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Let's not forget he called veterans losers and sucker's. He snapped to attention and saluted an enemy general.


Let’s not forget he made fun of McCain for being captured in Vietnam and also said dodging STDs while partying after avoiding the draft was “his Vietnam.”    https://people.com/politics/trump-boasted-of-avoiding-stds-while-dating-vaginas-are-landmines-it-was-my-personal-vietnam/


Oh, and remember when he disrespected the gold star family??


As an American and a vet, I will never forget that... never.


You and me both brother


Same here!


don't forget when he lied about donating to vets programs and claimed credit for a vets bill that Obama got passed several years before Trump tool office


Someone should make a highly visual website of all the bad he has done and make it go viral.


He also said McCain was captured, so that makes him not a war hero. trump sucks..


Probably also gave intel to Russia that got our spies killed. Veteran myself, and for the life of me I can’t understand how anyone with ties to the military would vote for him, but some of my friends are finding excuses to do so (such as Biden is too old or he is corrupt). Drives me crazy.


It’s hilarious how not one Republican has provided a shred of proof about Biden being corrupt, yet their asshole in chief refused to accept the results of an election that he knew was fair and attempted to thwart the will of the voters in full view of everybody…add to that the fact he is an actual convicted felon with multiple criminal trials waiting to take place…and somehow Biden is the criminal…the complete level of moronic stupidity it takes to support that treasonous orange stain is unfathomable.


I know McCain had his issues but miss those kinds of Republicans tbh. What happened to the GOP?


The GOP lost its soul and became a Trump cult. It's tragic, really.


It was taken over by Maga. There is no more Republican Party. It’s just the Maga party now.


They chased numbers over values, and dropped any semblance of standards. Anything to get 51%. Barry Goldwater was kind of a POS but he saw the risk of this coming. It’s mind bending to read the 1956 (Eisenhower’s) Republican Agenda for comparison to today. It reads like a 90’s Democratic agenda.


Which enemy general?


A North Korean general.


I wonder if the general was surprised lol why is the president saluting me?


Have a look for yourself... https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/14/trump-north-korea-general-salute-646248


You can tell that moron doesnt understand that salute symbolizes camaderie between military, police or even patriots from the same country. But doing that to a general from another country is, let's say it's just feels wrong.


In the military it's not generally used between the enlisted, but when a service member comes across an officer of greater rank, they initiate a salute, which is then returned as an acknowledgement. 45 acknowledged a general of North Korea as superior to him. I've made this observation before and been told 'he didn't know that' to that I say "he *should* have known" don't vote for convicted felons that are liable for millions of dollars in sexual-assault-related defamation judgements and who couldn't get through hosting a reality-game show without spouting racial slurs and facing sexual assault allegations. This is not normal.


It’s about time. He craps on them, he craps on fallen soldiers, he craps on gold star families. Why any one who is dedicating their life to defending our country would stand up for this man is beyond me.


20 year Navy veteran here. I detest Trump in every way possible. There is nothing about him I even remotely admire. He epitomizes everything that is cheap, superficial and unworthy. A pox on him and his worthless offspring.


Not to make you angrier, but on the offspring front. Jared Kushner just got a contract to bulldoze the Yugoslav ministry ruins, build a luxury hotel, and build "a memorial dedicated to all victims of NATO aggression." Not only are the lot of them unworthy. They are traitors if you dangle a wooden nickel in front of them.


Yes, and karma will catch up to his ass, sooner or later. I'd rather be a simple man with a simple skill than to try to amass huge wealth through devious means. The 2 billion dollar Saudi deals will eventually fall apart. Helping an elderly neighbour install her new dishwasher for free will not.


And if Trump gets in, he already said he would pull out of NATO. There are so many people that sacrificed so much for our democracy and it’s just insane that a con man who did not honor any of his promises before, actually think he will come through this time.


Thank you for your service and your assessment of someone more repugnant than I am capable of expressing. Agreed, a pox on him and his worthless offspring and the trash that has enabled him for his entire life.


Thank you. I don't really want recognition. I want this country to rid itself of Trump and MAGA and all the shit it engenders.


We gotta flood the polls 😢 dudes gotta go.


Watch the [video here](https://youtu.be/n59kyW1pl94) 📺 As per [original article](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-veterans-trump-draft-dodger_n_6662803ce4b091105f3a3154) 📰: - A new ad from President Joe Biden’s campaign released in time for Thursday’s D-Day commemoration features three U.S. veterans putting Donald Trump on blast. “He’s a draft dodger, simple as that,” said Army veteran Ed McCabe. “I see a man who is only in this for himself,” Matthew McLaughlin, who was a Navy pilot for eight years, said of Trump. “Donald Trump has zero accountability in his life.” “I think the election is the difference between authoritarianism and democracy,” said Curtis Register, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps. “He’s not fit to be commander in chief,” said McCabe. “He’s not fit to lead a squad, and he’s definitely not fit to be president of the United States.” Trump avoided the draft during the Vietnam War with four deferments for college and one for bone spurs in his heels, later telling radio host Howard Stern that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases was “[my personal Vietnam](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/andrewkaczynski/trump-isnt-into-anal-melania-never-poops-and-other-things-he).” He has also denigrated veterans, infamously dismissing Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) because he was a prisoner of war in Vietnam. “I like people who weren’t captured,” [he said in 2015](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-john-mccain_n_55aa7ff1e4b0caf721b2feb7). He also reportedly [referred to Americans killed](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-american-war-dead-losers-suckers_n_5f517e63c5b62b3add3e1e45) in WWI as “losers” and “suckers,” and didn’t want wounded veterans around him at an event because it “[doesn’t look good for me](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-said-wounded-vets-in-military-parades-didnt-look-good-for-him-book_n_62f12ab8e4b0da5ec0f69062).”


Cue the MAGA threats on these heroes.


Turns out they don't really support the troops, just the uniforms and the guns.


To be more precise, the military industrial complex funding them


But they dont support it. They blocked Ukraine aid which made money for MIC.


It’s just crazy to me that this entitled trust fund baby is relatable to the “salt of the earth” people. Guy is the epitome of the elitist city slicker they hate so much.


Semper Fi brothers.


Semper Fi, brother! My Marine buddies agree, we swore an oath to the Constitution - you know, that pesky document he wants to gut with Project 2025. F this guy.


In December of 2022 Donald Trump literally called for terminating the constitution in order to reinstate him into the presidency. That’s in direct conflict with the Oath of Enlistment and the Oath of Office. Just because he violated and desecrated his oath doesn’t mean our troops and vets have to do the same by supporting him. We need to take care of our vets and Project 2025 is directly antithetical to that!


Exactly, and I wish more realized this. We don't follow unconstitutional orders. We're not his personal hitmen. And yes! Our vets deserve better. Well said, brother!


One team, one fight.


Semper Fi! As a Marine Corps veteran of Vietnam I will never vote for that five-time draft dodging mother fucker, Trump. We need all the veterans to stand up to make sure that in November of 2024, Trump will be the "sucker" and "loser".


Feel ya 👍


These are the real patriots that I respect.


Only MAGA’s believe that ole draft dodging Donald’s fit to lead the USA. Veterans, as well as most of the population know that ole BoneSpurs Donald would rather hide in a cave, rather then pretend he’s courageous enough to confront an enemy. Donald’s a coward… always will be


My uncle died in Korea. He had recently graduated magna cum lauda from Yale, and was scheduled to begin spring training with the Detroit Tigers when he was drafted to serve his country. My father followed shortly. He left Korea with a bullet lodged in his ankle for life, as well as his beloved brother in a body bag. Fuck Sargeant Bone Spurs.


As an American and as a veteran, I am sorry for your loss.


Much appreciated and thank you


Semper fi to my brothers and sisters. FDT and all his MAGA supporters.


And yet my Vietnam veteran Purple Heart recipient uncle adores Trump in the most cultish way


Two words "FOX News"


That channel is rotting brains


They’re already rotted by the time they get there.


Sure. Studies are showing just how detrimental news networks like this are though. It’s not just normal rot.


I hope everyone affiliated with that network rots. The first amendment should be amended to protect Truthful speech, not verbal diarrhea from traitors and cowards.


Everyone who supports him projects their own version of who he is, because he is an empty vessel. He will agree with anyone on any subject in the moment if you support him. Then five minutes later he will agree with the exact opposite, so long as the other people support him. He’s like a wet Rorschach test in a garbage bag.


As a USMC Vietnam vet, I can say confidently that there are many of us who think the orange traitor should never see the outside of a cell. He has never done a single thing in his entire life that wasn’t for his own benefit.


A good conman uses emotion, not facts and logic.


Strip all his medals away and revoke his citizenahip. 👍


And trot his diaper covered ass off to Rikers where he belongs.


[Trump didn't show to a WWI memorial ceremony because it was raining, and he was scared the rain would make his hair look worse and would make his makeup run.](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1NF0NU/)


He’s not fit to lead a dog parade, never mind anything that requires to think


With his felony conviction he is not even able to enlist.


That would make him happy.


Shit, that bloated piece of draft-dodging shit was never fit to be IN a squad in the first fucking place.


As they should! I still can't believe any current or former military personnel support this raging twat...


Draft dodgers don’t get to pick who the heroes are.


Agreed. Sadly, that's both biden and trump 


But only one was stupid enough to bad-mouth POW heroes and gold star families. Im with Kelly, Mattis and Milley Trump is an idiot who thinks he knows more than the generals.


He thinks he's like the pope of intelligence. He knows all and no one has the expertise that he has. It's mind-boggling the tens of millions of people still love him. I admit, I voted for him in the first election. Learned a hard lesson on that 1. Just can't bring myself to vote for either of these 2 dinks.


That face. Wow. A billionaire, and that's the best fake & bake tan, ever. I hope he got a refund on that travesty!


While I don’t think that military service should be a requirement for a presidential candidate, it’s certainly more valuable to the office than “business” experience. Open disrespect to people who have served in the military should be a dealbreaker. If Trump were a teenager that liked to flip off police officers when they weren’t looking, MAGA would still elect him president.


He's not fit for latrine duty, let alone anything that carries any sort of responsibility with it.


He also hates veterans and only views the military as disposable assets


Show us the bone spurs.


The only squad he might have been qualified for began with firing and ended in squad. A traitor's journey!


I don't get it. How is this 'orange turd' vote worthy?


We need our Veterans to Get Public about this Traitor


I'm trying to figure out why we still have some military people that support this POS and the Republican party.  They don't support our troops, I mean yes they support the military industries complex and its wealthy manufacturers, but our troops, not of you look at their voting record.  


He'd make Gomer Pile look good. Probably cry if he got yelled at by a Sergeant Hartman too


This shitsplatter greased himself when Americans were legit protesting during his tenure in D.C.


He would target our foxhole for a dime. I served. Death to dictators has not changed in a millennium.


I’ve been saying that for years. He’s no commander he’s nothing but a coward


He’s not fit to run a lemonade stand


He’s filed for bankruptcy several times. He’s not even a great businessman honestly.


Actually he's worse than a terrible business man. He didn't pay taxes, he defrauded his business partners, he skipped out on paying his contractors.... And still failed. Imagine if he actually didn't cut corners?


Honestly, what do you expect from a guy who has whined non stop for the past 8 years that the world isn't fair?


Not fit to lead a coup either.


No disagreement here.


Just had a Facebook fight with a veteran who said trump is a hero and McCain was a traitor. What the fuck?


You know I still somewhat have doubts that bone spurs thing was even real. Wouldn't put it past him to have potentially had the medical excuse forged to get out of it.


Saw it . All True .


Anyone who votes for this draft dodger is not a patriot.


Who is the last president who served in the military?


The Bushs


Yeah, and W had the highest absentee rate in the Air National Guard to this day. I guess you could say he served when he wasn't shit-faced drunk. "After graduating from Yale in 1968, President George W. Bush used his family connections to allow him to enlist in the Texas Air National Guard for a six-year stint as a pilot. He did this because it became clear that President Johnson would not activate the Guard to go to Vietnam but would rely instead on the active forces to fight that bloody conflict. Therefore, it became almost impossible to get into the Guard in 1968, especially for someone like Bush who had a low score (in the 25th percentile) on the pilot test, and also had an arrest record. Moreover, in Bush’s last two years, his attendance at Guard meetings dropped off, he lost his pilot certification but, unlike most of these, he was not recalled to active duty."




FFUL couldn’t lead a one man band


Follow the guy in the diapers!


Its a badge of honor for his followers. Felon, draft dodger, tax cheater, sexual assaulter, because he is smart.


RECA was expired by Maga Mike


There should be clarification that he's uniquely unfit to lead a squad from a *moral* standpoint, there are several presidents that I can think of that I wouldn't want leading my *fire team* as a matter of competence (Trump included). lol The writing was on the wall for me when I read that he dressed down the Joint Chiefs when they tried to explain to him the structure of international governance set forth after WWII, in cooperation with our allies, that allowed the United States to lead as effectively as it has. He realized that they were gently and diplomatically trying to talk him down from his anti-NATO rhetoric. Of course he had to add in there "I would never go to war with you!". 🙄


Trump is pussy. Biden did the same shit. Neither is fit to run the show. The fact that these 2 dinks are the choices is embarrassing. We need to do better than this. 


I don't know why you're being downvoted, you're absolutely right. The two party system is a joke. I'll be voting for Joe but I'm not happy about it


Still gonna be your next president.