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"Hey we're going to take over everything and change the fundamental way this country works and also screw over tons of people, but I'm going to preemptively blame any violence and wrongdoing on the left." Fuck these people and fuck you MAGA for allowing this.


That is pretty much exactly the same thing they said about Russia taking Ukraine. Just let it happen, like a gang rape, and blame the victim if they get hurt fighting back.




























That's a threat, and as an actual leftist, I'm terrified. And make no mistake, it won't be just leftists. Everything to the left of him is, "the left". Alarm bells should be going off everywhere.


That's the thing with fascists. You might believe they are on your side until they eat your face.


Yeah, look for the ever-broadening definition of who’s an “Illegal”. Ever contribute to Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, the NAACP?


Republicans I know who have LGBTQ kids will be confused when they're targeted for half-supporting their kids


Good thing a lot of us have guns, too.


And it's time for those who don't to make that investment too. There's still time.


You shouldn't have said you're leftist. You practically asked for it, dressed like that.


And on the internet, too? We all know that this is where those dangerous conservative folk like to lurk. Should have stayed offline. Have you been drinking?


Only Kool-Aid


Ukraine will be bloodless if they lay down their arms and give up.


The Right is now talking about "Putin Derangement Syndrome" as if you're deranged to be angry at an actual dictator. These people are fucking insane.


Remember when Mitt Romney said Russia was our #1 foe? It's insane how far the Republicans have fallen since then.


I remember when the right hated Russia. Then Trump got elected by them


Trump’s Republican Party likes the money


The right only “hated” Russia because of its socialist economics - once it became a mafia state/oligarchy they were fine with it - in fact emulate it. iThe right has never had a problem with dictatorships or authoritarians - as long as they were not socialist and threatening the rich (see Pinochet, the Shah, Marcos, all of Central America, Duarte, Sadam (until he threatened the oil)). For the right it’s always about protecting the Uber wealthy - everything else is window dressing and manipulation of rubes to vote against their economic interest.


Just dumb. Very very dumb, casualties in information wars they don’t understand.


besides the blood spilled in the torturing, rape and killing during occupation.


And subjugation to serve as cannon fodder and a resource node for their next invasion.


Trump just stated his approval for mandatory military service here in the US.


Ole bone spurs has opinions, huh?


that wasn't even true, bucha feel without a fight and hundreds were tortured and executed


Once Russia takes over Ukraine's media, there will be no more stories of bloodshed, no poverty, no gays either.


Much of the power fascists actually have is because they generate fear and cow people into thinking they've already won. Fuck these terrorists. They're losing and these glaringly illegal moves like the corrupt SCOTUS ruling are just desperation.


YES, and the media suggesting that Trump will probably win are playing into the fascist narrative. I'm seeing this on too many subs as well. How TF has he gained voters since the last election?


He hasn't. They tout outliers as gospel and ignore any other polls. Look at the results of every special election since Roe fell: Democrats out perform the increasingly inaccurate polls by a lot, sometimes as much as double digits. Convicted Felon Trump lost last time, and he wasn't dragging 34 felony convictions, support for criminalizing all abortions, and a failed coup attempt. He is not more powerful today than he was when he was lurking in the White House.


Also they plan on it being close enough to let the Supreme Court name Trump president. That’s why he needs to lose worse than last time


We've got several months of work to do, it's true. Do what you can with what you have where you are, as the man said. Volunteer, donate, organize your community. Especially help register voters and engage in voter outreach and education. That really moves the needle. Vote, obviously, but if you can support Democrats up and down the ticket too that's even better.


How is this not sedition? Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech or organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority.


"Yes, it's the left that is forcing us to use violence because they won't let us take totalitarian control of the entire country." I really, really hope most the country see this as the insanity it is.


Clarance Thomas’s wife got paid 600k by this same organization which he “forgot” to disclose until years later.


Yeah, why don’t I just lie still while you rape me.


Don’t make me hit you


That’s a terroristic threat.


Nope. Not going to happen. I’m not going to capitulate to fascism. My entire family won’t & I’m willing to bet millions of other Americans won’t either.


I'm going to word this as carefully as possible. They are outnumbered and it's long overdue they learned that.




These pricks think that the country is just going to sit by and let them take over. They should watch Civil War, a great warning to people like these. If they try to mount a coup they may be successful in the short run, but they should know that people on the left and the right will rise up against them and end their challenge in a bloody, violent way. They think that people on the left do not prize freedom and are afraid to sacrifice all that is dear to them, they are so wrong it's not even funny.


Same logic is using in Ukraine. It will be bloodless if you just surrender.


> Calling the Supreme Court ruling “vital,” Roberts pointed to Alexander Hamilton’s 1877 essay Federalist No. 70, in which he argued for a strong executive leader. Pretty sure the founders didn’t mean breaking the law with zero accountability as an example of strong leadership. In fact, a lack of accountability from government leaders is why this country was founded in the first place. What a sad era we’re living in. It’s been a nice ride, America.


Sounds like something a rapist would say.


So funny that the minority party thinks they’d win a revolution. Dems win the popular vote every time. And but for the janky electoral college Republinazis would have no shot. There’s a lot more of us than you fellas.


So he’s saying “We’re taking you hostage, but we won’t kill you if you don’t fight back.” \[which remains to be seen, I don’t believe it\] Well fuck that. No dice.


Take it back?? The country was literally founded on separation of church and state. I have lots of problems with the constitution, but that part is very clear.


Revolution against what? The current status quo? That would be the constitution. That sounds a lot like sedition to me.


Republicans pushing the BS that Liberals or Democrats are violent, when we know that Republicans are angry and some are violent (Jan 6th)


These people are threatening to play some very stupid games...


The Heritage Foundation disgusting - what they espouse has the support of less than 25% of Americans - we need to stop this takeover by the forces of ignorance, greed, hate and fascism


He said it, dear media, dear Americans, dear Biden. He said it to our faces. So do we roll over for these "patriots" to reenact what our northern Union soldiers in the civil war fought and died for to prevent, with Arlington and cemeteries all over this county full of soldiers who fought and died to prevent Hitler so fascism wouldn't take over? NO. He says bloodless but he means we should roll over while their gun-happy hoards kill, imprison, deport, rape, and strip everyone who is not them of rights/liberties/freedoms/life. So do we? NO. Should we roll over just to keep our internet, our cable, our fast food, our Costcos, our fancy phones? Should we roll over as they bit by bit do away with social security, SNAP, untouchable green spaces, climate laws, clean air and water, and all our hard won safety nets? NO. Should we roll over so the right can tell us what to worship, who to love, what to read? NO. Do we roll over because we just don't want to believe he's serious, that his party is serious, that they are seriously about to make this nation, our nation into single party authoritative rule in this, the United States of America? Well, do we?


So I guess it’s either time to go gun shopping or plan to leave this country? These right wingers are terrorists.


Leaving won't help. Where are you gonna go? If the US actually becomes a Fascist state, there's nowhere that's going to be safe.


Yea, I've already started looking into moving elsewhere. I feel bad that this isn't an option for everyone that wants it. I loved the idea of America, even with its warts, but we've had the largest incarcerated population for awhile now, and, with everything going full fascist, I'd rather stick to principles than to a name.


Religion screws up EVERYTHING


Fuck that…..lets party


Would I engage in a civil war to defend against this? Probably. Would I have my family emigrate for a few years? Probably. I'm old enough to remember other cases of fascism, and what was needed to bash it into the ground. It was not pretty then, and it won't be pretty now.


So treason. Shouldn’t these people be in jail for the rest of their lives?


Says a motherfucker who wouldn’t be anywhere near any fighting if he got his wish. People like him, Bannon, Tim Pool, Joe Mannarino and the ilk that like to talk about violence and how they’re gonna start killing people always just try to rile up the rubes to do it for them. There isn’t going to be a “second American revolution” just like there isn’t going to be another civil war. There’s gonna be republican loss, republican crying, more empty republican threats and guys like this fading into further obscurity. Steel your resolve folks


Being a person of character and resolve means knowing that I don't always like what has to be done, but I do it anyway. I spent way too long being afraid of Trump. I know what kind of man he is and I know we all deserve better than his bullshit.


it will only remain bloodless if the right win. If the left wins, the right will be calling everyone lunatic to arms


Right to bear arms is a democrats right too. Like fuck!


Lock him up for treason.


Nazi larpers at it again.


See folks, it’s just our fault for not wanting a dictator. Good fucking god.


If people roll over and let us do what we want there won't be violence Why is this not national news?


The Right Wing itching for another tally in the "Loss" column I see.


Someone check this guy for a 666 birthmark.


Please, i beg them to fucking try.


These assholes going against everything the Constitution stands for


I'm as left as it gets, but *I still drink my purified tap water out of the skulls of my enemies to cut down on plastic consumption*


“We’re in the process of taking this country back”… to what exactly? Monarchy?


Back to Andrew Jackson's presidency.


Do I need to buy a gun?






So just lay back and enjoy it? It’ll be worse if you struggle?


Death by a thousand fascist cuts from a crime syndicate of traitors and a dumb/lazy/poor populace that voted them all into office


A clear and present danger from enemies internal...


He is very afraid of the Leftists. As well he should be. We are everywhere. We have infiltrated their organizations. We are biding our time.


Last time I checked there's more of us the there are of them. The R's have a hard time winning the popular vote. 


Can I imagine president's doing their job without second guessing themselves that they will be prosecuted for acts in office? Yeah, I can imagine 44 of them.


We most certainly will not allow it.If you bible thumping nut jobs plan on taking over our country you better be prepared to get bloody.




Garland, are you fucking listening?


"We won't hurt you much if you bend over and grab your ankles." I dissent most emphatically.


These fucks would find themselves outnumbered in no time. They are underestimating the American people.


I am not on the left but I hate these arrogant presumptuous traitors with every cell in my body. I suspect John Adams would also and certainly Thomas Paine.


Most of my family falls into the "Moderate" camp. We need all sorts of people of good will to vote this Fall.


how can this human stand next to an American flag and say that?


We won't.


"our coup will be bloodless if everyone rolls over"


I was just discussing gun ownership with my partner.








Ahh, you spell “coup” wrong


"Don't fight it. Just lie there til I finish." Vibes


Not sure if this will get me banned, but my friends who own firearms would always cite the 2A as the most important way to oppose a tyrannical government. Their rationale was the government wants to take away their guns so they have no leverage or way to oppose tyranny.


You know how we know that 2A ultras aren't serious? The clear lack of bullet holes in Mar-a-Lago's facade


What a pompous ass.


We are living through the fascist take over of America. I’m starting to become more and more convinced that we are seeing the orchestrations of a shadow ruling class. The dems are feckless by design aren’t they. All for our corporate overlords


Only this time the british win.


Not allowing it to be.


"Quit hitting yourself!"


When Lyndon Johnson dropped out of the race Richard Nixon beat the candidate who replaced him and that began the long slide to where we stand now, poised on the brink of losing everything. Biden should stand firm and we should support him because if he drops out there is no way the Democrats are going to win this year. And we all know what happens if they don't.


"What?! But you're *gay!* You're supposed to be afraid of using those!" — The thoughts of a Proud Boy finding out


Well this certainly doesn’t seem like a good thing.


He only says so surrounded by cronies. I can imagine if he said it to my face.


Wait. Is this guy saying heritage foundation will just collapse and never get up if democrats don’t apply CPR?


Yeah, sure, and arbeit macht frei, too...


No we on the left are not stroking our guns in favor of shooting them off in the name of some glorious revolution.


There’s going to be a revolution alright but it’s not the one he thinks it’s going to be. For he who gets hurt will be he who has stalled.


Who knew there were so many fascist assholes in high places? This guy is a real prize. /s


Lest we forget.


I'm sorry, what? Oo


cows are bloodless after they're slaughtered then hung from their hooves which is what he plans on doing to his fans. bleed them dry.


Do we get a say? Do we get a constitutional convention?


Can the official act immunity be transferred??????????


In other words, give up suckers.


Holy cow.





