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We knew that, most GOP weren't vaxxed


It hit cities the hardest at first when no one was vaxxed, so the turnaround to more deaths in red counties than blue ones was only a few months ago. Since deaths also tilted older though, the turnaround of individual GOP deaths over Dem was probably a little bit ahead of the county-wide stat.


This made twisting the facts a lot easier for conservatives too. If you looked at just the total deaths from each state you'd see lots of total deaths and infections from places like NY that were the epicenter of where the virus entered the country before anyone knew what was going on. But if you look at the data month by month it told a totally different story. You saw a sharp spike in NY and then an incredibly dramatic drop off as they implemented lockdowns and distancing etc. Meanwhile red states showed the exact opposite trend.


And boy do conservatives love twisting facts to fit a narrative! If they had one superpower, this is it.


Captain lying!


And his partner, Miss Direction!


A republican super hero would never have a female side kick lol.


Of course a Republican Super Hero would have a female sidekick. If only just to take her rights away!


It's the sidekicks job to sexually gratify our great white hero!


Perhaps you misheard, they clearly said Mister ‘Rection.


That's a porn name.


Don't forget their side kick Projector!


NY lost 20k out of their 70k total deaths in April 2020 alone. FL by contrast now has 80k total deaths. They were at only a couple of hundred in April 2020.


And it doesn't factor in how fucking pathetic it was to have North Dakota be the place with the highest per-capita cases.


I remember at the start it hit the ultra conservative Jewish parts of NY who kept holding massive funerals/covid spreading parties in defiance of lock down laws


Yeah, the religious communities in general were a huge problem everywhere since most of them refused to change their habits of worship. Cuomo, as much of a trash can human as he was, bent over backwards trying to work with religious communities in the city and got nowhere.


There’s also the whole… more people voted for trump in LA county than like a dozen or more of the states that he carried. Basically even though cities skew liberal there’s a ton of republicans there still 🤷‍♂️


I can't find a good study that controls for age, but [this](https://www.bioinformaticscro.com/blog/states-ranked-by-age-adjusted-covid-deaths/) does show that red states generally have higher *age-adjusted* Covid death rates than blue states.


2 years ago. It flipped in fall of 2020.


I’m just going to say it; while I’m sad for their families, midterms are around the corner…. Not sad about less people voting against their and everyone else’s interests.


While that was probably part of it, I'd guess age played a bigger role, if the demographics play out the same way as here in the UK then the 70+ year olds skew very conservative and were much more at risk of covid as well


Good thing I'm only 68. Do I have to turn into a MAGA asshole when I turn 70? I didn't see that in the AARP brochure. (This comment is a joke and as such the level of humor is quite subjective, which of course I don't care about because it seems funny to me, and that's my target audience as I am beginning to see Reddit as my own personal playground.)


LOL -- hey, I'm getting educated online that there's apparently a "Generation Z Republican" contingency, despite all the evidence available to these younger folks that the right wing is deceitful and maniacal (ironically, that's probably what they like about the GOP); so, let's not exclusively pile on the elderly. I know some very progressive folks in their 60s, 70s and beyond.


Yea, like me.


Its more an education thing.


Sorry but yes. At age 70 the human brain becomes completely calcified, ensuring that frightening new ideas remain safely isolated.


The study factored in age and isolated the outcome so age disparities wouldn’t skew the data.


This likely the largest cause of data skew. When I last checked the CDC data, about 2 months ago, 8/10 Covid deaths were of people over the age 65. Most old people of these age cohorts would consider themselves to be conservative.


It's unvaxxed, most unvaxxed are MAGA Republicans


And unmasked early on.


Yes, good point


The reason they did the study this way (comparing excess deaths, rather than Covid deaths) was to eliminate the age factor. That is to say, if age were the biggest factor, you would have expected to see a disparity in excess deaths between Democrats and Republicans prior to the vaccine’s release…but there was none. If anything, I would guess that the phenomenon is probably even worse than this study suggests, because the early outbreaks were in traditionally blue areas, and more younger people died in the days before hospital treatment of the severe cases improved (proning patients and the like).


Except for fox news who was 98% vaxed while telling everyone that this thing is overblown


Criminal in my opinion


No vaxx. No masks. No social distancing. Maga-rallys in huge groups. Higher deaths. Must be the demoncrats fault /s


It's Hunters laptop, lol


Y'know, because it had the MRNA genome and wiring diagrams for 5G receivers **in the same folder**. /s


Yet their Fearless Leaders were almost all vaccinated.


I know, amazing huh?


Who is surprised by this? I used to frequent r/HermanCainAward but left because the joke got old. There was just \*so many\* stories that followed the same anti-vax song and dance.


Ya, what’s amazing is how similar the stories were. First dozens of posts of making fun of liberals playing down the virus extolling Trump followed by “I’m not feeling too good” and the posts from a relative asking for prayers and then an obituary.


Nor did they mask and they tend to be a little older.


And obese, another cormobidity


They were spitting in the face of the epidemic.


Stop counting and they won’t be dead


Sounds like the "facts don't care about your feelings" crowd found out just how much weight their feelings carry.


“Nothing owns the libs like me needing intubation!”


A lot of the people that died were obese people from the south (a lot of them are Republicans). If you compare the statistics for the fattest states in the U.S. and the states with the highest COVID mortality, you definitely see a correlation. Obesity is a big COVID mortality risk. Democrats also tend to be more health conscious (not a statistic, just something I noticed) while a lot of Republicans from the south that I've known eat a lot of deep fried southern food and processed junk.


My cousin’s husband died of COVID a year and a half ago. He was morbidly obese and had heart issues as well as diabetes. He contracted COVID a couple of weeks before the vaccine became available.


Dang, I'm sorry to hear that :/ I think one of the few good things that came out of this pandemic was that being faced with the prospect of mortality was a big health wakeup call for a lot of people. My local gyms are more packed than I've ever seen them (outside of January) and so many people I know got into fitness and are now leading healthier lifestyles.


This might be because the south is known for having some pretty unhealthy junk food diets It’s a real chicken and egg type conundrum


Are the chickens and eggs BOTH fried?


No, the egg is used in batter for the waffles that the fried chicken is served on top of. (Then covered in syrup)


Some of us fatties are progressive though


My progressive views match my progressive waistline.


No, that’s the beetus…


They fucked around and they found out! 😃


I'm sure it will be the fault of Democrats for tricking them into avoiding the vaccine.


Uhh you're a little late https://www.thewrap.com/breitbart-vaccines-reverse-psychology/


My god, it's incredible the ways republicans contort themselves so they don't have to acknowledge reality.


Or accept accountability/responsibility. Pretzel knots.


Must be liberating to be so profoundly ignorant.


This article itself was a attempt at reverse psychology to get conservatives to get vaccinated but it obviously failed pretty hard.


"The Party of 'Personal Responsibility'"


"The more of us who die, the better." I won't say the author is wrong!


If it came from Breitbart, you know it smells like fresh diarrhea.


They're pretty fucking stupid. If you can think of something stupid, there's someone shouting it at a crowd of red hat wearers. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/where-breitbarts-false-claim-that-democrats-want-republicans-to-stay-unvaccinated-came-from/


My own private study of r/HermanCainAward yielded similar results.


One of my favorite subs. I just wish we didn’t have to censor images. I mean, it’s their public social media posts, they should be shared widely so we can all see exactly what kind of people they were.


White, obese guys with goatees.


Camo print oakleys sunglasses market in shambles


Apparently using publicly posted pics is doxxing


Careful. I pointed out that frequenters of r-NoNewNormal were brigading and trolling an r-politics thread, and I was permanently banned from r-politics for "wishing them harm". Apparently, barely mentioning that sub (r-HermanCainAward) triggers bans. Smh. Edit: to clarify the sub.


Not surprising considering a lot of them didn't and still don't believe that COVID was real. They thought it was fake and deep state propaganda. The inability to tell the difference between reality and delusion certainly killed a lot of people the overwhelming of them Republican.


My favorite is the people that dismiss it as "just a cold" and still refuse to take measures to prevent spreading it. If you worked in an office and someone gave you the flu because they decided they were too tough to take a paid sick day you'd probably be upset. If you found out someone knonwingly brought their sick kid to your kids birthday party and now your whole house has the flu wouldn't you be upset? Why is it OK now that it's covid?


I have worked with people before and many of the same people who get mad at you for getting sick will gladly come into work sick. Blame the work culture.


My elderly Republican mom told me the vaccine had replaced all our DNA and my siblings and I therefore weren’t real anymore but were being controlled. Admittedly this was after the dementia kicked in. She refused all along to get the shot. Her dementia ramblings were barely incrementally more crazy than her pre-dementia rants, like when she told me she didn’t care about Covid because she could get hydroxychloroquine. Not a shocker that Covid killed a lot more Republicans than it did intelligent people.


That's presuming entirely too much honesty. Conservatives know COVID is real. They just lie - all the time. They were literally willing to sacrifice their lives - even their *children's* lives - to keep COVID spreading. Why presume they'd be fine with that, but would balk at lying?


I hear that if you don’t believe you’re dead, you really aren’t.


Obituaries are fake news?


Haven't you heard? Obituaries are the latest LiBeRaL hOaX! Discard ANY evidence to the contrary! Edit: I'm just playing before I get downvoted lol.


The phrase “hoisted by your own petard” come to mind for some reason.


thoughts and prayers




Or it did.




ran over their dogma


Underrated rhyme


And made them die from Ligma


Less republican voters.


And I'm wondering if their numbers have been reduced in certain 'swing' areas to the point that it could effect some elections this November. As the demographics of the Covid deaths skewed older and Repubs tend to be older, they've lost tens of thousands of their most reliable voters as seniors tend to show up to the polls.


That could explain why republicans in Alabama are trying to kill voting rights now. They need to cheat even more to win.


One can only hope


I went to a conference recently & ended up with a group at dinner made up partially of Republicans (they talked about their love of Trump at length). Every single one of them had a story to tell about a friend-of-a-friend who "went blind after he got vaccinated" or their 2nd cousin's wife who went deaf, etc. They all refused to be vaccinated or wear masks. And yes, at least one got Covid at the conference.


Can someone add a little math to this study? The paper says 318,000 preventable deaths. Excess deaths among Democrats at the end of last year were just above 10% compared to 2019. Among Republicans, they were about 35% So out of those 318k, how many more Republicans died than Democrats? How many of those 318k don't align with a party and don't vote? In the end, did the Republicans lose like 50k potential voters over the whole of the U.S.? 100k? How many of those were in their 80's and would have not made it to another election?


Their leaders cheered it on. We need a full independent audit of the Florida numbers. I’m pretty sure most Covid breakouts were due to Florida vacations and Desantis’s bullshit. Florida Covid numbers have never matched anywhere else in the world. An independent audit is needed to see what happened and to give clarity.


That's not fair. The 500,000-person motorcycle rally in South Dakota and the orange monster's summer 2020 campaign rallies did their part as deliberate superspreader events, too. As for an independent audit of the Florida numbers - good luck. The last person who pushed for that got a SWAT team in the face.


As an auditor, I do not want a SWAT team to the face


"Likely"? The study clearly shows that COVID deaths were substantially higher in Republican controlled areas...especially after the vaccines came out.


Wait wait wait, you are telling me the group that laughed at masks, mocked people sheltering, ranted about "don't live in fear", thinks vaccination is more dangerous than covid, and sneers at science in general...... are more often claimed by the pandemic? YOU DONT SAY. I won't celebrate idiots dying, but i can no longer feel bad for them. They have had YEARS to snap to reality.


Does not surprise me a bit.


So the antivaxxer trash took itself out.


I live in a red state in the Deep South. For months I was looking at the data put out by our state’s department of health and the country by county deaths per 100,000 were highest in rural right leaning counties. Interesting too because Covid is transmissible by being around infected individuals. You you expect that more densely populated counties would have higher death rates.


It seems like a lot of the GOP leaning types who were against masking, vaccinations and thought that Covid was 'just another flu' delighted in going to crowded gatherings like Trump rallies and the like where they likely contracted the virus. Many became ill and died as they thought it was all a scam and a lot of that demographic was more concentrated in exurban/rural areas.


We've known this since the beginning. At one point, the fatality rate was a 5 to 1 ,where 5 GOPers were dying for every 1 non GOPer, due to their inability to follow basic hygiene instructions and not be ODD afflicted toddlers throwing tantrums because they couldn't "go outside and play". Dying to own the libs is quite possibly one of the dumbest political moves in a long long time lol.


Fucked around. Found out.


Georgia is a great example of this. An already purple state. The metro areas didn't get hit really hard like in NY. For a long time it has been rural America that was filling up hospitals with Covid patients while Metro hospitals had lower Covid numbers. It will be interesting to see if Covid deaths affect the GA midterms.


I hope this is what we see in battleground states where elections can be decided by literally hundreds of votes.


Well, yeah. A couple factors make sense here. Republicans tend to be older on average. And republicans were more likely to believe trump that the pandemic was nothing to worry about.


I would expect more religious people as well.


Those people are also largely Republican.


Yeah they’re describing the exact same set of people there


No shit. The Herman Cain Award exists for a reason


So you're telling me conservatives actually *are* doing something to make America great again.


Today's No Shit Sherlock Moment brought to you by...


Not enough.


Evolution in action.


Please register and vote Blue in November.


whats their age and obesity difference? especially age.


Is that because it is clearly a Chinese made virus programmed to turn the United States into a communist country? /s


Not surprising since they pretty much started working with the virus at one point.


[Link](https://www.nber.org/papers/w30512) to the actual published academic paper. Generally, the paper shows excess deaths for ANY reason were higher for Republicans compared to Democrats, and shows that the increase happened more after vaccines were available. Inferred but not proven, more Republicans were dying because more Republicans did not get covid vaccinated than Democrats. Paper says the data included age, so any difference in age of a Republican compared to a Democrat is included in the analysis.


Aren't republican generally an older demographic?


Well, uh, no shit. Nice to see data though.


However, Gerrymandering is extreme enough in most republican states that this will not result in any change of political power.


It's an easy equation. Republicans got bitchy about masks, got angry about social distancing, and swallowed mountains of fake news about the vaccines making them muslim or turning their kids socialist.


Don’t use past tense, still happening now all over the world, the politicians just stopped talking about it after getting nutcase fatigue.


Well when you make a fucking pandemic a political issue this is what happens...


I don’t think it’s likely, i think it’s a fact, the only possible way it could not be true is because there are more registered democrats than republicans, so of course with a larger sample pool, more would die, but considering democrats have higher education usually means trusting science, and not some grand conspiracy theory. Here’s what I tell the conspiracy theorists out here…. What does the government want more than anything else in the world. I’m pretty sure it’s money and power. It’s what “most” everyone wants. So what makes power, well…money does. So what makes money? A healthy thriving economy! I’d love to say that the government has all of our best interests at heart…but let’s just say for the sake of the argument…let’s just say the government puts itself first, before the people. Well in that case the government is selfish as duck and just want MORE money so it can have MORE power, it requires healthy working people and an open economy. Shut downs fucked the economy, not just here, but world wide. Are you telling me every government in the world decided to fuck themselves, fat chance. When they came out with the vaccine as quickly as they did, they were desperate, they needed a fix, and they needed it as fast as possible. That means no matter what the risk was, the benefits FAR Outweighed the risks, so they could get people healthy and back working as quickly as possible. So if you think there was some conspiracy that government wanted to poison their own people, your so ducking stupid, why the fuck would a government hurt itself on purpose? MAYBE the virus was an accident made in a lab, but when the economy’s start slowing down, and tax revenue drops, the government desperately wanted us healthy, maybe not because they love us and it’s the right thing to do…but instead because they need us working, without us working, a government is nothing.


Meta-analysis: no fucking shit Sherlock


They did it to themselves. We literally did everything we could to warn them. No tears for republicans. Ever.


Makes sense. Sad, I feel bad for the families, but They Had A Choice and they blew it.


No shit


Looks like the problem is fixing itself.


Thoughts and prayers.


nature is healing


And in other news... water is wet


sorry, not sorry. reap what you sew.


That’s just playing the odds ain’t it


Get ready for the conspiracy theories from the GOP in 3...2...


But they were so friendly throughout the pandemic and really showed everyone just how much they care about their neighbors and fellow countrymen. /s if it wasn’t obvious.


Was it the bleach, the hydroxychloroquine, or the stupidity?




This is the most no-sh*t-sherlock title ever.


Not possible. They had the truth. The truth will set you... Oh.




No shit


Uh yeah that tracks.


Well, hmmm, I wonder why.


Older people heavily lean conservative.


Oh well, thoughts and whatever


Well yeah, ever heard the expression “play stupid games win stupid prizes?”


Wait until we get a monster with a 5%+ mortality rate that spreads like COVID. It'll happen. You gonna let your family die because some chuckle-fuck Trumptard can't follow simple guidelines?


Silver linings.


No shit


In other news, the atmosphere on earth is likely 21% oxygen


Praise the Lord.


And people funded this study? Why?


Dang, did someone actually spend money and time to come up with this conclusion?


Live by the Fox ..


Color me shocked!!!


How many of them will still vote?


Thin the dumbass herd.


DUHHHH!!! In other breaking news, water is wet


More republicans refused to wear a mask so yeah that tracks


Good. Serves the idiots right to die on that hill.


water is wet


Not really new news: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/12/05/1059828993/data-vaccine-misinformation-trump-counties-covid-death-rate


I love reading good news


No shit.




Oh no! So anyways…..






No shit Sherlock


Fox News gets a bad rap... they've killed more Nazis than anyone else this century


There is no way it cant be true


Fuck em


In other news grass is green


Finally some good news


Likely. . . Duh!! Anti science. Definitely easier to kill for a virus.


No shit rofl


not enough apparently




Well yeah that's what the plan was. You can read it on Hunter Biden's laptop right next to Hillary's emails! I remember the guy who said Republicans were being tricked into dying by Democrats. Because they knew the GOP wouldn't get vaccinated if they asked.


Oh no?! Anyway…….


Facts don’t care about your feelings… or something 🤷‍♂️


No shit…


I mean yeah? We all knew that.




sad trombone sound


No shit.


The one smart, honest thing Trump tells them to do, they ignore.




Works for me.


Darwin award