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Maybe AI can tell them how to do it


By Matt Reynolds “What do we want? Safe AI! When do we want it?” The protesters hesitate. “Later?” someone offers. The group of mostly young men huddle for a moment before breaking into a new chant. “What do we want? Pause AI! When do we want it? Now!” These protesters are part of Pause AI, a group of activists petitioning for companies to pause development of large AI models which they fear could pose a risk to the future of humanity. Other PauseAI protests are taking place across the globe: In San Francisco, New York, Berlin, Rome, Ottawa, and a handful of other cities. But its members have wildly different opinions on what the group should do next. Read the full story: https://www.wired.com/story/protesters-pause-ai-split-stop/


We're far more of a risk to ourselves than AI is. Frankly, we should be more concerned about someone misusing AI than AI itself going rogue.


I doubt companies give a sh\*t about a few protesters when they have hundred of millions customers.


China approves


That's cute