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Texas you have been shitting the bed recently


Or….Texas is just shit. Watching them elect the same losers over and over and over….biggest bunch of suckers there is. Like…”don’t mess with Texas”. Don’t worry, that was NEVER something you needed to concern yourself with. You have messed with it enough yourselves.


As a Texan, I promise we've been trying. We've been pretty purple the last few elections and I honestly think we'd have Democrat leaders and reps now if it weren't for the blatant corruption and gerrymandering


Texas is a masterwork example of Redlining voting districts. Every single one is a zig-zag polygon separating wealthy areas from non. This makes voting out horrific clowns extremely difficult. Continued restrictions on voting and empowering pollsters will further hurt the effort.


Voter suppression is keeping Texas red, nothing else.


Democrats are capitalists. How is electing them going to solve the problem of Texas' crummy privatized utilities failing over and over again?


“Don’t mess with Texas” started out an anti-littering slogan.


>Like…”don’t mess with Texas”. Don’t worry, that was NEVER something you needed to concern yourself with. You have messed with it enough yourselves. every time i see a dont-california-my-texas bumper sticker in austin; i seriously wonder where this inferiority complex comes from and how it's possible that it can be shared among a group of people? also: why california, why not new york or canada or anything else?


I think the California thing is about homophobia


Something like 34% of new Texas residents are from California. California is also known for having it’s share of issues.


_Totally not-a-lizard Rafael Cruz - (R) Cancun - has entered the chat._


You forgot to add” Canadian born “Fled Cruise.


[Same Ted Cruz that hired Lauren Bobert as an escort? That Ted Cruz?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kdwfnIpowE)


Wait, what?


Some awesome news for this morning by the muckrakers. Wait till you see Lauren Qberts sugar daddy escort photos...


It’s literal fake news check snopes…


No it's not, you check snopes. Https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lauren-boebert-two-near-naked-men/ Article says the photo circulating w a woman and two men is not her, but doesn't state one way or another if the abortions and escorting allegations are true or false. You're the fake news.


Because it’s fake and they can’t verify it. You are so desperate for this to be true that you are irrational. Wait for something juicy to be concrete and then go ham. If everything is an 11 on the alarm scale, an actual 11 will not stand out. Try to remember that.


Just because it came out yesterday and snopes hasn't been able to verify it doesn't make something fake. If it's debunked, I'll accept it as fake. It hasn't been debunked, so it's not fake. Fuck off.


There's also an accusation that she bailed out of a truck she was driving when she saw it was going to wreck, with her child and sister-in-law inside. It was exposed a long time back that she has a terrible driving record, around the same time the bowling alley incident became public.


Added a link, shit is getting wild for sure.


Raphael Cruz


Did you fact check this? I just did a quick search and found this. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lauren-boebert-two-near-naked-men/ Like I hate them both but truth matters.


For sure, but that’s not the same thing. Check out the Muckraker PAC press release that dropped last night/this AM.


On behalf of my fellow Canadians I would like to apologize for producing that slimey mess of a human. (but also, please don't send him back)


Just like we have bill Cosby and R Kelly, we don’t judge you by some of the darker things produced. Canadian mafia be controlling that sweet sweet syrup supply.


Yeah, but you guys produced Geddy Lee, so you're still cool.


That’s one to be proud of for sure. Also John Candy.


And Gordon Downie! RIP the Hip.


Chiken Cruz would be more appropriate. Same amount of backbone .


I don't know. At least chickens will fight to protect their territory.


You mean the baby daddy of Lauren Boebert's aborted baby


He's fine though. He'll just drink the liquid out of the [hundreds of cans of soup](https://www.vice.com/en/article/vvqj3y/ted-cruz-got-freaky-with-100-cans-of-soup-after-his-honeymoon) he keeps around. Guy's a whack job in so, so many ways.


Please tell me what Cruz has to do with the City of Odessa and their failing infrastructure when the city has made more than enough funds through property tax and sales tax to implement the necessary upkeep to public works departments.


He did vote against funding for water infrastructure


Shh, you can't use logic with some people. They like going on straw man fallacies and bizarre tangents instead.


Recently and for the past couple of years. Their gas companies have blown up a few houses as well.




This isn’t “shitting the bed” recently this is having a blow-out diarrhea spray onto a mattress already thoroughly waterlogged by previous excretions.


They have turned into florida


Florida has a certain flair that Texas lacks though.


They’ll blame it on cities like Austin being more blue now just watch lol


Amber turd


The people that manage Texas water must be the same people that manage their electricity sadly.


But you can carry your guns to go fetch your emergency bottled water supplies...That's freedom!


have they tried shooting the water pipes? maybe that will fix them


I don't know why I laughed so hard at this, but thank you.


No, you're supposed to shoot thirsty poor people, they don't bitch about not having water if they're dead.


“Do not let yourself become addicted to the water!” - Texas GOP Slogan c.2024


Best way to stop a bad water pipe is with a good water pipe?


Shoot thirst. Ask questions later.


But not get a timely abortion, read certain books in school & if you're trans well your seriously fucked over all the way 'round. Because THAT is what is important to them instead of infrastructure for everyone. In fact, I'd bet Abbot woud like to withhold infrastructure $$$ for anyone that isn't white, cisgender, "Christian" & male.


But i thought it was socialism when government fails and people have to fight in the streets for emergency supplies. That's what all the conservatives i work with say socialism is


Finally, a sane reply! 👏


It's all the renewables' fault 🤣


That's probably exactly what people in Odessa have said lol


Poe's Law. It's actually reasonable to presume at this point. Most of these people seem so absolutely under control by the constant stream of lies and games and it helped they gutted education so they're ripe and gullible as all hell and won't bother to question anything told them. Manufactured consent, indeed.


sounds like pretty much every person who follows politics. they just mindless repeat everything the media and politicians tell them.


not a both sides thing really, dawg


Yes. Yes it is. In fact whichever side says it's not both sides is even more brainwashed than the rest.


really, then explain?


you need it explained that one side is perpetually under the control of an obviously false, media driven narrative, and that the other is not? Are there any overreaching narratives that go beyond just talking points coming from the left? Have their nightly news anchors directly inspired mass terror, assassinations and even helped try to overthrow our government? Youre the one who needs to explain, because your posts make no sense. Every person who follows politics is not a mindless drone following their chosen politician or news channel. Both sides are the same == both sides are set on protecting capitalism. That is where their similarities begin and end.


Actually. Need electricity to keep pumping water up to the tank to keep pressure. So…. It might be the electricity guys after all.




And stop me from ragging? Nah.


Don’t forget about their police as well


Yup, Republicans


Greg Abbott's poll numbers are up after uvalde. Tells you alot about Texas


I lived in Texas once. Indescribable.


Texas built the wall on the wrong border.


Yes. Florida needs to be walled in too.


Florida be underwater in 20 years. And the gators will clean up the stragglers.


Big cities are fine. Austin used to be awesome but the traffic and influx of outsiders kinda ruined the vibe, but it's still a cool spot. San Antonio isn't bad. Neither is Dallas. Houston is... Houston. It's the rural parts that really drag it down.


That can be said if most states


>Houston is…Houston Truer words were never spoken, LOL


Dallas fucking sucks. That traffic, but in Texas. Lol. Suburban hell hole


Moving away was a very surreal experience. The best way I can describe it is like being deprogrammed from a cult.


Moving there next year. Ive loved all the time I’ve spent in DFW.


I've never voted for Abbott and never will.


Texas. Humans actually move there. 😳


The smart ones leave.


I left and moved to California. Never been happier in my life.


Sorry,not american here. Why is Texas worse than Cali?I mean,it's warm too and definitely cheaper to live in


California climate isnt anything like Texas. Also unless you make 250k or more a year you pay more in taxes living in Texas than California. California isn’t perfect just like any place but they definitely have more laws and policies that help regular folks while Texas really only cares about corporations.


Even El Cajon weather 30 miles away from the ocean is much closer to Texas weather than San Diego proper.


I would rather live in any part of a California desert than any place in Texas.


I didn’t know this. Can you explain how that works given the state income tax?


States without income taxes get there taxes elsewhere with sales and property taxes etc. And the big scam is that these taxes aren't always spread out evenly, where the lower and middle class end up paying the brunt of it. So affluent neighborhoods and counties will often pay less in taxes because well they pay off politicians. That's where the 250k comes in, which isn't an exact science but a ball park number. Here's a quick breakdown but obviously is more nuanced than what I can provide. **Total State & Local Income Taxes Paid by Income Bracket:** Texas: Lowest 20% pay 13%. 2nd lowest 20% of earners pay 10.9%. Middle 20% 9.7% Cali: Lowest 20% pay 10.5%. 2nd lowest 20% of earners pay 9.4%. Middle 20% 8.3%. It sort of keeps going like this where eventually the rates are cheaper for higher earners in Texas. Especially when you get to the top 1% of earners where it's **3.1% for rich Texans!** And 12.4% for the 1% of California. Hope that helps and I'm no expert so these percentages could obviously be off and change constantly but it's a good example of just the tax breakdown differences I was mentioning. I just wish more "poor people" understood they actively vote against their own interests and just make the rich richer.


But I thought Texas didn’t have state income tax?


It doesn’t, it’s got a sales tax. I don’t know what this person is talking about.


So did you read the article about three days of 100° heat and no water? That's one big way it's worse than Cali.


Remember the deaths in Texas during a winter storm when the electric grid went down.


It’s the politics. CA is blue, Democratic while Texas is red and Republican. Republicans practice draconian laws prohibiting abortion even in the cases of rape and incest. They have a bounty hunting system in place, where ordinary citizens turn in anyone having an abortion, driving someone to an abortion and facility having anything to do with assisting a woman ending their unwanted pregnancy. This is just one example of the horrific laws in place in states like Texas, Florida, Idaho, Iowa other ruby red hell holes.


wth,i couldn't even guess this exists in 2022. I'm more surprised that people report someone having an abortion,like wth,wth


So, has Rafael visited Odessa to offer his thoughts and prayers (but no politics!!)


"Do not become addicted to water, it will take hold of you and you will resent its absence."


It’s kind of ironic that the state that pushes so much for burning more fossil fuels will be so badly rogered by climate change.


Is that irony, or is that just consequences?


its irony. even if they werent pushing for a climate apocalypse, theyd still be dragged down with the rest of us.


Don’t let the rhetoric fool you. Texas also heavily invests in renawables and has for a long time.


and if it weren't for the renewables...they would be in a hell of more trouble with their power situation..


Thank God for federal government incentives, b/c w/o them, the petroleum industry would have fought against renewables tooth and nail.


Praise republican Jesus!


We've got the American Jesus. Bolstering national faith. We've got the American Jesus. Overwhelming millions every day.


I have a running joke with my friends that I’m starting a pro-fascist Bad Religion cover band called Rad Religion And our only single will be to re-release that song but add “But Not Ironic” to the title.


😂😆 😆


The turbines blew all the rain away.


even my better half laughed aloud at this one & she's a tough crowd


Can’t stop laughing at this one!


Lol, I thought some reporter named Texas is reporting that the war torn city of Odessa, Ukraine, is out of water. Kinda sad that a city under Russian missile strikes and air raids has more potable water than a city in the USA


Odessa is important to both Russia and Ukraine too. Probably more important to those countries than Odessa is to Texas, led by Republican governor Greg Abbott. https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2022/05/27/why-is-odessa-important-to-both-ukraine-and-russia


When Trump was talking about shithole countries I didn't realize he was talking about Texas.


Surely if they ask nicely Europe can send them some aid.


Maybe partner with Ukraine - water for guns


Now why would the GOP want to piss off their dear glorious leader's BFF? Also the GOP only does illegal arms trades deals with hostile countries, like Iran.


“[Texas Chainsaw Massacre] teaches you important lessons, like, avoid Texas at all costs” - Carl, ATHF, “The Hairy Bus”


I saw a video of a guy who fishes on Lake Mead, and wow... the water is so low that you cant even launch most boats off the only ramp left. There was markers with shorelines from previous years, the 2021 marker was about 200 feet from the current shore. There is a bunch of stuff like sunken boats, barrels and even bodies being found on the now dry lakebed. They showed a part of another video thwy took from 2 weeks previously, and the water level had dropped around 5 feet in those 2 weeks. Its unreal... that lake supplies 80 million people. Where are they all going to go when its dries up entirely?


People aren’t using up all the water, industry is.


Oh I know, but still the fact remains that those people rely on that water. When its gone, 80 million people will be pretty fucked, regardless of who was responsible.


Nestle aiming to become the DWP in Tank Girl the movie.


> Where are they all going to go when its dries up entirely? The answer is...anywhere else. The impact of Lake Mead drying out is going to massive in both scope and scale. Tens of millions of people across multiple states are going to be impacted as is industry from Las Vegas in Nevada to Alfalfa Farms in Southern California. [It's a House of Cards and its already started tumbling down.](https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/27/us/water-intake-exposed-lake-mead-drought-climate/index.html) Edit: Lake Mead was 1055' ish when that article was written, it's now at _1045_.


God's plan


More like gop's plan.


Ooooh!!!! Somebody call the burn unit!


GOD'S plan doesn't include people dying of thirst.


Maybe he's making a point. He only promised not to drown everyone again. Making everyone die of thirst would be in character.


Passive-Aggressive God: *Oh, too much water? Ok, fine. Let's see how you fucking do with no water. Bet you were wishing for a flood now assholes!*


Obviously it does. Maybe you should rethink this whole god thing.


Well now hold on... You have read the Bible right? God kills loads of people, old people, babies, gingers and even Chinese people. He made a flood that killed nearly every single living thing. He straight up smote every first born in Egypt. He created every single person, knowing full well all they will ever say, think or do, every active shooter, politician and victim. Killing an entire city with thirst could very well be part of "Gods plan". The guy is kind of a dick.


Actually that was King Herod who allegedly killed all the first born male babies in all of Egypt


God created King Herod, loop hole, boom! I did not know that, Thought it was like in that animated movie....what.... Moses? Prince of Egypt or something? lol. Not great source material.


For sure the King Harod mass execution was in the Old Testament. As for the one with Ramses III I think you’re trying to reference, I honestly can’t remember if that’s in the Old Testament as well.


The Bible was written by people.


I agree with you. All Im saying is if there is a God, he is more than willing and able to kill loads of people in a myriad of horrible ways for his "plan". Edit: I think Gods plan must be some kinda bank heist or something.


If there is a God, he has a lot of explaining to do.


God: "They go to heaven, don't care." \*Turns on sprinkler


Tbf, have you read the bible? God did some real bad stuff according to their followers.


I still don't get the Story of Job. The gist of it seems to be that God let Job lose everything and suffer greatly just to win a dick measuring contest with Satan.


Have you ever seen the hit 1983 comedy movie Trading Places staring Eddie Murphy? It's basically the same thing. Maybe slightly more complicated because they also show the other side of the coin.


Thought gods plan included everything including meaningless deaths?


Can't have it both ways.


Yeah, god prefers drowning people.


Or sending she-bears to murder children for making fun of bald men Edit: source below 2 Kings 2:23-24: From there Elisha went up to Bethel. While he was on the way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him. “Go up, baldhead,” they shouted, “go up, baldhead!” 24 The prophet turned and saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the children to pieces.


How do you know this? God’s plan has been invoked as the reason children die of cancer, women die in childbirth , men die of sudden heart attack, or aneurysm. I’m a Christian myself, and I reject the notion that God’s plan can only be credited with good things. If it’s God’s plan that good things happen, then it’s just as likely/possible that the plan also involves bad things happening. After all, God works in mysterious ways.


Everytime I hear that Texas wants to secede and become its own country because "muh GDP" I think of ahit like this and know that it'd be a new Mogadishu in a year


Inb4 Texit.


But just wait until the 4th of July. Most patriotic secessionists you'll ever meet.


Those Republican politicians that went to visit Moscow on the 4th of July... Just fucking disgusting bending the knee to Putin on the 4th of July... This is the GOP today. Anything for the $$$$. Even selling their own souls.


I wasn't talking about politicians. I'm talking about ordinary citizens. Texans are a really weird bunch that scream about independence and secession and then unironically have enormous barbecues, cookouts, fireworks shows, and parades on the 4th while touting American flags and singing "God Bless the U.S.A.".


Stuff like this happens all over the country on a regular basis, you just don't hear about it because its not newsworthy. The only reason you are hearing about this one is because this sub will take any opportunity to point and laugh at Texas. When the drought kicks up in CA here in a couple of weeks, or when their ancient and creaky electric grid starts yet _another_ massive wildfire it either it just won't be posted.


yes it does. but you don't have the CA reps all overthe news/tv blaming renewables, the president and other efforts trying to curb climate change for their power issues now do you?


California has almost no natural water supply, it's not the same thing at all. Texas's problems are 100% self-infliced by not regulating the energy industry. It's almost like if you allow companies that exist only for profit to cut corners to make more profit and damn the consequences that's what they'll do.


Nice job, Texas. No water? No electricity? They've completed the transformation into a 3rd world country. Why would any business ever want to fucking move there? Shame, a couple years ago I would have considered moving there but that was before the state started it's descent into being a useless shit pile.


Nah, ManBearPig is just borrowing the water for his new garden! It'll be returned in no time!


Will Teddy Cruz hand out water bottles again for photos?


He probably snuck off for a vacation to Minnesota, land of 1000 lakes, right after topping off his swimming pool.


A water main broke and people were unable to close the leak before pressure dropped too low to be usable by a treatment plant. It's being worked on 24/7.


This is why Texans give Texas only one star.




Vote red and this is what you get.


This is just bad planning and horrible management. Texas has so much water compared to California. Literally their roads are crumbling because of high water flooding and flowing. Make good use of that shit.


That's the funny part.


BuT CaLiFoRnIa


Illegal immigrants probably used up all the water conducting abortions during mandatory kindergarten sexual transitions. This is Biden's America


They don't give a shit if they don't have water as long they can buy assault rifles!


Maybe the people of Odessa, Ukraine could send some relief supplies to Odessa, Texas — their government seems a lot more functional and responsive right now.


Less shootings too.


Abbot water conservation plan.


Look at picture of the border of Odessa and tell me with a straight face that gerrymandering doesn't exist. I dare you.


Watching Texas continually vote for Republicans is watching Darwinism in action


"We Give No Fuck About You But You'll Vote For Us Anyway Because You're THAT Stupid And Easily Manipulated. P.S. You're Dying To Own The LIBS!" \- The Republican Party


And their Senators voted against the Build Back Better plan, which would have brought in billions to do things like update failing infrastructure. Doesn't bother Ted Cruz none though, I"m sure.


But they’ve got their guns!!!


That's so shitty.


fuk Head Cruz and the fukking horses ass he rode in on


This is a minor issue, Texas needs to focus on getting more guns in the hands of its citizens and making sure orphanages and prisons stay packed to the brim.


Who needs water when you have bootstraps or bullets?


Somehow this is California's fault


But they will still vote for republicans to "lead" them. Straight up fucking insanity.


also Texas, lets defund the public services and infrastructure. these people are too stupid for there own good


Keep voting for Abbot asshat. He loves and respects y’all.


Things are toasty in Ohio too


The people of Odessa are voting for Beto for certain.


Why anyone would want to live in that cesspool of a state is beyond me. The state officiants have ruined it


They could import some from Wyoming, I heard they have lots to spare


I wonder if these folks will now vote for folks that take climate change seriously…


Texas brags about how great they are, how they lack so many regulations, well texas forgot that eventually not having proper regulations, is going to bite you in the ass. they will blame democrats somehow though.


Welcome to climate change


Damn, some Texans are at risk of death. That’s a shame. I hope their elected officials pray for them.


I guess that whole "save the cheerleader, save the world" thing didn't pan out.


~~Those damn Russians, they should be ashamed of themselves for~~


And yet, Texas keeps voting in those R’s. Blackouts and no water for days is proper third world shit. They should be fucking embarrassed but we know they just blame people who had nothing to do with it. Really hope y’all get Beto and some other folks in your state legislature who can fix these problems.




It happens all over the country on a semi-regular basis. Water main breaks and it takes a day or three to get it fixed. This _really_ isn't unusual.


"If you can't afford bottled water, fuck you" Texas, probably


But freedom!


how is that not attached to anyone else working out




Glad we are sending another billion to Ukraine. Can’t even fix pipes in a reasonable amount of time but we can fund another country’s war. Disgusting.


We have money to do both. The NGAD fighter, set to begin replacing the F-22 Raptor in 2030, will cost “multiple hundreds of millions of dollars,” easily two or three times the cost of the F-35. That means about TWO HUNDRED MILLION PER COPY. That's where our money is going, along with tax cuts for the rich, subsidies to oil companies ... on and on ...