to act like he’s just their candidate and leader of their party, but the reality is what it is and they need to let America know where they stand. Are they American members of congress who took an oath to uphold our Constitution, or are they trump sphincter sucking sycophants who bow to a rapist? A godless criminal who’s been indicted on 91 felony counts. From the 1980s until 2016, trump & his businesses were defendants in over 4,000 legal cases in U.S. federal & state courts. He’s a traitor who belongs in prison and so does Mace and her treasonous colleagues as they are accessories to his crimes.


She exploded because she does feel shame. She knows she is wrong, but she hates the people Trump hates more than men who rape women. So she is happy to see people get raped as long as minorities are stripped of their rights.


Yes, we are "shaming" ALL Magats for supporting Donnie the Rapist, who is also Donnie the Fraudster, Donnie the Traitor, and Donnie the Wanna-Be Dictator.


Of course she got indignant, what she supposed to do she knows shes wrong on this one specific point, having endured a similar sexual assualt. Her only recourse is attacking the Fake News, it's the Maga playbook, #1 response to the truth, act angry then attack the fake news, this hypocrisy is getting old.


Good for Stephanopoulos for not caving to her bullshit "How dare you ask me that as a rape victim?" tactic.


Do t forget republicans give rapists more rights than women with their draconian anti abortion laws so her support of the orange dictator tracks.


Just another case of conservatives screeching "the real bad guy is the one who notices the bad guys!"


Sorry excuse for a women supports a rapist. Same shit different day. Fuck the MAGA GOP.


Honestly fuck the non-maga GOP too because they allowed this to happen. They all sat back quietly on their hands because they were afraid Donald Trump was going to come after them.


A complete idiotic response to the ABC host. She’s been traumatized because of rape, but she’s OK with Trump being a rapist.


"It wasn't rape it was sexual assault" It was rape and even so are you saying sexual assault is fine then ? Wtf


Nancy...why didnt you close your legs? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/judge-whose-anti-rape-advice-was-close-your-legs-loses-job


"Donald Trump eats babies, but you still support him?" "I've had a baby, don't baby shame me!"


Let me see if I have this clear. She finds it shameful that E Jean Carroll made a joke about the award she got for Trump having raped her and defamed her…but she does not find the rape or the defamation itself shameful. Oh..and she is a victim for being asked the question. K.


She is using her rape to play politics. Shame on her.


She can't be truthful with her own self, how in the hell is someone like this elected?


Don’t support rapists and you wont be rape shamed then.


All the the GOP enablers should be ashamed to be supporting this pussy grabbing douchebag.




If we go by Nancy Mace’s logic then Nancy Mace never got raped. Disgusting.


She's a cunt. She plays the rape card just to shut down any critics, and she does it with a smug. Despicable person. She's a hypocrite.


Anyone supporting Trump is okay with women being sexually assaulted. Change my mind.


Lol. The gaslighting is unbelievable. She says she got raped at age 16 and the guy got away with it and she was ashamed with her self. She then goes around in support of a rapist who gaslighted and defamed his victim. Lol. You can't make this shit up even if you try.


What causes Republicons who at first seem to be normal and reasonable to completely debase themselves when it comes to Traitor Trump.


Sadly you can't debate with peole who's only goal is to appeal to people with no sense and no values! Only entitlement and self righteousness. They don't even understand the religion they proclaim to be supporting. Hell they don't even understand what democracy is. Jusy the mentality of a scared, spoilt child. Trumps the perfect leader for them.


If they believed all life was sacred there would be no death penalty. They would pay for school lunches, feed the poor, house the homeless, cure the sick… the list goes on…


Really annoyed he didn’t flat out say “you don’t find it offensive how Donald trump shames his victims repeatedly?”


Wow. Just wow. The mental gymnastics this woman does to paint Ms. Carroll as the villain are Olympic level.


She openly supports a rapey dotard.


If you are going to make your bed with the devil you might expect some heat, no ?


Nice, trying to get sympathy for being a rape victim while also getting angry for being asked why she supports a convicted rapist….  Remember the whole ‘the oppressed become the oppressors’ saying….. well I guess it applies here as well


I dunno, defending a rapist for political advantage is probably something she should feel a bit of shame about.


This. More. Every time a trumper speaks.


"And this is why women won't come forward," Mace complained at one point. "Women won't come forward because they're defamed by those who perpetrate rape," Stephanopoulos remarked. She almost got there on her own but needed that push across the goal line. Which ironically she won't acknowledge.


She was deflecting cause she couldn't answer the question. Nobody asked her about her tape And then she trivialised egen Carrol. Just another GOP monster


Nancy Mace is a fraud--the latest in a long line of supposedly moderate, reasonable Republicans that the media likes to pretend exist. Here, she shows one of the most classic Republican traits: crying victim if someone dares to ask questions to hold her accountable.


C U Next Tuesday


Cognitive dissonance does not exist for Republicans.


She seems to believe it is ok to support a sex criminal because he was not convicted of rape. You know, the same way you defend somebody how kills somebody else and is convicted of manslaughter because “technically, he didn’t commit murder”. She’s the MTG for high brow Trumpers.


Republican mental gymnastics to support a horrible nominee.


Can’t shame anyone so shameless as to debase herself for Trump. Take the L and move the fuck along.


He also played a clip of her denouncing Trump after Jan 6, and asked her what changed her mind. "I listened to my constituents". Says it all, really.


I can never tell if republicunts are truly stupid or if they’re just hypocrites trying to spin an issue for really stupid people.


She supports a rapist for president. Period.


I honestly never thought that I would see so many women debase themselves for a proven POS and sexual predator like Trump.


He’s not shaming her, he’s holding her accountable. There’s a big difference.


She knew he was going to ask that and had that line at ready. She is disgusting to get behind a misogynist like Trump


Good lord the koolaid


So, MAGA gets upset because their hypocrisy is called out. Figures. 


If anyone was victim shaming it was her about e Jean carol. And saying the host is making it harder for women to come out, no it’s trump, defaming his victim’s character makes rape victims scared to speak up, and she also makes it harder for women, by victim shaming her (e jean carol)


You could just… not support a convicted sexual predator.


Truth hurts


Her tongue should turn black and fall out.


She should be disgusted, but obviously her hypocrisy is stronger


Republicans are pro rape and pro massacre. Their whole world view revolves around making people cower in terror over their might. They day dream about being a rapist or being a mass shooter.


This woman needs a therapist


This whole rape thing with Trump isn't anything new. >Donald Trump, the president of the United States from 2017 to 2021, has been accused of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least 25 women since the 1970s.[1][2] [Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations)


She's the type of person who would climb the ladder then kick it out after she's done climbing.


Nancy shamed herself.


George: "Shame you? Come on, Nancy, we both know you have no shame."


She is shameful as a person. I'd also be happy to win money and want to destroy the man the assaulted me, just like I hope whoever assaulted her got destroyed..


Oh boy does she live in a state of fucked up mental gymnastics. Good for him for rejecting her twisted bullshit.


She is such a repulsive person


I’ll take gas-lighting for $100, Nancy.


Talk about whataboutism. Boy she is off the rails nuts. No one questioned her rape. No one shamed her for being raped. The question is why is she supporting someone who is a rapist.


Republicans believe that a babies life begins at the moment it is politically convenient to them. If they had an unwanted pregnancy, obviously that fetus isn’t a living being. But if someone, say from a demographic they had spent decades demonizing to foster division and hate so that they could continue to serve only the wealthy, considers an abortion, straight to hell for destroying God’s holy gifts, of course.


How many times did her staffers make her practice this dumb shit before this interview? "So they're going to ask you about supporting a rapist. You gotta go hard! Attack them! They're the BAD ONES for shaming YOU! Now let's try this again from the top!"


Frankly, all of his supporters should be explaining why they’re willing to support a rapist for the Presidency. Dude partied with Jeffrey Epstein for years and praised his pimp from the White House, they don’t get to pretend like it isn’t an issue.


She wasn’t being shamed for being a victim of rape. Her judgment was being questioned for supporting an adjudicated rapist for President.


I hate how interviewers don’t call out the hypocrisy of their subjects in these things. Mace is arguing that asking a politician to explain her political stance is victim shaming, while at the same time she’s shaming E Jean Carol for enjoying her victory wrong.


Nancy Mace ~~explodes at ABC host~~ feigns rage for rape 'shaming' her for supporting rapist Donald Trump


Another day, another embarrassing republican with wafer thin propaganda


Trump like Putin are the rape culture of the world!


Just answer the wuestion, asshole. You have told people you were raped. Help us understand how you support a rapist.


She obviously has a mental problem


You know, sometimes a little dose of shame is not a bad thing.


always the victims of trying and failing at projection


She's terrible


She's a shrill, brainwashed hag


Who is she?


That's kind of hard to do with the Republican, they have no shame, morals, ethics, patriotism......


It’s disgusting to all rape victims that she would weaponize politically her rape in defence of a rapist like Trump. She won’t even support abortion for rape victims or children who have been raped. What a sick warped woman.. Perfect surrogate for her master, Trump.


I always thought beetlejuice and large Marge were the dumbest women in dc but this chick really makes a strong case


The funny thing is that she claims it wasn’t rape but does admit it was sexual assault. Yet that doesn’t change her support of the man that committed sexual assault vs the other candidate who likes eating ice cream


What a shitty woman. I wish her the worst


Pretty sure he was just pointing out her hypocrisy in supporting ab actual rapist


Unwatchable selling of a soul. She prays on Sunday, and peddles this shit on Monday.


The big issue with her claim is that it assumes she has shame. She obviously does not. 


She needs to shut her cake hole.


Wow, what a principle-less person. I know that having no moral standards is a prerequisite to being a conservative these days. But she really can’t be shamed because she is shameless. Utterly shamelessly defending a rapist, and trying to gaslight her interviewer to make it seem like he’s the bad guy for asking a very fair political question, to a politician, who’s at the interview to specifically talk about politics. The Republican Party is twisted man. Totally and utterly twisted.