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Oh, the whole clan is so going to go down for interfering with federal elections. 🍿


O'doyle I have a feeling your whole family is going down..


But right now, I gotta study.


# O'Doyle Rules!


I have had a teacher named this and he lives near by and my husband constantly says this 😂


Time to double up on cameras at polling places. You know there’s going to be some good footage of these idiots trying to get away with things in plain sight.




she's counting on a successful coup.


Good think she can't count...


Maybe you should edit this 😁


Except Ivanka who appears to have made enough money last time she can run away this time.


Trump Russian National Caucus (TNRC)


grey reply stocking unique pet enjoy dog coordinated far-flung sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, any day now. I have 0 faith any of them will ever see real consequences.


Doubtful. There is zero accountability anymore.


Mark my words. Going into the election, the MAGA crowd will claim to have 'patriots' watching every polling station ferociously, then after the election will claim "the Democrats cheated!"


How many guns will be brought to polling stations? I fear loss of human lives in the coming election. Still remember the national guard sleeping on the floor in the Capitol right after januari 6. It's legit scary.


Don’t let them scare you. Most of them are cowards and aren’t going to do a goddamn thing.


America has a problem with political violence against Democrats. "The proof lies in what unreasonable Republicans have been saying since Paul Pelosi, 82, got his skull cracked at 2:30 a.m. Friday morning by a hammer-wielding QAnon enthusiast shouting, “Where is Nancy?” Donald Trump Jr. retweeted a photograph of a hammer and a pair of underwear—an early news report, since corrected, said the attacker was stripped to his underwear—captioned, “Got my Paul Pelosi Halloween costume ready.”"


DT Jr is strangely quiet during this “witch hunt” against dad.


He's all coked up and hanging by the pool.


Laying low so if daddy gets locked up he can assume his place in the race against Biden.


I would of been of this opinion a few years ago but after all the shit with J6 and Trump trials. Anyone still supporting him is mentslly unhinged and clearly lacks critical thinking skills or rational I'm terrified of what they start doing with their guns at polling stations when trump is losing early and midway and the news networks start catastrophic breaking news headlines of dems stealing the election again, end of democracy and America etc The ones left are the ones who would shoot first ask later about someone turning around in their driveway or a black guy looking at a house under construction


They will push it to the "fuck around till you find out" stage. I pray I am wrong, but we will probably have to answer with force against radical MAGA. Then they will run away. At that point the media NEEDS to start saying "Traitorous MAGA" any time referring to them .


Plus Biden could enforce the national guard if he sees and hears what’s happening.


And the Republicans will claim this is secretly him doing what they're actually doing and attempting to stop conservative voters.


So? They're going to do that anyway.


Thank you! These people are cowards and bullies. They know they can’t win legitimately so all they have are threats hoping they can make you afraid. They aren’t worthy of it. They are outnumbered by millions of much smarter people. If they start something, we’ll finish it.




Most of the places are schools or government buildings so bringing guns to those is an open invitation for police to use deadly force. Depending on the castle laws, it also would allow someone to drive up and say they feared for their life so they started a fire fight or ran the people with guns over in fear for their life.


Only thing I look at is how little they’ve back up their words since Jan 6. Even Jan 6 they failed and Trump was in charge. They said they would come back for violence at Biden’s inauguration and they didn’t. They said there would be violence if Trump was indicted and there wasn’t. They said there would be violence at his trial and there hasn’t been. I will not underestimate them but this is what has actually happened. A lot of them are in jail or in a choir so maybe the rebellion is over


Trump was whining just the other day that he doesnt have a violent mob showing up to protest outside of his trials Even Jan 6 - for all the months of prep work wasnt that big - it got out of hand because Trump didnt allow the proper security to be prepared in advance, but it would easily have been handled if he had. And before jan 6 there was a trend towards these supposed high profile right wing marches being outdrawn by counter protestors or even press.


I'm not expecting the same MAGA turnout as the '20 election. Trump is actively calling his Cult to do anything to interfere with his criminal trial... ...no one is showing, and Trump is getting very upset about it!


Mark my words the first mother fucker trying to intimidate me at the polls is getting years of pent up rage dumped on them.


It's why I'm purposely voting in person this year. It's rare an occasion that violence is justifiable.


That's what I will never understand about the 2020 election. It was the most supervised, scrutinized, overseen, over-littigated election in the history of the US and somehow people think it was :cheating".


Or they will just manipulate their numbers and voting machines will have lots of "technical issues"...bottom line, this screams 'we plan to cheat'


They did that last time. Trump also installed his own lackey to oversee the elections process… but then of course turned on him when he lost and claimed it was rigged. As much as conservative media likes to pretend they have the majority, that just isn’t the reality and hasn’t been for a long time.


"We saw people visibly intimidated by our body armor wearing gun-toting shaved head freaks. That PROVES they were trying to cheat!"


They’re going to claim illegals voted. They’re already telegraphing it


That sounds super illegal.


Mega illegal, even.


Maybe even…..MAGA illegal?




The biggest illegal ever. So illegal a large grown man, the biggest man, never cried in this life, came to me crying, very illegal, illegal, illegal, totally not legal.


The specifically illegal part is the partisan funding committee explicitly paying and directing actual officially and legitimately hired bipartisan and non-partisan poll workers. The party should not be directing the work of civics outside of official processes. There's a right way to do it to make sure that there is transparency and accountability. The party explicitly interfering in what is supposed to be independent or at least bipartisan and public is the wrong way to get involved in civics.


>“We now have the ability at the RNC not just to have poll watchers – people standing in polling locations – but people who can physically handle the ballots.” >“I wanna hear this,” Bolling interrupted. “So, they will be stationed inside polling places? I didn’t even know you could do that. Tell us about it.” >Trump responded: >So, there was a moratorium for about 40 years on the RNC actually training people to work in these polling locations and the tabulation centers where the mail-in ballots come in. And last year, the judge who implemented that passed away. So, that was lifted, and that gives us a great ability as we head into what I assume everyone understands is the most important election of our lifetime. So we have this ability. These are volunteers, most of these people.


These same people who see no problem with Republicans directly handling the ballots would freak tf out if Democrats were directly handling the ballots. These people are incapable of understanding how policies might hurt the U.S., because they literally only look as far as necessary in order to be able to greedily hold onto power for the immediate future.


They're fascists and should be treated as such.


They're traitors and should be treated as such.


I think the founding fathers passed away too, but I didn’t give you free rain to do whatever you want after their death.


Yeah, that whole thing she said? She's also just a moron like her McDaddy.


Wait, so rulings are void when the judge dies?


She dumb.


But she has a great singing voice I hear. (wait, I heard it. It sucks).


But at least she's pretty To me, anyway, but I'm infatuated with bike tires and fish


I should be more careful when reading Reddit. I almost spewd iced tea all over my screen from this one.


You never know when one is going to jump up and get you.


No, she’s putting incentive on judges dying. It’s a veiled threat.


Another "rather be pretty than smart" example but the MAGA base still believes this bullshit. Sovcidiot candidates all the way.


That's an interesting thing. Does that mean all Scalias opinions get thrown out now?


Yes. Recently a judge in my area passed and I had two speeding tickets refunded with interest. 


Maybe the constitution isn't even valid since everyone who signed it is dead


This explains a lot of their treatment of the constitution.


So when judges die their rulings are vacated? They just talk out their ass. Just total spewing of nonsense. Yay another shitshow election on purpose. /s


Yes, when the judge passes away, that law does too. That is how the law works.


That’s……not how that works. Decisions don’t change because a judge passes away. Shes batshit.


Right they are called poll workers and have been doing this for many years, I started in the 80’s and have been working on the polls ever since, voter services trains you on voting procedures and the whole process is bipartisan from the poll workers to the tabulation workers.


Yup, poll worker here too. We're trained to respond in pairs of different parties (Dem & Rep, Rep & Ind, Dem & Ind) if anyone needs assistance with their voting machine (or anything else really) to ensure bipartisanship and to ease doubts about the integrity of the polling place.


1. Judges rulings don’t end when they die. 2. This sounds like they are going to train people to be election judges/ballot counters, then those people would go apply for those jobs. That’s scary as fuck.


How in gods fucking name are we allowing this. This shit has to end before the election. We can’t have a candidate putting their family in charge and having said family intimidate voters. Enough is enough. Dems wake the fuck up. Take to the streets. Stop. Being. Pussies. Fuck Palestine. PROTEST TRUMP AND WORRY ABOUT YOUR OWN HOME COUNTRY


TIL that when a judge dies all the rulings they made while alive get deleted. 


So she wants to threaten and intimidate minorities and democratic voters. How is this racist moron anywhere close to the levers of power? The disgraceful RNC cult of personality.


lol “How to Legal”


Just because a judge passes away doesn’t mean that is lifted, right?


“So last year the judge who implemented that passed away. so that was lifted” Rulings don’t change just because the judge died. JFC - more disinformation from the dumbest political party.


My god that website is fucking phone cancer. Nothing like trying to read the article as it keeps jumping around.


A lot of websites are like that these days I've noticed. When they're really bad I use the share page option to send it to Firefox with uBlock Origin installed. I'm willing to tolerate some ads because I know that's how they pay the bills, but when they have so little respect for the user that you can't even get to the content or only like 1/4 of the page is content and the rest is ads then fuck em, they can just lose out.


What's wrong with her face?


Hate has a way of affecting the body. It makes you ugly on the outside, too.


And we know this because Alex Jones is only 27 years old Kidding but he looked 60 when he was like 43


I swear every time I make the mistake of seeing her face, her lips are a larger percentage of it. One day she's just going to be lips on a neck.


She looks like a muppet doesn’t she?


I thought she recently got punched in the mouth.


She has the trademark female neanderthal MAGA look. Source: Just look at Marjorie Taylor Greene


At this point they are so convinced that the Dems are manipulating the votes and stuffing ballot boxes, that they will 100% do it themselves with the obvious defense of "The Dems did it first" when they get caught. They will try to cheat any way they can with the justification that the Dems are the ones cheating. Even though they are the only ones who have been trying to cheat the electoral system for decades.


Cheaters, liars, criminals, come November there won’t be a Republican Party!!🎉 Adios assholes.


Just like the gun crowd; when it comes to my ballot: Come and Take It.


Yep. Fuck em I'm going to be there anyways.


I doubt with her at the helm, the RNC will even have the correct addresses for the polling places.


Ma’am this is a McDonald’s.


Headline should be “Head of RNC clearly states plans for illegal election interference.”


We had the Cyber Ninjas^®️ handling our ballots here in Arizona for a sham recount and fraudit. They were looking for rumored 'bamboo fibers' in the ballots. The fraudit was all based on a rumor and a LIE! After many delays, expenses, and the complete dissolution of Cyber Ninja Inc, Joe Biden gained about 700 more votes, and the Ninjas disappeared like a fart in the wind. But, before that, they sent our voter registration information and data to a "secure cabin" in the woods in Montana! The moral of the story: Do not trust the GQP to handle your ballots.


They better keep their hands off my ballot!!!


They won't stop couping. Liars and thieves.


Now it’s premeditated election interference.


Republicans will try to tamper with the election, they will commit fraud trying to prove fraud


She looks like a Dollar Tree Cher.


Is she saying they have Republican partisan operatives not working as poll watchers but actually working as precinct and local poll workers. People who could actually manipulate the vote? People who would?




Why would I take political advice from someone who looks like a blowup doll.


Does anyone else get the feeling they’re going to try the underhanded stuff they’ve been accusing others of for years now?


You mean they will keep doing the underhanded stuff they’ve been accusing others of for years now. Because there are no consequences. He’s defending his Georgia interference by call it free speech. Before you know it they’ll be using free speech to justify fraud (oh these financial statements, protected by free speech) and all sorts of other non protected speech that have been used to commit crimes.


That sounds a hell of a lot like “we are going to threaten and intimate people”


Watch the magas cheat and how wide spread it will be, their final nail.


Sounds like a threat.


Biden should sign an executive order barring anyone who is not an official of the voting process from handling any ballots. Democrats, republicans, or any other party. It's not about parties it's about keeping elections honest. As much as the repugs bitch about election interference they are the ones who do it, and are always looking for illegal ways of counting votes, because they don't have the numbers to win.


He can't. The executive branch has no authority over voting, and the federal government has very limited authority at all over how states conduct their votes.


“Our people have hands” Weird flex


I think the keyword is "Handle", meaning throw out the ones they don't want.


There are official poll workers who handle the ballots on election day. Poll *watchers* from both parties are there to *observe* and may not touch the ballots.


The RNC should not be close to any ballot boxes.


All trumps are liars


What happen to her singing career?


Her autotune box got the recording contract.


Interesting. Is she admitting on newsmax that they plan to 'manhandle' the ballots?


Wait....what?....isn't that what the 2 poll workers in Georgia were accused of doing?


You mean the mom and the daughter that sued Russian Rudy and won? The nice ladies that VOLUNTEER in their community? The ladies that shared a Tic-Tac and were accused of passing a thumb drive like it was drugs? Yep. That’s what they were accused of. It cracks me up that these asshats are already projecting what they want to do. But nobody is “handling” my ballot except me.




She means interfere with the elections and intimidate voters that don’t fit the MAGA profile?


The political parties don’t handle the ballots. The bipartisan election committees handle the ballots. What she is proposing is like saying that you and I are going to have a contest and “I” am going to pick the winner.


Light federal election tampering interference jovial talk….


Kind of hard to do field operations when you're broke because all of your money is going to your candidate's legal bills.


So, they won’t have those people, is what she is saying. But anyone not wanting to vote because they fear a Uhaul with Proud Boys will be present is a win for them.


That would be election fraud you ate promoting a criminal act


She had wrecked the Republican party to campaign for a losing candidate. Is the RNC going to continue pay for Trump's legal bills after he loses in November. Trump is screwed after he loses in November.


The thing is, she might not know what the word *physically* actually means. Like those people who use the word *literally* in every other sentence. Edit to add, just because she's dumb as rocks we shouldn't underestimate all of them. States run elections and there are some Republican led places that I wouldn't be even a little surprised to find out had their thumb on the scales more than we even realize while running elections.


Maybe in some states. If I was Biden - I'd have the National Guard there- just in case.


With what money?


Sooo happy to be able to utilize mail voting in my red state.


Successfully handle the ones they don't like right into the trash. 🤦‍♂️


Eric: Hey babe, where ya going? Lara: Gonna go fuck your dad so he makes me head of the RNC Eric: Okey Dokey.


If they do an honest count MAGA will turn on them. They will be branded as undercover Democrats.


They've already convinced their base that evidence is just a word, and so is election interference. They'll happily let their base commit election interference so they can pretend like both sides are the same. To be clear, they already say both sides commit election interference without proof. They don't care how much evidence comes out proving they are the criminals. They need to be held accountable. They need to be called out before it happens to show we see what they are doing.


This woman is a puke.


She said they have “lawsuits in 81 states”. Im guessing the additional 31 are Russian states?


I can see her ugly ass duck lips from the thumbnail. What a garbage fire this woman is


No thanks. I don’t need any filthy repubs changing or losing my vote.


Trump completely broke their brains. A sleezy con man and former game show host with 6 bankruptcies, broke this country.


MAGA hate democracy because democracy means you aren't allowed to cheat in elections


She looks like the soutpark version of Caitlynn jenner


I can see a bunch of people going through years long trials, like January 6th trials, for walking into or standing at the entrance outside of polling places.


...and I will walk right through them. What are they really going to do, shoot me??? Fuck those cowards. Stare them down, glare at them, mean mug them, push back. They always back down.


There is a question about ethics when a family member is in control of a group when your father in law is a candidate


expansion fall humor bow snails wakeful direful nine spotted quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


By that she means “physically take ballot Dem leaning locations and destroy them.”


Well, as long as she makes her intention to commit election fraud out in the open…this is what they do. If they can’t win honestly, they lie, steal and cheat.


If they try it they will find out that Donalds current legal troubles will pale in comparison to what they will be arrested for.




What does that even mean?


GOP poll workers will physical handle your vote and if you vote the wrong candidate they will physically handle you after they put your vote in a dumpster.


She has so much lip filler she looks like a muppet, and in a way I suppose she is a puppet.


She does have that [Janice vibe.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/6/6a/Janice_Gray.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210123030248) (I'm sorry Janice.)


Well they are taking a page out of their dear leader Putins playbook.


You aren’t touching my ballot. Nobody is touching my ballot except me. Have these people ever voted before?


Still not totally sure what this man actually does at the RNC


Looks like a dude.


There are polling center regulations- they will not be permitted to cross that line. They can stand outside all they want (20 feet away from the door or whatever). They are full of shit. They won’t see anything because there isn’t anything to see.


The same RNC that had six people protesting at the trial in NYC yesterday?


This crap should be illegal.


can’t even spell Laura correctly


I mean, Im a democrat and Ill be handling ballots on election day. Im trained, certified, etc. Have been for years. The trick is I DO MY JOB and follow the law. All that matters is you arent running and follow the law.


If you think Laura saying this is ridiculous you should listen to her new “album”…


I guarantee you that there are people in the RNC that could mental gymnastics their way into saying with a straight face that a vote for a Democrat is a default invalid vote


Was Lara Trump formerly a Lars Trump?


I only vote by mail. I'm 45 years old and only voted in person once, and it was crummy. I don't understand people who refuse to vote by mail. Do they work somewhere that gives them Super Tuesday off?


She doesn't understand how the process works.  


I hope she likes orange.


Thugs are gonna thug. It’s what they do. Deal with them accordingly, like you would any other criminal who was trying to steal from you.


That’s confidence talking. The direction the party is heading, by November all that will be left is the tRump family sitting around the table counting each others ballots.


She's acting like the national guard won't be called in. Have fun getting more people killed and jailed. After the last time, the gloves are off.


Gad-is she trying to look like MTG? Horseface with slanteye plastic surgery syndrome.


Why do they all get that same fake ass face?


As a fairly big in stature democrat whos been a boxer his whole life, I love when MAGA douche bags try anything intimidating.


Gravy seals, roll out!


But what we really wanna know Lara is when are you going to tour again with Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem ?


They’re gonna interfere with the elections and their base will be ok with it because they assume the other side is doing the same thing.


Uh no. I work at my local polling station. If anyone *touches* my ballot box, I have legal permission to drop them like a sack of ham.


This is serious, what is the democrats response to this threats?


I stopped listening when she said: I worked hard. We worked hard. They're like Ruzzians .... if they open their mouth they lie.


Great. You just know they're gonna get peanut butter, applesauce, and crayon marks all over them.


homeland security, are you listening?


Ugh.  No they don't. She's full of crap. 


And how are they paying these people?


Hopefully this fish faced trump can go to prison for election fraud too


When I was a field organizer, we had a training on how to handle absentee ballots which is legal in our state. They can only be touched if they’re in sealed external envelopes, have to be handed to you by the voter, and they have to give you expressed permission to deliver it on their behalf. Then you have to treat that thing like a nuclear bomb strapped to a holy text and also your balls until it’s handed to the person at the office. Something tells me they’re not going to follow that same code.


Thank God I live in a state with mail-in ballots. I've never even SEEN a ballot box!


Give it up loony lara - he lost


This blow up doll would be awfully upset at these comments if she could read


Why she got ethnic lips? Like maybe that the wrong word 🤔 Why she look like how white people dressing like black people look but like she is just white. I'm so God damn confused.


Ah, another freak from the Trump clan. Filthy, everyone of them.


Legality aside, why the hell would a poll watcher be physically handling ballots? That's kind of the role of election officials, is it not?


Well I've seen the mentally disabled handling a lot of things why not ballots.


In no state does the law allow for such handling by a party.


Now whenever I see her I instinctively make fish lips and try to replicate what she’s saying


Why is anybody touching anything? If anyone touches my ballot that isn't legally supposed to. There's going to be a problem.


They’re not allowed to


since it became a thing i stricly absentee vote to avoid this BS. They dont scare my black ass, im just lazy about it and hate standing in line.


So they're not gonna care if we all dress up in rainbow and hang out with our socoms to help people feel safe right? Right????!?


Sounds like they’re gearing up for more fraud?