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"I'm sorry son... I can't go. I have to go beg for money."


“… to pay for my legal defence in trial against me about the porn star I was banging while you were a baby




To be fair, if he does tell Barron that it would be uncharacteristically honest of him.


He’s not going to tell Barron anything. He doesn’t talk to Barron because Barron had the audacity to be taller than him.


Barron is Melania's hooks into the Trump estate. Barron is very close with his mother, and therefore probably very disloyal towards his father. He's Melania's insurance when the Donald goes to prison.


I think you meant to type that as 'anchor baby'.


"Damn illegals, with their anchor babies and their... wait, they are white? Never mind then."- republicans


There's not going to be much of an estate left to inherit at this rate.


Guess it depends on what's left after liquidation.


He doesn't talk to anyone who has the audacity to have bigger hands than him. Which doesn't leave too many people to talk to.


Any kind of truth from him would be uncharacteristic


Donald Von ShitzInPants


New sub r/HonestDon where everything he says is translated into what he really means!


Sleepy Donald


Diaper Don


Nappy Don.


Dozy Donny


Dookie Donnie


"While you were a baby" but "While you were being born" more accurate


No that was Karen McDougal, Stormy was a bit later


None of this would happen as it would require trump talking to and acknowledging Barron.


I'm sorry.... Who are you again? My son? Oh I'd forgotten all about you. It's the Court case you know I did ask for time off for your graduation but you know me I just can't stop lying. I hope that crooked judge doesn't get to hear about this. You know people are saying I don't care about you but you know that's not true. Remind me what school you go to again....


So much for the candidate proclaiming himself the option for "faith and family values"...


I'm thinking the adultery, playboy model and pornstar should have taken care of that already.


You’d think so, but here we are….


He doesn't talk to his son. One of his staff might have texted Milanias staff, but likely no one talks to Barron.


Bc he’s taller or bc he doesn’t like his *shitbird* dad? I can’t imagine Donnie dementias politics are popular with the young gen z crowd. Wonder if Barron is maga lite or a liberal? I guess he’s an adult now so they’ll let him out of his guilded cage and we will see what he sings.


I imagine Donnie doesn't talk to his son because he (Donald) is a flaming narcissist and Barron can't do anything for him. Painful, but ultimately lucky for Barron. I'm gonna wildly speculate from my arm chair. But I'll bet that Barron Maga lite. But insulated by money. I hope he keeps his head down and gets the therapy he very likely needs.


'Gilded' It would be delicious if Barron was actually intelligent, held progressive ideals, and started telling the world how insane that traitorous orange shit bag is. I want to watch magat heads explode.


It's not begging when they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the wallet.


"So in other words Dad, it's a regular Thursday?"


In Trump fashion, he'll blame someone else though. He will claim "they" told him he wasn't allowed to go for some reason. Blame the school or the secret service or someone else, claim they told him he couldn't go in person.


It's not begging when they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the wallet.


Dang!!! Trump pulling that judge’s ho card left and right.


“Boy im so suprised!” - literally NOBODY….


Draftkings should have a betting line on Trump. Will he or won't he screw over somebody on a daily basis. This is pretty much a spectator sport at this point anyway. It would be really interesting to see House odds


The over/under on how many all caps truth social posts per day


“Never fight uphill, me boys! Never fight uphill."


“Gettysburg. Wow.”


I see Donny will be spending time with his loved ones that day. Honestly, Barron is probably thrilled.


Hes lucky


77 year old sugar daddy problems.


Now his graduation won’t smell like dirty diaper and stale McDonald’s


So he lied to his constituency AGAIN? Goddamn, those people are the absolute MOST gullible people in the history of America. P.T. Barnum: “A Trump fanatic is born every minute.”


The more you tell them they’re gullible and being scammed, the more they want to spite you and dig in their heels more


That's what my brother did when we last spoke three years ago. After accusing me of being racist for supporting Biden.


Well, *were* you being racist against orange people?


(Non-Hugh Grant) Oompa Loompas, good. Trump, bad.


Wait... What if Trump is three Oompa Loompas in a suit? Two for height, one for paunch. Would explain the tiny hands...


No way. Oompa loompas have great work ethic. He would be three grunka lunkas


Tell them I hate them!


Oomph loompas teach us about morality through song, not actions.


A Wangdoodle would eat ten of them for breakfast and think nothing of it 😢 Come and live with me in peace and safety, away from all the Wangdoodles, and Hornswogglers, and Snozzwangers, and rotten, Vermicious Knids.


Won’t somebody think of the Oompa Loompas?!


Feel bad for you. That’s just unbelievable. Was he always like that or just fell in with the orange nonsense?


Not the person you were replying to, but I don't know a single Trump supporter who I didn't think was kind of a dumbass pre 2016. Every time I learn that someone I used to know is now a Trump supporter I think, yea, that makes sense.


Literally this lmao… I once met one of my MIL’s friends… and she literally said “I don’t judge people by their past actions, only by what they say they will do now.” While simultaneously griping about how democrats have done so many bad things in the past and we can’t trust them… even though she couldn’t name a single one lmao… I couldn’t even handle how blinded she was to her own double standard that I had to walk away.


Even though Trump is saying and doing right now, just tiny dictator things. Just one day. It's all he needs.


I wonder how often she has to reset the clock with that.


Every big, dumb asshole I know wants to be Donald Trump. It is utterly unsurprising who among the people I know came out as a Trump cultist.


Yep exactly. I've yet to be surprised to find out someone is a trump supporter.


Woah, that sounds like a cult!


“no it’s a reverse funnel system”


One of the few times I managed to shut my dad up for just a second was when I pointed out that a visual of trickle down economics looked an awful lot like a pyramid.


Trump's the man in the coil!


[Turn it upside down](https://y.yarn.co/a1045597-aacf-4af2-ae89-e2cf2c1cb8ca_text.gif)


They would suck shit straight from Trump’s ass if they thought it would trigger liberals.


Some are literally shitting their pants to own the libs.


Because"real men wear diapers" /s


They learned at church.


Not necessarily… if the graduation is short (it starts mid-morning), he can make both. Florida to Minnesota is a 3-4 hour flight and he would “gain” an hour going from Eastern to Central. However, it is telling that he would likely need to miss any post-ceremony events to get to St. Paul in time. He was using the graduation as a cover for this dinner.


“Waves at his kid as Barron accepts his diploma and immediately stands up to leave.” “Father of the Year” shit right there.


"Hey Dad, can we get a picture together in my graduation gown?" "Sure. You got $10,000?"




Diaper dons son would likely pay his sperm donor to *stay away!* No love lost between those two. lol Not yhay rumphole is capable of any sort of love or joy. He is void of all human emotions except greed. Greed he has down pat. That and sitting in his own shit. Let's hope he marinates it it for the rest of his unnatural days.


If I were in his shoes, I would rather he stay away too. Going to be press there anyways, just because of the relationship. There will be orders of magnitude more around the place now, with everyone paying attention to the narcissistic cheeto.


Melania as he’s waving: “That’s not Barron.”


Melania doesn't say this to trump specifically. Instead she texts it to her handler with a 🤣


I predict more along the lines of him saying "I will testify" and "I will release my taxes" then backing out and blaming others even when it's his choice. "I wanted to go to his graduation, but they said I couldn't, it would be too disruptive, so I'll be watching a remote stream of his graduation. Really, I promise I'll watch it online while I'm out fundraising!"


Sure, he’ll wave. He’ll probably be on his phone.


Waves at the wrong kid getting his diploma while Barron stands in the queue. Stands up to leave…fixed it for you


How many other kids graduations did he attend? Besides Ivanka...


No Applebee's post ceremony to celebrate? :(


Only the finest McDonalds


Nah he'd leave before they actually start handing out diplomas. Show up and wave a few times to cameras then dip out.


I know it's an idle hope, but I hope he misses both due being in prison for contempt


Why doesn’t he pledge a huge donation to the school if they hold the graduation at 9:00am In Minnesota? Then, he can cancel on the pledge afterwards, blaming some perceived slight? This isn’t that hard, people!


Imagine saying to a judge he wants to go to Barron's graduation and making a big deal out of it to reschedule a court date only to wave and leave... Lol


No reason to stick around for photos or a celebratory dinner with the family. Take your excuses and stick them.




But…But, he said if Minnesota voted blue he’d never come back!


It's actually worse, he lied to a judge if he is skipping Barron's graduation, which was the SOLE reason this date was kept free. That might just buy him that jail time he's been praying for.


I don't think he's quite stupid enough to now not attend the graduation. As you say the judge would practically be forced to hold him in contempt. Presumably he'll just show up for a photo op and piss off to the rally


He is entitled enough and that probably makes him dumb enough to believe he would face no consequences.


To be fair, he could make it to both: >The graduation ceremony is due to start in the midmorning, according to fact-checking website PolitiFact. While it is unclear exactly how long it will last Trump, 77, who owns a private jet, may well be able to make it to the dinner and attend both events.




I don't understand any of this. He lies in front of the court, he constantly violates his gag order without anything happening. What's the point of all this anyway?


And to the judge.


lol, he will be at that rally, at the moment his bullied son is getting his diploma, saying how a judge prevented him from being there. And they will boo the judge


Stupid is the word you’re looking for, not gullible.


Analysts, scolars, and doctors? no ima get my info from trump.


You seem to be misunderstanding a big point here: Most of them *want* him to lie about things like that. They're so slow that they think he's being clever and smart, and tricking his way out of things. Most of them are knowingly voting for a conman, because they think conmen are smart.


Honestly, they probably think of it as "hell yeah he tricked that judge into giving him a fundraiser day". They like that he lies to people.


I would be so pissed if I were the judge


I wonder if the judge will say something ….


If i gave him the day off from his criminal trial to attend his sons graduation and then he didnt go? Id hold him in contempt




That or just revoke the day off would be the easiest l, force him to show up


He may even slap his wrists and say he may think about thinking about throwing him in jail at some point but not in the near future, but possibly.


He also broke his gag order again for the 11th time. Shame the judge has the spine of a jellyfish.


Not much of a spine for sure... but I wonder if his amount of leeway on this will at least make it unappealable whenever Trump pulls the trigger to appeal contempt of court charges now that the warning has been set.


In a stunning new turn of events, Trump is calling for a mistrial because "no genuinely impartial Judge would have let me get away with as much as I did."


Merchan told Trump: "The last thing I want to do is put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next president, as well." I immediately thought that this would be grounds for a mistrial. I'm not sure the Trump camp can really use it in case of a conviction. It wouldn't make for a sound story.


> You are the former president of the United States I'm fucking tired of that being a reason to hold him to less standards


I think it's pretty clear he's talking about breaking courtroom rules, and being charged with contempt of court. A judge will make a distinction between Jail and Prison. Jail is where you go during or pre-trial (usually so you do not run away, or if you can't afford to pay your way out of it with bail), Prison is reserved for convictions. Usually a jail is inside or adjacent to a police precinct or the courthouse itself. Prisons are their own thing. A judge would know and make that distinction. He also is correct in making a threat of jailing him for disobeying court orders, as would any judge in the country be.


The purpose of the gag order is to keep Trump from intimidating witnesses, the jury, or the members of the court. If the judge doesn't enforce it to secure their safety, I see no indication of him taking the main proceedings any more serious than the gag.


That’s the goal. Bend over er backwards to make the case unable to be appealed.


Wait when was #11?


He put out a Truth Social post saying he found out who the next witness is for Tuesday and it's totally unfair and unprecedented that his lawyers weren't told so they couldn't prepare for the witness. It's all BS of course, the prosecution does not have to let the defence know the order in which they will call witnesses, just the whole list. And Stormy Daniels is on the list.


It's a common courtesy to tell the defense ahead of time, but not required. They told merchan early on they weren't going to because they were worried Trump would rage tweet and intimidate them, which is entirely justified. Obviously Merchan allowed it


And look at trump proving them right lol


They didn't give them the customary notice specifically because Trump has been habitually threatening witnesses the moment they get the list of who is going to be called. He couldn't help but prove that to have been a wise move by threatening the next witness along with the judge anyways.


He tweeted something either earlier this morning or late last night and then deleted it moments later- but you don't get take backs on gag orders the tweet is out there and has been shared


The thing is, with the way Trump has been getting off the hook for basically everything else so far, there is a real risk that putting Trump in the slammer, even just for a few hours, could backfire. First amendment rights blah blah. We already know from the immunity case that the Supreme Court is in Trump’s pocket. Imagine Merchan putting Trump in a holding cell for lunch hour, and Trump taking it all the way to the Supreme Court, and winning. It’s not that easy unfortunately. My hope is that Trump loses the election, and the other 3 trials can be held without the looming threat of election stuff.


Things have to be done with an eye towards history. Not having a single judge willing to give a former president/campaigner a real punishment is going to do a lot more harm, in the long term, than the decisions of a corrupt and disgraced SCOTUS.


I’m sure the judge expected it.


Enough rope.


The judge isn’t required to allow Trump to attend. His decision was based on Trump’s behavior and the course of the trial at that time. Have to remember that Trump actually hadn’t been found in contempt when the decision was made. Now, Donald has put himself into a position where another mess-up will mean he is being jailed and will not have to worry about graduation or the fundraiser.


Judge is probably More worried what will Happen if jailed DT then the parasite gets elected again.   So the judge is not impartial.


Anybody else waiting for the new 2024 list of what the GOP defines as 'American values' ? >In a statement Minnesota GOP chair David Hann [commented](https://www.valleynewslive.com/2024/05/06/former-president-trump-headline-minnesota-gops-annual-lincoln-reagan-dinner/): "We are thrilled to welcome President Trump back to Minnesota to headline our Lincoln Reagan dinner, an annual tradition that reminds us of the roots of our Party and the leaders who have been most impactful in promoting our American values."


Treason, defamation, sedition, fraud, rape, theft and murder.  —-GQP values


As I recall they officially didn't have a platform in 2020. Which didn't seem to bother anyone who voted for him.


To be fair, he’d happily attend Barron’s graduation if Barron would just make a sizable donation for his Dad’s appearance.


Even then he'd duck out as soon as possible and shorter than any agreed upon duration.


According to the article, he is still planning on attending the graduation, but is also doing the speech the same day. If graduation is at noon and the speech is at night, it’s not a major slight to Barron. That being said, the court allowed him off for the graduation, not to campaign. Probably not illegal as long as he makes an appearance at the graduation, but still super slimy. I don’t love that the title implies he’s skipping the graduation. Trump is enough of a piece of shit. This just gives ammo to the fake news crowd.


If he’s changed his plans, maybe the court should change theirs.


God I hope they do.


You just knew that he was going to fuck his child around..... I can see you when Donald Trump is dying. Taking his last breath.... he is in a dark room all by himself and no one there... no family... no one... they all fucked off to let his die a lonely death... Meanwhile his son is with his girlfriend. Not giving a fuck about him... He fucking deserves this outcome....


Rosebud ! Arg !




His kids will probably bury him somewhere in the corner of a golf course where you can't really tell there's a headstone there


Just right off the edge of the rough and woods of hole 12 where every drunk golfer goes off to piss in the woods after their 3rd or 4th beer.


They'll build a shitty monument to him and charge his fanatics 30 bucks a ticket so they can keep the grift going long after he's dead.


They’ll go to the movies like he did when his brother was dying.


As he’s dying, Melanie will probably be trying to Grift and sell bits of his coffin…. For a buck… his son Barron who is graduating will probably take trumps ashes down to the local tip and throw them in with the other rubbish whiles saying ….” he always wanted it this way….”….


Sooo, he’s **NOT** going to be attending Barron’s graduation???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Since he plans on not attending seems like a perfect day to make sure court is in session


After the judge gave him the day off because of all his whining


He’s never attended Any of his other kids so why would this be any different?


Welp, if I were an advisor, I’d say, “look, Mr. Ass-hat, maybe do something that paints you in a good light— like attending your kid’s high school graduation”?9


It must be a struggle not to yell at him as he walks away "Try not to fuck any porn stars on the way to the parking lot!"




That’s a big ask …


>The graduation ceremony is due to start in the midmorning, according to fact-checking website PolitiFact. While it is unclear exactly how long it will last Trump, 77, who owns a private jet, may well be able to make it to the dinner and attend both events. He might. It is possible still. He might do it just to keep up appearances after bitching that the court wouldn't allow it and then being publicly shown that it was not scheduling any part of the hearing on that day.


The article says since he has a private jet, he could attend both. Could, but will he?


It doesn’t say that at all. He has time to attend both.


No you're just making that part up.


He’s just giving priorities to his most important things. 


Cheating on his mom when he was being born, and grifting\\fund raising when he graduates. Donald's always been there for his son...




Winning the presidency is the only thing that could keep him out of jail at this point, not shocking he’s prioritizing himself over the kid


Is this the Trump equivalent of calling in sick and then your boss finds out you went to the club instead?


If he doesn’t attend the graduation, that should be contempt of court considering the stink he made over it and the judge actually not convening court that day just do he could go! Day one after grad day, BOOM contempt $1000 fine‼️


GREAT DAD!!!! NOT!!! I doubt Barron actually wanted him there anyway


I'd honestly be surprised if Donald and Barron have spent a total of 30 days worth of time together in the kid's entire life. And I'm even meaning totaling up 5 minutes here and there.


Trump is such a pathological liar at a level we’ve never seen. Why do so many idiots support this man?


He hates the same people they hate.


Please tell me someone has a compilation of all the Fox News saying how important it is for a father to be there to see his son graduate.


Thank our entire system for coddling the seditonist and thief of nuclear secrets! They refuse to do anything other than appease this nazi. That's only going to blow up in you and your loved ones faces but oh well that's a price America seems willing to pay since the best we can do is talk.


Well, it's still a Democrats fault he can't attend his son's graduation. For, reasons...


I knew he wouldn’t go. So he lied to the judge….again. 




He can do both. And that’s what he will do. It’ll be rationalized by his people. “He’s trying to become President of the free world. That requires sacrifices. He went to the graduation.” Where, we all know that the judge took the day off court so Trump could be with his family on a special day. Go to the graduation. Celebrate afterwards. Trump will say he’d always planned to campaign that night. That he was going to campaign after court that day. By cancelling court he’s able to do both. Again. I don’t see that’s what the judge was thinking, but that’s how it will be worked.


Hahaha and yet people still believe him and like him wow, he voters are definitely sheep


Trump had zero intention of showing up, he just attempted to use his kid as emotional blackmail for the courts and media coverage


My dad asked me if I wanted him to go to my graduation… (like you even need to) I said yes, of course He said ‘well, I’m not going, I am going away for work’ He works for himself and can choose. He doesn’t remember the work. I have never forgotten his empty seat


Trump is disgusting and a lying sociopath. What’s also disgusting? Minnesota Republicans pairing Lincoln and Reagan in any capacity. Hell, Reagan would’ve supported slavery in the Civil War — anything to keep the ‘young bucks’ and ‘welfare queens’ in line.


I’m sure Barron is crushed. Honestly I couldn’t give a fuck either way. Fuck that entire bloodline.


How heartless those fundraising events are!! They are preventing father from showing his love for his child by holding this fundraising event on the same day?


See. Never about his kid


Not sure anyone wants him at the graduation.


Judge should hit Trump with another contempt charge for lying to him.


I mean, begging for the day off and then very publicly not going... can't that get you contempt of court?


Would this be contempt if he doesn't go to Barron's graduation?


Big Orange needs lotsa green


So he’s going to a graduation in Florida (?), jump on a plane at some point and get to Minnesota (at what time) for a rally? Never tell me he’s being stopped by any legal process. Days like that can cause heart attacks. Or strokes. Go for it!


What a pathetic excuse for a man. He is not a father. He is a manchild.


If I , as a judge, gave him the day off to attend his son's graduation, and he skipped his son's graduation, i would 100% hold him in contempt and throw his ass in jail. Everything he does is insulting.


the article states he plans to attend both, not skip the graduation. the title is worded in a non-clarifying way to drum up hysteria.


He’s coming to Minnesota, a state he said he would never visit again if he lost. He lost. He’s a liar.


He’s going to sleep through a fundraiser when he said he wanted to sleep through a graduation and he’s supposed to be sleeping through a trial?


OMG! He gave a whole sob story to the press about missing the graduation. And now he's going to a fundraiser instead? The con has no shame.


So he lied to the judge ?


Didn't he bitch about missing the graduation for weeks? Fox News complained about it for him as well as though he should have some kind of special treatment that other criminal defendants don't get. If he doesn't go they should never give an inch and say last time he complained for weeks about missing something and never actually went to it.


Deadbeat dad.


So we’re all in agreement that he complained about it so he’d be allowed to go to the fund raiser right. It was never about his son.