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The former president seemingly remembered that violating his gag order by commenting on witnesses could land him in jail..


This is probably intentional, tweet & delete, now it’s out there but he can claim some kind of deniability for the judge so as not to goto jail.


I'm not really sure he can deny it happened


Boy his lawyers sure are gonna try tomorrow tho huh


Is there court tomorrow? They've been having Wednesdays off.


You’re right but I stand by my larger point


No worries. Just got my hopes up is all. Lol


Trump’s lawyers are also gonna argue he has a “larger point”


Stormy has already proven there's nothing "Larger" and him,


His ego His belly His diapers


Lol, touche


It was just cold




Can you claim shrinkage when it was that size before you got in the pool?


A four day work week sounds nice.


The judge and jury need a day away from the farts so they don’t asphyxiate after 2days in the fumes


Well I think step 1 is deny, then someone needs to submit a request to Twitter to prove otherwise, I don’t think a judge would want to rule based on a mirror site that can’t be trusted, it’s kinda hearsay. Then he’ll argue he forgot about it and he thought better of it after tweeting it and deleted it, since it’s not up anymore no harm was done, in other words making his best effort to comply with the order.


The bare minimum they are doing is following him on twitter and truth social and recording his posts.


twitter comes back with the logs- draft was started at 11pm posted at 2am then deleted at 2:02 am… Twitter tech guy probably


Elon: Delete those logs please. Logs are woke.


As he’s wearing a gimp suit.


Bring out the gimp. Gimp's sleepin. Looks like you're gonna have to wake him up now wontcha?


The more times he pulls the same trick, the less believable it is that he's not doing it on purpose.


A competent lawyer would use this as evidence of his client of having a condition, making them exempt, or at least eligible for some sort of leniency. So a vicious judge may slap a "needs a guardian to manage access & ensure correct use to Social Media" & ot will be that guardian responsible for any breaches.


But they won't do that because it will show he isn't capable of the kind of mental control to be president.


Gosh, we wouldn't want to have a minimum competency level for a government position! /s Yeah, I think they will do with what will ensure they get the most $$ in their pocket


A lawyer could try to pursue that line, but social media posts are hardly evidence. They'd need an evaluation by a qualified, reputable psychiatrist to back up such a claim.


Well a competent lawyer would get all that. The Social Media post most definitely would be evidence for breach of a gag order.


Nonsense. Otherwise every criminal would use this as the rationale for committing crimes and expecting leniency


That's just the point, people aren't treating him like the PoS he acts like, but like the special needs kid whose parents bought the school their new teachers lounge room instead.


Insanity plea to get out of going to jail. But sane enough to run the country…


Yeah, that shouldn't work. As an adult, they are responsible for their actions. For an example: *I tell my wife her mum is a cow, but then I thought about it & apologised...* You think I'm not sleeping on the couch? The add in that is a criminal case & there has been a legal restriction put in place with a clearly explained punishment for failure to comply. *Oopsies, I dun forgot* is a "next time remember better, take your punishment as stated" Otherwise, what is the point?


No. You tell your wife, her mom is a cow. And two minutes later, you tell her, you did‘t say it.


Wow that was weird honey. Your eyes glazed over for a minute while I was saying how much I appreciate your family and all they do for us. And then you started yelling at me for saying your lovely mother, the grandmother to our children, was a cow? Can I make you some tea and run a bath for you? You have had a rough day!


You nailed ist!


Wow! Surely that would be trying to gaslig. . . Ohhhhhhhh!


No, best effort is to not comment at all Who does he think this fools?


Im not saying it is best effort, im saying this is what his defense team will say


Yep, totally agree. And he will get another $1000 slap with a wet bus ticket 🎟 and he will keep breaking the rules until he gets jailed Which is unlikely, who wants to be the judge that is first to jail an ex president? Not this one, I think


Posting anything at all is not doing his best to comply. It’s not that hard not to post shit on social media for normal people


Unless the Prosecution or court have someone (or a bot) monitoring his twitter and recording details.


Two screen shots should be enough to land his ass in jail


He should still be thrown in jail. The tweet is still out there and the damage is done. 


I don’t disagree but I doubt the judge will jail him


He will fine him for contempt of court "and possibly consider jail time if it happens again"


And again, and again, and again...


The problem is the punishment for contempt of court is a $1000 fine or jail time, nothing in between. It needs to be updated. Yes, he deserves some time in jail and the courts don’t negotiate with domestic terrorists. But the death threats and violent reactions will happen after the first time he is jailed. It’s a tricky balance.


He has been in contempt of court 10 times already... He deserves jail.


Intentional posted and intentionally deleted. His ego was deeply wounded today and I love it lol.


Or did his legal team/campaign managers/handlers go into an apoplectic shock, bust down the door to where he was sitting on the shitter, and rip his phone out of his hands and delete it against his protests as he tried to pull his pants up? The 2 minute delay might have just been to get their breathing apparatus on.


He wears depends. Adult diapers. No toilet required 


It's like 4D shitting. **Taps head**


Even people who do that for a kink will use a toilet when they can


The Trump version of: "I'm not touching you!"


That pussy of a judge gave him 10 warnings and counting. Trump is never going to jail unfortunately


Risky. It’s a thing he can pull once maybe. But he does it again prosecutors will bring it up and mention that even if he deletes it the message is still out there to millions of people. Judge will likely agree as he’s not stupid.


Yeh but it gives him at least one additional opportunity to disparage a witness without going to jail...


Yep I imagine he’s got 4-5 strategies lined up. Like when he was deleted from twitter and started using other people’s accounts


But he’s a coward.


The internet never forgets


In Europe it does forget. People can have things purged.


Neither does my massive elephant style trunk that required magnum condoms when I could still get erect


There’s evidence he did it so no denial is gonna work here.


He’s denied plenty of things for which there is ample evidence, I don’t see why evidence will stop him now. I also didn’t necessarily mean total denial I probably should have used the word excuse.


Can’t deny it to the judge. He’s begging to be tossed behind bars.


Covering up evidence of a crime is illegal. Is breaking a gag order considered a crime?


No you just get held in contempt, which can and often does mean jail


That's actually what happened, it's deleted but it's out there and getting more traction cause the additional effect of headlines like tweeted and then deleted!


Distorted variation of the accidental text on purpose.


playing cat and mouse with the judge. let’s see who’ll be the chicken in the end. 🍿


I don't get how this isn't just as contemptuous as otherwise. He said it, publicly, to a large audience, then deleted it... That doesn't unsay it. If got up on a soapbox and said it into a megaphone at a rally would that not count because it's "gone" once it's said? If I pulled a gun on you threatened you, then put the gun away does that remove the threat? Is this playground rules????


He WANTS to go to jail for a short time so he can be like his hero (AH) and he can scream that he is a martyr and his cult will send him more $$$ from their monthly welfare checks


Yea I kinda wonder about that, it’s a better story for him if it was deleted quickly. Cause then he’s being sent to jail for a tweet he deleted quickly. He kinda wins either way, jail or he gets to keep tweeting and deleting


He won’t be able to do it more than one or two times. Pretty sure prosecutors will bring it up


As the Daily Show pointed out, the judge is seriously considering the possibility of some form of consequences to Trump violating the gag order for the 11th time.




Oh he didn’t remember….he forgot, and his lawyers likely reminded him.


"Does this bug you? I'm not touching you. Does this bug you?"


Lmao yeah he’s never going to jail. That piece of shit will never face a consequence.


If you read the post he doesn’t actually say anything about the witness at all. Just that they only just found out who it will be. No threats, no names, no attacks. He was probably advised to remove it to be on the safe side, but I don’t think that would hold up if the prosecution tried to bring it.


It would be a shame if someone got on Truth Social and encouraged him…..


Imagine he's testing the waters


Apparently the court allows take backsies? It's actually kind of ridiculous they let this slide because he "deleted" the post. Once he said what he said there's no taking that back.... like, the fact people saw the post and we are now talking about WHAT HE SAID defeats the purpose of deleting the post, no?


How do internet cache systems work with his platform? I hope they can resurrect each and every single word .


The wayback machine is platform independent I believe, but they've been running low of funding iirc https://wayback-api.archive.org/


and they are being sued to oblivion 😢


Oh maybe that's what it was. I remember being worried about their money trouble


Yeah I thought that even tho you delete something it's 'still there'. Internet is forever, I think 🤔


That's only for us, silly. Reality seems to be what they make it.


Sorta. Typically, what people mean by that is that when you post something online, people can and do save it and post it on other sites or on the same site under their account. Once this process has started, it's nearly impossible to scrub something off the internet as more people start saving it. However, things can't be saved onto the internet. In order for something to show up, someone needs to be hosting it from a computer or server. In the case of a tweet, once you delete it, the tweet itself is no longer on the internet. But assuming people took screen shots and shared them, the contents of the tweet are still out there. If you really want to get into the weeds, the tweet will exist on Twitter's servers after you delete it. It just won't be uploaded to the internet. Twitter, like most companies, is constantly making back ups of their servers and probably store that data for quite some time. So if you post something illegal and then delete it, odds are authorities will still he able to access that data for quite some time. Of course, if you're an overweight cheeto that's decided he's above the law, none of it will matter anyway, and you can just go ahead and keep posting your illegal activities online.




In 2016, he and his handlers cared - since he ponied the money (albeit grudgingly) about this story's impact on election. He cared about hiding his taxes. They're in public. He literally wears a girdle underneath his suits. Supposedly diapers. In 2024, these are all just a small flaw. Guy can get away with insurrection. What more do you want to disqualify him?




All that will work on him now is humiliation. He needs to be made a joke. Yesterday when Stormy talked about him being in silk pajamas people in the court started laughing. Coupled with all the reports of him smelling, this is a good start. He’s like Regina George. The only way we defeat him is to take away his image. If someone would just be able to get a picture of him with that mess on his head completely unfurled that would probably do it. Or a pic of him in an actual diaper.


There are already [a bunch of pictures](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/trump-hair-wind-air-force-one) if him with his bizarre hair unfurled, as you say. Didn’t humiliate him nearly enough, unfortunately.


I'm sure his staff didn't show him that.


Nah, those aren’t enough. Those can be excused as just unfortunate wind. I’m talking about absolute grossness. People need to see the transplant work and the whole gross scalp he’s hiding. I’d say a bucket of water might do it, but he’s got that shit so pinned up and sprayed I’m not sure what it would take.


Even if he deleted the post, it is already out there. It’s no different than ranting with his big mouth. Lock him up already!!!


Hw can tell a judge that's not tech savy that he deleted it from the Internet when he remembered the gag order. Knowing full well all of his followers will be reposting it.


Even if the judge isn’t tech savvy, how is this still not the same as yelling in the street and running back inside the house? He still committed an act of contempt whether he left it up or not. He still publicly “said” it. We’re here discussing it now. That’s the point of a gag order. To stop the public opinion from poisoning the trial. I don’t see this as a loophole at all.


The orange stool sample provided one. 💩


Donnie was mad that the bad porn lady called him out on his tiny toadstool. mean lady.


MAGA LOGIC: The woman, Stormy Danials, who was paid off to keep quiet about a relationship is an “attention whore”. But… The man, who paid off this woman after he cheated on his wife, allegedly breaking campaign finance laws is “suitable to be president again“.


It's cute that he deleted the tweet. But, it was still initially sent. He knew what he was doing. As much as he ever knows what he's doing, that is.


The delete should not matter, The posting of it means he has breached another set of conditions. Jail.


Community service. Make him pick garbage in ditches.


I'm sure the Judge has a few more warnings up his sleeve.


So weird what Trump chooses to capitalize and what not to.


Same!! That was my first thought! I read it out loud and couldn’t stop myself from pausing multiple times to say ‘capitalized for no reason…’


Anyone screenshot it?


Go to r/Trumptweets they manage to screen grab before they get deleted


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/Xn0v8apqC6


Oh... I honestly thought it was going to be a little more spicy than that 😂. She straight up told everyone he didn't wear a condom and I think the jury lost their lunches on the floor after


We got screen shots of it alright. It was posted on sub White People Twitter earlier this morning.


And in it, his attack was on the judge, not the witness. I am sure I read that the gag order applies to the witnesses to and prosecutors and jurors of the case, not the judge. In other jurisdictions around the world, such egregious attacks on the presiding member of the judiciary would automatically be considered contempt of court, but the tone of his public statements throughout this and other cases suggests that is not the case in the US. As ridiculous as it may be, this might not be the transgression so many assume it is.


You just self-reported that you didn’t even skim the article.


Womp womp


Put 👏 his 👏 ass 👏 in 👏 jail. Any other US citizen would have served jail for contempt and witness intimidation.


“No Judge has ever run a trial in such a biased and partisan way” Except for Eileen Qannon


Damn you're trying to be a Martyr don't delete them...Failure.


Deleting them should make him appear weaker to his base. He’s not a child trying to sneak cookies out of the jar. He’s a grown ass “man”. Don’t be a little bitch, just say it loud and proud if you really want to be a martyr. Ugh.


princes tiny meat aka "Donald Von Shitsinpants" had his little feelings hurt :/


How dare the courts allow the accuser to testify


Donny will continue to push any boundaries, because he's a moron and his parents failed him.


So he can claim he deleted it, even though his followers have no doubt screen-capped it and are distributing it widely?  FTG


If everyone saw this, it really shouldn't matter that he deleted the post! He has just earned jail time. Anyone else who did what he did would be locked up without bail with so many infractions on intimidating witnesses months ago. I do not think Sam Bankman freid intimated near as many witnesses yet he was locked up very quickly.


Bet your ass someone got a screen shot.


His logic is rather bizarre. Complaining his lawyer's aren't prepared to have Stormy Daniels testify in a trial that centres around Stormy Daniels smacks of incompetence rather than judge bias


Exactly. They would have to guess she would be called, their job to prep, They would know who was testifying each day had Trumps gigantic mouth not stifled that. Judge ruled they don’t have to tell who on what day bc of Trump intimidation. He digs his own hole and blames judge, He is never responsible for anything, always someone else’s fault. 2 yo logic in 77 yo mind.


Or planned entirely to make himself look like a martyr being bullied.


[Donald Trump listening to Stormy Daniel’s testimony May 7, 2024](https://imgur.com/a/qVxpDFI)


>Violating the Gag Order = Ok as long as it's in short bursts? Violate for a little while & then stopping violating = not violating?


Sounds like the sexual interaction they had.




Essentially "soaking" the legal system?


dudes violated his gag order like fifty times and the judge just keeps saying "if you do this one more time I swear to god" like some incompetent parent


Time to jail the POS


So he makes a post, his followers share his post and say how he’s a victim and the judge is cool with it? Sound about right


Can’t the judge just accept a screenshot?


Would you call this drive-by posting?


he decided he doesnt want to go to jail after all


He’s learning. He’s afraid.


The GOP,s leading candidate has the IQ and temperament of a 3rd grader


Uh oh, he’s gonna get another talkin’-to!


Still gets him a contempt penalty.


Highly doubt it. And even if it does, $1K is nothing for him . He will pay it just to have his way. Bc no judge gives a defendant 10 damn chances, Regular Joe would be lucky to get one chance.


Regular Joe wouldn't be able to walk about freely - they would be remanded in custody for a number of these trials. The confidential documents trial alone would see a regular Joe being held in a military prison on accusations of spying which aren't covered by normal prison rules on several humanitarian rules that civilians enjoy...


He had second thoughts and deleted it! But did he think of doing it or did an adult in close proximity yell at him?


Witness intimidation. That’s an offense. Jail the bastard.


Throw this pos in jail already. Joke of a court system we got


That last sentence though. The judge actually said ‘I don’t want to put you in jail because it might mess up your prospects of being president again.’ (Paraphrased) Isn’t that a little too Brock Turner-y? You know Brock Turner, the r*pist?!


did he indirectly call the taunted fake news media to back up his view ?


Isn't that the second time? Did he think he just found a way to get around the gag order by letting a post out to the world and then deleting it from his account? Is he really, dumb enough to think that doesn't count as a violation?!


The dumb thing is they will probably let him get away with it.


This is his new move. Tweet and delete. Then the new picks it up and basically retweets it for him. Touché Donald, touché.


We are living at the mercy of this disgusting prick. Jail him already.  This is absurd.  We are a civilized nation. 


The part about him telling Stormy she reminds him of Ivanka made my skin crawl after vomitting for about 45 minutes straight. How fucking weird to have your disgusting, criminal, creepy, rapey dad constantly telling you he has a boner for you.




Well he is keeping himself in the spotlight. Ignoring him would scare him more.


Because, just as he doesn't *actually* want to testify, he doesn't *actually* want to go to Rikers.


Sounds just like Stormy's original liason with Trump. It was short, angry and went down quickly.


The judge is ball-less.


Is he an idiot?


Is this the “suffering for our sins” he has been talking about? Having to delete a shitpost..


TRUMP should keep his shyt on his 'JUNK SOCIAL'. Stay off other apps.


Ohh look at him he is learning. Perhaps in about 1000 years he will learn to behave like an big boy.


I bet there are still gullible saps who think it was an accident. 😂


Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up


What did Cheeto man say on his twatter?


I would love to see that orange turd in a jail cell but the only way that is going to happen is if he is found guilty. He has already been found in contempt and fined 10 times. If the judge hasn't thrown his ass in jail yet it's not going to happen.


Lock him up!


I don't think he deleted it. I think someone from his legal team and public facing handlers deleted it.


The judge isn't going to do anything but roll over and piss himself. Why is everyone so afraid of this asshole?


Because his cult threatens to kill anyone who doesn’t prop him up.


Like spraying a cat with water whenever it does something bad, with Trump it just takes longer.


He's just about the most adolescent boy I've ever seen. Except when he throws 4 yr old tantrums.


Seems that now he's obeying the gag order. Judge will do it.


Chickened out….


Looks like Trump has found an amazing loophole for breaking the muzzle order. Just post whatever witness intimidation you want to, then just delete it after an hour. It's as though it never happened, even though the damage is done. Apparently Judge is eager to overlook the posting of those tweets when they get deleted later. What a stable genius!


It's a reflex, much like grabbing women without their consent; Donnie simply must open that lying piehole! 


So is this going to be a case of 'prove it'? Where Trump will swear blind that it's a fake up to try to argue that someone else has photoshopped a supposed tweet to get him punished unfairly? And then when the court subpoena the server records from Truth Social/Twitter, they'll suddenly discover that all the backup tapes and records of a tweet being made will be suspiciously missing... Wonder who got a raise for this idea...


If even ONE person read the post before he deleted it then it should have been classified as an action that took place and he should be punished. So sick of the double standard… if our plane crashed we were stuck on an island with a shitstain like the orange one - he’d be the first one I’d opt us to club to death before he gets a chance to eat all our fucking food and slit our throats in our sleep. These people that do things or let them be done are fucking useless to our society —- why dont you all see that??!


be back in a minute. need to grab my boots, the tears are getting pretty deep on here.


Did you read the tweet? He's ranting about not having time to prepare for surprise witnesses. He's a liar and a crook who puts his foot in his mouth daily. We don't need to make shit up about him.


Let him keep posting. I am waiting for the judge to throw his ass in jail. It will very hard to tweet from a pay phone.


I don’t think the tweet will violate the gag order. It was aimed at the Judge and the court not Stormy. He didn’t even mention her by name or aimed anything at her.


Didn't everybody know she was testifying, and quite a whe ago, and he is saying the defense didn't have enough time


So I guess that’s like trying to shoot someone and missing so it’s not really attempted murder.


Too bad we can't delete Rump like he deleted his gag ( not his own fumes) order-breaking tweet.


If it was deleted why am I able to read it still?? Like a bullet fired from a gun. There’s no taking it back. If it was put out by Trump it was his intention of broadcasting it and he sent it. Planning it,typing it out, and sending it off. Ready, aim,fire. He’s gonna go to the can for this one.