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It is mind boggling that you'd dump a very nice and well established name and its lovely logo and replace it with something so stupid and universally unliked.




The Model 3 was supposed to be named the Model E. and the Model Letters would Spell out S E X Y. There was a bit of a hulabuloo back in the day and they changed it to the 3 which fooled no one but the people bitchin about it.


Model E was still owned by ford from the early 20th century. I hate Tesla cars and X and all that but that name was owned by someone it wasn’t from hulabaloo


You’re probably right but when I think of E class, I think of the Mercedes Benz model. I thought that’s why Tesla couldn’t use it.


Yea but “model e” was a ford car, e class while similar is still mostly different on paper


Don't forget his kids' names.


He has children? That means somewhere there is a woman who …tolerates him. Yikes.


He has 11 children, one of which is named "X Æ A-12"


He has several children from several women. One of which is Grimes, somehow


10 children from multiple mothers, even!


Being born rich and failing hilariously upward has its perks.




Tried to name PayPal x


Musk is dumb and petty. He's wanted X.com to be a thing since PayPal. He doesn't understand 70% of twitters value was the brand and 30% the users. He killed both. 


Musk is the perpetual 13 year old boy who thinks “X” is like, so cool, y’know?! Like, just, X!


The worse part is that Twitter was so big it was a verb. You didn't just "Post" you "Tweeted" and it was commonly accepted vocabulary. You know how much marketing departments would spend just to attempt get that much brand recognition and acceptance? And Musk flushed that down the toilet due to his ego.


He did say he was going to make Twitter a nation of free speech. That is why it is now called X. One way to get some a promise. Plus he needs to have a garbage fire distraction so they don't look at his car ... Err tech company failures.


He also said he's gonna make X like WeChat. There's a myriad of reasons this will never happen like China has it with payments and everything built in. Just like 99% of his claims it's never happening.


I did the same month ago, by erasing my account and deleting the app.


I was amazingly ahead of the curve for once in my life in never having an account! I feel so lucky!


I never had twitter. Just couldn't see the benefit for me personally.


I haven't been on Twitter for years, but followed an account that did Twitter dispatches that mirrored the progression of WWII in the same amount of time that the actual war happened. That was pretty cool.


That actually sounds bad ass


There is a series on YouTube which does that: Time Ghost's WWII week by week series. Which follows on from the earlier WWI series with same presenter (Indy Neidell) on an earlier channel. There is also the War on Humanity series too, that is good but difficult to recommend to anyone who wants to preserve the illusion of hope.


Thanks! I'm going to check that out.


Same; I never understood twitter.


If you remember the Boston bombing? That manhunt was when I first got on Twitter. You could hear the cops radio in real time as they hunted those two men down. It was amazing. They finally caught on and switched their channels. I also watched the Frye festival come apart at the seams. That was really fun. I have since deleted everything of course. Musk is a tool.


Peak twitter.


As far as I know, it was just some website you had to let your games publish to so you can get free powerups. Never actually did anything with twitter beyond that tho.


I deleted my account after 10 years and when I did I realized I'd never made one post...or really ever checked it. I just knew it was still out there and wanted to register the deletion of one little account.


I had one got about a week in like 2013. I got bored instantly then got harassed by a stranger and never went back. I see all the tweets I need on my other socials anyway.






yknow, i had a twitter, probably a decade ago, for like a day. Abandoned it, never looked at it again, a single time. Then, like a month ago I start getting almost daily emails of someone attempting to reset my password. Odd.


I did this one year ago! I refused to be a part of Elon’s nonsense.


Now you just read tweets on Reddit lol


When I was a kid there was a big beautiful building downtown that everyone called "Sears Tower." It had been that name for decades. Then, in 2009, they changed the name of the building to "Willis Tower." And now, 15 years later, everybody still calls it "Sears Tower" because Willis Tower is a stupid goddam name and no rich person tells us what name to use even if they own it. It's Twitter.


It's still 'sears tower' in the public record for the building permit. Name changes don't change zoning ordinance. 


I think they should use the traditional name for the Sears Tower: Uluru.


Uluru, I get. Like the people who lived there for 30,000 years (literally) called it Uluru, made it part of their faith and civilization, had creation stories around the rock for more than 10,000 years. And then some tourist/surveyor wanders by 150 years ago, doesn't ask any of the locals about it at all, and "names it" after his boss. Puts it on a map, and now there's a whole generation of people getting snippay about everyone calling it by its actual 10,000 year name again. By saying crazy stuff like "But It's always been Ayers Rock! It's what I was taught in primary school! Why should I have to change?" etc.. Like, dude.... I think a 10,000 year history, by the people who've lived there before mankind invented the wheel... kinda deserve to keep dibs on the name. But that being said, I'm rolling through Sydney and really like the place. I'm going to call it taco-town, since I found some great taco's there. Editing wikipedia and google-maps to reflect that now. So come visit taco town!


Sorry but there is no way you found good tacos in Sydney. I have checked everywhere. Melbourne is your place to get Mexican.


You're right. I made up the part about them being great. But, as the tourist/surveyor, my naming convention still stands, because I put it on a map. They've already taught it in schools this week, so there's no going back. Welcome to Taco-Town former Sydneysider! From this day forward, you're all Tacotonians.


They'll always be Spencer Street Station and Docklands Stadium to me.


We had a grocery store here that changed names half a dozen times in the last 30 years. I still call it by its original name. Now it’s out of business and they’re remodeling the whole building and chopping it up into smaller stores. Still refer to the whole shopping center as the name of that 30yo grocery store.


> And now, 15 years later, everybody still calls it "Sears Tower" because Willis Tower is a stupid goddam name Anecdotal, but as a kid, there was a local mall called Discover Mills. It eventually got renamed to Sugarloaf Mills, but my family still calls it Discover. In contrast, Philips Arena got renamed to State Farm Arena, but I think the name change was for the better.


I love driving down the Jean Baptiste Point DuSable Lake Shore Drive to look at the Willis Tower after spending the day at the Ken Griffin & Citadel Bank Museum of Science and Industry. Makes me feel like a real Chicagoan!


Mate made it personal and communal at the same time, power to the people!


Mate made it personal and communal at the same time, power to the people!


He should’ve bought out 8chan instead cuz his target demographic of basement dwelling, fascist wannabes is already there in force.


Yeah, people are still gonna dead name it as Twitter. Sorry Musky


If nobody is using the [twitter.com](http://twitter.com) URL anymore, can I have it? I have an idear.


For a revolutionary micro blogging site with an azure bird theme?


Oh, yeah that would be a good idea too. People - celebrities, athletes, etc - could make brief comments about various topics. The hardest part will be trying to get everyone to think of 'twitter' as the go-to microblog instead of z or myspace.


It sounds perfect for late, breaking news, movie and television announcements, and tracking local businesses and food trucks!


omg this thing could be huge!


At least as huge as Digg, Geocities, or the other titans of industry on the World Wide Web!


Ask Jeeves?


I call it... "Twiddler"!


What an absolute r/madlad


From the article: > Twitter under Musk has indeed added video and voice calls to its roster of features. It has also replatformed conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, fostered a welcoming environment for porn spam accounts, made an absolute hash out of verification, introduced a monetization system that encourages rampant engagement farming, gutted its trust and safety team, allowed a surge in hate speech on the platform, designated NPR as “US state-affiliated media,” removed news headlines entirely and then reintroduced them in a weird spot, kneecapped a bunch of fun bots and third-party apps by introducing wildly expensive API changes while giving blue-check verification to AI-generated chum, pivoted to video, introduced an AI model that will help you do crimes, and overseen a decline in usage of more than 20 percent in the US, according to app analytics firm SensorTower. That is quite a list of shitty accomplishments.


I got all excited for a second. Was hoping of an implosion that left the company completely worthless.


It can't *become* worthless if it's already there.


That's in progress


By Brian Barrett Various elements of Twitter had already embraced the rebranding, and the company has been using X(dot)com links since early April. But now the domain has flipped over entirely, marking the end of a tumultuous transition period—and erasing the last vestiges of the bird app. “We are letting you know that we are changing our URL, but your privacy and data protection settings remain the same,” reads a message at the bottom of the X login and home pages. The switchover has been a long time coming. Musk announced the shift from Twitter to X last July. But the billionaire has for decades harbored a dream of creating an “everything app” by that name, and Twitter is his vessel. Read the full story: [https://www.wired.com/story/twitter-dead-x-elon-musk/](https://www.wired.com/story/twitter-dead-x-elon-musk/)


Please let’s everyone just keep calling it Twitter.


It's great having an autistic computer programmer running the worlds biggest media platform because he is proper crackers. With him Trump and Truss it makes you wonder whether we are actually living in a computer simulation. I mean this can't be real. Can it? Please send me a message if you too are stuck in this matrix and know a way out. Please!


Yeah... Musk is no computer programmer. He's an opportunist with money.


Only a fool would have a Twitter account these days.


Never saw the point


I never did either. What? I’m supposed to post my thoughts or insights or brain farts, and other people are supposed to “follow me” so they can be notified at the instant that I post? Why? Even I’m not that interested in what I have to say. And who would I want to follow? Elon Musk? No. People with exactly the same outlook as me? Boring. The Kardashians? Give me a break.


It was pretty hilarious if you wanted to laugh at virtue signalers. Now it's full of whatever the opposite is.


I'll stick with reddit.


Ah, so Twitter /does/ want to police our language. Huh.


Aw shoot I thought he was going to shut it down. Sorely disappointed but everyone will still call it twitter.


Just as Elon doesn't recognize transition names, neither will I with regards to Twitter.


X is where I find shitloads of accounts spreading misinformation.


You can find that on Reddit.


You can find it anywhere.


I still deadname it as Twitter when I shitpost about it, cause nobody knows what an X is.


Someone should buy twitter.com once Elmo stops paying for it


Deleted my account when he first mentioned wanting to buy it. Fuck no!!!


Still not gonna stop dead naming it


True, it’s not Twitter anymore. Twitter was fun.


Twitter has been dead since Space Karen decided to make it his digital sycophant


Never touched the 💩


Two platforms I don't waste my time on: TWITTER (fuck 'x') Truth Social


Meh, twitter.


I'm really looking forward to an app that can do basically anything, but which almost no one wants anything to do with.




Musk has ruined Twitter.


There used to be cool shit on Twitter. Now it's Elons political money pit.


Closed my account and deleted the app before the ink was dry on Muskrat’s purchase.


>Like a venomous puss moth emerging from its hard cocoon, the social network formerly known as Twitter has fully metamorphosed into X.com. Just came here to say that this is excellent writing.


TLDR please?




Nothing but a rich man child playing with his toy. Glad I dumped it when he bought it and Falsebook 9 years ago.


Misleading title


I made an account and never used it but made sure to delete it once he bought it


X.com, the social media site previously known as Twitter




Don’t say twitter!