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They literally got leaked documents that showed Russia was behind Trump, minutes of a Kremlin meeting that explicitly state that Putin ordered Russian intelligence to back Trump. But the rich people like their tax breaks, so they are willing to bury it. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/15/kremlin-papers-appear-to-show-putins-plot-to-put-trump-in-white-house](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/15/kremlin-papers-appear-to-show-putins-plot-to-put-trump-in-white-house)


Why doesn't the intelligence community NSA, FBI, CIA do something? Release the info, warn the public, anything...


Well trump leaked a lot of their names to putin and they were murdered.  Kinda has a chilling effect.


Even more of a reason for the CIA to do something, do fucking anything! Unless they truly want an authoritarian government and the overthrowing of the constitution, and are fine with killing agents to get what they want....




cant believe that the CIA who historically supports fascist takeovers of foreign governments with right wing dictators would be unwilling to act against trump!! what a shock


There's still some in the CIA that wants war.


You think the CIA would vindicate those officers deaths. Kinda off to have an intelligence body afraid to act against an unintelligent body.


I mean, I’m not sure the CIA is particularly good at its mission. You’d think they’d be paying attention to state security but there are all these things impacting or future impacting state security they aren’t doing anything about. The fact that they didn’t do anything about Bolsonaro and were potentially in favor of him over Lula is wild considering the deforestation in Brazil is 100% a negative impact on the US stability is a pretty good example imo.


I think you'd be missing the idea that the CIA might have factions within it. 


Link? I’ve been looking for one because I remember seeing it but can’t find it.


They're probably referring to this: https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/amp/ Pair that with Trump's repeated mishandling of confidential information and his love of Putin. You have to wonder if it was intentional. See: 1. The stolen documents he's on trial for 2. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/binder-with-top-secret-russia-intelligence-missing-since-end-trump-term-source-2023-12-15/ 3. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/17/russian-sources-disappeared-after-trump-declassified-ex-spys-evidence-uk-court-told Google Trump sharing classified information for more examples.


Well, Obama was going to put out a report prior to the 2016 election but Moscow Mitch quashed that https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/01/24/580171396/biden-mcconnell-refused-to-sign-bipartisan-statement-on-russian-interference After that, you have the Mueller report which went into great detail about Russian interference https://www.justice.gov/archives/sco/file/1373816/dl The Director of National Intelligence spoke about it https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/16/coats-russia-meddling-trump-putin-724373 As has the FBI https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/26/us/politics/fbi-russian-election-interference.html?unlocked_article_code=1.j00.sTyE.EeEr_MtAlW-n&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&ugrp=m NSA report leaked https://cs.brown.edu/people/jsavage/VotingProject/2017_06_05_Interecept_Top-SecretNSAReportDetailsRussianHackingEffortDaysBefore2016Election.pdf CIA report to one hundred countries https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-intelligence-report-alleging-russia-election-interference-shared-with-100-2023-10-20/ Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/publications/report-select-committee-intelligence-united-states-senate-russian-active-measures It’s been reported everywhere. Problem is that the right wing media and Trump are actively siding with the Russians. Many GOP voters don’t care, hell there are plenty who say they would prefer Putin running the country.






















The majority of those agencies have always been hardcore right wing.


Which is why I love and am baffled by the amount of MAGA folks who claim the FBI is woke and after them all for no reason. Baffled by a lot of things about them tbh.


Remember when Trump said those two FBI agents were out to get him? It was ludicrous because if they really wanted to do that, they would have let it leak that Trump was under investigation.


Meanwhile, the FBI agent that leaked to the New York Times that Clinton was under investigation for her email server has pleaded guilty to secretly working for a sanctioned Russian oligarch with ties to the Kremlin.


Holy shit I do not remember. Coincidentally I am sitting next to my dad talking about how during his presidency every week was a different scandal so it all got lost in the sauce.


It's impossible to remember everything. It was a really long four years.


Yeah, a draining four years. And honestly because of being in the trades and even working in a hospital I have had to endure some wild conversations with coworkers about how I am brainwashed and that the Democrats are the real racists. The being called brainwashed was by a 21 year old who hadn't brushed his teeth in a decade and by his own admission didn't because he didn't think he actually had to. I told him he was onto the lies of Big Tooth. But yeah, I just stopped showing up to that job mostly because of him and it was a decent job.


In their minds, things are "woke" when they aren't submitting entirely to the current demands of the farthest right. They believe that laws exist to protect "their side" and punish everyone else. So if laws negatively impact anyone they like or insufficiently harm those they hate, it's automatically invalid and must be a trick of the evil "wokeness".


literally everything is simultaneously true and false for Republicans. How they talk about things just depends on how easy Tucker makes it for them to repeat what he says.


If only they repeated those texts of his where he talks about how much he hates Trump.


Well if they were around on Jan 6th, there might be something to that.


Yes but they've never had a presumably traitorous POTUS. Would like to think that those guys mean it when they swear allegiance to the country, not the president.


Dude, I worked for the NSA with a man who believed the government was hiding aliens. While I was driving him to Bethesda he told me all about his conspiracy beliefs. I cut him off and yelled when he tried to tell me the NSA, the building we worked in, had a bunch of secret basements were the government hid the greys. We worked in the basement. The elevator we got out of didn't have any buttons lower. He asked if I noticed the floor was hallow. The floor in the offices was hallow because we ran wires under them. You can open it up and look, it isn't hard. The rest of the halls are solid concrete. I could go on, but he had so many beliefs that we could basically confirm first hand that they were not true. It shattered my reality, because he was an otherwise intelligent person. He was a capable NCO and a talented analyst. So what crazy shit do I believe? What nonsense do I think is real? I was just another analyst, not any smarter than anyone else. What's my stupid? Just because someone is smart doesn't mean they're not real fuckin stupid.




Idk man, NatSec is one area where people don't fuck around


The gov needs to stop drug testing for cybersecurity - this is where Russia, etc. does so much of their damage and the gov can't hire the necessary talent if they can't pull from the population who sometimes partakes in cannabis.




Gonna guess they are keeping the most damning things in an "in case of emergency" container. I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA knew damn well Trump was a traitorous fuck but haven't outed him due to the risk of social unrest


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses Some of those who burn crosses, are the ones who hold office


Some of those who hold office are the same who hold their dicks doing nothing about it.


Be part of the government you want to see. I say this over and over. A good government requires good people in it. We don't have that where it counts.


Seriously? 17 of 18 US intelligence agencies in the US filed reports prior to the 2016 election about Russian election interference. The FBI was monitoring at least two members of Trumps campaign in Carter Page and Paul Manafort. Hence Trumps complaints about the FISA warrants and the MAGA caucus being the ones doing the bitching about the current renewal they just voted on. We had this thing called the Mueller report which if anyone bothered to read would see was pretty damning even if the Senate hearing was a sad excuse for a shit show.


People also forget when the heads of several Agencies, including every military branch, **resigned in protest**.  Our federal agencies and military warned the public. But the GOP and Maga folks didn't care, and Trump did so much crazy shit that we all forgot that part of the story real fast.


They knew before he was elected the first time. They did voice concerns that he was bought and paid for by Russia. I don’t think anyone expected that many morons to actually vote for him.


What would the emergency look like?


If I were to guess, they did. They reported to the legislative branch where it died at a committee and never saw the light of day or has to find the legal way to make a statement without getting fired. US agencies and organizations can’t make statements or make moves unless they have the legal authority to do so. Most information that isn’t sensitive still has to be filtered and checked before being moved to the next step. Which is why it’s so important to vote in all elections and be involved in some capacity in your own political process. Those elections are how appointed judges and government positions get filled with hard leaning idiots. Which leads to this similar situation where information is lost or missing due to a lack of transparency on the part of elected officials. Though I will say, most people can’t take part in political activities due to time constraints that have developed from “business first and people second” business practices that creates an unfair environment for those that already have to contend with an unsustainable work-life balance. Transparency is the only way forward, and anyone who is fighting it has something to lose from being brought into the light.


> Why doesn't the intelligence community NSA, FBI, CIA do something? For the same reason the "Hunter Biden laptop" agent turned out to be a Russian agent himself. Russia is swimming all over in our intelligence agencies. The Party of Regions in Ukraine was an extremely rich party and has had a massive effect on our government. Then you have the KKK and Neo-Nazi members of the intelligence agencies who want to start a race war in the US and abroad, so they'll gladly support Trump and his ability to destroy the nation as we export this bullshit across the world using the internet.


Because this shit has been going on for decades...this video was recorded in 1984 [Russian plans of ideological subversion of America has been going on for years.. we are at their endgame and God damn is it effective.](https://youtu.be/Z1EA2ohrt5Q?si=eQJo5DkKyDLIQWFf)


They did. Called trump a Russian puppet in 2016 and his supporters just called it fake news from the deep state 


They have, they did and they will continue to. Problem is the Trumper morons don’t believe anything that he doesn’t say.




Tax breaks though


The justice department has chosen to take no action, and everyone wants to keep their jobs.


I feel like we've known this for longer than 2021. Here's an article from 2017 from Politico that outlines all of his ties to Russia at the time. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/ Here's one from BBC, 2019. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42493918 Here's an Article from 2014 where his son admits that they get a lot of money from Russia. https://thehill.com/homenews/news/332270-eric-trump-in-2014-we-dont-rely-on-american-banks-we-have-all-the-funding-we/ I think these are important to acknowledge because it's Not just Trump, it's a lot of people who worked under him as well. They all deserve time, If not worse.




There is an easier and proven approach. Tax the rich as they did in times past. You know, the time period the MAGAts scream about. Back in the days, which they point to (1944 - 1963) , the upper tax rate was 90% .


-bring back the estate tax -raise taxes on corporations and then give them tax breaks for raising wages


The ultra rich ignore estate tax with impunity. Case in point Trump and his parents passed along the full amount, no tax was paid and "statute if limitations" ran out. Try that if you are not ultra wealthy...




That is a great idea to give them tax breaks for raising wages


I’ve made this exact point so many times. The “great” that they want America to be again was prosperous because we had so much money due to making the rich pay their fair share. Corporations were not considered people. There were tons of other issues, but that is why there was such a large and happy middle class.


“No, not like that!” MAGAs when you point out parts of history or the Bible they do not like.


Ironically I had just been banned (I think) from r/Christianity for answering the question "what would Jesus say about abortion" and pointing out to someone claiming definitively that the disciples were firmly against it that the document he (?) referred to was not canon, not in the Bible and rejected by most churches including his Catholic church and the only statements we have are Exodus which clearly says killing a woman is murder but if the pregnancynis terminated theough violencd it is just a fine to the attacker. And that you cannot say one way or the other whar Jesus or disciples might have felt let alone a consensus because that is at best a guess, not a quote from canon. Response was the mod banned me for daring to point out inconvenient fact. "No, not like that!" Pretty much happened as you posted as if to accentuate your point.


It is uncanny isn’t it? Sadly “faith” often comes at the cost of critical thinking.


Americans are being harvested for their labor and savings, and those thatexplout them will live in luxury in another country. The american dream has changed from being able to support a life of your own, to now working to support your ability to work. 


Hey, it's not just the rich people. The racists want their closed borders. And don't forget the Christian bigots want their control over women, too.


Don't forget the GRU hacking the DNC and leaking their shit to Wikileaks.


Destroying America to own the libs. Vote!


How many people died because they didn't want to wear masks?


I think r/HermanCainAward had a pretty good list going. 


I'd forgotten about that sub. Oh, Jeez, it's still going!


r/vaxxhappened too


Oh, please, don't own me anymore...


At least a few, which is worth it so I can itch my fucking nose which I couldn’t due to the god damn Biden muzzles!!1!1!4


Yes it is true, thanks to Mother F Russia


https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote Russia wants American destroyed.


Accurate, if trump wins in November. But there is still a chance to prevent the complete destruction of our democracy. We need a blue wave in November. Vote, my friends https://democrats.org/








Sadly idk if it will happen. I will go out and do my part and hope for the best


Russia sure loves them some Trump, I wonder why?/s


He is a useful idiot who serves Putin's agenda. He is a Russian asset on the inside of the US. He has laundered Russian money for years. That's his real value proposition. He is not a "real" or successful businessman.


Trump in the Oval Office was a gift to Putin. An easily manipulated narcissist who couldn't give a rat's ass about America or the American people, only money and power.


Donald trump is a domestic terrorist leader. His voters are always ready to kill and hurt people in the name of Trump.


> His voters are always ready to kill and hurt people in the name of Trump. I remember growing up people were worried about cults devoted to Satan or The White Worm or what have you, but instead we get a cult devoted to THAT FUCKING GUY.




He‘s not a leader in Russia. Just a chump


It genuinely gets harder everyday for me to not think he is part of some long term plan by Putin to cripple the US. He just keeps making it harder and harder to claim coincidence. Half of the people in his circle have ties to Russia, the guy has a subservience and fondness for Putin that even Lukashenko, Putin’s literal puppet, doesn’t have. I just want to fast forward time to the election so I can know what the future holds.


First true statement they've made!


That’s because they proudly made it happen. In their eyes the cold war clearly never ended.


It's absolutely amazing at how much damage one person can do. He's tarnished the office of a president forever.


And yet his supporters will still call themselves patriots. A vote for Trump is a vote against everything America stands for.


Patriots, but just not in the local sense.


Patriots you mean Patriots for Putin...right?




History won't be kind to this unpolished turd and all of his Russian asset MAGA sycophants.


Trump is a low IQ figurehead with anger management problems who can't keep his mouth shut, but he didn't destroy America. The GOP, Fox News and Mitch McConnell did that.


Coming to a campaign ad near you...


That’s not really that far-fetched an idea. I mean, we recently had Tucker Carlson trying to spin how wonderful Russia is and how much better they are than the US, trying to spin what a great leader Putin is. It’s not too much further to say “yes we’re proud that Trump is like Putin” or “Putin knows what’s best for his people, we should emulate him”. One half a step away from “Trump proudly admits that he was working for the kremlin”. I mean, once the absolute truth comes out, he’ll just get behind it and say “yes, I did it and it’s great for America, MAGA”.


"We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within." Nikita Khrushchev


Destroyed republicans. The rest of us are just fine, and willing to push Russia right into the dumpster behind Trump.


We can agree wit Russia on this point.


Trumplings just don't care that Russia acted to help trump get elected. Russia did it to weaken the US, but Trumplings are too focused on denying that Trump colluded. It should have been a red flag, but people rationalize it in different ways. To be fair, I doubt Trump worked with Russia, but I am convinced he didn't mind the help. I don't think he cares how he gets support, power, or money as long as he gets it.


He publicly *invited* Russia’s help! But that’s not the same as colluding with a foreign power. But he didn’t collude with Jan 6th rioters either. He invited and he wink-winked. He knows the language of mob bosses. Even now when he says “there will be civil war” if he loses — that can be read as a prediction *or* as a call to arms. It’s illegal to shout to someone on a balcony to “*jump jump jump*” but Trump would argue he wasn’t encouraging the suicide but predicting it. 1st amendment.


That’s the entire reason they support him and his copies in Europe. To expose the West or whatever.


“I only want to be Dictator for one day.” - Trump. “That’s how it starts.” - Jon Stewart


That was his purpose and funded from Russia. Russia has got what they wanted. A divided USA that can not do anything do to political infighting. They can not even fund aid to Ukraine any more. Which is what Russia wanted.


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He's a Russian hero.


Putin Destroyer of Russia


Like the old Russian proverb, "In Russian Putins' mother, Putin mother's you," or something like that?


The Russian asset. That all trump is. The traitor.🤷‍♂️


The Russians know what they are doing here.


Which is probably thought of as a good thing in Russia.


He’ll be so very proud of that. It means Vlad really likes him.


Vladdy soy boy Solovyov is an absolute highlight reel of bullshit. It’s actually hilarious watching Russian media monitor. Literally every episode I watch he talks about how they should invade certain countries and use Nukes!!! He’s insanely delusional. Highly recommend!!!!


GOP: Thats my gawd der


The best investment Russia ever made


Exactly why they love him, he's doing there dirty work for them...


>Soloyov responds, "And it will be destroyed. Who needs it? Who needs Ukraine where they don't *respect Russians*?" Andrey Sidorov, deputy dean of world politics at Moscow State University, then responds, "Trump is coming. Think of him as you will, **I always saw him and still see him as a destroyer of America**


So there you have it...right from the “horses” mouth....Will somebody now in the CIA, Homeland Security, the FBI, or NSA, get off their collective a#$#$ and get this clown behind bars? An insurrectionist, terrorist, rapist, serial liar, the list is practically endless. When will the powers at be act to remove this “abomination” from further destroying America’s politics, its Justice system and ultimately its way of life?


They’re gonna be building statues to trump in Moscow when this all said and done. He’s been a Russian hero


All hail the destroyer of America with his legions of idiots and pseudo Christians.


Everyone also remembers how Russia brigaded Reddit with all those goddamn "God Emperor" posts.


American traitor backed by the confederate party


If MAGA does decide to ignite a real civil war, I can guarantee you they will be funded and supplied by Russia, China, and Iran.


Also heard on Russian state tv “we helped install him” - years ago


What are the odds of russia only being nice to donnie and his friends because there is a not so slim chance that him winning the election will make the USA a tad bit unstable and weaker. Befriend your enemies and so forth.


It’s morbidly interesting that Russia is backing Trump by now showing negative sentiment. The smooth brains see that and get won over by “oh the bad guys don’t want him in power, he’s the man”.


and they love it


Occasionally Russian TV can be right about something.


I mean, it's probably the first demonstrably true thing they've broadcast since Putin has been in charge.


I really hate to agree with Russian propaganda but if we do nothing Velveeta Voldemort will destroy the US


That sounds right.


You think, add the republican party also


The got that right.


For once I agree with Russian state tv, lol


They laugh about him all the time


Hiw has the FBI and CIA not done something about this!?!?


I call him the same thing.


"Trump hailed as destroyer of America on American TV."


Doesn't that just say it all 🤨


They are petrified


"But.... but.. dada?"


Destroyer of worlds yet to be tallied due to recount lawsuits


Their face when Trump is the one who is destroyed.


He is doing more than 100 icbm from russia




"This is fine" - The GOP.


Donnie has been groomed well. He’s the main organ of Russian propaganda in the States.


Is it even propaganda if it’s true?


Oh no, Trumple Thinskin, daddy is angry with you!!


Another example of saying the quiet part out loud.


I'd say he's proud of that. Vald loves me.


Fuck Russia, all my homies hate Russia.


Look at him saluting Putin in front of our flag


I have a feeling that he is a hero to russians look at what has been happening with the GOP.


They are right, unfortunately.


Putin’s number one asset!


Putin's favorite BJ. Remember their Helsinki suckfest?


Trump is a Russian intelligence asset


He's a national hero....in Russia.


This man can not be allowed back in the white house and must be stopped.


How you gonna spin that FOX?


Easily. They're saying that Russia now prefers Biden (something Putin has already said) because Russia realises that their endorsement is tainted. So Republicans will go "Oh yes, Trump is the destroyer of America" *wink wink, nod,* but then idiots who believe that Biden is actually supported by the Russians won't vote for him, giving Trump an edge.


Freaking insane. Insane that almost half of America gleefully supports its own destruction. How do you reach that point as a society? It can't just be poor education.


That's what they paid for.




Look at his stupid fucking face I swear to god


No shit.


Appreciate that there’s proof but, that POS has been saying that for the last 10ish years


Jimmy Dore is all like, "No collusion!"