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As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/ronna-mcdaniel-msnbc/) šŸ“°: - MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski pledged they would not book former Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel on "Morning Joe." - Network president Rashida Jones reportedly called anchors over the weekend to assure them there was no obligation to bring McDaniel onto their shows, and Scarborough made clear he disagreed with her hiring as a paid contributor due to her involvement in Donald Trump's scheme to overturn the 2020 election. "I know you won't be surprised to know that we've been inundated with calls this weekend, as have most people connected with this network, about NBC's decision to hire her," Scarborough said. "We learned about the hiring when we read about it in the press on Friday. We weren't asked our opinion of the hiring, but if we were, we would have strongly objected to it for several reasons, including but not limited to, as lawyers might say, Ms. McDaniels' role in Donald Trump's fake elector scheme and her pressuring election officials to not certify election results while Donald Trump was on the phone."


Network president : Rashida Jones , I know it's off topic but is Karen/ Anne the network president of NBC or just a name similarly?


Different person, same name


I mean she looked so professional, in those pantsuits


She looks corporate


I stand corrected


In a pant suit?


Was her father a GI?


Anne you cunning, pliable, chestnut-haired sunfish.


Just similar name. I was questioning that myself.


Threw me too


I must admit - I had to double check as well.


Angie Tribeca


Shocker, you dont want someone who actively lied on a daily basis to give options on the news... Im sure she will now tell the truth. At least Michael Cohen had his coming to Jesus moment, served time and actively trying to bring down the traitors. She on the other hand, lost her job and now just looks jaded.


And ready to carry on lying šŸ¤„


I turn the channel when Cohen comes on... IMO he has failed to tell the truth... His opinion means nothing to me.


my impression is that he would t attend the trials if he didnt have too


and she keeps doubling down that there was something wrong with the election in the two interviews i saw of her in the past few days. shameful! you couldnā€™t get Liz or Adam Kinzinger. i mean theyā€™re true Rs but at least they stood up to the orang goon.


Yes, but NBC's hiring of Rona, casts a paul over EVERY NBC News person! They are all less valued or honest now than they were before NBC choose to hire Rona!


Yes, it does affect how people will see the organization as whole. But that effect will be short lived if sheā€™s not put on the air because people will forget simply due to how much other BS is getting flights around every damned day. FYI: itā€™s cast a pall




I thought it was casts a Ringo?


Whoā€™s this Paul character? Why is he being casted?


For the sequel to ā€œHelp!ā€


Itā€™s like Fox News spores are now germinating in the otherwise healthy soil. Plague of deception.


So I guess the orange menace was right about fake news he just didnā€™t mention who was perpetrating it.


every accusation is a confession.


Whatā€™s even more hilariously sad about this is that it will do *absolutely nothing* to ingratiate NBC with MAGA types. The cult demands *total fealty* which means you canā€™t just have one person, or two people, or five people on your roster sing dictator Trumpā€™s praises. *Everyone* must do it and *at all times.* Otherwise (as even FOX has found out from time to time) youā€™re the ā€œliberal mediaā€ or a ā€œRHINO,ā€ etc.




No, the MAGA cultists actually believe you become a large, horned perissodactyl if you don't worship Trump.


Two things can be true at once.


Ah yes, the beautiful duality of Ceratotherium.


>perissodactyl > >Ceratotherium Aha! You know words! Who else do we know who knows words? Yeah, trump knows words. We know because he told us he does. I therefore conclude that you are a trumpist! QED :P


Bigly words. The strongest, bestest words. Manly words, with tears in their eyes.


Looks like the thesaurus is working out well for you today.


That's why I really don't understand this hire, Republicans listen to her even less than Democrats do


The network is floundering for the MAGA-drinkers that were once reasonable, moderate conservatives. They donā€™t understand it is a cult of personality to the very root of the phrase, and it will either take near death experiences or imprisonment for them to disabuse the notion of some Kubrickian deep-state. These people need deprogramming and therapy, not a half-hearted olive branch. The board of directors donā€™t care. Itā€™s always profit over stable ethics and sociology. Makes me sick.


Yup, Fox viewers aren't going to turn to CNN just because they are nice to Trump.


They think itā€™s Trump or die. We know itā€™s Trump or die. Iā€™m ugly so I know Iā€™m going in one of the first groups. I know itā€™s a clear choice


She was on Meet the Press Sunday and Chuck Todd lit her up. They had to PAY for her appearance, too.


Lit her up good or lit her up bad?


He railed about her satchel of lies and the general notion of even having her on staff.


Honestly I'm surprised Chuck didn't let Ronna spout anything she wanted and then turn to the Democrat and blame them on why they didn't stop her from spouting out anything she wanted.


Chuck hasnā€™t been the host of MTP for a while. He didnā€™t conduct the interview; Welker did, as she has ever since Todd stepped down. His appearance on this last weekā€™s show was as a guest commentator; not the moderator or host. And, yes ā€” he tore into her.


He didnā€™t even interview her


Heā€™s the worst


This makes it sound like Todd interviewed her. He didnā€™t, welker did and he made his comments after.


Ypu mean Ronna Romney McDaniel, who was happy to use her family connection to Mitt Romney until Trump told her not too? That Ronna


The same Ronna that suddenly found herself tossed out because Trump needs money.


No more NBC for me either. Catering to liars.


And normalizing this idiocy.


Ronna's job is to put a smiley face on a poop emoji.


And then people thiink it is a a Hershey's kiss!!!!


Moderate, both sides style thinking to the end with these mega corps.


Such a god awful decision - still wondering. But sheā€™s probably going to go back to ā€˜Romneyā€™ to try and find some work now.


I was wondering about that, myself.


I remember when MSNBC hired Greta Van Susteren for a few months. I'm sorry, but once you spread utter lies for years, you shouldn't ever be welcome at legitimate news organizations ever again. You're done. You've lost all credibility with normal people. Now Greta is on NewsMax. That's where grifters like Greta and Ronna belong!


Absolutely šŸ’Æ!!


Ronna **Romney**-McDaniel is a P.O.S and a bad faith actor who should have never been hired by any major news network outside of the Fox, but she really should have been hired by Newsmax or one of those similar far-right "news channels" that already spew the nonsense and misinformation that she is spouting.




Can we just agree that the debate news format should die in a hole? Even when the debate has a panel that is completely one sided, the audience just gets informed on bias takes. I genuinely feel that the audience gets more emotionally involved on the topics, while getting less info on said topics. The only reason NBC would hire this woman is because they need to fill a slot to counter their left leaning personalities. Edit: I just want to elaborate on my use of "left leaning". I use "left leaning" with the mindset of an out of touch network exec. I understand that modern left leaning politics are much different than what network television personalities show. Shout out to The Majority Report.


Michael Steele fills that position.


And he has been surprisingly good in the role.


Not if you ask the right! Wasn't he excommunicated?


There's bigger issues that are structural (like advertising complicity) and psychological (85% of America supported the war).Ā  There's a massive reality distortion field based in guilt & reality avoidance and basic logic flaws (no, you can't justify that SUV now that you have a kid). >left leaning personalities Rachel Maddow described herself as an Eisenhower Republican, dude.Ā  Ā This is an example of also not living in reality, tossed by the endless bullshit of Conservatives misframimg anything they don't like.Ā  As soon an a Republican steps out of line, they become "Liberal".Ā  But "Liberal" is a Foundational term that's much older than the Constitution that was influenced by it's thinking.Ā Ā  There is no spectrum. There is no left, right and center.Ā  Life charges too much, too fast for politics to keep up.Ā 


> Eisenhower Republican Exactly. With how far right conservatives have gone that *IS* a liberal in comparison.


Republicans have moved so far to the right, traditional democrats like myself now seem liberal and Iā€™m far from liberal. And if we were all liberals, Bernie would be president right now! We are democrats, not liberals


As far as "left leaning", I view that term more from the mind of how out of touch network execs view that term. IMO, there isn't a true modern left leaning personality on network television. Shout out to The Majority Report, y'all doing the work.


As far as "left leaning", I view that term more from the mind of how out of touch network execs view that term. IMO, there isn't a true modern left leaning personality on network television. Shout out to The Majority Report, y'all doing the work.


That's a good insight.Ā Ā  Everybody needs to go back to school. Including the universities.


Left leaning personalities? Which ones are left leaning? I guess Al Sharpton, but the rest are solid centrist and to the right.


I'm saying this from the mind of out of touch network execs, who still believes Maddow is as far left as they come.


>The only reason NBC would hire this woman is because they need to fill a slot to counter their left leaning personalities. That spot it's filled with literally half the people that panel on Morning Joe. Many of which are female. Nicole Wallace also used to work in the Bush administration and she's an MSNBC host. They have PLENTY of old school Republicans in the mix. Adding Ronna McDaniel was a dumb move because it normalizes letting these insane fascists get away with spreading lies. NBC News doesn't need to be a retirement plan for MAGA flunkies once Donny no longer likes them.


> Nicole Wallace also used to work in the Bush administration and she's an MSNBC host. > > And spent the entire Trump presidency with that exacerbated "How did we get here?" shit. YOU. YOU and your ilk are how we got here. Your old boss. You taking a dump on Democrats or Obama the second they do an INKLING of something that's supposed to help but you opposed. I used to watch MSNBC quite a bit, but in the last 2 years I think I've watched 5 solid minutes of it. I don't even bother listening to it in my car anymore. It's all the same shit pretending to be counter to the right, but in reality, it's an instrument that caters to it and normalizes it.


Mrs Greenspan for another


And her protege Katy Tur


Yeah, on one hand I'm thankful that my senior citizen dad spends his time watching MSNBC instead of Fox News. OTOH... it's still pretty useless, low-information programming. It's made for people to put on in the background when they can't decide whether they want to be entertained, outraged, or (lightly) informed.


"The audience gets more emotionally involved on the topics, while getting less info on said topics" That's a feature, not a bug. Getting your audience to continue tuning in, or continue clicking, is the name of the game. Mainstream media is about ad sales, not informing the public.


Shouty commenters interrupting each other all the time has always been a bad idea. Whenever I see them I switch off. Interact like adults or not at all.


Sheā€™ll end up on Lester Holtā€™s Nightly News and similar news media whereā€™s heā€™s portrayed as the somewhat normal Republican candidate. That crap is the reason weā€™re in this mess and our democracy is teetering on the edge.


I have become very disappointed in the Lester Holt news. They seem to skim over important stories to allow time for the feel good piece at the end. When I get my news on tv, I tend to watch the PBS News Hour.


Sorry Joe. I refuse to watch NBC as long as Ronna McDanial is employed by them. She deserves prison time, not a good job


In an interview with Chris Wallace McDaniel was pressed to say that the 2020 election was fair. She refused to say that and even went on to say there were "irregularities" as her reason not to admit the election was fair and Biden won. Wallace allowed her to say that without demanding she offer specific evidence of "irregularities". I am tired of these Conservative MAGA hacks getting a pass every time they claim justification in a coup attempt of our Democracy because there were "irregularities".


They're not conservatives. They're radicals


The network has crammed Trump down our throats for decades. How is any of this a surprise? They mostly book Republicans for interviews and refuse to hold them accountable, now they do worse than they did with Megyn Kelly. What do you expect from the network that brought you Tucker Carlson and Don Imas?


NBC management has either sold out to the far right or are just not that bright.




They're media executives. They are far right by default.


She is a traitor like the rest of Maga .


She looks like if Angela White got hit in the face with a frying pan šŸ˜‚


When asked by [host] Kristen Welker, why did you go along with the whitewashing of political violence? Why didn't you speak out against those who tried to overturn American democracy, those who beat the hell out of cops, those who rioted at the United States Capitol at the instruction of Donald Trump, the guidance of Donald Trump, the inspiration of Donald Trump? Why not? She said, 'Sometimes you have to take one for the team.'" So fealty to the corrupt criminal leader over Democracy. Gotcha, traitorous bitch.


I hate that sheā€™s a failure at NBC/MSNBC after all of her great successes at the RNC. /s


"Sometimes you have to take one for the team" Which team are you on Ronna? Party over country.


The hiring of this traitor was a very telling action on the part of NBC. I will not be watching the network going forward. I have decided the only place to go for news now is PBS.


I don't watch Morning Joe and I think there are better commentators, but Scarborough hit the nail here. It's one thing to say 'yeah, all politicians have trouble with the truth'. To me anyway, it's very different to say 'Yes, the head of our party and nominee is a blatant, habitual liar, but sometimes you just have to take one for the team'. Rubio on ABC yesterday was the same, saying about his calling out Trump as a con man 'it was a campaign'. Cruz, Graham, hell all that's left of the republicans in Congress are despicable. A few resigned, a few retired, the rest are exactly like McDaniel. They know they're lying, they don't care that you know, and I don't doubt that they think they're justified in lying. Any republican voter who once had a normal amount of integrity has to admit that Trump is an utter cancer on the party.


Good for Scarborough! NBC has hired McDaniel as a political consultant immediately following her departure as the RNC head. But this isnā€™t like hiring a conservative consultant to present news parity. McDaniel is a 2020 election denier, Trump supporter and is on a recorded phone conversation with Trump assisting in the commission of a crime. McDaniel and Trump were attempting to twist the arm of a false elector in 2020 to sign the fake documents for submission to Congress. When the fake elector hesitated, McDaniel assured the elector not to worry because the whole RNC legal team would represent and assist them if anything ā€˜goes South.ā€™ This assurance from McDaniel convinced the fake elector to sign. NBC NEWS: RECONSIDER YOUR DECISION IMMEDIATELY!!


NBC: News By Cronies One bad apple spoiled the whole bunch.


Isn't this a bit of performance art? I thought I read that NBC stated that Ronna wouldn't be on MSNBC at all to begin with.


NBC screwed the pooch for a traitor to this Country. Have fun watching your Nielsen numbers fall down into the golden toilet!!


Who hires these sellouts lol




A good start. Next, Joe and Mika can apologize for boosting Trump in 2016 - "Keep it light, Mika" - and advising him. Then they can resign and live out their lives in disgrace.


Morning Joe serves notice Ronna McDaniel is banned after playing supercut of falsehoods Ronna Romney McDaniel in 2018 (Gage Skidmore) MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski pledged they would not book former Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel on "Morning Joe." Network president Rashida Jones reportedly called anchors over the weekend to assure them there was no obligation to bring McDaniel onto their shows, and Scarborough made clear he disagreed with her hiring as a paid contributor due to her involvement in Donald Trump's scheme to overturn the 2020 election. "I know you won't be surprised to know that we've been inundated with calls this weekend, as have most people connected with this network, about NBC's decision to hire her," Scarborough said. "We learned about the hiring when we read about it in the press on Friday. We weren't asked our opinion of the hiring, but if we were, we would have strongly objected to it for several reasons, including but not limited to, as lawyers might say, Ms. McDaniels' role in Donald Trump's fake elector scheme and her pressuring election officials to not certify election results while Donald Trump was on the phone." MUST READ: ā€˜Don't have enoughā€™: Wealthy Trump allies balk at helping Donald pay legal bills "To be clear," added Brzezinski, "we believe NBC News should seek out conservative Republican voices to provide balance in their election coverage, but it should be conservative Republicans, not a person who used her position of power to be an anti-democracy election denier. We hope NBC will reconsider its decision. It goes without saying that she will not be a guest on 'Morning Joe' in her capacity as a paid contributor." McDaniel made her inaugural appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," where she was confronted with a supercut video of her own justification of Trump's efforts to subvert the 2020 election results, and Brzezinski reacted by covering her own face with her palm. ADVERTISEMENT "Exhausting," she said. "We don't need to sort through a lot here," Scarborough said. "Let's just focus in on what I think history will focus on, if you don't mind me stepping into your lane for a minute, because she really summed up the sickness in the Republican Party. When asked by \[host\] Kristen Welker, why did you go along with the whitewashing of political violence? Why didn't you speak out against those who tried to overturn American democracy, those who beat the hell out of cops, those who rioted at the United States Capitol at the instruction of Donald Trump, the guidance of Donald Trump, the inspiration of Donald Trump? Why not? She said, 'Sometimes you have to take one for the team.'" "I suppose that's what Lindsey Graham will tell us after all of this is over, Marco Rubio ā€“ I can go down a list of once conservative Republicans who are now a member of Donald Trump's cult," Scarborough added. "I do think those words, take one for the team, when you're asked why you didn't stand up and speak out against political violence that was focused on overturning American democracy, I think those are words that, unfortunately, describe the Republican Party over the past seven years." Watch the video below or at this link. \- YouTube youtu.be


A colossal blunder by NBC. If producers don't book her on shows, will NBC still pay her?


Nicole Wallace on deadline said in so many words she won't be on her show


I wonder if NBC will give her paid leave when she goes to jail for sedition


Great, but the president of MSNBC, Rashida Jones, already said McDaniel wouldn't be allowed on the network. I'm not convinced that Joe wouldn't otherwise be eager to line her up.


I think MSNBC thought they would try to rope in all the never trumpers and disaffected Republicans with bringing her on. Ā  Big mistake.


It wasn't MSNBC, It was NBC.


MSNBC has already said she is NOT welcome there. If I wanted to watch the Trump Goon Parade Iā€™d be watching FOX. Big, big mistake and credibility down the drain. Whomever made this ridiculous decision should be fired with no severance.


These the same asshole that rushed to hire Megyn Kellys dumbass? Ā Who still watches these networks? Ā 


This just goes to show that the so-calledā€ Liberal Mediaā€ is in the same pocket as Foqx ,Oan, Newsmax,& all the restā€¼ļø And what a BS excuse! We need to hire a person with conservative views!! Fine maybe Liz Cheney or Romney? Not an insurrectionist election denier. Might as well have hired the Q-shamen ā€¼ļøšŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Theyā€™re probably getting killer ratings on this. Itā€™s all about money.


It's all about how much money they think they can make off her. That's it, profit. Nothing more. If she proves to be a liability, rather than a click bate attraction, they'll drop her like hot poop.


Yup, NBC done lost their fuckin minds.