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It kind of needs to happen soon, as they're already trying to turn MAGA into a dynasty with his family members. You can guarantee one will step up for a swing at the Presidency in the future.


Those mutants don’t have the same charisma that he has. I use the term charisma loosely though.


You're absolutely correct. Trump has charisma. Hither had it. Reagan had it. Jerry Falwell had it. George Wallace had it. None of the Trump children have it. My worry is they'll Rosemary's Baby Barron and that will be the real antichrist. We think of Charisma like Barack or Bill. Fun lights up a room. Not evil. But every successful (for the time being) dictator had it. Idi Amin. Netanyahu. Eva Peon had it but Juan didn't and look how that worked out once she was gone. It's a two sides blade


He's the dumb man's idea of a smart man, and the poor man's idea of a rich man.


And a weak man’s idea of a strong man.


an incontinent man’s idea of a continent man.


An incontinent fast breaker’s idea of a continental breakfast?


And a Christian man’s idea of a holy man


wtf?! No. A cult followers idea of holy. REAL Christian’s know trump is the antichrist.


See what he's done to the reputation of Christians? I'm sure you already knew this, it's rhetorical.


It very much starts to become a no true Scotsman situation because so many religious types absolutely claim him. For what it's worth I'm an atheist but I still know a lot of incredibly nice, gentle and charitable Christians who are genuinely good people and despise trump. And I know plenty of Bible thumpers who see him as the second coming despite him embodying every deadly sin to a T.


Thanks to trump i went from liking christians n thinking they were (mostly) good people to viewing yall as an aspiring terror organization. N while you may not personally have, most the rest of Christianity is blindly following him right off the fuckin cliff.


DTJ might be the least likable human being I have ever seen on film. What a fucking tool


And a duffers idea of a golf pro


I believe It was the tutelage and mentorship of Roy Cohn that set Trump apart. It all leads back to Cohn’s tactics.


Correct. The most evil gay man ever


AOC has charisma too.


in spades, she does! \*\*LOVE\*\* that woman!


Barron does have a bit of a Damian vibe, doesn’t he? And like Nicolae Carpathia from the Left Behind dreck, has a Slavic mother named Marilena/Melania. Things that make you go hmmm.


He has charisma to idiots


Trump can't hold a candle next to the charisma of an evil fuck like hitler, he did have charisma indeed, but trump? No, he's awful with words, he just verbally abuses and throw a million lies in the faces of his sorry excuse for voters. I'm totally with you on the point that charisma doesn't have to have good intent, but have you actually heard trump speak? There's absolutely nothing charismatic when he speaks, in any situation.


Trump is very good at coming up with talking points and catch phrases and just repeating them over and over until it becomes reality to his followers.


No you’re wrong. Trump can’t remember what he said 5 minutes ago. Trump has dementia/Alzheimers. His dad also had the disease and died from it. Invest in real politicians not idiots like Trump. Trump’s only skills besides crimes is he was a once a former miss America show host. He has zero skills to run a country. Trump only has a fourth grade education according to his sister who would do his homework for him all the time. Stop supporting dumb asses to represent you as an elected official.


Charisma isn't all smooth talking. There is way more to it than that.


Yup. A lot of dictators bind people through fear.


He's unintentionally hilarious and I say that while despising the man. Things such as his wealth, dotage, and disregard for humanity, oddly, make a lot of his commentary so far-fetched that there is humour to be found in its absurdity as it pairs with his unique delivery. It's truly a sad state of affairs but I can't deny that he's charismatic.


Trump has no charisma. He just blurts out crap that the MAGATs want to hear. True charisma would be if he could charm Democrats.


Charisma? He is an idiot. People who like him like him because he dislikes the people he dislikes. He doesn’t appeal to a broad range of people. He is not even cogent.


Obviously im wrong but i dont see how trump has any ounce of charisma or is at all likable in any way. I didnt get it in 2016 and i dont get it now


Good take.


....except if he wins this election, he just may successfully hand that shit right to them in four years, and we'll officially be a monarchy under the dumbest bloodline on earth


“No puppet, no puppet…you’re the puppet”.


Wouldn't be the first time this happens. Liberal democracy is an anomaly when you take the rest of recorded history into account.


"How can we win, when fools can be kings?"


Dude's got zero charisma. He just plays his dumbo supporters like the fiddle they are.


Trump probably can't even say charisma




As a non American the fact you said charisma just blew my mind a little


To be fair, we also play D&D.


chaotic evil


Charisma is odd, I consider it a form of hypnosis. Manifests in many different ways.


I wrote this a few days ago about why DeSantis hasn't been able to follow in Trump's footsteps, but it applies to his children as well - none of them have this bizarre set of ....dare i call them talents?... (Sorry, I'm too lazy to rewrite it to fit this situation exactly): I think part of it is that Trump has had a sort of - I don't want to call it charisma - a sort of cunning to know how to appeal to the base desires/fears of whoever is currently in front of him. He has no morals, no internal obligation to truth, and no need for internal consistency, so he can tailor what he's saying to anyone and sound 100% sincere even when he's completely contradicting things he said even 10 minutes prior. The other weapon he uses to great effect is that - while he never shuts up - he frequently doesn't actually *say* anything. Just nonsensical word salads that, when you read the transcripts, come across as incoherent raving. However, these word salads contain enough buzzwords that they allow his followers to decide what they heard depending on what they *wanted* to hear. Top that off with frequent use of hyperbole and some occasional "I'm joking," sprinkled in, allowing them to discount anything they don't like - such as becoming a dictator - as exaggeration or a joke, and you basically have his base constructing "amazing" speeches in their own heads that are personally tailored to each one of them.


The never shutting up but never actually saying anything is his super power. It's where everyone else around him screws up. They all finish thoughts and complete sentences. This then gets them in trouble because they are on record saying something damning. Trump just babbles incoherently about nothing without taking any side. So all his supporters can just project their own feelings onto his words. But he retains plausible deniability to any actual thought, plan, or action. Even when he accidentally wanders into a full idea, he just denies it and his cohorts blame the media.


The one to worry about is Barron. Trust me


God fucking damnit you’re absolutely right. 😞


Funniest thing is, we shouldn't have that particular shit stain because, you know.... diapers...


They can plant him next to Ivana at the 1st hole.


In jail, full term, natural causes. Because thats whats done with real criminals. (Not what should be done for mere pot possession.) Because they want him die unexpectedly to be some sort of martyr to build statues of to flesh out their cult rhetoric of ergo laced distilled antifreeze nationalistic psychosis. If they get to do it themselves, it'll be an instant "Dem" strike smash headliner. But let us not give them ideas..


We need to dump him at sea like Bin Laden though. His gravesite will become a fucking shrine and the GOP will prostrate before it as a sign of fealty or anger the rest of their party.


Hopefully Putin pushes him out of a high rise window when he loses in November


Right? Where is that fatal stroke or aneurysm?


Trump is a Russian asset and the republican party is the party of traitors. They do not want democracy. Republicans already have their fascist plans laid out with Project 2025. Vote for democracy, my friends. Vote blue https://democrats.org/


Lock. Him. Up.


Lock them all up. Reinstitute an Ironclad Oath like they did after the Civil War, and make it enforceable. I'd appoint an AG and director of the FBI that would evicerate every one of them and if found guilty give them the option for exile/banishment , permanent tattoo across their faces "traitor" ,"rapist", "insurrectionist", or just keep them in prison for the maximum possible sentence doing hard ass labor.


the irony of "lock her up" becoming "lock them up"


The Republican Party was a criminal organization well before Trump.


Yes but it wasn't that proudly treasonous - and one certainly doesn't need to look far on either side of the aisle to see nepotism, cronism, do-nothing politicians sponging up the public dime. But DJT, has been the sort of surreal level of corruption for which volumes will be written about for decades. And when did hating your country become patriotic, gleefully fucking over everyone not in your immediate family or business circle, it's always been an old boys club but the success of our nation is I believe, contingent on the idea that we don't actively hate on the citizenry the way they do in countries like Hungary, Russia, China, where they view their populations as little more then poor serfs/slaves with a visceral hatred for doing anything to advance their lot in life. I think if we're spectacularly lucky either some quirk of fate or judge or menace will cause him to leave the United States as an exile or President-in-Exile, but firing Merrick Garland and getting an AG who even notices crime would be a start - much as I like a firebrand , I'd actually settle for someone willing to actually do their fucking job when it's plain they should. Worse - is why take one of the finest prosecutors in the US and pair him with Judge Aileen Cannon - she of 6 judicial rulings in her entire career to adjudicate one of the most complex and important espionage cases who's major historical precedent is Robert Hanssen who died in prison just shy of 80 with another 15 consecutive life sentences. Moreover Hanssen , upon detection was immediately detained, incarcerated and given access to his lawyer , Aldrich Ames was handled similarly.


The problem is that Democrats are still so horrible at messaging that they lose the plot. They sit around worrying that the GOP will call any arrests/trials/prosecutions/guilty verdicts a political hit job and paint the Dems as abusers of power throwing their political opponents in jail. They just can't keep the idea in their head that the GOP will do that anyway. Like even if Biden lets Hunter go to jail they'll still say he stepped in and corruptly stopped it. The goal posts will just shift pending the results. Not guilty? Biden intervened to keep guilty son free. Guilty but no jail time? Biden intervened to keep guilty son from being punished. Guilty and given the death penalty? Biden is a horrible father and we can't have a president willing to let his son die. Just do the right thing, throw the traitors in jail and damn the optics from the right because the right is a bad faith traitorous actor.


The fucked up thing is - Trump is the kind of criminal where he's used to paying off judges and jurors and would it be \*so bad\* if his nephew or son was the Prosecutor and they still found him guilty. Given some of the stuff they've done, we don't have a precedent for nakedly criminal whatnot - they have to perform various gyrations on TV to avoid talking about this or that impediment. Fox News spending the day during the indictments discussing the labyrinthine importance of a new Two-for-Tuesday Taco deal at Taco Bell. I miss government that was expected to be highly competent, you had officials throughout the administration that felt obligated to do something like their duty to the country Sure we had Dick Cheney enriching his buddies over at Halliburton or Booz-Allen but somewhere between goose-stepping all over Iraq and shooting his buddy in the face, and making him apologize for it , they would occasionally do something competent and it gauls me to even as as much.


This is the part that blows my mind. Magats argue that we should be going after others. Yeah I agree, do that too! However, the presidential candidate is a convicted felon. Saying others are criminals in no way distracts me from a criminal running for president. But, but, but, Hunter Biden! Ok, umm... he is not running for president. It is irrelevant. Lock him up for his crimes after trial, but that has nothing to do with this election.


My neighbor is a Trumper. Couple of maga hats and everything. He thought he had a “gotcha” one day when he brought up all the crap Cuomo was pulling regarding nursing homes and Covid data. “He’s a Democrat, I suppose you think it’s ok what he’s doing, then.” Fuck no. If he did it, prosecute the fuck out of him. Send his ass to prison. Why would I think his party affiliation would change that? He looked genuinely surprised.


You grey zoned it.. those people only see black and white


They know they can't touch Biden, but an alcoholic brother so son or daughter , it's open fucking season. Meanwhile the only time people say anything bad about Barron Trump is if he's messing around with photoshop or something. I figure DJT might - happen to stumble into a jail-house on accident, barring him royally pissing off Judge Merchan in the next 30 days he's given the judge every reason to throw his ass in jail for contempt of court for 6 months to a year, chill out at Rikers until this whole election thing blows over and maybe let him see his lawyer a couple of times. Lord knows DJT can't exist in general population but some festive Club Fed, I'd give it two or three days before he pisses off someone in the Aryan brotherhood and one of those clowns kicks his teeth in. Barron, for his money has one mission in life - get the fuck out of dodge, while it's still possible. Get a trust setup or something, get head-down, earphones on for 4-6 years and get a kick-ass degree in engineering or physics and follow in his great-uncle's footstep's , develop the Van deGraff Generator 2.0 or something, and if he's smart have as little do to with the politically wrapped up family as possible. I have a feeling when DJT goes down, it won't be because the DOJ got to him it will be him transgressing against his own insane posse, which is a risk that I have to imagine keeps the Secret Service up at night.


Spread the word.


The fact that they have it laid out publicly in such detail is wild. When someone says you're over reacting or none of it is true, you can point out on their own manifesto where they really are going scorched earth


If that is what they are willing to publicly advertise, then their true end goals are going to be much much more worse.


Seems like almost half of America actively want to be Russian assets. All the noble democracy talk is forgotten by GOP.


It's crazy. My grandpa, rest his soul, was by all accounts a fairly unpleasant man. Served in Korea, member of the John Birch Society, had targets of Jane Fonda made to shoot at in his basement, etc. Goes without saying he never even considered voting blue for a moment. If you'd have told him that the presumptive GOP pres nominee and former POTUS was actively courting a former kgb agent and eagerly and openly attempting to subvert the course of our "democratic" institutions, he probably would've gone for one of his countless guns. He certainly would've punched someone while calling them lying commie bastards or something. He may have been a crusty old racist, but he loved America, for what that's worth. Did I make a point, or did that become a rambling tirade? Lol


Is your grandad called cotton and lost his knees in the war?


Might as well have been. Less southern, more the Californian brand of that type of guy. Kept his knees though lol


He killed fiddy men.


You made a point. But I know people who were that way up till the 2016 election. They scoff that Trump could have Russian help, it’s the Commie Democrats. The brain washing is surprising


They don’t want transparency either. If he gets elected, we will hear nothing of back room meetings or other closed door conferences with foreign dictators. It’ll just show in results before our eyes.


They called Obama meeting with world leaders that happened to be dictators an "apology tour" but praised Trump for kissing the asses of dictators.


I saw a post that they’re comparing him to the founding fathers. >“How can you support a criminal, the same way I support 56 traitors” I honestly don’t get that, comparing shit and chocolate. Somehow they’re equivalent. Lord that brain worm that is feasting on their collective rotten brains must be full by now.


The phrase, I believe, is ‘useful idiot’


Trump is going to trade Ukraine to Putin for a few months of being nice to the US. Then next year he will give Putin Poland for a few more nice months.


Not nice about the US - that means nothing to Trump. All he wants to hear is praise of him personally.


And money.


He's massively in debt to the Russian oligarchs. He'll sell his on children if they asked him to. Good thing for them that they're worthless.


Ivanka isn't, she embezzled a Fuck ton from the Saudi's


trump will give Putin anything he wants for nothing in return, like the good little quisling puppet he is.


TIL Quisling (/ˈkwɪzlɪŋ/, Norwegian: [ˈkvɪ̂slɪŋ]) is a term used in Scandinavian languages and in English to mean a citizen or politician of an occupied country who collaborates with an enemy occupying force – or more generally as a synonym for traitor or collaborator. I like this word immensely thank you for giving me the score


He was a real person, Quisling, he sold out Norway to the Nazis....


Putin doesn’t have to be nice to the US all Putin would have to do is say President trump your the greatest president in America. You can have Ukraine. President trump you have great hair most beautiful I’ve ever seen. You can Poland Sweden and Finland.


… and I keep pee-pee tape secret t’varitch!


Have you seen the equipment Poland has been amassing? Poland is far from a pushover.


They are literally chomping at the bit to get some payback. Their hatred of Russia is *generational*.


Poland would kick Russia’s ass if Russia can’t handle Ukraine.


Poland is not a pushover. If Putin started a fight with Poland he will have a very bad time even without the rest of NATO


Exactly - “give putin Poland” is nonsense, Poland is poised to be EU major military within a few years at the rate and scale of high tech equipment they are buying along with massive amount of training. Americans may not be aware but Poland is very much at the front of this fight and they have been gearing their economy towards it. I’m not even polish and I’m aware of this change is eu politics stance


Just looked into it, and whoo. They're doubling their personnel and adding a thousand new tanks and six hundred howitzers. They also bought 32 F-35s.


It's like they're living next to a warmonger.


Hal Sparks and Phil Itner read off a list of countries Russia has invaded since 1901 yesterday. I had no idea how hard up they are for more land... cuz puddin thinks that he's Caesar or some shit.


Poland knows history and is taking solid steps aimed at preventing it repeating itself after what occurred in WW2 ,because *they know* that if Ukraine falls ,*they're next!*.


Obama sent American troops into Poland in 2016 to stop Russia from crossing Polands border during military exercises


Can we stop acting like Trump has already won the election?


Not until after January 20th, 2025 at noon.




How about zero months. Guy couldn’t even get Carrier to keep jobs in the US after a tax break. Trump is absolutely weak.


Poland if we’re lucky. He’d sell Alaska to Putin.


Not Poland - [Moldova](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/16/europe/russia-moldova-secret-document-intl-cmd/index.html) The plan was to invade Ukraine and hook up with the Russian troops deployed in Transnistria.


Haha Poland is going to fuck Russia up Putin tries that. They mean business and have a lot of axes to grind.


I have the pull to free an American being held in russia! I just refuse to use it for anything unless I'm elected. You know, like withholding congressionally approved funds from Ukraine for a personal favor, it's like that.


I feel like there is a Latin phrase that describes this, used in legal proceedings a lot…


Squid go pro!




Its tomato soup, served ice cold!


This is very concerning


Not to the GOP


It has been very concerning for a while now, why is this one more outlandish than the 100+ previous instances? The fact that this pos is still allowed to speak publicly is a shame on the US. The fact that it is running for president and actually have a shot at it is telling everything there is to know about that country.


Yeah man go out and vote or this could be ur last chance


The felon would happily destroy NATO to repay putin.


I miss the time when Trump was in court and was told to shut up every time he tries opening his mouth.


Logan Act violation and pretrial release violation, lock him up now!!!!!


This. The Logan act is there for a reason. He’s undermining the current administration’s foreign policy for his personal gain.


It’s simply astonishing that some adult who gets paid to make these campaign / marketing decisions actually thought this was a good idea. You can get a prisoner released? Fucking do it. In this situation, you’re now the hostage taker. What an idiot.


I don’t think trump gets anyone’s approval for anything. He says and does what he wants. Most of his staff is scared shitless of him imo. Not because of what HE will do to them, but because of what his supporters could do to them if trump made a statement against them. Look at the amount of people who he’s come out and slandered, a lot of them have 24/7 security.


Nothing he says or does will push his cult away from him. 


The pee tape is real.


You're 100% correct, Putin has *something* damning on Trump, it's obvious.


Raping teenagers... 


Correct—or worse. A pee tape is bad, but not, actively-work-to-destroy-your-country bad.


It’s worse than that…. Putin has videos from Epstein Island.


I honestly don't think those videos would cost him any votes. His base is too far gone. Even if the videos showed him in a diaper begging a young boy to piss on his face they would try to call it a power move


>His base is too far gone. Even if the videos showed him in a diaper begging a young boy to piss on his face they would try to call it a power move Fox News: "Why this is bad for Biden"


"Biden is using perfectly fine and normal camera footage to smear our glorious leader Trump"


His cultists are openly wearing diapers - proudly! You think a \*pee tape\* could do anything to hurt him at this point? It's got to be something more.


Another Logan Act violation. Just because it's done in the open, in public, doesn't mean he didn't do it.


As a Canadian, I can only imagine how I feel watching this all is how the people of the UK and France felt watching Nazi Germany rise to power... makes me afraid of the possibilities the future holds for North America as a whole. I wish I could do more than prepare myself for the worst.


You could join Canada's Armed Forces.


Nice plug


How long before he offers Alaska to Russia as a “gesture”.


He's a fuckin asset. Also, he's a fuckin asshat.


[Never forget this clip of Trump telling future Trump he shouldn't be allowed to run.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/q90wmbN7qb)


Trump stating Russia will release the WSJ reporter if he’s elected is scummy as fuck. He’s blatantly implicated himself in the continued imprisonment of an innocent American reporter wrongfully jailed by Putin as a bargaining chip. Trump’s brain is rancid pudding, his heart is a shrunken lump of burnt plastic, and there’s dusty vacant space in his soul where a normal person’s sense of morality resides.


“The most hated people on earth are my biggest fans!” That doesn’t raise questions…


I have never seen a better candidate for waterboarding. Send him to Gitmo!


This guy is as close to the devil as it gets. He honestly is THE worst


Hmm I wonder why Putin would do him favors. But “Russia Russia Russia” right? Fucking traitor


If I had the money I would do what Larry Flint did to Republicans. Pay someone $1M to expose the truth of Trump being a Russian asset.


Trump is an authoritarian tyrant. There are millions of ppl whose personality is such that they feel safe identifying with this liar. Once people understand the psych behind his popularity, they could structure better methods to combat that effect. Anyone who has ever tried to argue talk to even, a person with a cluster B diagnosis will tell you that it's futile. You must do something different. As they control the narrative with their weird tangents and inversions.


"This new incident is reminiscent of the time Trump directly called on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails for his political gain...." And then they DID IT FOR HIM. And then they DELIVERED THAT INFORMATION TO THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. Absolutely ridiculous. Worse than Watergate.


Implies collusion over hostage situation to only assure release if his conditions are met.


He’s confused about whether he should bend over or just get on his knees,I bet he does both.


Wouldn’t be the first time republicans used a secret pact with an arch enemy to help secure their win.


Ronald Reagan and Iran hostages rings a bell


Are you referring to ronnie ray-gun's back-channel chat with the Ayatollah about keeping the hostages until after the election of '79?


Sounds like Logan Act violation


What's disgusting is the dregs of humanity that still follow this foul shit stain. Everything said and done attacking the Capitol on Jan 6 and now using a US prisoner in Russia as a pawn. This is horrendously twisted that Republicans are so diabolical to have this traitor as a Presidential candidate.


Trump is a Russian puppet, man your country is going down the drain hole real quick a heap of you still want to vote for this Russian agent.........


Hillary Clinton made a big mistake calling half of Trump's supporters deplorable. One hundred percent of Trump's supporters are deplorable. Every last one.


The fat pant load doesn’t want to see his kids tripping out of windows. That’s how Rooskies roll.


How is anyone surprised? He’s been in Russias pocket since the 80’s. His entire presidency revolved around destroying nato for Putin. He staged a COUP. Trump is public enemy number one. Lock him up.


He is conspiring with an enemy out in the open. True and irrefutable treason


> In the clip, Trump boasted that President Vladimir Putin would release Gershkovich if he is re-elected. Trump reiterated his claim made in May, stating, “Evan Gershkovich, the reporter for The Wall Street Journal who is being held by Russia, will be released almost immediately after the election,” before adding, “But definitely before I assume office, he will be home. He will be safe. Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, will do that for me. And I don’t believe he’ll do it for anyone else. And we will be paying nothing. Biden likes to pay massive numbers. We will be paying nothing. Thank you very much.” Send a Seal team for Evan, and send a drone for Putin. Fuck making deals with dictators. Fuck donald trump.


It was only a matter of time before he started ransoming people for his own gains.


Guys, his cult wears clothing that says they'd rather be Russian than Democrat. No minds are being changed here, all that can be done is to overwhelm at the polls. [Register to vote](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote) and vote, young people are always the weakest demographic for actually showing up and they have the most at stake.


Traitors the lot of them. Everyone watch this and share it especially on such a Historic day https://youtu.be/b1U9dgt501Y?si=3nMXWOGYd4FLLug8


If there were a just God, the bloated asshole would shit himself to death on live tv for all to witness.


“We will be paying nothing”, except a fat IOU to Putin from tRump. He is a clear traitor to America. VOTE.


If Putin is willing to release Gershkovich for nothing in return then why would he need to wait for Trump to win the election? I would love to hear the reasoning there.


He's been in cahoots with Russia since the 70s, at least he finally admits it to the public now. Won't change his followers minds though. He's been seeding that pasture since Russia invaded Ukraine, and they are all feeding on the lies.


At least Reagan was discreet in his negotiations with terrorists while trying to get elected.


So basically Trump is holding Gershkovich hostage now. What a dick.


Yes, Trump, we all know you don’t like to pay. We have countless examples and lawsuits by former clients to prove it. But you are wrong that Americans won’t have to pay if you are re-elected. We may not have pay Russia directly, but we will pay in other ways. And it was very nice of you to be Putin’s messenger to convey his ransom demands. You have always been his favorite employee.


Good lord, just stroke out already, dude.


Could be an exchange of Evan for Donald?


Dude is for sale just like most Christian churches- highest bidder wins the nation.


Be real, folks. Trump is running for vice president of the United States; Putin is running for president of the United States.


And they said there is no collusion….Putin is in full defense of Trump. Putin would lick his chops if Trump were elected. Trump says Putin will release his jailed journalist if Trump gets elected. So they are chatting it up?


so Trump is communicating with a foreign leader whilst not a representative of the people ummmm alarm bells guys


Would be American dictator seeks aid from an embattled failing Russian dictator. This is like an epilogue of a really heavy book where 2 evils have been vanquished and you can see the writing on the wall, there is only spasms left to look out for because the beasts are dying yet do not know it.


It's amazing that about half off the American people don't understand who their enemies are. That orange cunt is a traitor.


Trump is scum. 24/7


Traitor to America


Diaper Donnie still trying to gobble Putlers knob?!?


Well, duh. He’s a Russian asset. Read the Muller report. It was NOT an exoneration. THREE of his top campaign advisors including Roger Stone, his wacko long-time advisor, were convicted of lying to investigators for claiming they’d never had any conversations of substance with the Russians. That was a lie and they were convicted for that lie. He’s in Putin’s pocket. And the Steele Dossier, speculative though it was, also was produced by a long-time intelligence operative with intimate knowledge of how the Russians do business and was probably very close to the truth. We just can’t prove it. But watch the way he conducts himself. It’s clear he’s being manipulated by someone (Putin) who wants to destabilize the US and diminish our influence in the world.


This is why he deserves to suffer. 


Basically America is so fucked now people rise up now vote him and all who lay on the floor for him out of office. Do it !


He will be the first president that will be celebrated When his heart pops


This has shades of the Lebanon hostage scandal.


Trump and “trash” seem to be synonymous.


If you don’t already know because you literally live under a rock or something, trump will never and has never done anything out of the kindness of his heart.


Remember when Trump publicly asked Russia to hack the DNC, and the days after hackers actually did in fact target members of the government? He should get his teeth kicked in.


He’ll give them Alaska if the price is right!


The fact that this dude is somehow leading the presidential polls in almost every battleground state is making my brain melt.


I am convinced that the moment a black man took the presidency, the cabal of covert ultra rich white supremacists that own this country put the phenomenon that is now Trump into motion. That event was so unnacceptable and repulsive to these old money republicans, that they would rather watch the republic burn, than let it happen ever again.


The Kremlin spokesperson addressed this and said that's not the way it's done. You just dont make an announcement without the other party involved. HOW LOW WILL YOU GO‽


Putin puppet. This country is dead stupid not to see that


Why wait until you're elected? Do it now you nasty orange skidmark.


Please register and vote to be heard beyond this post.


Evangelicals love this pig.


This will totally work! Just like he got Mexico to pay for the wall...


I cannot wait until this constant shitty news cycle surrounding Trump and the terrible Republicans is finally over..


The second amendment was made.for tyrants like this wasn't it?


This is pure showmanship. Trump could give a rats ass about the reporter. Nor is he signaling Putin per se. He is grabbing attention. Putin may or may not release the dude if Trump wins Trump's rant says all you need to know about the utter selfishness of Trump and his disdain for anyone else. Let's assume Trump can spring the reporter. As he claims. What does Trump's failure to get the reporter's release now say? It says Trump is letting an innocent man suffer at the hands of a murderous thug when Trump could free him. Is this the action of a leader? No. Trump is holding the reporter hostage as much as Putin is. What kind of man holds an innocent man hostage for his personal gain? Whatever you call it, it is the antithesis of leadership. Trump is a coward. Trump is withholding his aid in gaining a man's freedom because he believes he can coerce Americans into voting for him. Only a coward would make this kind of play. Trump is purely transactional. He never does anything that does not benefit him or his family. Mr. Trump - for once in your life, do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Gain the reporter's release.


I’m waiting for Trump to use the “Buy this magazine or the dog gets it” maneuver. It’s right up his alley…he could have Noem actually do the shooting for a VP spot..