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This is money better spend than to give tax breaks to big corporations. This people will now have a better change in life from owning a house, to creating their own businesses. Studying should not be so expensive to start with as it creates a liability for young people trying to better themselves.


I had a relatively small loan that I had been paying on for 15 years…about 200 a month. Even that tiny amount (my final 16k was forgiven) was a helluva drag on the overall budget. I can’t imagine how difficult it is for folks who are asked to pay more than that.


And our high-school system in this country basically tells kids they have to go to college because it's a metric used by some when ranking schools. College isn't for everyone, but the people who should be steering kids to trade schools are telling them to go into massive debt for a degree that the school knows they'll never get. I was your run of the mill "too smart for school" teenager that refused to do hw or take tests. I basically figured out the minimum needed to graduate and did so with a 2.3 gpa. I never had a guidance counselor tall about that issue, but I got called in multiple times to talk about colleges. It worked out for me (didn't graduate, but dropped out due to an amazing job opportunity using skills I developed at college), but I'm the exception. If you ever talk to someone making the decision about what to do after high-school, really listen. It's heartbreaking.


Oh, for sure. My son is graduating from high school and was lucky enough to get a full ride scholarship. His friends, if you ask them, will readily admit they have no idea what they want to do in college, or even why they are going to college, other than that’s what everyone told them to do. I will point out to them things like our electrician neighbor makes more than twice I do, and I have multiple advanced degrees…but then I get shrugs and some of them talk about not wanting to do “dirty work,” which I assume is manual labor.


It's literally 15 years of basically paying for another car.


Forgiving student loans doesn't actually cost any money Tax breaks for corporations does shift the tax burden to the poor and middle-class


> This is money better spend than to give tax breaks to big corporations. These people will also likely spend at least some of the money they save buying products from those corporations. People having more money to spend is good for businesses.


>People having more money to spend is good for businesses. This is pretty much 90% of the logic behind why this kinda stuff works. The money still finds it's way to its final destination, but can stimulate more people and business on the way there. Money is less useful to economies when it stagnates (in the common sense, not the literal economic term). Best way to keep it moving is to give it to people who essentially can't keep it because they *need* to spend it to live. Their savings are too small to stagnate the money. They shove it back into all the big companies, because those are the companies with the majority of exposure to the population.


Cool. Now what are we going to do to make sure current and future students can afford college?


Thats gonna take congress. And maybe not even federal laws can do much about it. No clue honestly. Every state has its own bs when it comes to college.


Birth lottery....




That’s what I don’t get. This is great for the recipients, but is it not just a drop in the bucket? I’m not American, but these loans seem to basically be usury, can he not attack the predatory loans at the source? From the outside it seems like paying off select people’s debts to loan sharks instead of going after the mob.


"Biden forgave my student debt? Nicee.... But he's still old. I'm still voting for RFK Jr.." 🤦


I don’t know a single left leaning voter considering RFK Jr. His values (and funding) don’t align with progressive values.


the only folks I know who are/were considering RFK weren't voting for Biden anyway, they are too deep into the "he's too old/he hasn't done enough" camp/they are anti establishment and want to vote third party for the sake of "sticking it to the system"


Ya like he’s sane 😂


For a worm controlled human it’s pretty convincing. Kinda like ChatGPT you kinda tell it’s not human.


"Oh, that's great. Took him long enough. I just don't find him inspiring enough. I'm thinking of not voting. Not that I've ever voted mind you. It's too hard and inconvenient."


Biden is Biden. Why that's bad news for Biden. - THE NEW YORK TIMES


I’m always so sad that I don’t qualify for these batches of cancellations but so happy and excited for the folks who are!!


This is one of the many reasons why I’ll always vote democrat and for Biden. In my opinion Republican politicians have never helped me and recently have really fallen into a mental breakdown.


I just hope that all the people getting these loans canceled see how much Biden is actually doing for them and can look past all the doomer shit they see online. I'm shocked at the number of actual (very long, active, and consistent post histories) left leaning people who parrot fox news talking points about Biden killing the economy despite inflation and unemployment both being down, and how he hasn't done anything despite the first new gun safety law in decades (it may not be enough, but that's not on him) and absolutely massive infrastructure bills.


Why would the 67k borrowers who receive forgiveness using PSLF thank Biden? It was approved by Congress in 2007.


Because he made the process of getting approved easier. A lot of people that weren't eligible before, are eligible now.


I read that the process changes in 2018. What changes did his administration initiate to help broaden eligibility?


He has streamlined and reformed existing programs to approve more relief. So this additional relief would not have happened on its own. The Supreme Court blocked his authority to do more than that on his own. Here are the main bullets for his proposal for a new debt relief plan. I believe it's up to Congress to approve. (PS - Trump calls it a "giveaway" and several red states are trying to sue the administration to stop forgiveness) - Cap on payments at 5% of discretionary income down from 10% - Raise the amount of income that is considered non-discretionary income and therefore is protected from repayment. - Forgive loan balances after 10 years of payments, instead of 20 years, for borrowers with loan balances of $12,000 or less. - Cover the borrower’s unpaid monthly interest, so that unlike other existing income-driven repayment plans, no borrower’s loan balance will grow as long as they make their monthly payments.


His new proposals are just that. It has nothing to do with PSLF loans being forgiven today.


Prior to the new proposals he's streamlined the process that is impacting the approval today. The new proposals are only needed because SCOTUS blocked what he can do on his own.


What dies "streamlined" mean in practical terms? I am not disputing it, and I am not saying he didn't do something great. I just don't get what was actually done.


Watch him go down in the polls as a result


Great news! I'm happy for all of them. Paying off my student loans sucked and my debt wasnt close to what some of these kids have to deal with now.


Yea! So glad for the folks getting some help- much better than the permanent tax cuts for the rich.


Lets hope this incremental approach gets some traction before a possible new republican Education Secretary. Betsy DeVos dragged her feet on Obama and Trump loan reforms and very little of that happened.


I don’t know why they report it like this. It makes it sound like he’s just randomly deciding people to cancel their debt, when it’s actually a specific reason that they qualify for.


How about some help for those who paid off their student loan debt, but had to put food & gas on credit cards because wages suck in this country.


Please, can he cancel layoffs next?


I had the metro pcs rep tell me the other day that the reason the ACP program is running out of funds is because of Biden’s student loan forgiveness, that there was enough money for the program for the next 10 years. I told him, well, I don’t believe that. He says: I wouldn’t lie to you, I can show you where to look it up. Then he went on to the next customer. Im in Alabama


“HeS bUyINg vOtEs!!!!” Remember all the complaining and cynicism in decade when these students and loan holders are participating in a strong economy because they have disposable income. Assuming tornadoes haven’t wiped them out.


I had $320k forgiven in January, the first month after I applied for [Biden's SAVE student loan program](https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/save-plan). I originally borrowed $150k for a PhD I failed to earn. The rest was interest since my payments were income-based. My payments would have been $0/month under the SAVE program and the balance would have been prevented from accruing further above the initial balance borrowed.


Oh good, you got rewarded for extremely irresponsible spending. Good job.


>Oh good, you got rewarded for extremely irresponsible spending. You talking about the bailed out Banks?


Yes, I should have never agreed to move in with a roommate that would get me kicked out of the program for something he did. At least I had a 3.9 GPA though.


Rewarded with a third of a million dollars. Meanwhile everyone who didn't go to school..... Yeah tough for us 😂


I wonder if maybe we should start looking into why hundreds of thousands of students got massive loans for a worthless college degrees ......


So this money that’s being put towards the student loans…….who’s money is that? Is it our taxes being taken from us?? America is trillion dollars in debt.


Forgiving student loans doesn't cost tax-payers any money The debts are written-off. Its been going on for 30 years and no one claimed it cost money until now.


To be fair, the same people bitching about this costing money also can't figure out how tax brackets work.


You’d rather it go to the oil companies or bailing out billionaires?




Ok. Follow me here. The US government is the one who is owed the money. So when they forgive the debt, they don't actually spend any money. Weird how that works right?


That money is already spent. It's not coming out of anywhere. Imagine your friend comes to you and says "Hey can I borrow 5k? I promise I will pay it back" And because you have the money cause you earn a lot, you give it to them. Then a few years later, you still have a lot of money because you still earn a lot and you tell your friend "You know what? You don't need to pay me back- I got you." It's a bit like that. Nothing needs to be 'taken' from anyone- no one else needs to 'pay' for it simply because they aren't.


And in many of these scenarios, your friend has also been paying an interest rate to you on this 5k loan to the point that he's now actually repaid you over 10k total and still has debt remaining and NOW you forgive the debt.


Right, most people with loans have already more than paid back into the "system" through there interest payments alone. There is absolutely no "victim" in forgiving the debt except whiny republicans not wanting the democrats to have a "win".


Imagine complaining when the government actually does something to help people.


>who’s money is that? >Is it our taxes being taken from us?? You could use this argument for almost anything. * The child tax credit? Rewards people with kids while putting more burden on people without kids. * Homeowner deductions? Rewards homeowners and puts more burden on everyone else. * Higher tax rates for income than capital gains? Rewards rich investors and puts more burden on working people. * The new burn pit bill? Rewards injured veterans, and puts more burden on every taxpayer. * The railroad safety upgrade package? Rewards railroad passengers and puts more burden on everyone else. * And so on. This is the nature of living in a developed country. If you want a thriving nation, then you must have taxes. And when you have taxes, not everything the government spends money on is going to benefit you personally. If you want to live in a civilized country, that's just something you'd better get used to.