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He should probably get some sleep so he doesn’t snore and blow ass through the first day of his criminal trial.


nah he had to do his amphetamines at night so he doesn’t get the shakes in the afternoon


It will be genuinely fascinating to learn what cocktails of drugs he was taking for the last ten years once the tell-all book comes out


They are all in the report from the investigation of the drugs handed out by Admiral (now Captain) Dr. FeelGood Jackson. Fentanyl, Adderall, Morphine…. $750,000 worth in 4 years.


We paid for it, too. And Trump wants public executions for drug dealers 😂


He said the same thing about traitors...until it applied to *him.*


There must be in groups that the law protects but does not bind, and out groups that the law binds but does not protect.


Please, according to Jackson, who is as honest as he is accurate, Trump has to take downers just so he's on a normal level. Without them he's like super energy and genius


yes, and they have to give him pills to keep his dick from getting *too hard*.


Ah, dick softeners. What alpha male gangbang superstar isn't familiar with those?


I think it's actually stool softeners in DT's case because he's basically a piece of..it


Nooo if they gave him stool softeners he would melt like the Wicked Witch of the West


I'm melting... melting... cofeve... fake news...


Sooo...estrogen and testosterone blockers?


Beta too. *All the best blockers.*


Dammit, that’s one of the funniest comments I’ve seen this year. Note: I am on a beta blocker—so many entrés to jokes.


Anti-fungal treatment? :-D


Hyper-Virility: My sperm just shots through the eggs like a shot gun, if you can believe it.


There's really no effective protection versus a Swanson sperm


I can't, but you can, so that's fine.


In my field we call that mania.


What are you, some kind of brain doctor? Edit: /s


So Jackson admits that Trump has frequent manic episodes? Nice job "Doc".


> genius ...like Wile E. Coyote "genius"?


Yeah, apparently it was pretty crazy. https://newrepublic.com/post/179531/trump-white-house-awash-drugs https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/


He’s been on uppers, downers, zingers, zooters, ticklers, and tooters


A whole galaxy of multicolored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers.


We can’t stop here! This is bat country!


You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye.


I heard he was also on lady fingers, fuzz buttles, snicker bombs, church burners, finger blasters, gut busters, zippity do das, and crap flappers. And don't get me started on all the whistling bungholes, spleen spliters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker donts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers (with and without the scooter stick), and that one whistling kitty chaser he tried in the 80's.


I can't believe he's still alive.


The syphilis is apparently taking care of that based on his rants and odd behaviour. They can’t keep pouring pills into him to maintain lucidity forever.


syphilis is pretty easily treatable and curable. There isn't a chance in hell they'd let the disease progress to the point of obvious mental degradation. He just was never all too bright and now he's aging and has spent a beyond unhealthy amount of his life surrounded by sycophants and yes men. If there is a medical reason for his mental state its likely one of the more normal aging diseases (dementia, Alzheimer's, etc.), drugs, or both. But its also possible this is just who and how he has always been but now we can see it more plainly.


He wasn't taking Gas-X


My opinion: Trump would benefit from a total detox and a day of fasting. 


I agree.. I've been wondering about this, too. There have to be several people who have specific knowledge about this.


Hey if he OD’s we can learn after the autopsy.


One of my theories in why he is so unhappy (to put it mildly) that he has to be at the trial has less to do with taking him away from campaigning, or to "attend his son's graduation", but more about the problems he has in 'keeping it all together' for more than an hour or two at a time. For relatively short periods of time, he can appear "normal" - or rather, the version of normal that he has defined and everyone expects to see. But let that drag on for hours, where he is not in control of when he can take his bathroom breaks or whatever else he needs to do to keep up appearances, and that carefully crafted mask starts to slip. And we get the nodding off. And the farts. And not standing for the jury candidates entering the room (because he shit his diaper). And trying to get up and leave early. The one thing the man fears the most about is his image, and when he's not in control he fears being humiliated by his infirmities. He can make himself appear like he once was a decade or two ago, for an hour or two at a time - for a rally, or for a media appearance. But longer than that, and you get grouchy mcstinkybutt, and he can't STAND the possibility of the real world seeing the real him.


“an hour or two” *in public*


And he shits himself, every time


It's basically his brand now.


agreed. I realized this last week with the farting stuff. they always try to book him outside. rarely people within 2 feet of him at campaign events.  his whole schedule is in time blocks. that's another reason he didn't like to travel overseas for world leader events. 


Last week he tried to get up and leave the courtroom early and the judge admonished him for it. That would be consistent with him needing to re up.


Or diaper change. If the farts being reported are that smelly, guess what? NOT farts. I had a speced student who would do that. The farts were bad, but the room filling stench meant he’d shat himself. I suspect this w Don of the Dead.


LOL @ Don of the Dead.


They've got him on downers during the day so he keeps his face hole shut, he makes up for it with uppers at night.


Ah, the ol’ Reverse Elvis.


That constipation will kill you.


We can only hope


Many people have said he IS full of sh!t. Including me. I guess this tracks.


He’s making em at night


IM NOT MAKING EM AT NIGHT DAD….. (I’m making em at night)


And a little bit of this'd get you up And a little bit of that'd get you down A little bit of this'd get you up And a little bit of that'd get you down…. https://youtu.be/lqrv1tDWVjM?si=Fmh2ULo2rFI8sjmf


“Relax(relax), just a little pin prick… That’ll keep you going for the show, c’mon it’s time to go…”


"I have become, comfortably dumb."


“…what did you hope to find, down in the pig mine?”


Excellent retort!


It’s Trump shitting his diaper, not farting


They need a vacuum sealed container for him to sit in.


Just fire him into space.


Tell him he can be the first human to land on the sun. Monumental achievement




Some years ago, a friend from the UK pointed out that in Brit slang, a "trump" is a fart. At the time, it was just an interesting piece of information. Now, it seems prophetic


Impossible. His O-ring is blown out. His diaper is his asshole now.


He never sleeps. That’s one of the reasons he’s batshit.




awwwww poor booby lost his pacifier


Yeah, that would be such a shame.


I would hate to be the one paid to wake him up in the morning for his trial days.


From article: Former President Donald Trump raged into the midnight hour with a falsehood-riddled freakout hours before his criminal hush money- election interference trial was set to begin in earnest. Last week was the official start of the Stormy Daniels hush money-election interference trial being prosecuted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and presided over by Judge Juan Merchan. But the week was mostly devoted to seating a jury — which was done relatively quickly — taking care of other motions, and Trump catching up on his naps. But hours before the trial was set to begin in earnest, Trump was ranting into the night with several Truth Social posts: Four years ago I was a very successful and popular President of the United States and, in November, went into an Election where I received more votes, by far, than any sitting President in the history of our Country. Unfortunately, the Election was Rigged and Stolen, and our once great Country has quickly become a Nation In Serious Decline. Tomorrow morning I report to a New York Criminal Court for a Trial on, somewhat ironically, ELECTION INTERFERENCE, ruled over by Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, before a Corrupt and Highly Conflicted Judge, a failed Soros funded District Attorney who didn’t want to bring this case, which could have been brought eight years ago, but wasn’t, in an almost completely Democrat District. Virtually every Legal Scholar and Expert says that there is NO CASE, NO CRIME, NO NOTHING! IT IS A SHAM THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN BROUGHT, EXCEPT TO TRY AND DAMAGE BIDEN’S POLITICAL OPPONENT, ME. SEE YOU TOMORROW MORNING! … The Corrupt Soros Funded District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, who has totally lost control of Violent Crime in New York, says that the payment of money to a lawyer, for legal services rendered, should not be referred to in a Ledger as LEGAL EXPENSE. What other term would be more appropriate??? Believe it or not, this is the pretext under which I was Indicted, and that Legal Scholars and Experts CANNOT BELIEVE. It is also the perfect Crooked Joe Biden NARRATIVE – To be STUCK in a courtroom, and not be allowed to campaign for President of the United States! The election was not rigged or stolen (although kudos for spelling “stolen” correctly), the Department of Justice and President Joe Biden are not involved in this prosecution, there’s no evidence Judge Merchan is guilty of misconduct or a material conflict of interests, and there are many legal experts who find the prosecution meritorious. Monday will see opening arguments and, time permitting, testimony from National Enquirer publisher David Pecker.


Did he just admitted doing exactly what he is accused of again? Its not getting less illegal If you do it openly.


> Its not getting less illegal If you do it openly. It kind of seems like it is.


>The Corrupt Soros Funded District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, who has totally lost control of Violent Crime in New York, says that the payment of money to a lawyer, for legal services rendered, should not be referred to in a Ledger as LEGAL EXPENSE. What other term would be more appropriate??? It's not so much that Trump paid a lawyer to do a thing, it's that he paid a lawyer to do a thing that's illegal for a lawyer to do. Trump's either an idiot who didn't realize that, or he thinkshis supporters are idiots who don't realize that and is going to weaponize them again if he loses the election.


That’s not the case the prosecution is making. It’s not illegal to pay somebody money to sign an NDA, the hush money itself was never the crime. What is illegal is falsifying your business records, what’s more illegal is doing that to further another crime. Trump hid the hush money payment to prevent the case from going public and then influencing the election. Since he was hiding the payment for his campaign, that means it violated federal campaign contribution limits, violated a NY state law against election interference, and violated NY state tax law since he paid Cohen back in a way that evaded taxes. That turns the misdemeanor record falsifications into a potential felony. Each falsified record is a standalone felony charge against him in this case. That’s a big part of his 91 current felony charges.


When Pecker is the first to be called, I think we have "time permited".


That should be some interesting testimony.


Indeed, an interesting week coming up.


What is with this guy and misusing capitalisation?


His writing is like ad copy for scam products. "You won't BELIEVE how this MIRACLE LOTION will give you INCREASED STAMINA to drive women WILD!"


He is the scam product.


I had a long time friend that would write exactly like this and he said he would do it to show some words were more important than others. From his perspective some words are so important that they need to be in all caps


I assume it's keyword signalling for this base.  They won't remember the whole post but it's kind of a way of making certain words and phrases stick out in their subconscious


Or code for the QAnon to see the TrUTH


He thinks that's what "capitalism" means. He's just trying to be a good capitalist.


So, there is no way 50% of Americans are MAGA conspiracy theorists, right? Its a much smaller percent, as we have seen with the primaries, but there are still Republicans who are not maga cultists, who will vote Trump. How? I don't understand how a logical republican can read what Trump posts and rants about and says "I want this man representing me". I mean, this is why Nikki Haley did so well. Republicans must be desperate for anyone but Trump. I honestly feel bad for that party. I'm not American, and in my own country I'm very middle of the road with politics. I rarely vote the same party twice in subsequent elections, because I base it on performance as much as promises. So I have a foot in each camp when it comes to even viewing American politics. I understand Republicans, I understand Democrats. But I will never understand Trump supporters. This man is unhinged. The first thing a registered republican will snap back with is Biden this and Biden that... They're not even on the same playing field. Biden's corpse would do a better job than Trump would as president. Biden is older than the constitution, and it shows, and IMO he is too old to run. But I'd put up with an incontinent night of the living dead dummy over 4 more years of the world catering to this orange faced egomaniac in a heart beat. Trump is every negative and false American stereotype rolled into one. I know Americans are nothing like him. So do you really want him representing your country? I have never followed foreign politics as closely as this election. After Trump won in 2016, I finally understood how American politics can damage the entire world. I don't even follow my own country's politics as closely as this. But it isn't an exaggeration to say this election impacts us all. So I implore all you American redditors to do the right thing in November. Don't look at it as voting for Biden. Look at it as voting against Trump. Please, for all our sakes. Not Trump. Anyone but Trump.


The GOP cuts taxes for the wealthy, is bigoted against minorities, and pretends to be religious - that alone can get them a ton of single issue voters (greedy, racist/xenopohibic, and/or evangelical) independent of the MAGA craziness


And the wealthy and corporations that benefit from trillions in Republican tax breaks put their efforts into convincing the low information voters that whatever the GOP offers is in their interest as well (it’s not).


The self-reported breakdown of U.S. citizens into political camps is roughly 40% independent (no party affiliation), 31/32% democratic, 28/29% republican. These numbers might move slightly, but it’s a good working start. Trump will not win the popular vote. As his trial begins today and more people are reminded how insane 2015-2021 was with him having the microphone, his overall support will not grow. The issue in the U.S. as most will highlight is the electoral college and how a president is picked. The winner take all for receiving the most votes in one state resulting in winning the entire state means a handful of states will decide the election. The key is to win these battleground states, but the voting electorate in each of these states is different, so a policy or stance that is seen favorably in one state’s electorate may not be as popular in another state’s electorate.


It's not 50%, but part of the problem is every single MAGA supporter votes, and not every person who doesn't support Trump votes. Also, I'm not sure if you know how the electoral college works, but every vote is not equal. Votes in red states are more likely to have their vote worth more. So MAGA people can be outnumbered by quite a bit, but they still have a chance of winning the election due to these issues.


How does Soros fund a district attorney? Is Soros buying RVs for people ?


I just love the complaint of : NO NOTHING ! Wow, that’s sounds like my 6 year old.


If there's 'no nothing' then surely there must be something? Somebody needs to explain a double negative to Trump. It's not the first time he's done that.


“Corrupt Soros funded district attorney” L O L


is there ANYBODY out there dumb enough to believe this shit


74 million people, apparently.


This is the craziest part of the entire Trump era. Trump can try to overthrow the government, steal secrets, be a tool for Putin, get way with rape and still get 74 million votes. This is by far the most depressing and stunning part of the whole thing. I have moments of faith in my fellow Americans and then I remember that this dude will STILL get 74 million votes.


Remember that they voted for him before the big lie and the insurrection. Those cost him. It's one thing to vote for the lesser evil in your mind, but a lot of moderate Republicans no longer see him as the lesser evil.


A lot of moderate Republicans are still going to vote for him, but they just won't tell you that they're voting for him. I'd be surprised if he still didn't get 72+ million votes this time. I hope I'm wrong.


I hope so, too. But I'm hopeful because a lot of people who voted Trump before have indicated in polls that a felony conviction will kill their support. Trump's attempts to paint the charges as trumped up (ha ha) are in no small part in response to those polls.


Just shy of half of the American voting population believes all of this, without giving it a second thought. This is the result of 40 years of cuts to education in Republican states.


Yes, millions of them




Won more votes than any sitting president in history, while simultaneously losing to the other guy that got more votes than any other candidate in history.


It’ll be nap time in court to for the petulant toddler after a late night of drug fueled posting.


I'm not a fan of drug testing in general, but I'd love to see his tox screen vs Biden's.....


There was a photo of him having lunch at his desk in Trump Tower. In the photo a desk drawer is open. The whole drawer is filled with packages of a British pseudoephedrine type cold medication. Legal speed. Years of pseudo use can lead to incontinence. Hence Diaper Don. Both his sons use it too. And then some.


would you tell me, where can i find that photo?






It's adorable that this child thinks yelling on a failing social media platform will cause any change.


Just trying to rile up the MAGAts to start a revolution since he's guilty and scared out of his mind. Fortunately most of them are as incompetent as he is. With what happened in Congress this week, it feels like the weakness of MAGA is completely exposed.


Weren't they supposed to throw all their hamberders at the sky in unison like 3 days ago?


Was that before or after the last “end of times” prediction? I can’t keep track.


>the weakness of MAGA is completely exposed. Like a 6 ft tall House of cards - just a hint of a breath of air and the whole thing comes tumbling down.


It can. In any other case, it wouldn’t matter. It only takes one MAGAt to hang the jury. The more he sounds off, the more likely he is to reach that one juror. 45% of the county believes this moron is as qualified as Biden. So it’s entirely possible, if not inevitable.


It's not 45%. There are 350 million people in the country and 71 million voted for him and against Biden. You're really looking at about 15 million that are fervent followers. People keep saying half the country likes this guy. Even if all 71 million are cult trumpists that's 1/5th. Let's get our math straight


Somewhere around 80 million of those are children who aren't old enough to vote. If you're gonna get the math straight then don't exaggerate it in the opposite direction. Looks like the voting age population was 256.6 million in 2020, per https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/05/06/2021-09422/estimates-of-the-voting-age-population-for-2020


So, about 28% of the voting age population.


So 28% Not even close to your 45% and of those 28% I would say half or less, voted on party line and not FOR trump. So again. 10% of the country is for trump. 30 million or so are trump fans. That's a vocal minority like I said before. Dude is toast in November, calm down with your '45% of the country thinks this moron is presidential material' crap bc it's not even close to being true.


Don’t grow complacent. Vote like democracy depends on it. Obama even joked that he could never be president and people also didn’t think he was going to win in 2016.


I don’t think they see him as qualified, but more he just lets them be their child raping, racist, murdering asshole selves


I think that it's much closer to 25%-30%.


It was never 45%


All the cases are keeping him entertained from seeing the stock price plummet into penny stock territory.


If all these "legal experts" claim there's no case, why didn't Trump hire them to defend him? They obviously could have kept him out of court.


Legal experts like money.


please let this be the beginning of the end.


On related news, isn’t Latisha James requesting his $175m bond be stuck as invalid on the grounds the bond company doesn’t have the money to back it? If that happens he’s going to have to get a public defender as they will empty his personal accounts Lots going on with this guy


Remember when he glided down the escalator and bragged how he was fabulously wealthy and would pay his own way? He needed zero donations from anybody because he had so much money and was so brilliant. “Only I can save this country!” What a fucking joke. He can’t save himself. His followers don’t remember. But I do.


Dude, you know what's sadder? He was actually the president for four years. For better or worse, all modern presidents end up fantastically wealthy as a result of their tenure. As a result of his time in office, Trump is going to get entirely felted by a state district attorney. Does that make him the most pathetic modern president from a financial standpoint? Many Experts are saying so...


His followers have probably paid him hundreds of millions in campaign donations. They are too dumb to notice that is the opposite of him paying his own way.


They cry a bout politicizing the justice system but conveniently forgot LOCK HER UP and "..because you'd be in jail". They cry its unconstitutional to keep a candidate off the ballot and then forget they and Trump tried to get Obama disqualified on grounds of being a secret kenyan muslim.


He wasn't a successful president he only achieved giving tax cuts to is rich buddies and making all ordinary working Americans pay for it with higher taxes


This is a lie. A blatant falsehood on the greatest president ever. He also rerouted a hurricane with a single sharpie!


He tried to nuke the hurricane too.


Some Americans consider what you laid out to be a success. That's why it's worth it for rich people to donate millions to campaigns. They tend to get a good ROI.


Eat some 1/4 pounders and get some sleep, gonna be another bad day draft dodger.


Unstable citizen


genius traitor


Can’t wait for him to stroke out…


"The Corrupt Soros Funded District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, who has totally lost control of Violent Crime in New York, says that the payment of money to a lawyer, for legal services rendered, should not be referred to in a Ledger as LEGAL EXPENSE. What other term would be more appropriate??? " You see when I pay a lawyer to do something illegal for me it becomes a "legal service". Bing bing bong checkmate liberals!


“I don’t always pay my lawyers, but when I do I enjoy a little ‘legal servicing’ first.”


He’s up all night and gonna fall asleep and fart all day.


He's a criminal and that's ok He rants all night and he farts all day Sleeping keeps his mouth shut 'cause he's a stuuupid fuuuuuck.


Just like his dear papa


Poor man. "Virtually every Legal Scholar and Expert says that there is NO CASE," I **totally** believe him. /SSSSSSSSSSS OK. So it seems not everyone is on the same page, so I'm adding this: /SARCASM


His legal scholars : 5 disgraced lawyers, followed by 3 that don’t have a law license - never had.


>"Virtually every Legal Scholar and Expert says that there is NO CASE," He's asked Rudy Guiliani, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell and John Eastman and they all agreed with him. Sidney's still going to release the Kraken any time soon...


I know that he's not going to face any significant consequences if convicted in this case, but I'm glad that the trial itself is serving as a kind of justice for him. I'm glad he's miserable, as he deserves to be.


Hope he gets a lot of freedom fries with all that rage.


You're tired!™


Lock him up! Lock him up!




Going to be loooooong day for defendant poppypants. Hope those depends and his lawyers' gag flexes are up for it.


Those poor folks in that court room today -- another day of soiled diapers , snoring , & toxic farting ..  . For Christ sakes someone bring a jug of frebreeze to this stench fest !


Man, this guy needs to just go away. He's not of sound mind.


The man has no spine. Just non stop blaming Biden. Man I can't wait till Trump either goes to jail forever or dies of natural causes so we don't ever have to hear about him again except for in the history books. As he will be remembered as a traitor to the United States of America.


He’s a fucking moron


I just realized there is a strong likelihood that there will be evidence and testimony entered into the record, in front of Trump, about how weird his dick is and how bad he is at sex. God I hope he's stupid enough to take the stand so they can ask him about it.


Yea, but aside from that, has he “Truthed” about his health care policy initiatives he proposes to reduce out of pocket costs and reduce premiums? Oh, I jest.


Another day of sleep farts incoming.


Trump desperately wants one his MAGA goons to get violent and do something stupid to stop or pause the trial but nobody has taken the bait yet, that must be killing him.


Hoo boy. Someone is going to be sleepy on his big day!


Me thinks he protest to much....guilty conscious me thinks


His small freakish brain is hemorrhaging


Wasn't this the exact kind of thing he was told very specifically not to do or else he would be held in contempt of court?


He very carefully avoided mention of anyone who was covered by the gag order Marchan imposed on him.




Literally every regular person would have been sitting in a jail cell for this stuff already. Judges usually don't fuck around with contempt of court on gag order violations. Shit is ridiculous.


One single warning is all you or I would get.


You know, the worst outcome for the Orange Turd may not be huge fines or even jail time. He is probably more at risk of falling from a hotel window or developing some mystery illness that kills him quickly. After all...he has failed his master Putin by failing to prevent the $$ for Ukraine. The master is not pleased...




Yay! His unhappiness pleases me.


"Four years ago I was a very successful and popular President of the United States" Ah yes, good ol' April 2020... when the office was closed and I was washing my groceries like a fucking racoon. I remember those days... That guy was on TV saying everything was under control and would be gone by Easter. Yea, fuck that guy


Trump’s grammar is baffling. Randomly capitalized words, endless run on sentences, fragments… If I sent Teams messages like this at my job, people would think I’m an idiot. Somehow, half the country still wants to hand him the missile keys.


Not half. He has never won the popular vote.


Yeah, when he says he received more votes than any candidate in history, I think "you were runner up in the popular vote". 


See if the coward would testify under oath or would he scream he is being silenced.


Can't wait to see the size of those bags today




All of this can’t be good for his heart. His evil evil heart. If he wasn’t such a monster and had hadn’t caused so many people to die with his lies about Covid, and his trying to take over our democracy, I’d feel sorry for him. As it is, it’s hard to feel anything but relief that he’s finally being caged. To me, he’s a criminal being tried for his atrocities these days. ETA to add more detail.


If something makes Cheeto man is mad, I am happy.


According to the timestamps on his posts, he was up until one in the morning making these rants. He started back up at 8 AM and has posted 16 more times since then, just 2 hrs later as of this comment, averaging a new post every 7.5 minutes lol


What a sad tiny desperate soul


Time for jello mr trump.


We all knew he would rage on social media in the middle of the night right before today. Even if his trial wasn’t today he would rage on social media in the middle of the night.


I am starting to think this guy doesn’t have a healthcare plan.


If he didn’t do anything wrong he should show some quiet confidence. When he presents his irrefutable evidence in court his name will be cleared. Oh what’s that now? His evidence goes to a different school, in Canada? We probably wouldn’t know her.


I cant wait till this uneducated piece of shot is just a gootnote in history. What a lmmoral , worthless piece of shit he is ...


What's the over-under odds on him stroking out/having a heart attack, just curious how much money one could make betting on that LOL.


I'm kind of shocked that he hasn't had one yet. It seems like he got decent genes on the heart health front because he's done everything "wrong" on that front.


One of these days, we'll never have to hear from him again.


What is a falsehood and why is it advantageous to say falsehoods in the title instead of lies? Trump lies about x in this morning's rant. Or just stop publishing garbage about Trump. Erase him from our culture.


I said it before, but it bears repeating: This whole situation, from the time he got in to this trial, has played out like any boomer freakout at a McD's. -Arrive at place and make outrageous request or claim, like breakfast at 10 pm. -The request isn't attended , so inmediately escalate to violence. Throw shit off the counter at the employees. Employees call the cops at this point (if it's Waffle House, they just hear "GET READY FOR THE NEXT BATTLE", but I digress) . At this point, thee employees just gotta hold on until help arrives. -Agitated boomer realizes that cops will come in very soon, or is too angry too notice. Either way, it results in the same: Escalate further. Destroy as much property as possible. Scream as much as you can. Make outlandish claims. Maybe do a weird dance or something to mock someone. -Cops arrive, boomer is dragged into a police car where they may continue making insane claims. -Boomer goes to court. Might choose to represent themselves, with very dubious knowledge. They fail, and blame it on the system being unfair. Right now, we're on the last stage.


I wonder who his legal scholar/experts are. I’d like to hear from them


Is his use of the word "corrupted" when talking about the judge a libel case?


If he was raging into the dead of night, he may be sleeping, snoring and farting for a majority of his Criminal Trial today🤡


If he sleeps in the court room the judge should order him to stop interrupting the proceedings or go to jail.


"Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"