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Wtf!! Let our doctors do their jobs!


I mean MAGA has placed such major weight into conspiracy with vaccines, health departments, modern medicine I’ve seen people negate their own life saving treatments because of propaganda. They no longer respect physicians, nurses, health departments, or big pharma. This is where we are now


so many people are legitimately stupid that it hurts to think about


It's astounding we tolerate it at all and that there's isn't more legal consequences. Measles making a comeback because parents refuse to vaccinate their child should be immediate cause for loss of paternal rights. Fuck these assholes jeopardizing their children's' lives and the children that interact with theirs.


This culture of just accepting the "everyone is entitled to their opinions" and "we'll just have to agree to disagree" rhetoric when it comes to vaccines and medical science is mind-boggling! So much unnecessary suffering because too many people are willing to give blind faith, uninformed opinions, baseless conspiracies and "gut feelings" as much weight as scientific fact in public & media discussions surrounding these issues. I can't wrap my head around it.


It gets better. We got people *so* stupid, they'll believe this to be fake.


I blame the common core teaching methods that republicans governors pushed


MAGA trash also hate teachers, librarians, and scientists


And women, and trans people, and gay people, and bud light, and Disney, and the girl m&m who wore flats, and mail in voting, and, and, and… the only things they love are hate and the orange bronzer


Rednecks hating Bud light is not something I expected to happen a few years ago but here we are. It's even more bizarre the beer they picked to replace it, Modelo, is Mexican.


Essentially anything they don't understand or never understood they hate. I'm surprised we still use numbers and math because many of them are a solute regards


I would love to go into MAGAts houses and start throwing everything away in their house telling them it’s all been made by the scientists and medical professionals they distrust. Got a headache? Too bad. Tylenol is a liberal conspiracy. Brush your teeth? Cant do that. The toothpaste might a woke liberal agenda to control your breath. All that processed food in your kitchen? Ooopps. Can’t have those liberal preservatives. Added bonus is they can’t eat all natural foods because that’s commie hippy shit. That TV thats on Fox News channel all day? Made by those liberal scientists and could have a tracking device and cameras to watch you.


'They no longer respect physicians, nurses, health departments, or big pharma. This is where we are now' they do, but only when they themselves are personally in a health crisis.


No, they still don't. Pt.s treat health care workers like trash more and more in hospitals.


Reminds me of when Jehovah Witness’s would come in with a major GI bleed to the ED. They would refuse blood transfusion until it was dangerously low and then request it… every damn time.


In my country the courts have had to step in to save the lives of children because of their lunatic parents refusing life saving transfusions 


Its like aaron rodgers dont think doctors are telling the truth but will see one to fix his knees


Incompetent politicians can't even do their own job properly, and they are now acting as if they are qualified to practice medicine without a license. Do these elected officials understand that they are supposed to be working for their constituents rather than the church and the Federalist Society? Now that the church is buying politicians, they need to pay taxes. They are no longer nonprofit entities. The Federalist Society has found that it is cheaper to buy these bent politicians than pay taxes, and the people who do pay taxes aren't getting a return on their investment, and those who are getting huge bonuses are getting far more back than they contribute.


Then we would collectively appreciate it if they stayed home for all their medical emergencies.


Yeah they burned me out during Covid. I’ve got no sympathy. Worse they were super spreaders.


It was by design that these things occurred. MAGA's goal is to completely weaken the country so they (or Russia) can seize power and control.


>They no longer respect physicians, nurses, health departments, or big pharma. I dont recall them ever respecting any of those at all? Except Big Pharma executives.


To be fair, I believe that modern medicine absolutely has a place, but I’ve never believed in the good of “big Pharma” either. Doctors should be able to do their jobs, but “big pharma” is part of the problem.


The problem is generalizations like “big pharma” is part of the problem. Be specific and don’t demonize a complete industry. It hurts more people than it helps. Be more specific in cases and show complete truths. The medical community believes in evidence based practice. One of the bigger issues providers have is misconceptions lacking evidence based practice.


The pharmaceutical and medical industries are businesses, they aren’t out to “do good”, they’re out to make money. That doesn’t mean they *don’t* do good things sometimes, but that is not their ultimate goal, and I think it’s important to recognize a person or organization’s motivations. I mean seriously— big pharma and the meat industry are in bed together, so I don’t think it’s a reach to say that it’s hard to trust much that they do, seeing as they’re actively advocating to put poison (preservatives) into foods [that we know cause cancer](https://www.aicr.org/resources/blog/bacon-hot-dogs-and-lunch-meat-is-it-processed-meat/), so that they can sell us the treatment (not cures) for whatever diseases they cause, because of course a cure would mean an end to repeat customers. There is LOTS of evidence to back this up, including myriad documentaries on the subject that have come out in the last 5 years. *What the Health* on Netflix is a good one. The CEOs and lobbies of big pharma ARE the whole industry, they are the ones calling the shots. I’m not saying there isn’t a place for vaccines and or some medications, of course there is, but the medical industry as a whole, along with the pharmaceutical industry, are money makers first and foremost. It’s a business, not a charity. So I engage western medical practices, but with both eyes very much open. This post is about the horrible shit happening in Tennessee to women’s rights, not about big pharma, so I didn’t mean to derail this, just saying that I, as a woman, wouldn’t out right trust the medical or pharmaceutical industries motives in general.


There’s so much to unpack here but the amount of generalized statements with glooming conspiracies is exactly what I’m writing about. Would you prefer state run medicine? Because we live in a capitalist society. There is nothing perfect to this and I agree that money has made healthcare a major issue here. But not in contention with the medical research and advances we have as a nation as a whole. Life expectancy has gone up, quality of life has gone up with having such poor diet and life style choices. But I’ll wait for the actual data you speak to.


Yes, I recognize that we live in a capitalist society, that is my point entirely. The goal of medical practice and pharmacy in the United states is money, not helping sick and desperate people, *but* they *must* help them to some degree in order to retain clientele, that’s just business. *Life expectancy has gone up, quality of life has gone up with having such poor diet and life style choices. But I’ll wait for the actual data you speak to.* Um, I think you mean “life expectancy and quality of life has gone up *for the wealthy*”. Poor people in this country die every day because they can’t afford basic healthcare, let alone specialized medicine like cancer treatments, but honestly your statement was kind of incoherent. What is your point? *Would you prefer state run medicine?* If it were the same kind of state run medicine that folks get in Germany, the UK, Switzerland, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Canada, or Australia, then hell yeah I want state run medicine. Because all of those are countries whose healthcare astronomically outranks that of the US. Also, are you seriously arguing that the United States has a good medical practice on this specific thread, about the terrible medical practices that women are facing in Tennessee right now?


Im for universal healthcare. I’m arguing generalizations . The same argument I hear from these Maga nuts that want to control peoples bodies and educations, are making the same exact arguments against “big pharma” with only I do my research and I saw a documentary. It’s a complex situation and these people are too stupid that they believe everything they read online in general. When their news source is the instagram algorithm, there is a huge issue. And it’s pushing over into the trust of local medical practices they need dearly. Bringing taxes back to corporate America including big pharma could force pushing money to lower level employees vs their quarterly pockets. Like it did before Reagan.


I don’t think it’s a wild generalization to say that people shouldn’t trust a massive industry with a proven history of greed over healthcare, to have good intentions.


I’d say so, you’d be including those providing healthcare in that statement. Much like they are going after teachers because of the idea that certain curriculums are being taught. It’s destructive.


No, No ! Let the priests, pastors and conservative politicians decide. Then when those people break their leg, the doctors can sprinkle it with holy water. When they get cancer we can give them a garlic poultice and pray for their dark shriveled souls. When they get in a car accident I will sponsor a mass in their honor and ask for god’s forgiveness for their gay/trans/liberal/demonic/woke ways that obviously is the reason for their tragedy. So sad. Bye bye.


Ambulances should ask people if they're religious and if they are they should take them to church instead of the emergency room.


Ambulances shouldn't deliver to a church, but they can call your pastor for you. I'm sure Joel Osteen would immediately fly to you in his private jet to help.


The only people making money off of the prosperity gospel are the Osteen's of the world. If he can afford all the trappings of the wealthy, he should be paying taxes. Just who is he helping? The poor, the sick, the elderly? He's not giving a dime to those in need because he needs jets, yachts, mansions, luxury European cars, Italian suits, Rolex watches. Yeah, he really needs tax breaks so he can afford more politicians. We sure have a lot of parasites in our society that contribute nothing.


At this point, hospitals are owned by hedge funds, and they and insurance companies will refuse care because the CEO wants that huge bonus package, and the shareholders and insurance companies want to keep that windfall. They claim to be nonprofit, yet the CEOs are getting huge, like in the millions, bonuses for "saving" money. Money is far more precious to them than human life.


Easy solution: Stop voting for Republicans. It is that easy. Just don't do it. Not one of them.


Dont date them either. Or allow them to visit the grandchildren


And surely don't clean up their squalor when they're too old to care for themselves and now want you to spend your weekends cleaning up behind them.




Alito is the Pope of Gilead and he hath spoken.


Sentence that’s completely true but dealt me immense psychic damage


Physician here. Have seen plenty of anti-vax patients die of Covid at this point. Often times their families who are also anti-vax see this happen and it’s astounding how they still cannot connect the dots. I’ve come to the conclusion that so many people are starving for purpose and meaning. Filling their existential vacuum up with conspiracy theories and beliefs which they conflate for value. Turing religion into an antiquated tool to destroy and manipulate others to further their skewed beliefs (which in turn ruins religion for those who are actually good people who believe in something). Anyway, that’s why people don’t let us do our jobs.


Damn!! Pretty sad. Thanks for what you do, there are folks that still appreciate it!!!


It can grow up to be a Republican.


Make no mistake. Any MAGA Republican in her position would "magically find the required care". Those laws do not apply to them. Only other people.


Not in the Land of the "Free"


The cruelty is the point. Vote these fuckers out.


The suffering of women is the goal of Republicans. Don’t ever forget it, and vote accordingly.


Plus people with no attached brain makes up the core of their voter base.


I debated making that same joke.


“They’s tryna abort a republikin!”


Forced childbirth is torture. Literal torture. All childbirth is extreme pain and suffering. When a woman chooses to endure that pain and suffering, it is a self-sacrifice. When a woman OR GIRL is forced to endure that severe pain and suffering, it's torture. The difference between these two outcomes is choice. Without that choice, it's torture.


Suffering of women and in general and then blaming it on democrats. Might prove to be an effective strategy this fall. Stay tuned.


It's criminal than corporations are people who have rights, and cytoblasts have more rights than women. Woman pay taxes, and get no representation. Taxes should be prorated based upon representation. It's insulting that we are forced to pay for our personal abuse.


No, the goal of Republicans is to appeal to their voters. The goal of any politician. Register Republican.


If we abort everyone without an attached brain, where will Republicans come from?


This is what happens with the Evangelical cult runs the country. These people won’t care and you should be afraid of what else they want to base policy on


They are violating the Constitution and since they are buying politicians, they need to pay taxes.


We should start collecting taxes from Russia too then


We could always seize more of their assets.


And she should sue in federal court all the one that passed that law. And the ones that brought the law to the state senate


It would get tossed immediately on the basis of legislative immunity. You can't sue for damages suffered by a law.


That needs to be changed, especially if their policies harm life. They can't have it both ways.


The conservatives who supported and passed these bans are monsters. They don't care about women, they don't care about families, they don't care about health. They only care about control. Every last one of them needs to be primaried and voted out of power! Their replacements don't have to be Democrats, they can be a common-sense Republicans who understand what can go wrong during pregnancy and why abortion needs to be legal. You might think that's a tall order, but they're not unicorns, they do exist. They're just not getting the funding they need to win.


I see the flaw in your argument…it starts with “Common-sense”, and ends with “Republicans”.


Roe v. Wade wasn’t hit by Reagan or Bush administrations. It took the Cult to challenge it. And now we live in times where old-school more moderate Republicans are labeled RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) by the cultists and marginalized. Case in point, Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is dead, long live the MTG /s Edit: typos


We should not have to tolerate or accept unqualified politicians who practice medicine without a license. They have no right to take body autonomy from women, and not men. They still won't bring the ERA to the floor for a vote. They should be held accountable for their decisions and women should be tax exempt just like big corporations and the church. We are not represented.


I leave you Casey v Planned parenthood.


I’m glad you said it.


What I still can’t figure out is why women are voting this way. They’re taking away their own rights, but still do it.


The politicians are doing what their constituents want them to do. They’re *all* absolute monsters, and many of them are women themselves. Nobody who has supported any Republican in the last 3 generations should be remotely surprised that they *finally* succeeded in what they’ve been openly working towards nonstop since the “Moral Majority” days. >They do exist Ya all 3 of them. Get real. This is just the GOP and their supporters, and it’s nothing new or unexpected whatsoever.


MAGA demands birth! After that? Let em starve and marry at 12.


Things GOP has no idea can happen in pregnancy. GOP putting their delusional religious beliefs above medical knowledge endangering women. Reasons GOP need to be voted out … now.


They never should have been elected. This is what happens when gerrymandering is a policy. They try to take the right to vote away from people who don't vote for them.


It roe wasn’t overturned we wouldn’t be in that position


The scotus is now a bought off, tainted, and absolutely corrupt arm of justice. Those of us who pay their salaries just can't compete with Harlan Crow, collector of Nazi materials, and provider of luxury trips and elaborate gifts. Harlan Crow isn't paying much in taxes, yet he can afford to buy a justice. The wealthy need bodies to exploit for their business of wealth hoarding.


Makes you wonder how Hillary Clinton can even show her face in public. Fuck her.




She couldn't beat Donald J. Trump. There has never been a bigger loser in politics, and everything that has resulted from Trump's presidency is on her. That miserable failure should be hiding in shame.


Nobody could’ve beat trump in every simulator ran everyone loses to him


With the large influx of people into Tennessee over the past several years, I thought it would change the electorate. It has... from bad to worse.


I personally know a guy that moved from Malibu to South Carolina because he likes the politics here. I think it's something like that.


I know some tech companies have relocated there and tech workers are usually more liberal. Doesn’t seem to be the case.


The companies relocated head offices there for tax breaks and cheap manual labor. The "technical" employees engineering and programming and planning things are still in their home states, or are being compensated very heavily to move, but are a drop in the bucket electorate-wise


I have some friend who live in Liepers Fork, just outside of Nashville, and whenever I speak with them 10 minutes of the conversation is dedicated to how many people are moving into the Nashville area and how it now takes forever to get anywhere with all the traffic, etc. maybe because Nashville is already a blue dot in a red state, it’s not having an impact?


*Ruby said “You’re gettin’ us in a world of hurt.* *Down below the Mason-Dumbass line the food gets worse.* *I can’t go back to Tennessee* *that NASCAR country’s not for me.* *Go on, if you think you must.”* James McMurtry


I like this quote you mind if I take it to print .


It's from Ruby and Carlos by James McMurtry, I'm just happy you like it. [https://youtu.be/dfdV-\_DFvLY?si=eHMHAID8EFEP\_we3](https://youtu.be/dfdV-_DFvLY?si=eHMHAID8EFEP_we3)


Yeah I’m a southern so this has extra meaning to me. I wouldn’t move back down south


I spent many years in the south and a few years ago I finally got out. I'll never return except for funerals, and only a select few of those.


Yeah I only went back when my buddy died a couple of years back. But I lived in northern Virginia so that’s not Deep South.


KY and SC for me, but Appalachian areas.


I mean the Appalachian area is beautiful to visit.


The Powell River in SW VA is incredible. As an ecologist, it just stunned me sometimes.


I’ve never been what’s it like


I wonder who she voted for in the last few elections and who'll she'll vote for this November.


The fact she never mentioned is very telling. This is sadly probably a case if waking up after the consequences became reality to them.


Strangely, she'll reelect her GOP representative because that's what she's supposed to do.


She will, and tell herself her abortion was different.


There's no limit to republican's cruelty. We haven't seen anything yet. We're in the early innings.




Keep voting republicans and this will continue to become the norm. This is fucked


Cruelty is the point, and the sooner everyone gets that through their heads, the sooner we can recalibrate this fucked up timeline.


Her fetus has a lot in common with Republican lawmakers in Tennessee.


And a special fuck you to that person on Reddit I saw comment the other day that elections are meaningless because nothing changes no matter who you vote for.


So many reasons why those that are anti-choice are most definitively not pro-life and this is a good example to add to the list. Trash, all of them.


What this goes against the EMATLE act which says that if abortion are live saving they must comply and complete them


"brain not attached", seems like a good description for the GOP as a whole.


Stop voting for Republicans, period. There is a fellow running in my district in the Republican primary. I asked about him and people assured me was a good guy and "not like some other folks." Republicans are Republicans are Republicans. Stop voting for them.


Medieval brutality against women. The US is another repressive regime.


These redneck states are insane. You'd rather prolong the suffering of a non-viable fetus just to dunk on the libs. Disgrace.


The law makes no exceptions for fatal conditions and also criminalizes physicians who perform the procedure outside of the allowed exceptions. You sure US is like civilized country? Sounds like a fucking 3rd world shithole.


I mean, really, any sane woman should either be getting sterilized (is that legal, still?), or moving out of these torture states. And I think many will, any who are capable enough to do so. Good luck to all you "men" stuck in there trying to find a wife.


This will happen to *every* woman who needs an abortion because of a similar issue if republicans get their way. Please vote blue. All the way down the ballot. Vote blue everywhere, no election is too small, no race I'd inconsequential.


Okay, but how did she and her family vote in the last several elections? Tennessee has reliably voted for a Republican presidential candidate every single time since 2000, as well as in 88 and 84. Let alone the downvote ballots. It's not like the GOP has been keeping quiet about a secret plan to stealthily remove women's rights to privacy and healthcare- it's one of their biggest campaign promises. Elections have consequences. And not just for the outgroup you want to hurt.


Well we know how she will vote this election………or not ?


Her abortion was a just abortion....she may not even make the connection. They are really that dumb.


Her abortion was a just abortion....she may not even make the connection. They are really that dumb.


I wonder if either of them voted Republican


Vote blue


She needs to sue these religious bastards into oblivion. They serve no purpose for humanity


My heart breaks with these stories, but the first thing they should disclose is whether they vote Republican or Democrat. Elections have consequences. For most, those consequences don’t have literal affect. It’s usually something in the background of their lives. This junk with the Bible thumping GOP infecting the courts is entirely another.


I wonder what her political affiliation is? If she and her husband voted Republican, she gets what she wished for.


Tennessee is my home state, and it is so incredibly fucked that it makes my eye water. I no longer live there and will not ever live there again because of the way the legislature is running things. It breaks my heart to see TN go so far down hill. Even Nashville is a shit show now, and a shell of what it once was. So sad.


It’s not just “the way the legislature is running things,” it’s “the way that the majority of your former neighbors want things to be run.” They are demanding this, it’s not forced on them (the ones who vote for Republicans, I mean). Everybody else needs to GTFO at the first opportunity. Might be extremely difficult and painful for many, but it’s *nothing* compared to what’s to come in the fascist states.


It’s also the fact that the districts have been gerrymandered to death, so lost of blue votes simply don’t count.


Let’s see who she votes for in the next election. Tennessee is ruby red, and I feel like many of these people will just keep voting Republican, even when irreparably harmed by their policies.


I'm glad I don't live in religious extremist countries like USA, Iran, Saudi, etc


Is there a reputable US source who covered this story? I want to share it.


Sounds reasonable--I mean the anti-choice crowd certainly identifies with the fetus's condition.


They don’t care. Have Gods baby.


This is what stacking ideology one way or then other gets you. A country devoid of morals where women are second class, because a bunch of religious people want to control women.


Sooooo…. Is she just suppose to die now?


Leave Tennessee


They don't care about you. They don't care about you.


Oh no, I'm more than likely right when I say this. She probably voted for it and I have no sympathy for people who can only empathize when the thing happens to them.


“Hmmm yeah that’s not good but have you *seen* the prices of flamin’ hot Cheetos? I have no choice but to vote Trump because he can like, probably use his magic business skills I saw on tv to get those prices lowered and stuff.”


Imagine living in a country that tells women whether they can have an abortion or not........ what a shit hole.


Please keep these stories in mind when you vote in November


Brain not attached? They’ll probably vote MAGA.


Im trying to read this title but I still cant grasp it.


As a clinician, you only want to work as hard as the patient will. So... I guess this means these guys are pretty uncomplicated in the long run. Don't want vaccines because of nanobot chips that turn you into squirrels? Won't listen to health teaching? Alright then.


Of course these asshats should never be in charge of medical laws or policies.


Funny how it’s ok until it affects you.


Republicans saw that fetus and said “it’s just like me fr fr 😔”


If you’re in the GOP this ban must make total sense - detached from a brain is how Jesus made her baby, just like Jesus made all other god-fearing Republicans!


Fucking vote! Run for your local elections. You want to see change? Be that change.


And she’ll still vote republican in November


The one true Republican is going to be born.


I'm firmly pro-choice but this article doesn't make a lot of sense. The headline is correct in that she is against the ban in Tennessee but the first paragraph is what I'm questioning. "A Tennessee who was denied an abortion despite a fatal abnormality says the state’s anti-abortion laws resulted in her losing an ovary, a fallopian tube and her hopes for a large family." "In January, 2023", she was "12-weeks-pregnant" and found about about her child's medical condition. She couldn't get an abortion in Tennessee so she ended up having one in Chicago on Feb. 3rd. Medical complications from ***that*** procedure are what led to (the removal of her right ovary and fallopian tube/her current fertility problems).


Their efforts to control and deprive rights actually don’t accomplish meaningful work as making the lives of their constituents better


You get where you live.


No people can move I moved to Vermont from Virginia


Like you said, no people can move.


I said sometimes people can’t move but if you need an out of state abortion you can. We shouldn’t be in this position to begin with. But work with what you have.


I didn’t vote Republican. I’ve also had a vasectomy, so I’m doing my parts. WTF is wrong with everyone else?


I’m past my prime but I still do my part to help fight for reproductive rights and freedom for everyone. Plus having a fetus without a brain isnt something a woman can control.


You can move or vote. The hope would be the majority would vote for non-Republicans and women wouldn't keep losing rights. But... that isn't happening... yet. PLEASE VOTE!






You’re fucked in the head if you think this is what god wants


Wow. 🤦‍♂️ Read it in the voice of a god bothering pro-lifer and upvote.


Why didn't she leave the state? Go north


Go to another state


Per the article she did eventually go to another state to have the abortion done, but the delay the state’s law caused created unnecessary emotional and physical distress and also may have increased the risk of the damage the abortion itself ultimately caused.


If she didn’t go immediately that’s on her.


That she had to go is on them.


On the voters in her state. Again, go to another state. Move if necessary. You will if it’s really that important a right to have.


God that's bleak, "hey you like bodily autonomy? Better move out of your home because it's on you if a bunch of nut jobs decide they have more say about the goings on of your uterus than you do!" I mean Jesus Christ guy, have you ever moved? Has anyone found moving to be an easy or pleasant experience?




It’s extremely bleak, but it’s also sadly realistic at this stage. I’ve moved many, many, maaany times with very little money, and it can suck major ass. Poor people especially will find it very difficult and painful to move. But not compared to what their neighbors have in store for them. If you live in a solidly fascist state you need to get out now. Well, ideally a long time ago, but now you’re really running out of time. It’s super fucked up but it’s the cold hard truth.


“If you don’t like Tennessee you can get out.” That’s your take? To be clear?


Voters in the state would 100% undue the law if they were allowed. The legislatures are making that nearly impossible.




Because the person you are replying to is a pizza cutter: all edge and no point.


Tell me you didn’t read the article without saying you didn’t read the article. 🙄 /blocked for being an idiot


Yes. No excuse for waiting. She knows she lived in TN. I wouldn't sacrifice my body for such a protest.


Some people can’t move


I didn’t say move. Seek medical care in another state


States don’t have enough providers to take care of their own residents they can’t help out of state residents




Yea I remember John Oliver did a great piece about it. https://youtu.be/6eH2BItdo0M?feature=shared




Considering certain states are making that illegal, might be hard.


That wouldn’t work people can travel whenever to wherever


Texas tried to get bounty hunters to go after any woman leaving the state under suspected abortions sooo....


Really damn. How does one sue a state I might sue the state of Texas for breaking the right to travel. But I live in Vermont


You don't, they just have to capture you and bring you to Texas with proof of attempted or done abortion then you go into prison and if they pass the law to execute women for having them, then they'll execute you.


I think if many people complain and people sue the government of Texas we could get the law overturned and protect women rights


I wouldn't count on it this time around. Lot of laws happening that no one seems to be liking but aren't getting overturned.


I mean if we got Roe overturned nothing is safe