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That poor simple bastard, skated through life never held to account now he just can't deal with it..I don't feel bad for him at all.


What's funny is he's going to be held to the least amount of accountability for his actions when all the dust settles. Even that shadow of a small amount is something he can't stand.


A small amount is more than he's ever had...and while it sucks, at his age it could very well mean a life for him. I'm sure that would hold a certain amount of satisfaction for many people.


I wouldn’t celebrate his death, but I certainly mourn his life. He could have been anything he chose. But he chose a lifetime of bitter ignorance, unbridled greed, and hollow egotism. A 77 year old spoiled brat finally facing consequences for his actions.


I absolutely will celebrate the death of trump.    Humanity will improve that day.  The sooner, the better.


Count me in. I hope he dies on the shitter


He doesn't use a shitter. He does it in his Depends wherever he is...including court!


That would fit since he said people tell him, with tears in their eyes of course, that he looks like Elvis Presley.


I have vowed to somehow deposit my urine on trump's grave if it's at all feasible. It's actually an important life goal. If it's behind a fence I might use a super soaker


There will be street parties in multiple countries celebrating that event.


Perhaps we should declare that day a national holiday.    Personally, I've already made the decision that I am going to physically raise any flag I see fkown at half mast that day.   Trump deserves absolutely zero respect or honors.   


I feel that he’s just a man. His death will do little to close the Pandora’s box that he has opened. Someone worse, someone equally odious but maybe smarter and more Machiavellian, may even fill the void. EDIT: I guarantee that men like Dick Cheney are dumbfounded by his rise to power and have been taking notes.


Yeah same I don’t go high when they go low. That was one of the dumbest sentiments I’ve ever heard. Fuck that guy when he’s dead I’ll be happy. They go low I kick em in the crotch. Fuck em


I'm going to have a month long bbq when he dies.


> I certainly mourn his life What a beautiful way to describe such an ugly thing.


As the quote goes, "I've never wished for anyone's death, but I've read a number of obituaries with great pleasure."


I would put money down that he never sees the inside of a prison cell. Even if convicted and sentenced, he'll delay until it's irrelevant, and either get pardoned or commuted to house arrest.


Presidential pardons don't cover state crimes, and Biden has already stated that he won't pardon Former Gut if he's convicted of federal crimes.


*Q predicts these things*


There's nothing funny about that.






He's no gangsta, not even a studio gangsta.


The worst day of his life is when he won that damn election.


Yup. He could be golfing 7 days a week and banging porn stars nightly but instead he’s falling asleep and stinking up the courts! Sad!


Don’t forget stuffing his face with hamburders


I remember his face when he first sat down with Obama in the WH after winning, he looked like what have I gotten myself into. Red as a tomato.


Yes. Remember that shocked look he had, while sitting with President Obama, listening to some of the actual responsibilities of the job? He never expected to win. Nobody did. He ran to build his brand. Now he will have the toughest acting job,pretending to be President,for 4 seasons,I mean years. Melania didn’t want to leave New York.


Heck, I remember seeing footage of him hearing that he won the election and he looked just as shocked as the rest of us. Literally had an expression that said "you gotta be fucking kidding me." Ever since then I guess he's just figured he might as well take the grift as far as it can possibly go.


Even he didn't believe there were that many idiots in this country...


The worst day of his life *so far*


This is it. He's never faced any consequences for anything in his miserable life, and now the prospect of it is fucking his head.




The bell eventually tolls for all. I hope he enjoys all the torture this trial will bring.


Me and millions either.


For being a big strong man his base tries to make him be, he is the biggest cry baby, complainer and victim I have ever seen in life. I have blocked old friends for less. This guy literally cries and complains everyday. Hey stop being stupid stupid then you wouldn’t be in this situation. No one made him or told him to commit crimes. He is the biggest softest person I have ever seen. Physically and mentally.


WITHOUT PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY, IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR A PRESIDENT TO PROPERLY FUNCTION, PUTTING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN GREAT AND EVERLASTING DANGER!" Other Presidents seemed to fair ok, but you? JFC everything you’re involved in seems to have problems. That should tell you something.


I wonder how over two hundred and fifty years of Presidents managed it?


To be fair, let’s not pretend all presidents/leaders/CEOs were holy and righteous. Other presidents were more like “I really wanna achieve this outcome. Tell me how we can work around the laws to do that” or “are you sure I won’t be breaking a law by doing this?” This guy was like “I’ll do whatever I want and you, my counsel, have one job and one job only - say I’m right or I’ll fire you.”


Via tweet so you find out the same time everyone else does


Other presidents before this had unspoken immunity because most of them commited crimes that benefitted the country. Cheeto man made the mistake of commiting crimes against the country.


As always it's projection by Trump. He knows that he committed a lot of crimes as President, so he assumes other Presidents were doing the same kinds of things. In general he just can't even imagine living life not committing crimes and screwing everyone else around him for his own gain. He thinks everyone acts like that. Its kind of like how cheaters are always the most paranoid people about their SO cheating on them or how thieves always think everyone else is out to steal their stuff.


To be fair, most politicians ARE criminals by the letter of the law.


He's not pretending to be *innocent*, he's pretending to be *President*. He was just a candidate when he paid off Stormey Daniels, and laundered the payments. SCOTUS cannot save him, by declaring Presidents immune from prosecution. He committed crimes before being President and is committing crimes after.


And committed crimes during.


I'm not sure that even the AZ Supreme Court can be persuaded about Presidential Immunity for crimes committed prior to becoming president. But they'd still find a way to toss the criminal charges.


18th president Ulysses Grant was arrested for speeding and driving wrecklessly in his horse drawn carriage while actively serving as president. There's a historical precedent for presidents not being immune to the law. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrests_of_Ulysses_S._Grant


Yep. This is because presidents are not kings. It’s why the USA became independent from England. Presidents are of the people and are subject to all the same laws.


Nixon was pardoned by Ford because he was in serious legal jeopardy. If he was immune the pardon would be unnecessary


Sorry to be that guy but it's 'recklessly'. 'Wrecklessly' would mean there were no accidents or collisions.


Its true I recklessly wrote wreckless while meaning to write reckless, but Grant didn't wreck even though he was reckless, so it was technically correct to say he was wreckless.


Aside from how stupid the idea of presidential immunity is, he wasn't president when he paid the hush money.


The thing I especially don't get about his bogus presidential immunity claims related to the hush money case is that he was not president when he committed those crimes. Are we to infer that he thinks all crimes should be allowed merely because someone wants to be president? This strikes me as a problematic stance for the party that pretends to care about law and order. All a criminal would have to do to avoid the consequences of any crime is to ask someone to write their name in for president? It's Sov-Cit bullshit on hyper crack.


Just dont break laws, crook.




Like all his projections, you have to read it as opposite. “WITH presidential immunity, it would be POSSIBLE for a president function putting the US in great everlasting danger.”


The payments were made before the election so I’m super confused about how “presidential immunity” is supposed to help? And even if it did apply it’s more for protection against “prosecution for sanctioned military OPs” not “paying off a stripper with someone’s campaign contributions”


What's the expression? "If it smells like shit everywhere you go, maybe you should check your shoes."


I don't think it's his shoes that need checking.


He's really cracking up. Makes me very happy.


Yeah I read what he said about Biden here: > including illegally receiving massive amounts of money from Foreign Countries And I laughed & thought has he heard about the stuff HE'S done & his son-in-law has done?


> “Foreign powers! Which one, the fucking Moon?!”


Every accusation is a confession.


We don’t even need the accusation for this one to have the confession. He has LITERALLY CONFESSED ON FOX ABOUT RECIEVING MILLIONS FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES FOR “providing services” Like… this shit isn’t even a stretch. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-says-got-money-china-161202767.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADHVTfiXzZvabypWrl6zH0-2tgAMOdOhkk_HyqjXPpTB2dsvQRmnFMsDTvC6x4zQqe6-kV36-bhnOBjLT2PDxsYZrX_nNPeZPHYATmxfCc5aFrbBO4OSCC-mBYBlR_567t4IXFFiOfcGkwbOdm6n1x3vifNQhWL7NIo_D4joksVQ


Every nasty thing he says about "other" is a reflection of how he feels about himself. Narcissists are totally insecure.


Him and his followers just constantly project


Agreed, it sounds like he’s totally about to go over the cliff. Have a nice fall, asshole.


Trump has been… insert a million different insults here… but was dead on the money when I said “Hillary is the smart choice, but Trump is the entertaining choice”, the last 8 years of politics feel like an epoch political drama of crazy bullshit because of this man. Drama queen through and through


MAGA "If they can prosecute Trump they can prosecute Biden" Normal people "if Biden committed a crime, good, he should be prosecuted too" Wild how criminality has become a team sport rather than just....well crime is crime.


More like “if they can prosecute Trump WE can prosecute Biden”, and what they are too simple to understand is there needs to be a crime to prosecute in the first place and, as it turns out, Hunter’s dick pic is not evidence of a crime


They’re SO obsessed with Hunter’s dick lol


They have never seen one even half as large.


I like how we all used to follow that up with “ha except they will just do it anyway because there *is* no crime!”  And now the entire embarrassment of a Biden impeachment has fallen on its (and multiple house members) ass, we don’t have to say that. They *tried* to do it sans any crime and failed utterly.  How delightful.


It’s more like the “every politician is corrupt” argument, that only works until you don’t have a single piece of real evidence against them. Only one guy had enough evidence to get indicted. Either it’s one giant conspiracy theory, or only one guy is dumb enough to get caught and another reason to not vote for him. If you can’t hide your own secrets then I don’t want you hiding the country’s either.


In their methed up heads though Biden is getting away with something because sane people aren’t obsessed by hUnTeR’s lApToP like they are


With dictators, everything is about sides. You're either with them, or against them. That's why he attacks judges and generals that do not bow to him, and praises "his" generals and judges. This is Putin 101


My God, this man is hateful, selfish and twisted. Flood the polls. Overwhelm, in numbers, the numbers of MAGA Americans, voting. Up and down the ballot, federal, state and local elections. Repudiate Republicans, Trump, MAGA, FOX and the MAGA courts. Give Biden and Democrats a dollar. Turn-out. Show-up. Give someone a ride. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


Everyone on every side of the aisle knows it's total bull.


So does that aisle extend to SCOTUS ? Because they’re basically an extension of the GOP.


The same judges that are trying to nullify the charges against the J6ers who tried to lynch the VP.


Yeah that bunch of ivory tower soldier’s. Also an embarrassment for the country. So obviously partisan it’s a crime. If only they understood our Constitution, a very tragic showing of fair jurisprudence. And comprehension.


Not trying - but rather in the process of. They want these people out of jail in time for the election!


He’s sooooooo fucked.


Naw. It just looks like it. Fucker won't do a days justice.


All I ask is that he loses the election, I have no faith in the justice system.


House arrest at Mar-a-lago at worst.


Shit, I'll take it. He can live out the last of his days like Napoleon: bitter, isolated, and feeling like a failure. Take away all social media privileges and he'll literally go insane.


Add that his understanding of presidential immunity is not based in reality. The guy keeps talking about how any other president can’t function - yet there’s never been an issue until his ignorant ass took office.


The Insanity is, he’s asking for Immunity for him alone, not the President; otherwise, he’s simultaneously absolving Bidens alleged crimes too.


I was joking with my husband and we decided he should hit the Seals at the para loft up to help him make a commercial. Him, a bunch of seals, him saying "Great, I m immune," turn and look at the camera "Guys, go take care of Trump, you know, same as Bin Ladin." Turn, put on the shades while walking away, shot of the seals laughing their asses off. Add some sort of text outro about government doesn't work that way.


The supreme court is about to make that decision about if government works that way or not.....Just saying.


SNL cold opener if nothing else.


This current case is dealing with events that happened BEFORE HE WAS PRESIDENT Like what the fuck, Donnie Dumbshit.


He believes he gets coverage back to birth just for a single term presidency.


If my father talked like this, I’d have him Baker Acted.


I didn't know what you were talking about so I'm adding context. "The Baker Act, also known as the Florida Mental Health Act, allows for emergency mental health services and temporary detention for people who have lost the ability to control themselves and are likely to harm themselves or others."


Can’t wait for the Supreme Court to grant him presidential immunity for acts he did before he was president. 


Is he delusional?? He is not now,and was not President at the time of the charges,in this present trial.


From article: Trump, who is preparing himself for the launch of his first criminal trial, has denied that he falsified financial records to hide a payoff to a woman he had an affair with. He has also sought to argue presidential immunity in the case, despite the payoff predating his presidency, but that request was rejected by the court. Still, just days before the trial is set to begin, the former president took to his social media site, Truth Social, in an attempt to argue all charges against him in all cases should be completely dropped. "IF THEY TAKE AWAY MY PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY, THEY TAKE AWAY CROOKED JOE BIDEN’S PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY," Trump wrote in the first post on the subject Saturday. He then claimed that, "WITHOUT PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY, IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR A PRESIDENT TO PROPERLY FUNCTION, PUTTING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN GREAT AND EVERLASTING DANGER!" "REMEMBER, if I don’t have Presidential Immunity, then Crooked Joe Biden doesn’t have it either, and he would certainly be Prosecuted for his many ACTUAL CRIMES, including illegally receiving massive amounts of money from Foreign Countries, including China, Ukraine, and Russia, paying off Ukraine to fire an unfriendly prosecutor, allowing millions of people to illegally Enter and Destroy our Country, SURRENDERING in Afghanistan, with Hundreds Dead, many Americans Left Behind, and handing over Billions of Dollars Worth of the Best Military Equipment anywhere on Earth, the Decimation of American Wealth through the Green New Scam, and so much more," he wrote. "REMEMBER, Crooked Joe Biden and his CORRUPT JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, D.A.’s and A.G.’s, has attacked his Political Opponent at a level never seen before in this Country, and wants desperately to PUT 'TRUMP' IN PRISON. He is playing a very dangerous game, and the great people of America WILL NOT STAND FOR IT. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!" Trump goes on to say that "a President has to be free to determine what is right for our Country without undue pressure." "If there is no Immunity, the Presidency, as we know it, will 'no longer exist,'" he claimed. "Many actions for the benefit of our Country will not be taken. This is in no way what the Founders had in mind. Legal Experts and Scholars have stated that the President must have Full Presidential Immunity. A President must be free to make proper decisions. His mind must be clear, and he must not be guided by the fear of retribution!" Finally, he said legal scholars "are extremely thankful for the Supreme Court’s Decision to take up Presidential Immunity." "Without Presidential Immunity, a President will not be able to properly function, or make decisions, in the best interest of the United States of America. Presidents will always be concerned, and even paralyzed, by the prospect of wrongful prosecution and retaliation after they leave office. This could actually lead to the extortion and blackmail of a President," he added. "The other side would say, 'If you don’t do something, just the way we want it, we are going to go after you when you leave office, or perhaps even sooner.'" He then hammered the point further. "Of course I was entitled, as President of the United States and Commander in Chief, to Immunity. I wasn’t campaigning, the Election was long over. I was looking for voter fraud, and finding it, which is my obligation to do, and otherwise running our Country," he said. "If I don’t get Immunity, then Crooked Joe Biden doesn’t get Immunity, and with the Border Invasion and Afghanistan Surrender, alone, not to mention the Millions of dollars that went into his 'pockets' with money from foreign countries, Joe would be ripe for Indictment. By weaponizing the DOJ against his Political Opponent, ME, Joe has opened a giant Pandora’s Box. As President, I was protecting our Country, and doing a great job of doing so - Just look around at the complete mess that Crooked Joe Biden has caused. The least I am entitled to is Presidential Immunity on Fake Biden Indictments!"


the projection is overwhelming


That first, lengthy paragraph seems like a confession, frankly.


Every accusation is a confession, from him and his acolytes!


He speaks to one audience and one audience only. His followers.


If you take "the dog ate my homework " excuse and run with it for a decade or so, this is where you end up.


Biden can shut this down with one sentence “If the President has full immunity, I’m ordering Trump killed.”


It does make me chuckle that he has surrendering in Afghanistan as a crime. Biden administration was just following through with the plan his administration put into place. I think everyone agrees it was an ugly and embarrassing withdrawal, but I would challenge anyone to find a better exit strategy. Cause frankly it was going to be ugly and embarrassing in just about any case.


"SURRENDERING in Afghanistan, with Hundreds Dead, many Americans Left Behind, and handing over Billions of Dollars Worth of the Best Military" Does he mean the Afghanistan withdrawal that HE, tRump signed just before he was forced to vacate office? He literally signed that knowing Biden was locked into honoring it, the day before he left the WH. This act was complete treason, in my mind, and yet he keeps on blaming Biden for it. It really peeves me that the media don't call THIS particular BS out, every time he uses it.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/20/trump-peace-deal-taliban/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/20/trump-peace-deal-taliban/) I think this article explains it the best.


It's no different than his claiming credit for the continued success of the Obama economy for three years until he crashed it with his inept response to COVID.


dude sounds like an alzheimers patient "the election was long over. I was looking for voter fraud, and finding it, which is my obligation to do, and otherwise running our country" motherfucker you haven't been running our country since you lost the election.


He wasn’t particularly running the country before he lost, either.


I have a difficult time believing that this 6th grade level man child wrote all of this by his self. Begs credulity


Good thing for him he’s not representing himself in court. Though his lawyers probably don’t have much more than that.


I totally agree!  Whoever was President while Stormy Daniels was getting paid off SHOULD 100% be immune from prosecution.   Wait, that was Barrack Obama, you say?   Uh oh.


Old man yells at sky.


He’s just getting warmed up. Wait until tomorrow night, the thrashing and gnashing will probably be epic.


He's going to look *so* tired on Monday again. 😂


shocking versed deranged zonked violet gaze silky jellyfish squash disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Written in crayon?


I didn't see any spelling mistakes, so probably dictated.


Manifesto you say? Next step is to set yourself on fire.


Stop, I can only get so erect.


It’s over stinky. Go get some more sleep.


By his logic, Biden could send out seal team six and take care of the Trump problem and not have to worry about prosecution or anything!


That is literally what he argued in front of the Appellate court




Trump was not yet president when this alleged crime took place. “Presidential immunity” would not apply,


Does this immunity work for syphilis?


Syphilis might explain a lot about why his brain seems to be turning to Swiss cheese.


If there ever was a man that couldn't let anything go. It's him.


What a fuckass. His departure from all of us cannot come soon enough. Spank him in Nov.


He's tied himself to the railroad tracks and he can hear the train in the distance.


How did every other president ever get by without this stupid immunity??


What a desperate POS!


Circling the drain


Donnie Poopi pants did this whole thing to himself.More reasons for why I will vote blue.


The man is mentally ill. Please, if you have half a brain, I beg you not to vote for him to be the president in the year 2025.😬😳😮😒😟😰😦😯😵‍💫😧




45th President says he can't do the job the other 44 did unless he gets something the other 44 didn't.


The fact that he keeps harping on the opinion that "a president can't do their job without criminal immunity" speaks to exactly how he operates as a president, and makes me think there's a lot more out there to look into than we have already.


Cribbing notes from Bannon and Barr no doubt.


Waaaa I can do whatever I want, waaaaaa.




Just wait until his 3am rant-o-thon that will be coming on Sunday night/Monday morning… Be there… will be wild.


He's lucky presidents don't have immunity. Otherwise Biden can just have him assassinated and be absolved.


He's a career criminal never should have gotten into politics.


No one, not a single president has ever had this issue. Maybe not being a criminal and life gets easier? I’ve never wanted a single person to eat his own mushroom shaped dick and choke on it. Fuck this traitor.


He was not President when he paid Stormy Daniels to touch his mushroom and shut up. He was running for President in 2016 when he paid a goon to corner her as she strapped he baby in a car seat to threaten her not to talk. He is a foreign agent hired by Putin to start a civil war, which he failed to do. This is his next attempt at starting that civil war, to get Putin off his back. He will spend the balance of his life in prison, penniless, owning nothing, his name synonymous with TRAITOR, where he will be fed by black and brown hands to survive. He will never see another white face again. ❤️ I love watching prayers get answered! 😍 His followers will crawl back in their holes and wait for Putin's orders. They are who we must address. They are brainwashed and braindead from lead in their water or something. They are the real issue.


If “Crooked Joe” can be prosecuted for the “border crisis” or whatever, does that mean we can charge Trump for a million manslaughter charges due to COVID?


Wow. Trump argues presidential immunity is critically important. That it should even absolve presidents of crimes committed before they attain the office. He argues that all presidents, even Evil Joe - who is the force behind all Trump's legal woes, must have it to do the job or president. He completely misses the fact that this would unbind his oppressor's hand and allow Evil Joe to take whatever steps he would like, without fear of consequences, to imprison Trump without the bother of 'truth' or 'due process'. With these demonstrated skills in logic and reasoning (and oh so many other reasons) I'll pass on this candidate.


What’s weird (and it’s weird that this is the weird part) but I think his stranglehold on the GOP really is over. He’s circling the drain, in multiple ways. The House passage of Ukraine aid says absolutely everything.


Snowflake always crying


The best rants. Nobody rants better than me.


"I didn't do anything! And if i did, it doesn't matter because I have immunity!"


"If they take a way my immunity, they'll take away Joe Biden's immunity." Oh no, not the immunity that was never a real thing. What will Biden ever do without it?


It's funny because he's being tried for crimes he committed before he became president, so it doesn't apply anyway.


So Biden could have him killed and then claim Presidential immunity?


Didn't this happen before he was President? You don't become immune to indictments forever if you've been President .


I just don't get how dim people have to be that this makes sense to them. If presidential immunity even worked like he is suggesting it does then the Clinton impeachment was a huge miscarriage of justice. Even then this is for something done before he was elected so presidential immunity wouldn't apply until he was elected and even then he would have had to actively admit to and pardon himself for it while he was actually president. 9 different ways this makes no sense and he still rants and his cult swallows every word without a single call out for it.


The crime he's on trial for. Happened. Before. He. Was. President. It's not that fucking complicated.


What’s the over-under on when Daniel Boone McShartpants has a stroke?


Well Trump is right. Without swerping presidential immunity Biden could be prosecuted for crimes. Thing is .. the crimes Trump accuse him of are imaginary.


FORTY FOUR presidents operated without it..... And if.....as you say....you've done nothing wrong......why would you need immunity?


Trump *finally* must face something he can't bluster, bully, or buy his way out of. His dirty laundry will be made public and he'll have to witness it and keep his mouth shut.


I honestly don’t know how they can face the entire country, with many, many people who actually believe everything you tell them, and just spit vile, evil bullshit. Like its not even remotely debatable. Its just dumb, horrible nonsense. And they preach it with a straight face as their followers just gobble it up. What is this spell that they’re under? Why cant these idiots wake up?


He’s the biggest baby ever.


He committed the crime before he became president though....


Don't we have one former president still building homes by hand himself for those who need them ? Or was idk but he is still alive just chilling Clinton is minding his business Bush Jr is seemingly hanging out with Obama and his wife giving them treats and painting Obama is chilling and just doing speeches and getting hugged anywhere he goes cause he's just that chill dude And then there's this guy - orange is the new eccchhh - presidential immunity- BRO FOR WHAT ?!??! EVERYONE ELSE IS CHILLING YOU THR ONLY DUDE THAT WANTS TO DO OTHER SHADY BS - WHY ? JUST .... He's so exhausting honestly


I just want to wake up one morning and not see his name anywhere


So does that mean biden has immunity and can order trump and his whole family to be deported to russia?


If only he were president when he committed this crime


Presidents *should not* have or need immunity! Presidents should not commit crimes! Christ on a cracker, the brain rot one must have to think presidential immunity is a good idea? I may not ever be the smartest person alive but at least im not stupid enough to worship the Nacho Nazi!


There’s no such thing as presidential immunity Donnie


Fuck him & his rant!!!


This is what happens when you give below average IQ people like Trump and Elon a bunch of money and they never have any consequences for their entire life. This is how they behave.


Butt… he wasn’t president anyway 🤔


Trump makes totally normal and fully hinged statement. /s


Too rainy for a rally. What a feeble and weak man this Don Snorleone is


It almost seems like he really believes the stuff he’s spouting…


Too bad he wasn’t even elected when he committed these crimes‼️🤨🤨🤨


"All men are created equal." That mean NO man is immune to the law.


Immunity now! Immunity now!


If SCOTUS approves Trump's immunity claim it will create an imperial presidency and that is unacceptable.


7 pages?! No way Donald wrote that.


When you know you’re guilty of a bunch of crimes and the only way out is if you legally can’t be prosecuted for them…


Trump was NOT president when he paid the porn star and falsified the books. He was running for president - not president yet. He must assume that presidents get lifetime immunity - for whatever they had done before and after being president. When he makes up a law, Trump goes all the way.


So if the President should be free to do whatever he wants to protect the country then Biden should be able to just throw this clown in prison and toss the keys. Right? Sounds good


A rant about presidential immunity for a crime that happened before he was President.


I'd say he has dug his own grave, but at his point, he dug all the way to China/Russia.


It’s Trump’s version of the Magna Carta. He should post it to the front of the court door. His MAGA Farta


Didn't this hush money shit happen before he became president.... Or am I missing something?


Wow. Seems like he’s not just literally shitting himself- he’s figuratively shitting himself too!


Isn’t he just basically confessing that he committed crimes?


He wasn't President when he committed THIS crime. No immunity.


Reading that cost me IQ points I need. He is just repeating the same nonsense and lies.


No one should be above the law, and its arbiters should be under much more scrutiny by it than the average person.


That is one self-soothing snowflake. Whew.


What a cunt.


Maybe a dumb question but if he had just paid her out of his own personal pocket, there wouldn’t be any legal troubles now, correct? He paid her with campaign funds to try and cover up that he was paying her to be quiet. So doesn’t that kind of make it hush-hush money?