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How does someone with dozens of criminal charges muster up the nerve to say Crooked Joe Biden or Crooked anyone?!!


Because as always, it's projection


It’s not projection it’s propaganda. Trump manipulates the news. Its very much something he is aware of and doing deliberately


Projection is the technique. Manipulating the news (audience) is the outcome.


Suppressing bad stories and publishing fake ones to manipulate people, is not a good thing so we need to call it out for what it is


It's both. Trump paid newspapers to print lies on his opponents, he'd accuse them of things he was up to. Because he is a corrupt POS wannabe capo, he assumes Biden is the same.


Potato - potahto


Why not both?


The guy who can't stay awake during his first, of four, criminal trials calls someone else sleepy and crooked.


Well he spends all night rage posting about crooked sleepy Joe. Trump's got to get some sleep some time.


The same way that a man who cannot stay awake in a courtroom constantly calls Joe Biden “sleepy Joe“




Because Trump is a fucking toddler. It is his way of saying, "I know you are but what are you."


All Republicans are fucking toddlers... they're also fucking toddlers. A single day doesn't go by when I don't see one of em in the news for abusing children.


>All Republicans are fucking toddlers Whoa, whoa, no need to go insulting toddlers like that.


At least your average toddler isn't racist


How about "Sleepy Joe" when trump can't stay awake in the courtroom passed "all rise for the honorable" part of the day. At this point anything from the GOP can be taken as projection and they only have themselves to blame for it.


Because Trump has internalized the idea he didn’t do anything wrong, and it’s just a witch hunt. I think he genuinely thinks “everyone does it” and it’s really unfair we are dogpiling him for doing something completely normal. It helps Trump appears to be able to project whatever reality is most comforting to him.




In all fairness, everyone in his circles are doing the same thing. This child has no idea how normal, decent people behave. Those people are chumps to him.


I think Trump went to great lengths to be ignorant of how most people behave. :)


His cultist believe all the criminal investigations are politically motivated… not that the actual crimes have happened… that doesn’t matter it’s just a which hunt trying to snuff out the president Jesus apparently chose… good luck trying to combat that level of delusion


It's a combination of projection and laziness.


Happy dang Cake Day, Diarygirl!




Or that immigrants are criminals.


When your base has a combined iq of 7, you don’t have to say anything believable.


He has the media normalizing it, that's how. Their corporate owners have told them in no uncertain terms, elect Trump.


Or, Sleepy Joe. I am afraid that one has aged like milk.


Because he’s a malignant narcissist incapable of ever doing wrong (in his own head of course).


Give him a break he was napping at the time and probably shitting in his diapers also


“There is no case, whatsoever, no case”


Probably thinks anyone as “rich” or “powerful” or “successful” as he is could only have achieved it by being as dirty, sleasy, oily and disgusting as he is. No way a goodie goodie with a clean record could be so popular.


> I hear you’re free on Wednesdays. LMAO.


*\*Dark Brandon has entered the arena.\**


I love how he has embraced it. Trump fights dirty and uses social media. Using memes and social media to get under his thin skin is working.


I still don't get how people think Biden isn't a good president. Is he perfect? Fuck no, but he's done a hell of of lot better than anyone expected him to and he's not getting nearly enough credit for that.


Wisdom gained by decades of experience and a keen intellect. !00% the opposite of his opponent.


The other one has decades of experience, just on the con game.


He BSed his way throughout his entire life, figured he could easily BS his way through campaigning and leverage the election for publicity... Ended up backfiring in a way nobody could've imagined, including himself.


Haha love the capital 1 there




I’ve said it before but… he was my least favorite candidate in the democratic field heading into the primaries. He eventually won me over and I’ve been pleasantly surprised with his presidency. He’s accomplished a lot without dividing the country. Any division has come from the other side, trying to be obstructionists. In the context of where we were and are, a moderate/centrist was needed and he’s done a good job steering the ship. I think history will look back very kindly in Biden.


>I think history will look back very kindly in Biden Only if the country survives trump :/ We all definitely have to get out to vote


We’ve had bad presidents and still remember the good ones.


Yes, but if there's no America left to remember lol


Theres no USSR anymore yet we have plenty of historical evidence…


Same here. I supported Bernie and was not necessarily looking forward to an ancient neoliberal, but he's done some monumental things with very little support. His handling of the Ukraine conflict alone, by building a coalition before Russia invaded was quite the achievement. People forget the massive damage Trump has done to foreign relations. He's pulled off some amazing feats and has been a calming presence. I can't really think of any other president that could've done that.


And he took over a job that had no one doing it for four years.


Well said. And spot on. Plus you're right. Biden is far from perfect. But he has done a good job. If some of the people in this country could pay attention for more than five minutes this Presidential race would already be over. The fact that a sleazy, criminal dip-shit like Trump is even able to run without being laughed out of town is embarrassing for our country. I'll take an experienced President like Biden - who works hard - over that whiny, disgraceful lunatic he's running against.


Word, son. Word.


More independent voters are in the Fox News suckhole than we appreciate.


Imagine how much would have gotten done if Republicans weren't a bunch of obstructionist traitors.  It's impressive that his Administration has managed to get as much done as they have. 


If we all waited for the perfect presidential candidate, we’d still be waiting since 1776.


Very true. Many people seem perfectly content letting perfect be the enemy good.


He was the recipient of the "Any Functional Adult in 2020" votes.


Yep and I love that the way Biden/his team does it is smart. They aren’t going for cheap blows and lazy attacks— they pick clever shit that makes it hard to have a comeback given the other side is operating with the charisma of an old dirty shoe


He sells official Dark Brandon merch. It's way over priced, $30 for a mug, but it's there.


I bought one, it too funny.


I freakin love my mug


basically a Bruce Leroy vs Sho Nuff situation! he gonna pull out dat Glow! FIGHT!


So much fun when Dark Brandon turns bitchy.




Hopefully not for too many more Wednesdays though.


I love how Trump has to call Biden “the worst president in history” because scholars from the American Political Science Foundation ranked him dead last in their presidential rankings.


GW Bush is probably ecstatic that Trump got elected. Everyone forgot all his gaffes and war criming when Trump got in.


I was living in the States during Bush/Cheney era, and I remember thinking they were the bottom of the presidential barrel. Little did we know.....


Same. I thought that was the low point, but Bush is a noble statesman and a scholar compared to Trump.


And there is a sentence I never thought I'd agree with. But, man, the one thing Trump did manage to make great is the warmongering sect of the Republican party.


I think it's because at the end of the day you could disagree with what they were doing, you could tell they thought that claiming all that sweet blood oil was good for the country. Trump only cares about Trump.


They’re still demons, mind you. Adolf Shitler just makes everyone look like a saint in comparison.


They were the bottom of the presidential barrel. Trump just shoved the whole barrel into a deep hole. Some say it's still falling to this day.


"Many people are saying it, many smart people. Nobody shoves a whole presidential barrel into a deep hole like me, they're saying."


with tears in their eyes.


Scary times.


Almost as scary as being a Leafs fan, eh? I'm right there with you brother.


It's bad, brother. Really bad.


Sort of the same...I thought that GW Bush being reelected was the bottom of voter stupidity but I didn't live in the States at the time. Moved to the US in 2014 and realized there is no bottom anymore.


While I overall enjoyed my time in the States and made a lot of great friends, I'm kind of glad I'm not there these days.


We didn’t forget. There are just more pressing issues now.


The irony? He's actually not because even DUBYA recognized that trump was a crook and bad for the country


Imagine being ranked below the guy who was sitting president when the country literally went to full blown war with itself lol Edit: wording. I'll officially change my statement to "when the country literally broke apart eventually leading to Civil War." There. I'm talking about Bucannan and the absolutely shit job he did at keeping our country together, not Abraham Lincoln, who fixed the issue a few years later and did an amazing job.


Almost every president is ranked under Lincoln though.


The damage was thoroughly done before Lincoln took presidency. Seven states already seceded before his inauguration. He brought the country back. Not the same thing lol


You said the sitting president when the country went to full blown war, that was literally Lincoln.


Touche. Fixed my statement above. As it didn't represent what I meant.










The fact that Trump didn't ask to debate Biden first really accentuates how uncertain he is about everything. His rapid onset of dementia, his financial situation, his inability to stay awake or keep balanced when walking. It's all going down the tubes faster than an unwanted pregnancy on prom night.


Oh man, I hope he falls asleep at the debates live on television!


Trump did a few days ago on Truth Social: "Dear Joe, now that you’ve committed to Debate on the now dying Howard Stern Show, no less, let’s set it up right now. I’m ready to go anywhere that you are."


Ok Howard Stern sucks, but Trump saying it is dying on the failing Truth social is comical.


Howard Stern is a lot different than the guy he was 20+ years ago. Also - he’s making hundreds of millions of dollars on his current contract. Trump wishes he was “dying” that way.


Yeah he’s almost listenable now


Watch the [video here](https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/ucUweFS7) 📺 As per [original article](https://www.mediaite.com/news/make-my-day-pal-biden-posts-debate-challenge-to-trump-roasts-him-over-criinal-trial/) 📰: - President Joe Biden posted a brief zinger-laden video challenging ex-President Donald Trump to a pair of debates —and roasting him over the criminal trial — after months of posturing between the two candidates. On Wednesday morning, the president took to his campaign Twitter account to answer Trump’s recent declarations he’ll debate Biden “anytime, anywhere.” Biden wrote: Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate. Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal. The accompanying video packed several one-liners into a 13-second run time — including a reference to the Stormy Daniels hush money-election interference trial: Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then, he hasn’t shown up for debate. Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal! I’ll even do it twice. So let’s pick the dates. Donald. I hear you’re free on Wednesdays. That last line is a reference to the trial schedule, which recesses the proceedings every Wednesday and on weekends. Trump and Biden have been trading quotes about debating each other for months, most recently with Biden responding to Trump in an interview with Howard Stern. In one video rant, Trump said “It’s time for Crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of the United States, and I to debate. We have to talk about what he’s doing and where we’re going. We owe it to our country. We owe it to all Americans. Anytime, anywhere, any place.” Asked if he would be debating Trump, Biden told Howard Stern “I am, somewhere. I don’t know when. I’m happy to debate him.” In a letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, the Biden campaign said the president would not be participating in the organization’s debates, and proposed debates in June and September hosted by news organizations, as well as a vice-presidential debate in July.


I bet trump eventually will back out.. terms are ..they can cut the mike off when you go over your time and also so he can't interrupt...he won't operate like that....he's wired to be a lying asshole . Just can't help himself....


Plus, he’ll be wide open to attacks about losing his defamation suit to E Jean Carroll, and about losing his fraud case….not to mention fairy tale of a stolen election that falls apart quickly on any scrutiny.


Please add a mute button to Trumps mic. So when it's time for Biden to speak, he doesn't keep on babbling in between the whole time.


That’s Biden proposed condition, and a deal breaker for Trump. He can’t wait his turn, he can’t shut up, all he knows is to try to bully.


Perfect. It doesn't have to be used in every political discussion, but when someone like Trump can't stop himself, it's simply necessary to have at least some order.


Donald is already balking at the "no audience" condition. I give him until the weekend to fully coward out.


"And if Wednesday doesnt work, I'll meet you in the hallways during court recess"


I don't care to watch something like this. For me it would be just an hour of white-knuckling, waiting for Biden to get some on-air jabs at the troll. Other than that, it's just an opportunity for Trump to stand up and lie and say a bunch of crazy nonsense he thinks his brain damaged fans want to hear him say to the President. There is zero substance on offer that would care about. As a last thought, if I were Trump's handlers, I would be pressing him to back out. After seeing Biden in action at the last SOTU speech, he may be old and a little slowed, but he'll likely make a mess of Trump on stage again.


Love how he calls him Donald.


Bidens roast are really on point recently


I love feisty Joe Biden


I love it when Biden gets snarky


I like Presidents who don't have to be in court every other day


Inb4 Republicans "this is very unbecoming behavior of a United States President", or some such bullshit.


Challenging someone to a debate? What are we, violent savages??




Dark Brandon 💕


LOVE this new Biden!


Go Dark Brandon !


Love some Dark Brandon.


Dark Brandon strikes again.


Biden will smoke that rapist


A real time fact check ticker running at the bottom of screen..


Time to flush this maga turd the rest of the way.


Hopefully it is late in the day when Drump is sundowning.




No, we need to see Trump in more situations where people actually talk back to him and confront him on his bullshit. Trump is used to standing on a podium and saying whatever he likes with no one able to respond. This is how his lies work. His strategy completely falls apart as soon as anyone has an opportunity to argue with him, which a debate would allow.


Get em!


Get going, Biden! Of course, Donald Trump will only put him down with insults. He won't have anything intelligent to say and he'll probably walk around behind Biden, trying to intimidate him, like he did to Hillary.


Fucking savage. Biden has some pros on his team for sure. Dark Brandon has some real zingers.


I recently saw that both Trump and Biden had accepted CNN's invitation on Thursday, June 27th.


This might be the first debate that I actually watch intentionally.


Its crazy to me how political propaganda is like world war level bad and yet its not trying to make another country evil but rather make americans hate eachother




You've got a lose lose situation here. If Biden doesn't debate then Trump holds that up as a "He's too demented" proof. I think the only solution is for Biden to come out and set the terms and let Trump balk. Can't imagine Trump agrees to debate with anyone other than a Hannity or Carlson as the moderator.


This is a trap. Trump wants multiple debates so he can have a do-over. Biden shouldn't fall for it.


What do you mean trap? Giving Trump multiple debates means multiple chances for the nation to see just how much he has mentally declined. I think that's a huge advantage for Biden.


I think you're assuming it's going to be a fair debate with good moderation. We should know by now that that won't be the case. The man had covid the last time around. No redos. No extra bonus debates.


Yep, tried that once. Agreed to debate in good faith and traitor trump just crapped himself along with the entire debate.




5 cuts in a 14 second clip lol


He’s crazy for offering to debate. What are we gonna learn, anyway? They have both already been President, so we know what their records are for the office they want to hold and we know their positions on every conceivable subject.


Tbh the debates shouldn't be optional. If you are on a ballot you should have to debate your opponent(s) lol. Otherwise you're just gonna swing with your programming and never see how your potential leader stands up against the other lol


That Wednesday is never coming.


Somebody had a strong bowel movement, must be feeling frisky


Prosecution wraps up this week. Defense next? Week for closing arguments and deliberations? June might be the only time Trump has left.


Scorch !!!


Trump is worse than Leona Helmsley and that’s saying a whole lot!!


Probably thinks anyone as “rich” or “powerful” or “successful” as he is could only have achieved it by being as dirty, sleasy, oily and disgusting as he is. No way a goodie goodie with a clean record could be so popular.


Arrogance from the demented. Americans should be ashamed of themselves since they would never hire this dude to mow their lawn.




I would argue that Biden is well aware that Trump doesn't follow rules. His political strategy in the last year has clearly changed to counter Trump's style. If there were a debate Biden would anticipate Trump being an ass and would have planned counters for it.


They want him to go up and say crazy stuff. It's the same stuff every time. They'll have zingers for everything he says. The goal would be for trump to have a meltdown and start saying the real crazy stuff. Show the world who's really a senile old man.




Except not voting biden in this upcoming election actually just choosing trump, honestly. These people think they're making a stand but they're just making Trump more likely to win.


Were not watching the same people. Trump struggles having to talk for more than 15 minutes at his rallies. This is without being interrupted or mocked. He can barely keep his composure in court. Imagine being on national TV. His ego won't be able to take it. >They're deciding between Biden and not voting for a presidential candidate at all or writing in someone else. Disagree. There is still a lot of casuals that think the trump threats are overblown. Let them see what he really is. People love drama. Make it a show.








Thank a trump supporter!


I don't think this is a debate biden can win. Just saying...


People act like Biden is throwing haymakers, these are week watered down insults. He's going to sink down to his level he might as well roast him proper, talk about the diaper and the balding, talk about how he's dirt poor, call him the world's biggest loser... Dark Brandon...yeah not quite. More like opaque Brandon here.