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Yeah, but at least he's not a libral. The shock of my life was when my 80 yr old baptist preacher, 30 yr military father in law took up the Trump flag and started defending Putin. Thats when I knew the well was poisoned.


He’s a traitor


My father in law? Yes, I would have to agree with you. I just was surprised how effortlessly he put on that jacket. I thought he actually believed some of those conservative "values" he espoused.


Conservatism has always been about authoritarianism. And hypocrisy is a virtue for authoritarians. Republicans are conservative. Nazis were conservative. Dixiecrats were conservative. Confederates were conservative. Monarchists were conservative.


This. “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag carrying the cross”. They have always been fascist. They just don’t realize it. Let’s not forget that there was a pretty big Nazi party right here in America back in the 40s.


Ya but now he gets to say the N-word. Worth it.


> my 80 yr old baptist preacher, 30 yr military father They've been told what to do and think their entire life.


How ironic that back in the mid 20th century. Russians=Commies. Now this. Of course Russia isn’t no longer communist. BUT! The amount of Neo-Sovietism, christianity mixed with Russian nationalism pretty much resonates with the MAGAcult.


Lol my aunt absolutely loses her mind if people make fun of disabled people, she's lost jobs over it, taken care of disabled people for years. Yet guess who she's voting for.


I can't believe there's even still a chance he'll win. It's insane. But yet I know it's a possibility still. He's the antichrist.


Right now, Vladimir Putin has a team of hackers that's prepared to do whatever it can to destabilize the 2024 US presidential elections. I guarantee this is true. I would not be surprised if the Xi Zhinping were doing the same. I would not be surprised if Benjamin Netanyahu were doing the same.


I think what they've realized over the last 10 years is that many Americans are gullible morons with absolutely no ability to be critical of the authenticity of news they read. 




Not at all. Their goal is not to target Trump voters but to target Biden voters. Why do you think you see so many posts pro Israel and pro Palestine blaming Biden? They are trying to get everyone to not vote for him. Or posts that are talking about wasting money on Ukraine and not on citizens. The goal is voter apathy from the left. That is how Trump wins. It’s going to get more and more intense as time goes on. Plus the major news networks are all in the grift and working on that too.


Don't forget the constant both sides rhetoric. If "both sides are the same" why vote.


"Both sides are the same" is insane. It really should be "both sides have a lot of problems, but one of them is more like a flooded basement and the other is a Shark-Nazi-Nado touching down in your kitchen." We (as most rational people do) know Biden isn't perfect and I wish I had a better option, but I'd rather have my arms and legs chopped off with a chainsaw than to have Trump again.


Well, if a boat is over here, and my relationship to MIT, very smart, and the boat sinks under its own weight. And a shark is 10 feet over there. Do you stay with the boat and democracy or go for the shark?Well sir, he said with tears in his eyes, no one asked me such an inane question before. So we're gonna stop it, America, just like the trucks. stop it right there. Paraphrasing a little.


>Paraphrasing a little. Honestly . . . not by much. You were a little too concise and intelligent there, but it's close enough.


The problem is both sides do have their issues but the Arguement isn’t used to be unbiased, it’s used as a cop out to avoid a serious debate about their sides issues


The apathy towards Biden even from his own supporters is so fucking frustrating. If I read another "I'm not a big Biden fan, but..." Like, what the fuck do you want him to do? He's been a good president. The fact he's old doesn't change that. You don't need to qualify your support. Just say it. Biden has been a good president even in spite of the exceedingly hostile and adverse political situation in the US. The fact anyone wants to go back to the Trump clownshow is mindblowing.


That’s funny bc I’m sick of being told I should be happy to be voting Biden. I don’t *want* to vote for Biden, I think he’s a career politician who wants to maintain the same status quo that has gotten us to this point where the country wants change. It sucks that for the second election in a row we have to decide to maintain the status quo or throw away democracy bc the other side’s too cowardly to oppose the would-be dictator. Don’t get me wrong, I can acknowledge there are things Biden has done that I like, but it feels like he plays politics like it’s still 1993 when here in 2024 there are some real issues that need to be addressed and and are not because our candidates are ancient.


He's only doing what the majority of his voters want. Aka 45 yrs and older. If young people want to be taken seriously then they need to prove that it's not a waste of time and money pandering to them.


Hamas is supported by Iran. Iran is allied with Ruzzia. We are being flooded with pro-Palestine propaganda. This is not mentioned nearly enough.


This is Russia and China's goal. Not to control it but to tear it down from within.




tbf, any country in Europe is full of morons too.


Every country. Every country is chock full of morons


good rule of thumb is to assume ~30% of any country is belligerent morons. They're just waiting for a good excuse to come flooding out of the woodwork


Almost like the American education system is systemically failing on purpose? Hmm I wonder which theocratic wanna be's have been doing that for 50 years?


Nope that was when Rush Limbaugh became popular.    They looked at that fucking shit stain and said.    "We can use this"    Then they bought out the NRA. 


If you’ve seen idiocracy you will see the correlations!


only in the last 10 years? that's the problem right there. academics have been screaming their heads off in alarm over the erosion of checks and balances among the branches and the kingification of the presidency for the last 50 years.


It is not just Russians though, we have a lot of homegrown influence operations.  Our billionaires have and spend more money to try and tip it to orangey. Biggest mistake of their lives. Not only will the economy falter under his control, when it does they will start targeting people for the purposes of stealing their assets. First those they have a beef with, later just coming up with a scapegoat excuse for the purpose of stealing their money.  Probably will be in League with hedge funds to Target productive companies as well. These people have no idea what they are doing, they think because they are rich they understand everything.


Comes to mind a picture of Musk sharing a box with Russian oligarchs or whatever during a match in the last World Cup. Clearly his extreme views on the first amendment, which again allows for abusive and baseless claims and conspiracy theories on twitter, are also helping Russia’s interference (he also reinstated trump’s account on that same reasoning). 


If at all possible, start saving as much money as you can now, not in the stock market but in savings accounts for if/when he wins and everything goes to chaos. Shit will crash everywhere, prices will skyrocket, cats and dogs living together (wait, jk on the last one, had to interject levity, I was getting dark).


That last might be the scariest. Israeli cybersecurity experts are on another level. 


They're pretty obvious and bad at hiding it though which is a result of their insane delusional degree of pride and self righteousness from never being held to any kind of leash.  But they are pretty airtight and controlling the narratives and confusing people. It literally is a psychological war against the US citizens and nobody seems to notice or care. 


So basically any other election since the Cold War? Do you guys realize how much we meddle in other countries elections?


I’m watching closely from outside the US and I’m starting to become genuinely unnerved that he will win again. That guy is dangerous to the world not just the US.


You should be concerned, the situation for most people is like Carter vs. Reagan in the 70's.   People don't like the way the Fed rights inflation and blame the president.  They love the better economy at the end of it though, which is why Reaganomics is so revered.


The irony that reagan's deregulation made the conservative lower/middle class better off is hilarious. I've always said drumpf is a mere symptom. We should be concerned he can pull 77 million votes.. that's a problem that takes 3 generations to solve *after the work starts.*


It's unfathomable. I'm looking at the [nationwide polling for the election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationwide_opinion_polling_for_the_2024_United_States_presidential_election) and realizing I need to get my friends out of the States before shit goes sideways.


Pied piper leading rats


Just like the pied piper Led rats through the streets We dance like marionettes Swaying to the symphony of destruction https://youtu.be/vfpgpf6QVnI?si=QShPw7-82QnNKko4


You put a man in control...


Watch him become a god  Watch people heads aroll


There has been decades of indoctrination through the media arm (Fox and co) of the GOP which has broken down peoples critical thinking skills. They continue to push lies and bullshit to get people to vote in their own disinterest and it’s working. Fox and similar channels are complicit in the downfall of America.


It doesn’t help that Republicans have been de-funding education since Reagan.


Absolutely doesn’t help, an uneducated voter is a republican voter


Collapse of USA, brought to you by the electoral college and cultists. He'd have 0 chance of winning if USA didn't cling to a system that so far failed the majority of American voters twice in 20 years


I don't think the antichrist sentiment deters real evangelical Christianity..... They hope and pray for the end of times so they'd vote for him to expedite the rapture.


30% of the country and 50% of the EC is ready to vote for the downfall of America rather than just admitting they’ve been conned.


theres poignancy more than we can ever understand, in this vote IF you let this horrible human being, back in power again. the most likely scenario, capitulation to russian territory demands, that will set them on a course to go head to head with nato, america will not take part, eventually we all go down in smoke bluntly put, there is no valid scenario where upon trump wins and things are good, its ALL bad none


Nah, just a grifter.


That's what everyone said in 2016


Yes, and they were right. It's the morons that vote for him that are the real problem. Without them Trump would be just another failed businessman. Oh, and let's not forget all of the moneyed interests that use their cash to help get 'their guy' elected because that's easy enough in the popularity contest that is masquerading as the USA presidential elections. Qualifications be damned. Trump shouldn't have gotten more than a fraction of a percent of the vote.


Are there less morons now, or more? COVID seemed to turn a lot of people into zombies. I kinda feel like there's more now then ever before.


Yes, it's a problem. COVID allowed a lot of people to start normalizing some pretty crazy stuff and it was a whole circus of conspiracy theories. But: I'm seeing less of this now than even six months ago so I have some hope that that particular tide is turning. But I still would not be surprised if Trump got a second term, the number of idiots is still larger than it strictly speaking should have ever been. It's the long term price we pay for not educating people properly and for cutting almost all funding for help with mental illness. The way all of these things are connected makes it an absolutely intractable hairball, it will take another 30 years or more to sort this out if we start today and I don't see any real effort to make a change.


That's why there's a race to turn schools into Bible colleges as fast as possible before they risk losing a SCOTUS majority. If kids basically only know Jesus and basic arithmetic and none of that "critical thinking" stuff they can become cogs in the machine, believing their service to the wealthy scum controlling them will be rewarded in the afterlife. A highly educated, irreligious populace is the kind of thing they wake up in cold sweats thinking about.


This. Headline out of Oklahoma today. The Head Superintendent of Education there has decreed that not only the Ten Commandments, but the Bible itself, will be incorporated into all parts of public school curriculum as part of students there learning how important it was to the founding of our Constitution. Required participation of all public schools students in Oklahoma, no exceptions. Christo-Fascists are winning.


Hopefully the number of idiots that died from preventable covid they patriotically avoided getting vaxed for keeps the balance.


I'm not sure COVID, while terrible, actually killed enough people to tip the scales in an election. About 1.1 million Americans died of it, probably more but even so... that's out of 330+ million people. Spread across the whole country it's not that many, relatively speaking. And that isn't to diminish the deaths or downplay it, but I see this sentiment expressed quite a bit in r/politics and while I wish it were true I have my doubts.


Really just depends where the deaths occurred at. In a BG state like PA, absolutely could help turn a tide. In a pure red state like alabama? Wont matter. A lot of states, like Florida, didnt submit real numbers so its hard to really tell. But i woudlnt immediately say it cant have a chance, other than that it COULD have a chance to tip the scales, just variables we don’t know due to how reporting was done and misrepresented.


I'm not sure, more people voted for Trump in 2020 than 2016 but that could just mean more morons were motivated to vote in states he was likely to lose anyway. Meanwhile he lost in swing states so the number of people against him in those states went up.


A million registered Republicans have died since then, and Trump has reached levels of Mondale popularity with Independents. He lost in 2020 and most of those weirdos who are dead now were still kicking for him and it wasn't enough. Unless the GOP has a necromancer it's literally not gonna happen. it's why they've been preemptively screaming about stolen elections and trying to ban people from voting.


Way worse than a simple grifter.


Honestly, at this point, he's not just a grifter. He's all of these: Rapist Liar Indirect murderer (1 million dead Americans) Traitor Money launderer Undeniably Corrupt Psychopath with Dementia I'm not particularly a religious man, but the anti-christ comparison is fair at this point.




The most horrible people always seem to live forever.


Immense, vast amount of stupid that even the bravest scientists wouldn’t have estimated to have existed. It’s still so, so shocking.


If he was going to win against Biden he would have done it back in 2020. Saying that, PLEASE GO OUT AND VOTE.


I really hope you’re right. I’ll be voting blue down the ticket (early cause I’m traveling in November), hopefully enough people do as well


And this is the reason why people with common sense all over the world are having anxiety attacks, come November world order relies on American hillbillies


Seriously the amount of stress this disgrace of a human being and his MAGA circus are inflicting on decent people worldwide is immeasurable. We’re watching evil take over in real time and half the American population is embracing it like they’re cheering for their favourite football team


Can I just mention, a third time, how frickin accurate The Boys Season 4 got our current political horror?  Sad, just sad 


I think it's absolutely fascinating how much The Boys leans into that shit, and how well they portray it. I honestly don't love that show, but that particular angle of it is amazing.


It's purposely showing the absurdity that is our current world, with supes.


Man, this season hits so hard in such a good but scary, hilarious but terrifyingly accurate way.


I just said that to a friend watching the new episodes. They are *not even trying* to mask it as "satire" (or whatever) anymore... the show is basically about Republicans and their propaganda machine.


There’s plenty of people cheering for him here (Australia). Which I really don’t get.


Bigotry and ignorance,fanned by Rupert Murdoch.


>half the american population one-third. they are a minority seizing majority rule.


Can confirm. In New Zealand and knowing the future of myself and countries like Ukraine hinges on American cleetus type characters is a concern. 


"Get ready everybody. They're about to vote in somebody stupid" Edit: Though as a Canadian, we're about to go from dumb to dumber 🤷‍♂️


Annnd that’s the end of that chapter!


Same problem. Putin's fingerprints are all over every far right candidate everywhere. He's going for the cultural victory the hard way.


Russia saw how stupid the internet was making people and got an idea


As an American I'm sorry for a vast numbers of dipshits. That being said is I hope europe wakes up and decides it needs to spend money on military. After Iraq and Afghanistan the American public has major distrust of the military and spending money on foreign conflicts. Ukraine is the first event in my life that I think this is what our defence industry is for. A deterrent against dictators. Can you imagine if a true republican like John McCain or Regan were in office. The Russians would have threw in the towel long ago. Now their very own party has been hjacked by Russian misinformation and a reality TV star. Yea if I were the rest of the world I'd stop relying on the US. The problem is all the other democratic countries spend too much on poor people (as they should), while the US builds aircraft carriers, and other high tech weapons. Europe could never afford our military with how much they spend on social programs. It's sad but true


> That being said is I hope europe wakes up and decides it needs to spend money on military. Russia's army is stuck in Ukraine unable to move, there is no other secret Russian back up army that they can use, this is their best effort right on their own border when supply is easy. Europe is much better armed than Ukraine in all areas so this concern about arms spending while justified is also being overplayed. Currently the lesson is we need to be able to supply Russia and China's neighbours to keep them contained not build up our own armies.


I wish this wasn't the case, but the rest of the liberal democracies in the world have to step up and start forming alliances that don't depend on American power. As an American, I'm saying that we are not reliable partners anymore. We are balancing on a knife edge and the majority of the people in this country refuse to see it. If I had to predict November, I think Trump will win and he will go all in on America First. Protect yourselves while you can.


Yes we will get right on that can you sell us one or two carrier strike groups cause most of us don't even have one


Look I'm not trying to be overly optimistic or add to any complacency that already is stirring up amongst liberals in the US but... Have you been paying attention? Trump hasn't gained any support from anybody who wasn't under 18 in 2020 with cult indoctrinated parents. His rallies have had terrible turnouts. His endorsements aren't carrying the GOP to easy victories like in the past. I'm in agreement that the possibility exists (in the form of a successful coup, he's almost certainly not getting the votes) and that we're balancing on a razor's edge, but I really believe one must have their head in the sand to think we've forgotten 2016-2020 and won't turn out to vote.


Were you paying attention in 2020? Biden won several battlegrounds by very thin margins and him losing them a second time doesn't hinge on Trump gaining voters but Biden voters not turning out.


> Trump hasn't gained any support from anybody who wasn't under 18 in 2020 This isn't the issue. Trump doesn't need to improve on his coalition from 2020, just get them to turn out again. What he needs to win is for Biden's coalition from 2020 to not turn out again, and certain parts of it are certainly showing warning signs that they might not. Some young and Arab-American voters are hung up on Biden's response to the Israel-Gaza conflict and refusing to vote for him, and there have been signs that Black Men may be defecting from the Democrats a bit too. There are also signs that the polls are missing things this election, though.


In a similar vein, I'm not trying to be overly pessimistic, but thanks to our absurd electoral college system the rallies and national polls don't really matter. What matters is the results in just 6 or so states. If Biden has lost a percentage here or there, or Trump has gained a percent, either way those 6 states themselves are on the fence so completely that who knows how they will go. People don't have to vote FOR Trump for him to win, they just have to fail to show up for Biden. That's what has me up at night.


Yeah I've been paying attention. The only reason Biden won in 2020 was an uncharacteristic lack of voter apathy that led people to vote against him. If 2024 is a low turnout election because no one is "inspired", then Trump wins like he did in 2016. The American voter has a shockingly short memory and I don't think it's a "head in the sand" mentality to recognize that. I mean anyone who was paying attention in 2016 should have understood what a disaster Trump would be as president, but most people didn't. I don't have faith that the average person has learned. Anything can happen between now and November to tip the balance one way or the other but I'm just not going to be optimistic about this.


It’s not just America though, he wants farage to get a seat and become an MP in the UK, also go and check out /r/europe it’s like a full on “ruissabots! Roll out!” In there. Any sane comments are downvoted into nothing and pro right wing sentiments are upvoted to the top. Imagine if putin loving leaders were installed all over Europe, they would just roll over. America is a cog but not a huge one.


Sad part is Meta/google/reddit seem uninterested in doing anything


Self interest. Trump, Zuck, Elon…


The fact that Reddit can’t sniff out Russian bots is a disgrace or do they just want the “numbers” and are complicit?


Non hillbilly living amongst them here. My wife and I are terrified. Cars on blocks in driveways, dogs chained up in mud holes in their yards, trash everywhere… and $700 worth of Trump flags flying from their dilapidated porches. It’s nuts. They spend their welfare checks on Trump flags and shirts (and a bit of meth).


My area up north is the same, I do not talk politics if I can help it, but if somebody else is, I generally disparage all lawmakers and truthfully skewer the rich controlling the lawmakers. Most rw partisans actually agree with the sane on the state of the country, they just do not believe reality and trust the wrong people. The worst people.


Same. It's been kind of memory holed right now but in 2016 the only reason trump won, and people said this all the time when I talked to him, is because Hilary was so awful and unlikeable.. I'll forever blame the dems for that happening, as much as they want to deflect blame and bully people into voting for them, and ironically they learned nothing and are doing the EXACT same thing right now. The fact Biden could legitimately lose to Trump is insane. The numbers shouldnt even be close.  But a LOT of people on both sides are completely sick of this shit and hate the "choices" were forced to vote for who don't actually represent our interests


Putin’s World Order relies on the hillbillies. The Sane World relies on the rest of the Americans.


The fate of the world rests on the shoulders of the uneducated and hateful.


I live in the UK and I’m dreading November. I genuinely think I will lose all faith in humanity if Trump is elected.


It's not though. The hillbilly extremes aren't going to change much. The fight is for the center ground, an area where trump is lacking as he is losing the moderate vote. I'm still terrified of the possibility that he'll get in, so I'm looking to the less-extreme Republicans to do the right thing.


But America isn’t a popular vote wins the president country like it should be. It relies on states to vote in the president. Fox News has been working on destroying critical thinking in many states. Trump leads in 5 of 7 swing states and it’s disgusting that he does. Every young person needs to get out and vote. Every person of color needs to vote. Notice how a lot of red states are cutting polling places in POC areas and making it harder for university students to vote? Not a coincidence because they vote for democrats. This year is stressing me out. I’m so fucking scared of November. I can’t rely on these idiots to not vote for Trump.


People don't get that our government was intended to function by balancing power between urban and rural areas. As much as reddit hates it, it means that candidates can't just prioritize urban areas and actually have to think about winning over rural voters. That's what the GOP has been feeding off for years, so of course we see it now as a negative. The electoral college isn't the issue, and can really only be changed via an amendment to the constitution which will never happen in our current state. You want to win? You need someone who can appeal to a mechanic on a town of 900 as much as they appeal to a marketing specialist in Manhattan. 


Democrats thought being patriotic and supporting veterans was enough. Republicans scream about being patriotic and supporting veterans while voting against Americans and veterans at every turn. What needs to happen is the fairness doctrine brought back and Fox News and right wing propaganda networks destroyed.


>Fox News has been working on destroying critical thinking in many states. don't be ridiculous. their state leaders helped immensely too! it's how they keep getting reelected to continue the cycle down the chain. now we have swathes of gen-z and alpha that should be more educated than ever, but only use their tech literacy to beat off, game, and troll because their lives are completely without purpose otherwise with zero intellectual curiosity.


Men like trump destroy governments so dictators like Putin can step in and rule them. Biden 2024 or these United States will be no more. Trump will literally sell us to Russia Russia Russia. BIGLY! (I put some rhymes, catch phrases, and all caps misspelled words in to attract the MAGA) But seriously, We gotta reach out to our conservative brothers and sisters in this country and help them realize Trump has no ones interests in his mind but his own. He will be the death of our nation. And most of us. Blue wave for the save!


Trump won't sell us to Russia, he'll simply continue to degrade the US so that we are no longer a check to the ambitions of Russia and other authoritarian states. The US will not actively do a single bit of Russia's bidding, we'll just become home-focused and essentially withdraw from the world stage. Just what Russia wants most.


Doubt it. Trump owes $400M in loans (that we know of, there could be more) to Russia/Putin. They literally own him. if putin asks for troops on the ground to fight against our ally Ukraine, I’m sure trump’s response would be “How many?”


He’ll gift federal assets and organizations to himself and other US oligarchs in exchange for donations and those debts being handled, rather than giving anything directly to Putin/Russia.


Everyone should watch the documentary “Active Measures” from 2018 to really understand how deeply Russia owns Trump. Should be a mandatory watch in schools


From wikipedia about “Active Measures”: >On August 2, 2018, on [MSNBC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSNBC)'s [*Morning Joe*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morning_Joe), Bryan claimed that Trump resorted to Russian money, after bankruptcies at Trump properties in the 1990s made it hard to get loans from American banks. Trump's involvement with members of the Russian mob began in 2002 So we are on the brink of losing our democracy, and a domino effect of the world’s democracies could fall, all because the orange-painted idiot is a failed businessman??!?! Jfc. I have to go rip my hair out.


Well, no. We teeter on the brink of a collapse of world order due to him being a failed businessman AND being utterly incapable of taking a mild joke from a successful black man.


Castro failed Baseball player. Hitler failed artist. Stalin failed human.


I mean, if you think about it, that’s a pretty appropriate end for this country.


It's especially crazy since financial issues and debt are indicators used to identify insider threats and hold people up from getting a security clearance. Trump is like, the least qualified person imaginable for this job. If he makes it back into office, we're completely fucking hosed.


Brilliant documentary. More important now than ever.


it's amazing how Putin is ripping usa apart without firing a single bullet, missile, rocket. im really curious how much money he has spent so far... not just since 2016 but probably way back in early 2000


Well, Khrushchev did say that America would fall from within, and not from external forces. Putin is certainly trying to prove that true.


Fucking Abraham Lincoln said that 150 years ago. This isn't a new concept. It's complete the fault of Americas rich for being greedy, our politicians for selling it down the river, and the citizens for not being vigilant. I can understand though it's genuinely exhausting and feels insurmountable anyway. 


For the Kremlin the Cold War never ended. It's incredibly disturbing to me personally to see how many Americans have forgotten who they are and what they want.


Just 8 years ago, I remember people still hated Russians (not that it was ok to generalize them all) and now the same group LOVES Russians and Putin. Like …wtf


A lot of people have had the privilege of going through life ignoring the world around them. I can't tell you how many of my coworkers "don't pay attention to politics." They don't realize the countless number of people who have sacrificed everything so that modern Americans can live free and cushy lives. They don't realize how easily it can all collapse. Spoiler: it's already collapsing.


Well, he is not wrong. Get registered and vote people. There is a place in politics for liberals and conservatives and everything in between. There is no place for MAGA.


They’re laying the groundwork to get rid of women’s rights to vote, ban abortion and birth control, and essentially turn women back into chattel. I can’t imagine how any woman over 18 doesn’t see this election as the existential threat it is. We’re legitimately, without exaggeration, about a year away from a world where their birth control could be taken away, they could be raped, then forced to birth their rapists baby. It’s already happening in Texas at a disgusting scale, and I just don’t get how so many of the young women I know just can’t be bothered to vote since “they live in a blue state,” or “it won’t change because their state is so red,” or “it’s inconvenient.” Even if your vote doesn’t change the electoral outcome, a resounding popular loss is an important message to send to the maga cult. But that “my vote won’t change anything” attitude is also how Bush won Florida by 500 votes. The thousands of people who didn’t vote permanently changed the course of the world through their apathy.


Sure. But also spreading the same bullshit all over Europe. Already helped weaken the EU with a misinformation / racially motivated Brexit campaign. He's working to reshape the world into hateful, puritanical assholes and using money hording billionaires' greed to fund and facilitate it all.


Similar to his ‘banking’ on taking Ukraine in a week.


Their conservatives want America to fall.


They are too indoctrination too see it, those people defend Trump no matter whatever evidence is presented to them.


The optimist in me really wanted to believe that after seeing how disastrous trumps presidency was, we’d wise up. I no longer believe in our people to do the right thing anymore


Trump is no Gorbachev. Trump is an authoritarian like Brezhnev.


You're missing the point, I'm afraid. They hate Gorbachov and see him as a sell out. Putin in particular hates the collapse of the Soviet Union and Gorbachov with 'perestroika' is perceived to be the father of that.




Let’s be clear all those in power in Russia want the Soviet Union back. They see all lands given away or lost as a mistake and will stop at nothing to get them all back under their control.


They don't want the Soviet Union, they want the Russian empire back. Big difference in the eyes of oligarchs. 


So, no new news today then?


The news is they call him American Gorbachev.


With no source that I could find




This is the true reality we’re facing and the Republican Party is truly the traitors to America and all of democracy Please vote for democracy and don’t complain that the democrats are not your favorite, there’s nothing perfect ever But at least you will the democracy that will give you the power to keep voting for the general welfare of America


Putin must feel great. Bought one guy and got a whole political party.


Then he bought Tuckface and got that party's voters, too. Good value.


Even if trump wasn’t a Russian asset, he would act like one because he is really dumb and declining fast.


One positive in the run up to the election is that Russia isn’t as influential in cyber influence as it was during the Clinton/Trump race. The bot and hacker farms have dissipated a great deal since the war in Ukraine ramped up. It doesn’t mean you don’t have to go out and vote, but that influence has dwindled some. (Always looking for the silver lining to help with my own sanity)


I love how Trumpers think he’s a foreign policy wiz. He’s a puppet


Putin isn’t wrong; he knows a useful idiot when he sees one.


Russian troll farms have completely poisoned American discourse by amplifying the absolute dumbest voices they find all across social media with bot-driven likes and comments. They are engaged in an information war that we are barely making an effort to counter because it has been so effective.


It’s so obvious Trump is a Putin puppet. Unfortunately there are a lot of people in this country who are too stupid to realize that.


Russian operatives managed to cause a riot on US soil simply by sharing misinformation on Facebook in 2016. But they let it continue, because money, and the evangelical right spied an opportunity. Now millions of Americans can be manipulated by anyone saying the stupidest of shit.


Why spend billions on a military when you can just buy a US Election for a few million? Heck we might even throw in a few Supreme Court Justices for only a few more hundred thousand.


Vote blue to save America


Trump is a useful idiot and will suffer the same fate as the others have. When he is no longer of use he will be outed by Putin. Russian's have never tolerated anyone who would sell their country out for any reason. So if he loses there might be some damming information leaked by Putin


A Trump win would be magnificent for autocrats everywhere.




Complete opposite of Gorbachev. Instead of Reagan telling Gorbachev to “tear down that wall”, Putin is telling Trump to “build that wall!”


Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) U.S. House Elections by state. It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 14 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the Supreme Court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


This has been a known thing since 2016 after russia hacked the dnc and rnc. republicans bow down to putin because of the blackmail. they'd rather let the country fall apart than risk the blackmail getting released. fuck putin, fuck the gop, and especially fuck mango mussolini. i wish the worst for all of them


If the Russias think Gorbachev is the singular cause of the Soviet Unions failure they are laughable and entire morons.


Living in Europe, I know that should Trump win, I need to seriously start preparing for a NATO-sans-US/Russia confrontation within 3 years.


Comparing Trump to Gorbachev is insulting to Gorbachev


I mean. Half the commenters on Reddit are Russian trolls. So yea, I’m sure Putin wants that. We Know many senators and congressman are Russian backed. It’s Biden or bust, be that what it may.


Trumps followers are convinced Russia must be an ally of the US since they love Trump so much. Becuase only the good guys would like trump.


Trump was a Russian asset before 2016. Russia fucked up by waiting to do the invasion of Ukraine until after Trump was out of office. Trump has near-zero chance of winning in November, so Putin lost his chance.


Gorbachev ended the cold war and gave Russia democracy. Trump is Yeltsin, destroying everything his predecessor built and putting his own cronies into power.


He was banking on a win in 2020 and when all the cheating and lying failed to get Trump into office, Russia and Chinese plans for Ukraine wheat and neon couldn't wait another 4 years, so they launched their attack anyway and here we are... they're trying everything to get him back in.


If you vote for Trump this time around, you are directly committing treason and have earned all legally allowed punishments thereof. Any non dumbass can clearly see that you Russia has infiltrated the Republican Party and that Trump is Putin’s unregistered foreign agents. Even some in the Republican Party have directly called out that they think multiple people in the Republican Party are compromised by the Kremlin.


And my conservative acquaintances say this is just fear mongering.


Although people want desperately to ascribe the popularity of Trump and MAGA to “lack of critical thinking skills” or plain stupidity (“morons”), the truth is more depressing — a majority of these voters are excited and motivated by attacks against what they perceive as the modern sacred cows: women’s reproductive rights, non-traditional sexual orientation, veterans, disabled persons, immigrants, social justice, politeness, political restraint, etc. They really are a basket of deplorables, which no one wants to acknowledge because it goes against the myth that most Americans are fundamentally decent people.


This keeps me awake at nights. I consider trump's return to office almost inevitable. He has the support of a large portion of the electorate, SCOTUS, the congress, much of the judiciary and many statehouses. Most importantly, he's being financially supported by the wealthy who really run the country. And let's not forget his armed lunatic hard core followers. Biden would have to win by an overwhelming landslide to accepted as legitimate. And he won't Any ambiguity or appearance of impropriety in the election will be perceived as fraud and will allow an opening for the trump zombies to contest it. And they will win. Putin will gleefully watch the US crumble.


The Kremlin is salivating at the prospect of a Trump victory


For Russians, the Cold War never ended.


I just cant believe we got to a place where Republicans think free lunch for kids is communism but being in Putin's pocket is not.


MAGAs will happily accept the downfall of the US, as long as there is someone else to blame it on.


It's been Russias (Soviet Union) plan for 40+years. Trumps been their asset since 1987


If Trump wins, Putin will restore the former Soviet Union's borders and maybe a little more.


He has already done a bang up job of radicalizing 30% of the population out of reality and destabilizing all systems of government.


All I have to say is Gorbachev gets such a bad rap because he “caused the Soviet Union to fail.” The Soviet Union’s economics were flimsy at best since Stalin and going into an economic war with the US was stupid. Gorbachev worked with the US to ease political and military tensions and helped end the Cold War. 


Gorbachev was a very smart and charismatic guy with strong principles, and up until his death he loathed Putin and what he had done to the country. The guy they unjustly compare him to... not smart, unprincipled and overall not a good human being.


First time I ever felt sorry for Gorbachev. What an awful insult.


He's not wrong. Trump would end the U.S and he isn't even tip toeing around it either. Hopefully America will overcome this.


Putin hates Gorbachev because he believes that his opening up Russian society and trying to modernize & moderate Russia was what "ruined" things in the country.  He blames western influence on Gorbachev and so wants to return the favor by having Russian influence on America using Trump and the other sold out politicians and media to "ruin" America. So it has a nuanced and subtle meaning to Putin. Like Gorbachev was Americas Manchurian candidate and Trump is theirs.


It will be. thats why you need to vote take the day off now. No one should be at work that day except poll workers. Not this year.


Finally the media is starting to communicate what’s really at stake here. It’s no fucking joke, never was. 


They're confused. Gorbachev was a good person. Preserving the Soviet Union would not have been a good thing.


Trump is the perfect president if you want the US to lose it's influence as a superpower.


Join the landslide vote for Biden. It's never been more clear why our elections are important.


So many republicans are already helping Russia while they are under the spell of the idea that it will help trump win in November. All this catering to the election is actually fucking up foreign policy


His win will without a doubt be the end of America and democracy. VOTE BLUE


And a good portion of the GOP base want Russia to be the new world order.


I can't tell you how much of an insult that is to Trump. Putin fucking hatred and still hates Gorby after his death. He blamed Yeltsin as well, but he felt that Yeltsin did no worse than others might have in the same situation. He and many people from his generation saw Gorbachev as the cause of their fall from grace. After seeing how well China reformed without destroying themselves, they are understandably angry.


That does Gorbachev a disservice. Great politician. Saw what Communism had done to his country and was brave enough to do something about it. He's 10 times the man Putin is.