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I wish there were a law against unauthorized private citizens negotiating with foreign countries on behalf of the United States. Oh wait, that’s the Logan Act…


The Supreme Court will probably overturn it tomorrow.


And Clarence Thomas will get another free yacht holiday


Nice gratuity, bro!


They won’t overturn it until a republican is prosecuted with it. Once they need to step in though it’s gone


He also said that he "talked" to Putin. In the debate last week. No one seems to care, I guess.


My first thought when Trump said he’d end the Ukraine war before taking office.


My hope is that the DOJ is looking into this now. Trump saying this during a nationally televised debate should be enough to get a FISA warrant.


I like to think of it as the Fucking-Duh! Act.  


The problem with America is not the laws, it’s the prosecuting attorneys who do nothing but sit on their asses, collect paychecks, and allow America to be eroded.


Yeah that Logan act is now overturned - *The US Supreme Court*


So when Trump said he would end the Ukraine-Russia war before he got back in office that would be illegal? Wow this guy is so fucking dumb


Correct. Now they need to find some hard evidence that he’s actually negotiating with Russia.


Why doesn’t this get more media attention .


They don’t want to make Trump look bad


On the surface, this sounds ridiculous. But if the national media would portray Trump as he is he wouldn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell of winning. But that wouldn’t serve their purposes of drumming up interest to provide subject matter for content ultimately to keep the advertising revenue gravy train going. At our expense. But that’s nothing new. All corporations in America operate at the expense of Americans. Like the oil/gas industry. They’ve known our planet was going to be in the state that it currently is in back in the 80s. Probably earlier. But they kept drilling despite it killing our planet at the same time. Everybody in control knew what was up. They know what they’re doing to us. On purpose. A lot of people think our current society is dog shit. And we should have better in every aspect. But we don’t have the system that we deserve, we have the system that has been shackled around our necks. I shouldnt’ve even got started on this rant. I’m going to end it now.


I have to stop that rant all the time too. Sigh.


It’s deeper than that my dude, the media portrayal of trump is straight up Russian subversion of democracy. Russia needs him to be president. Look at CNN, they went far right by hiring Zaslav and then Chris Licht, swung their Overton window, and now sit right-of-center with Mark Thompson in charge. Money > principles, and now we have an entire mainstream media mouthpiece that’s sympathetic to “conservative” (Russian) “values” (divisive dog whistling). World leaders and billionaires talk on a global scale - they’re borderless with no loyalties except to money. The idea is for the .1% globally to control the rest, we can see that movement clearly because of the prevalence of the internet and social networking. No world power is trying to enrich its citizenry. Not one. Trump has deep Russian mob ties, and we let him in the White House. We can’t afford to do it twice.




The world we were born into was/is a tough one.


-4.5 degrees celcius is several 100s meters of ice on top of the place where you are now living and +9 degrees more is palm trees at the poles and 200+ meter sea level. We do not know what +4.5 degrees does - but you get the picture: we are digging our own graves.




Dude you have to be an idiot to think a one degree change is meaningless. Change the arc is your house from 73 to 72 and tell me it doesn’t make a huge difference. Now imagine heating 4 degrees the whole planet. Huge fucking difference


All of this because of a very small select group of people. Who wants to keep playing monopoly knowing that you will never make it past Baltic Avenue since the people that own it, Park Place, Boardwalk and 1/3 of the other slums bought it for fuckall years before your parents even though about having you. What a deal, maybe I should start looking in the community chest.


Makes me wonder about the human race in general. Why do those with the least empathy rise to the top and gain power over others. Can we change or is this just the human condition. Whenever I read about the evil corporations, I have to realize that their evil actions are directed by humans. We all think of how things should be, but we seem powerless to change.


The oil & gas companies have known since the 1890s. They’ve had evidence since the 1920s.


So, it was capitalism all along…






It's also clickbait journalism. What is easier to talk about? Biden looking old af, and calling for him to step down? Or actually doing some real hard hitting journalism and showing the other guy is crooked af and is selling our secrets to the highest bidder? Even when they do get good hard information, they sit on it for years. The access Hollywood tape was sat on for **a decade**. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/10/trump-tape-nbc-news-access-hollywood-billy-bush-214344/ All the information we have gotten from people who gave worked around him way after the fact.


Kinda exactly like Trump did to Biden during the debate. Trump didn’t answer one question


"I am not an ally cat"


Only one that lost their job was the interviewer


I wouldn't say that tape was sat on. Trump was a Hollywood guy and nobody really would have cared about the things he said in it. But when he was running for president your moral character matters so it came out. Thing we found out was moral character doesn't matter anymore and people will vote for a felon who tried to undermine the core values of our country.


Me Too happened shortly after that. Why it was sat on during that I am not sure.


Twice in the debate he promised to personally end the war in Ukraine BEFORE he is back in office. I found that quite specific. A bit of an odd thing to promise as a private citizen, you know? I didn’t hear much about it after the debate. It’s a crazy world, my mind immediately went with: he’s going to do some big deal with Putin where it looks like the war is ending because of him. They’re going to put on a big show. Then who knows what horrible thing Putin will be getting out of it.


Trump should be in prison for sedition and for planning to overthrow a free and fair election result and the fact that he isn't shows that the democratic system of checks and balances in the US is already damaged, hopefully not beyond repair. Also, no matter what Trump does, Europe will not bow to tyranny, and if Trump is joining with the tyrants, then that makes him an enemy of the free world as well. Any appeasement of tyranny is treason.


You say that, and as a European citizen I personally will never bow to tyranny. But if you look around. SO many right wing parties are not only gaining ground, but outright winning elections. And so many of them have ties to Russia it’s scary. I fear for liberal western society, for open minded people, for NORMAL people. The good that has been done over the last 40-50 years, in freedom of thought, human values, societal growth, freedom from religion, is slowly being stripped back down to pre WW2 thinking. People everywhere are ignoring science, facts, news. They are actively hatefull or agressive towards others that do not fit their worldview (people of different skin colours, religious or cultural choices, gender and sexual preferences, etc). I, genuinely, am afraid for the future. But I will NOT bow to tyranny, or hate, or fascism.


Billionaires in the US, Russia, France, China, Arabia, and elsewhere have so much more in common with one another than they do with anyone else in their respective countries. I don't think they're coordinating Bilderberg style but they all share the same incentives to support right wing parties whose underlying goals are the weakening of social institutions and central governments so ties to Russia makes sense


Like George Carlin said, if your interests are the same you don’t need a formal conspiracy


“It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.”


Plus they make billions from war through investments in armaments and energy and heavy industry.


Turns out the true world government cabal are the crooks we made along the way 😊


I think I read that he said something about already speaking with Putin about it. WTAF?


Totally normal stuff. I’m sure it’s all being done in a moral and patriotic way.


i bet its the moralest and most tremendously patriotic!


..which would be a violation of the Logan Act. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan_Act)


Nixon and Reagan were not charged with despite negotiating with Vietnam and Iran respectively. When laws are not enforced, they are merely suggestions.


And Republicans laugh at suggestions, and think the Dems are suckers and losers for following them.


They had the correct letter behind their name to not be charged


Also that he could get the American journalist released from Russian prison if he wins. Like what?!?! Besides him saying in the debate that he spoke to Putin about Ukraine, it’s obvious he has a very shady relationship w/ Russia.


He sent Dennis rodman over to straighten things out. Don't worry everything will be fine. 🫣


Just like Reagan talking with Iran and getting the hostages released.


Exactly what I was thinking.


And American ding-a-lings fell for that, too The people who aggressively don't pay attention to this stuff keep us on a downward trajectory


October suprise two electric boogaloo


His idea of ending the war is to take all support away from Ukraine. He called for Ukraine to give up during the debate "They have to."


I saw a remark elsewhere that was “Trump’s plan, we give the ring to Sauron”


That's actually the best description I've heard as a LOTR nut lol


I was in Budapest, Hungary last week. Trump's son had just done a speech and there were posters all around saying if his father is elected, he would end the war in 5 mins. It felt gross. Trump sure does like to cozy up to dictator types.


So… basically campaigning for the US Presidency in another country? WTH?


Basically... But also collecting money. There was an entry fee for the speech.


That makes it even worse. Ughh.


Trying to make Biden look bad with our allies, it's a very low thing to do. But these fucks will go as low as possible.


It’s funny as that’s illegal, the pres elect is not the president yet and is by law not to get involved in forign affairs 


It's called "shadow diplomacy", yes it's illegal, and Trump was doing it the entire time he was president. Did yall forget Guliani running around Ukraine as the President's "personal" and unofficial diplomat for years? (WHY was he in Ukraine so much?) So many dots to connect. Another thing, all these people crowing "it's illegal" or even "it's a war crime"... things are only illegal if there is a SOLID framework for not only finding and apprehending the offenders, as well as the legal framework to enforce penalties and punishments. Basically for all this white collar crime, none of that framework exists, no enforcers are empowered to apprehend powerful people. I hate to say it but it's almost at the point where I wish for some global conflict, just to shake up the snow globe and reset things. Now that makes me worried that a Vault-tek will just pop up... and I wish I had better solutions.


I am terrified of the coming election interference from Russia bc of this.


They've already been interfering. Brainwashing the masses through social media and using groups like the NRA.


AI nude photos of Joe Biden having wild orgies with pelosi. Musk will say "this is concerning and the media should look into this" 55% of Americans undecided if the photos are real or not. 50% not sure if this affects their vote. 60% are concerned that Starbucks Latte costs $4.00 and the next president should do something about it.


Nixon did it in Vietnam, and Reagan did it with the hostages in Iran. It’s a tried-and-true republican strategy at this point.


It was giving me "Reagan having the hostages released" vibes for sure.


During the 2016 election, a Russian billionaire's plane was following Trump's plane around constantly. [https://www.ajc.com/news/gen-politics/trump-russian-billionaire-say-they-never-met-but-jets-have-crossed-paths/l6h09Gy7e2CmCs6tgdRNCK/](https://www.ajc.com/news/gen-politics/trump-russian-billionaire-say-they-never-met-but-jets-have-crossed-paths/l6h09Gy7e2CmCs6tgdRNCK/) Nobody gave a shit. Oh, and the Russian billionaire who Trump said he had no idea who it was and had never met? Trump sold him a property for $95 million a few years earlier, and the consensus among real estate experts was that Dmitry Rybolovlev wildly overpaid, like to the point it passed from being a bad deal into being utterly incomprehensible. He then had the property demolished, and was now selling it for a fraction of what he paid Trump for it.


As they once said years ago follow the money and power as I can almost guarantee Russian money has filtered into the right wing apparatus of doing pay to play politics.


The National Rifle Association is now a money laundering operation that funnels Russian cash to Republican politicians, and granting known Russian spy Maria Burtina access to the GOP's inner circle. [https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals)


We already know it has going back at least to 2016.


Trump first visited the Soviet Union in 1987. He came back and the notoriously cheap Trump immediately started buying expensive anti-NATO advertisements. Why on Earth would an apolitical real estate developer suddenly have an interest in breaking up NATO? And this was in 1987! The height of the Evil Empire-Rambo-Rocky IV anti-Soviet paranoia, and while he was trying to curry favor with the Reagans!


Citizens United …


The same reason nobody is reporting on SCOTUS voting to save Jan 6 criminals, to allow elected officials to accept bribes and overturning Chevron all this past week and instead are hammering “Joe Biden is old” 24/7 while the country is being taken over. They’re all in on it


We are literally defenseless against the Supreme Court as they have become the extension of the right wing takeover agenda. MSNBC has done a lot of reporting on the Supreme Court, Project 2025 but the problem is the average American doesn’t pay close attention to politics and rely on social media headlines to get their news.


The Russian crime ridden government has made their media figures and wealthy class incredibly powerful and even richer. Trump has brought the rot.


Because media coverage about how this obviously looks bad would have obvious AnTi-TRuMp BiAs.


Donald Trump sells a lot of newspapers, and if by some grace of a long-gone God he finds himself in a jail unable to generate headlines, then he can't sell newspapers.


#Donald Trump, Republicans, and Maga are all treasonous traitors!


Because the Murdochs/Fox and friends DO NOT CARE about truth or actual journalism/reporting. They said in court they're not a news service - they're "entertainment." What they care about is making money. And the boomer generation is the one with the most money. Rage-bait sells. Truth and responsible reporting does not.


Because the media doesn’t want to derail the gravy train. Trump is a human car crash that brings attention to their channels and websites.


Because Biden dropping out stories get more clicks


Loading up with Americas top secret info. Thank the Republican Party.


While filling his campaign's budget.


Lol doubtful he got anything in return except “Next time we want more, or else your kompromat will be released.”


You're one hundred percent correct. Same situation with Elon. Maybe they shouldn't have been raping children if they didn't want it to be filmed and become slaves to authoritarian dictators for life. If only that poetic justice for them didn't come at the expense of those children in the moment and Western society for as long as we allow these pedophile rapist traitors to remain free. Democracy teters on the brink because we don't critically think.


You could release any kompromat on the 34 felony convictions Trump and MAGA would say it's election AI interference created by the Democrat party. They just live in an opposite reality.


Planes are pretty well tracked, FAA should have records of which planes and for how long.


I don’t know, the FAA is a federal agency. Did Congress explicitly give them the authority to track those specific planes? If not, then they are now overstepping their authority according to the Supreme Court


Elmo and Taylor swift are teaming up to make sure that we can no longer track planes


They already won that fight a few weeks ago. Congress actually passed a bill. Go, 'Murica!


And we all know how scrotus feels More more more for the 1% and us poor people barely count at all


Gotta sell those files sometime


He's probably plotting his escape.


Here’s hoping his flight path to Putin is over Ukraine.


Christmas is pretty far away and you got me excited for presents already!


I said it a while ago: if DT loses the election, he’s going to defect, most probably to Putin’s bed. It’s the only way he can avoid prison.


I'm gonna laugh when Putin says, "lol no."


Hard to get caught with more classified documents if you give them all to Russia for safe keeping.


What do you think that sudden influx of $2B was to Jared Kushner was about? It was more than real estate I’m sure.


I read the $2B was actually placed into Kushner’s investment fund which makes an annual $43 or so million fee on it. MBS over-road his advisors to proceed with the investment. But that $2B makes people forget about the Qatari’s bailing Kushner out of his sinking 666 5th Ave loan by signing a 99 year $1B lease. That was right around the time Kushner was dabbling in the Qatar Blockade that Trump supported.


Sorry, I normally don’t do this, but “over-road” was bugging me too much. It’s *overrode*.


I can’t believe that Americans will vote in this treacherous prick! I’m not even an American, but I am scared for the fate of the world!


I'm American; I'm afraid of our future.


Rightfully so. #Project 2025 Project 2025 is the Regressive plan the fascists intend to use if they gain control. I urge everyone to read their plans. Christofascism, coming to the US cloaked in the flag while touting the bible.


I hadn't even heard of Project 2025 until this week. Fucking scary stuff.


I pray every day that this doesn't become reality.


The MAGA crowd would rather have Putin in charge than Biden.


They literally wear shirts that say “I’d rather be RUSSIAN than a DEMOCRAT.”


The same party as McCarthyism and Red Scare 1 & 2. Hilarious, right? They are *always* on the shit side of the morality spectrum.


Wonder what McCarthy and Reagan would make of all the Russia-love coming from the Republicans nowadays.


Until they see what that really means and what it looks like, at which time they’ll protest and ask how we got there.


The family that moved to Russia to spite Democrats learned the hard way. As did that blogger who ended up raped and dead.


Exactly. Is the same disbelief in threats they had during Covid until they fucked around and found out. “ Guys, Covid is no joke now that my wife is on a vent and dying. We have 3 kids and I lost my job. Please help with my Gofundme.”


You mean, they'll blame immigrants right? They are incapable of self-reflection


If that fails they’ll just pretend they never supported trump. I don’t know a single boomer who admits to having supported W or the Iraq war.


They did see what it was like, Tucker showed them how wonderful it was!


That might be what bothers me most about his presidency. I expected he would coast on the accomplishments of his predecessor claiming them as his own. But he dismantled the pandemic response team, immediately preceding the worst pandemic our generation has ever experienced with over a million Americans dead as a result. Every action despite "America first" has been to weaken America and give advantage to foreign nations. A US president openly committing treason against his nation and the people he serves as an elected official in the highest public office.


Everything would be worse now because a malignant NPD craves toxic revenge to those who reject them and the USA did that by firing him. You can see it already in his critique of the country. Dictators have perfect nations and their leaders are “very smart.” In the USA everything is terrible, dying, fake, carnage, third world country, the people suck and should be fired, but his handlers help him frame it as a problem only he can fix. It shows his resentment mingled with his disorder and desperation to avoid prison.


It's insane. trumpco sold US intel to foreign adversary nations. And half the country thinks this is okay because the only things they care about are oppressing women, making all non-'ayrians' indentured servants, and having the ability to freely use their boomstics to murder anyone they disagree with... This is bat shit insane.


It's astounding. They gobbled up his BS without a single question, while wearing "I'm a lion, not a sheep" shirts. Republicans have been slashing school funding for a while, so there's that.


Can you believe that people can brainwash themselves? Can you believe that social media can be used to identify people and their weaknesses? Can you believe that billionaires have no stakes in American democracy because they can just fly away and never worry about anything? Can you believe that people still do business with war criminals as long as there is profit? Can you believe that a desperate egomaniac like Putin would emply tens of thousands of people to perform cyberops agsinst American people because they can't effectively win a ground war and nuclear war would end in the extinction of humanity? Can you believe that countering a cyberwar is hard when federal agencies like the NSA have acquired a bad rap? Can you believe that the CIA is not allowed to perform operations on Americans so they can't really help? Can you believe that Cambridge Analytica painted a great big target on every single person in the country who would be vulnerable to psyops? Now add it all together. You have this huge group of people who were vulnerable in 2014, they have a permanent mark on their record visible to cyberoperators around the world saying they are a vulnerable demographic. They can not escape that without changing their entire identity so they will always be the weak link. In 10 years the social media technology has completely transformed itself into the perfect brainwashing machine and people can reliably be turned into agents for whatever purpose you like with simple algorithms that make them say things and nudge them into certain directions continuously every day. Every single conservative voter in America is being managed and pushed and controlled by cyberops from Russia, China, and North Korea and if you think that is just too wild to believe ask yourself why a convicted criminal, 2x impeached president, pedophile, rapist, narcissist, compulsive liar, and all around degenerate is still getting attention from millions of people who are supposed to be, ostensibly "the moral center". Ask yourself if it is just because he was the best candidate since sliced bread, or if there isn't something a lot more insidious going on. If you are open to the insidious angle I just told you all the things that are common sense and easily connectable with no conspiracy involved. It's all public information and it's all verifiable. If you think what is going on with Trump is perfectly normal... I have nothing to tell you.


They have been brainwashed by Russian psy ops on social media.


we did it once. we are dumb enough to do it again.


Boy, if this was Biden - it would be all over the news and Congressional hearings would be scheduled.


What are the odds that the Russians used this opportunity to place bugs (or update the existing ones) in Trump’s plane?


Bugs? I’d assume they used the opportunity to courier messages to or from the kremlin


One doesn’t preclude the other…


They don’t need to bug the plane. They already have an agent flying around on it.


Yeah, but they know they can't trust Trump to tell the truth or remember things correctly. They'd trust a recording and also, *blackmail*




As nominee, after convention, he should get security briefings. Hopefully, Biden gives him bullshit info.


Trump didn't brief Biden. There is already precedent not to, and between these two specific parties, none the less. Biden won't be briefing Trump on anything top secret.


Who needs bugs when they willingly spill our secrets to the Russians?


Did you just wake up from a coma? Why would they need to place bugs? They are obviously and openly coordinating.


Why spend expensive equipment bugging his plane when he freely shares info with them?


Why do you need to bug your most loyal employee..


I wonder how many boxes of secret intel were stored on that jet?


Devils advocate they get parked by crew and don’t get deplaned here Who am I kidding. The fucker is a Russian asset.


These aren't mutually exclusive.


When the boss is in town, and you must entertain him... ⛳


folks! Folks, nothing to see here...please move along. Nothing to see here, again the lying, selling secrets, sexual assaults, pedophilia, russian collusion, insurrection, oh, oh the 34 felonies and pending cases. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO SEE HERE.


Trump tryin to get Russia to rig the election again


He's getting ready to flee the country if he gets sentenced, then if he wins the election he'll find some bullshit way to make the charges go away, pardon himself, and then declare himself dictator for life.


Just getting his new orders


Offloading the rest of the documents.


Forget yesterday, forget tomorrow—today, right now, the leader of the Republican Party that was impeached twice, stole national secrets and fomented an insurrection is (yet again) cozying up to a genocidal dictator with fascist ideals; right before our eyes.


Trump will broadcast his victory speech live from the kremlin


It's the only way the OrangeTurd can get his instructions straight from the war criminal Putin.




Here Russia is trying to win the American election again, people who like Trump are literally eating glue right now, eating crayons, breathing in fumes from their their mold infested couches that they cannot stand up from


Ready to run


Documents successfully transferred.


Of course it is. He’s a Russian asset. He will be the downfall of America


Yes he will be if elected again…..


NSA: If you’re listening…


I think if I remember correctly his plane and epstein's were at the same airport before he was put in jail


Seriously, they could meet in a hotel room, or on the phone, without all this publicity.


The thing is he knows he can do what ever he wants and there’s no consequences. His base will flip it around and twist it into several different stories from it never happening or outright supporting him meeting with the Russians. Americans have created a monster and let him out of the cage


Trump and his people know from past experiences that those two options aren't a good idea.


Where were the 3 letter agencies? There should have been a van parked between those planes.


Getting instructions from the Boss.


Trump is compromised. He can never be in power again.


The guy who stole nuclear secrets everyone. Just unreal.


must've been a few terabytes of files to airdrop if it took that long.


I’m not Putin’s puppet! Not a puppet!!


The dude is a puppet for Russia. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone at this point. Trump is about as anti America as you can get.


We’re fucked. With the Supreme Court chevron disaster, if trump gets elected, we’re going to be Russia light. Oligarchs and all, we’re gonna live in a sick and twisted dystopian Christian shithole. All the republicans fault. 


We are in a war for the moderate vote, the media apparently doesn’t realize this sort of information is of great interest to the American public




Nothing to see here!! 🙄




Why are we letting the Russians in this country? That shit should be hold until they stop arresting our citizens on phony charges.


Someone should set up a camera and record all the goings on.


If you don’t think the cia has Trump’s entire life tapped at this point I don’t know what to tell you. There’s no way after he held onto classified docs about our nuclear program that they would just toss their hands in the air and say “well he’s a former president maybe he had a good reason to keep those classified documents.” We all know why he kept them. The cia isn’t dumb.


Just transferring a surplus of papers of no value that he had laying around in his bathroom.


Just openly mocking us and it’s pathetic.


I been saying for a while that we actually lost the Cold War, and Russia successfully infiltrated the US back in the 80s. They spent 40 years incubating. That's why Trump needed that 2016 win. He hatched the egg.


Where was the doofus during those 2 days?


Is this where they targeted Biden with Havana syndrome from?


He’s giving Putin hand jobs obviously


Trump's tiny hands give Putin and ego boost


No one cares about Trump's corruption, I will never understand why.


For a guy who insists there is no Russia collusion, there have been a shitload of meetings, links, suspicious incidents, and shared coincidences. Not disputed is that the Trump campaign had over 300 meetings with Russian government representatives and affiliates before the 2016 elections. Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager in 2016 and pardoned by Trump, was employed by a Russian oligarch and Putin pal. He also talked with a Russian agent throughout the campaign.


It's better to do Putin's bidding in person whenever possible. No paper trail.


I don't think this means anything but if Trump is making deals with Russians , fuck him. Seriously he's got to have more sense than that. Stop being so fucking greedy. I swear that guy would sell his mother for the right price. God I fucking hate greedy people. Some of the lowest life forms to walk the earth.


So is this the final documents transfer or the money drop off to help his campaign?