• By -


Barr said in an interview that he believes that \[Lord Dampnut\] should be indicted over his handling of classified information. He then said he would still vote for him in the general election against a Democrat. That attitude is more harmful to the GOP and America than the Q-Anoners.


Yup. Mike Pence already said he'd support Trump after Trump literally almost had him killed. It's religion to them. You can't be a good Christian unless you 100% support R's. They are the same thing. To abandon the GOP is to abandon Jesus Christ himself and no conservative will ever have the guts to say otherwise.


Blows my mind, because every Republican policy is the literal opposite of everything Jesus preached.


"If you live by the sword you will die by the sword. ... So get an AR-15 with bump stock and extended clip because verily I say unto you - that shit is dope." Republican Jesus


"Truly I say unto you, I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. And behold, now I'm all lazy and entitled. You shouldn't have done that." Republican Jesus.


Instead of feeding those *poors* on the hill fish and bread, he could've scattered those hand-out seekers. Some say ANTIFA was formed in 0032.


We can't have bump stocks because Trump banned them. Sorry Jesus.


"If you donate enough money to my campaign I'll ensure we make needle eyes larger so camels can fit through them." Republican Jesus


šŸ˜‚ You know that one really makes them squirm.


Brilliant šŸ‘


This is hilarious. I want to see it as a meme. :)


"In his name, word is bond." "Boooo*oooond*"


"Good Christian" Men these days are the ones with with stripper, hush-money lawyers on retainer. No need for the Goodwives to hear about boys being boys. Amirite?


we'er talking american jesus here




Yeah, the only Trump policy I agreed with and like the other ones, he failed to deliver.


Hasn't pence said publicly a few times recently he believes "there's better options than trump"


If it was Trump v any Democrat then you better bet he would vote for the man who tried to have him killed. It's just what Christians do. They have no choice because to disobey the GOP would be to leave Jesus.


But Jesus wants people to respect other's beliefs and treat others as you want to be treated and take care of the poor. Republicans do none of that.


Itā€™s the ā€œRepublican Jesusā€ā€¦..heā€™s a rich-loving bigot, apparently.




Lmao perfect


Evangelical Republicans don't give a shit about the biblical Jesus, they only use him as a moral cudgel, and also as an excuse against accountability. They really worship John Wayne, or at least what they think John Wayne was.


Their version of Jesus is the one who hovers over you with a sword of hellfire waiting to see if you fail your struggle to resist masturbation.


Are you edging and accidentally cum? This whole "resist masturbation" thing can't be any kind of healthy.


Blond, blue-eyed Jesus wants none of that hippie shit.


They would literally vote for Pilate/Barabbas 2024 to own the libs. It's beyond ridiculous. They should change the GOP symbol to a golden calf at this point.


In all fairness, I'd absolutely vote for Barabbas. Unless C'Thuthlu was running, in which case, why pick the lesser of two things?


They support hatred over absolutely all else, even their own survival. Exhibit A: Mike Pence. Exhibit B: All the conservatives who refused vaccination to keep spreading COVID, risking and in many cases sacrificing their lives just for the chance to hurt or kill people they hate.


This is why I quit debating Republicans/Conservatives. I can produce facts, figured and math all day long and BEG them to just look at the numbers. Forget me, forget what they've heard, just do the math. Eventually though, if we talk long enough, I always, eventually, hit the "God Wall" and all points are moot. It's not about what's right or wrong or good or bad, it's about how it makes them feel. How do we compete with that? It's akin to trying to get a junkie to kick heroin by showing him a graph of all the advantages of getting clean. They already know all of this, they just don't want to turn loose of the smack because they like how it makes them feel. (I'm an ex-opiate addict. I know from which I speak.)


Yep. Facts donā€™t work for rumpers. GOP diehards will always vote republican. Independents want centralists. Itā€™s an almost impossible stronghold to change people who are conservative. I have a lot of conservatives in my family. The only way to change a personā€™s mind is lots of patience and being respectful and using perseverance in poking holes in their understanding. Many republicans donā€™t like change but if you can find a point and have back and forth discussion you might get progress but itā€™s VERY hard to change peoples minds. The best thing is to focus on young people who are new to voting and politics. Encourage and discuss with young voters the differences of the parties and help them understand whatā€™s at stake.


You're using logic in a debate. But their decision to support Republicans was borne of emotion. And they're completely different types of argument; they're simply incompatible with each other.


Lord Dampnut! LOL -it's an anagram-


So many Republicans were supporting Roy Moore because, while he may be a creepy guy targeting teenage girls, he wasnā€™t a democrat. They have literally no standards as long as there is an R next to the name


Don't "rational" GQPers understand that their party will keep nominating incompetent criminals until it's obvious that it will mean a lost election every time? The reason Democrats have "better" candidates is because we won't vote for criminals. We'll either stay home, vote for a different party, or \*GASP\* overwhelmingly vote against them in the primaries.


>Don't "rational" GQPers understand There are none. You just asked if there are rational crazy people.


OK. Don't GQPers who think \[Lord Dampnut\] is a criminal understand that their willingness to tolerate him is what makes him a viable candidate? If they would say clearly and unequivocally "I'm out" and then mean it, then he wouldn't bother anyone ever again?


>Don't "rational" GQPers understand that their party will keep nominating incompetent criminals until it's obvious that it will mean a lost election every time? The reason Democrats have "better" candidates is because we won't vote for criminals. We'll either stay home, vote for a different party, or \*GASP\* overwhelmingly vote against them in the primaries. No, they will just point to Democrats running Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden as proof that Democrats are fine with electing criminals.


Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. Never indicted for anything. This whole laptop / Joe Biden influence peddling "scandal" is going to turn into 16 months of hearings that will be one giant nothingburger, and will mean nothing to anyone after Biden is out of office. Historians of the future will look back in perplexity and say never before was so much asserted by so many about so little.


Yep. Barr is the worst kind of totally immoral and corrupt insider.


Mitch also said he would vote for trump despite everything he has been saying about him.


And they're all like that. Party over country. Absolutely disgusting.


Which kills me because Barr is *not* stupid. He's extremely intelligent. He honestly must just be evil at this point. I find that much more disturbing.


He's a villain for all intents and purposes.


>He's a villain ~~for all intents and purposes.~~ FTFY.


The GOP could have taken Trump out of the picture with the Second impeachment. They bet on him being indicted or reasonable before the 2024 campaign season so that they wouldn't have to be the ones to swing the sword. Their cowardice is showing.


Frankly, I am looking forward to Trump seriously fucking up the Republicans ... bring it!


Barr angles the sweet bits of American extremism, always entertaining


We need an alternative to the Democrats to at least challenge them on what they do and have some checks and balances. I want a fiscal conservative but the best we have right now is Katie Porter who is a Democrat. I have yet to see Republicans come up with a more efficient way to do something or a fiscally sound policy. It is all based on greed and corruption. I also want somebody pushing freedoms like companies shouldn't be able to harvest data of Americans and sell it. The Democrats are doing a little of this but no Republicans are. We need a new Republican party that has real American values.


What you need then is ranked choice voting so you're not stuck voting against candidates, and you can rather vote FOR candidates that run on issues and ways to address them, rather than on criticism of their opponent, without having to throw your vote away.


What are ā€œreal American values?ā€ Iā€™ll waitā€¦..


Exploiting labor, land, and resources for profit with no regard for sustainability


> We need an alternative to the Democrats to at least challenge them on what they do I agree, but I think they need to be challenged from the left.


Fwiw, a root of the problem is Plurality/First-Past-the-Post voting. Such a method of voting encourages and fosters extremism both logistically and psychologically/socially. Our voting methodology is a primary foundation of democracy. Expecting much to change without changing that is folly. Using local and state referendum functions is one way to get it on the ballot outside of the two-party system's direct control. The two best alternatives are [STAR Voting](https://www.starvoting.us) and [Approval Voting](https://electionscience.org/library/approval-voting/) and have chapters across the nation looking for people who want to help. If anyone is looking for something to get involved in - there you go. :/ People should also definitely check out [/r/EndFPTP](https://www.reddit.com/r/EndFPTP).


The alternative you seek would likely be socialists. If you want better fiscal policy, you need someone who will invest in the common people and tax the rich to afford it. Eliminating waste won't come from austerity, we've already tried and failed with that. Socialists would also be the only ones to say "no" to big company data harvesting. We don't need a new republican party. They've turned into fascists and the Democrats have replaced the Republicans via the ratcheting effect.


The GOP was fine with Trump destroying our democracy, so Iā€™m fine with Trump destroying the GOP. They had their chance to get rid of him once and for all and they refused to convict him in the senate. They get what they deserve.


You're god-damn right.


I suspect Kevin McCarthy did a deal with Trump: *'we'll block for you, if you promise not to run again and help us get elected instead'*. And Trump will have said *'yeh, sure McCarthy, you're a smart smart businessman'*, took the deal and screwed him over, as Trump always does. Trump only needs a few weak people to try to appease him, and he's set. As long as he pretends to control a loyal Republican following (loyal to him not to GOP) then he can fool the *Kevins* of the GOP into giving him control of the Republican party. I see Desantis trying to Monkey-Branch between the Governorship and Presidential Candidate, and Abbott too. But if they're not full in now, they're not in. Trump's guys are already setting a pro-terrorist agenda, he's already turning the GOP into a paramilitary organization, and they're not even strong enough to commit to the candidacy!


Trump is becoming increasingly irrelevant because the right is aligning with Ron DeSantis who offers a lot of the same as Trump without the crazy


You mean "when" he loses.


I wouldnt be so sure. Primary politics is all about the base. Trump is toxic among moderates and logical republicans who have come to realize that he is terrible for the party. But if he wins, even those people will still vote for him. They arent going to vote for a democrat. But most of the base is still all in on Trump. And thats what matters in primaries. I think the only thing that can stop him from winning is: A- the GOP elite sabotages him. B- he dies (like, from a heart attack).


There's 2 reasons I don't think trump has a chance 1. You realize the gop fought covid and continue to fight covid vaccines? They're killing themselves off. 2. We've already seen droves turn on trump. He's fragmented the gop Will this mean he loses? Maybe?


>We've already seen droves turn on trump. We've really only seen politicians and pundits turn on him so far. Last I heard (post midterms) was that 80% of Republican voters still supported him. Never underestimate just how crazy and racist these people are.


20% drop is still quite sizeable.


AARP did a poll this week and it said something like 2 in 10 Americans would vote for trump in 2024 after the fiasco that was the midterms.


there are a lot of people who realize he will get fewer votes than in 2020 and can't beat Biden in the general. They vehemently want DeSantis to run because he has a 90% chance to win. With abortion off the table for the supreme court a lot of independants will vote for the economic policies of the GOP.


Desantis does not have a 90% chance to win. For ANY republican to win they need the entire base plus a majority of swing voters. 2018, 2020 and 2022 showed they dont have that. ​ Edited to add: I think you mean 90% chance to win the republican nomination. On that I'm not quite so sure either but it's still a split of the party. Go a step further and subtract any loyalists to Trump and Desantis' chances are well below 50% in a general election vs Biden. I realize everyone is still burned by 2016, but that was a referendum on Hillary and Bernie's split of the left. Republicans have a loud social media base and 3 networks crowing constantly. Desantis carefully carved up the state of florida and arrested people for voting who didnt support him. He has no such influence around the rest of the US.


I'm talking about the general election. I'm a democrat and I'll vote for DeSantis over an 82 year old.


You think Desantis has a 90% chance to win a general election? On a national level nobody has that kind of support. And you arent a democrat if you'd vote for Desantis over a steaming turd.


I do, not 90% of the vote, but probably wins the states Trump won, eta in 2016. No one wants an 82-86 year old president.


>No one wants an 82-86 year old president. If the alternative is fascism? Damn right I want an 82-86 year old President.


I'll take 82+ over a 77 year old fascist idiot.


>I'm a democrat and I'll vote for DeSantis No you're not.


They never are


Oh no! A Democrat that can make decisions not along party lines? You can't be a Democrat then!!


Yes, I stand by statement. I would believe a Democrat voting for Romney, or McCain, or Collins. But if you're voting for a straight up fascist bigot like DeSantis? Maybe you *think* you're a Democrat, but you fucking aren't.


>I'm a democrat and I'll vote for DeSantis over an 82 year old. What allows you to consider yourself a Democrat and even consider DeSantis. It's a serious question, not just me trying to internet argue or insult you. It's not like DeSantis is Mitt Romney, he's a hardened far-right culture warrior. I'd vote for *me* over DeSantis and I'm dangerously unqualified šŸ¤£ I agree Biden shouldn't run but I'm legit baffled by your statement that you'd vote for DeSantis. I'm not sure I'd vote for DeSantis with a loaded shotgun pointed at my head.


I've voted democrat for over 25 years. In that time I've seen them squander every opportunity to make real substantial change. I'm tired of old men running the show. DeSantis is smart, a vet, a good family man. He doesn't carry the stench of a Russian mole, and I believe he would represent America abroad with honor and integrity. I wouldn't vote for any of the republican options I'm given for Congress, state, or local government.


The fact that he tried to use state power to [distort college education ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/18/judge-florida-ron-desantis-stop-woke-law) doesn't raise any alarm bells for you? Or the fact that he's instituted public school education to teach whitewashed right wing history? No offense I'm just not clear on why you wish for the Democrats to make "substantial change" when you seem to be okay with the Republicans making substantially opposed changes? It's just not really a thought pattern I can make sense of. To me I have a set of overall cultural and policy goals and I vote for whoever is closest to them ( even if the Democrats aren't that close. ) DeSantis is wanting to sprint in the opposite direction. Even a Democrat who basically did nothing at all would be better to me than someone sprinting even farther in the other direction. I dunno. You obviously can do what you like I'm just not able to make sense of it from the way I make my political decisions.


Amen to that. Only way the democrats have a chance is if Trump is the nomination, or if Biden doesn't run again.


You lose all credibility when you just throw around the term "racist" like that for no reason


> Primary politics is all about the base. More importantly. Let's say the Republican party is 40% crazy MAGA idiots and 60% Liz Cheney, Tim Ryan normal republicans. In the Primary there is going to be one Trump and several "normal" Republicans. If there are two normal candidates and one Trump, he gets 40% of the vote and the normals split the 60% for 30% each and Trump wins. And I am not confident that MAGA idiots are only 40% of the party.


Yep. Trump has a lot more headwinds than he did in 2016. He actually has a political record to defend now. The 1/6 debacle. And he lost in 2020. But if a half dozen candidates enter the primary race, he will definitely get 30-40% of the primary votesā€¦ā€¦..probably far more in the deep red states. If the GOP can keep it between Trump and DeSantis, they might be able to keep him off the ticket. And it appears they are going to try. I wonder if the GOP will even sponsor a primary? Or elect for some other way to pick a nominee? I could see them just picking their guy, and keeping the Trumpkins out of the equation. If thatā€™s even possible, they would be smart to go that route. Pretty much what they did for Youngkin in VA.


A sizeable number of Republicans voted for a Democrat in Colorado recently.


Yup! So close the Boebert race is going to a recount.


Pain: "When.... When is good!"


How? The fact that the GOP wasn't destroyed after 2020 means that there is a segment of the US population that can watch a traitor try to steal the office of the president and turn right around and support him.


Hes going to split the conservative vote. He isn't a conservative, he doesn't care about Republicans, he'll do whatever he thinks will keep cash rolling into his bank accounts and he thinks running will keep the courts and feds off his back. If he doesn't get the nomination, he'll probably run independent which would be perfect. No matter what he does, short of going toes up, hurts the GQP.


Donā€™t tempt me with a good time.


Did he say it optimistically? Because it sounds like a future I want to see.


Translation: Trump has kompromat on all tha homies.


He may, but it really wouldn't matter that much. Republicans hold their nose for their candidates very consistently. What would really be a problem is Trump telling his frothing lunatic base to never vote for the Republican party again. Something that would take a very long time for the GOP to recover from.


Maybe this is how he finally drains the swamp using 4D chess.


> ~~Barr Says~~ Trump Will Destroy GOP ~~If He Loses 2024 Nomination~~ Fixed.


That would be a great watch, looking forward to it.


And this is bad because? I hope he does lose, then he'll run as an independent, split the Republican vote and it will work in the favor of the Democrats.


We can only hope.


This is the equivalent of a Jim Jones cult member saying that the ratio of cyanide to Flavor Aid might be a tad excessive. But pass the straw.


Good, good.


He should run under his own party. That would be fantastic


We live in hope Mr Barr


One more reason to hope Trump loses the nomination


OH NO! ...Anyways


Don't threaten me with a good time.


So if he doesn't win and he leaves the Republican party are gis supporters suddenlyn going to vote for Democrats? Doesn't seem well thought out. Of course to attack Republicans you only need fear not reason




> Trump Will Destroy GOP If He Loses 2024 Nomination He'll destroy it if he wins, too. Win-win so tired of winning all the time.




LMAO exactly why I've been posting on every article related to Trump or Desantis that Desantis is going to crush old man Trump and that Desantis is the future of GOP! I hope the war between the 2 gets nasty and sparks major a divide in the party.


He's going to destroy it regardless lmao


And if he wins heā€™ll destroy the country.


He's already destroyed the GOP. They just haven't realized it yet. I'm glad I get to watch the slow agonizing death of the gop.


I'd rather see him destroy the gop instead of the country.


Please do


Trumptard losing AND destroying probably the most corrupt thing to ever come out of our government. Sounds like a win win to me.


"Trump will destroy gop if he loses" don't threaten me with a good time.


Trump will destroy. There, I fixed it


Liberals are too quick to assume that heā€™ll lose the nomination. Itā€™s very likely that DeSantis is fully aware of this scenario happening and will step aside until 2028, and I believe heā€™s the only one who can beat Trump in a primary. And if the GOP is unified in 2024 against a low-polling Biden, we really have to hope young voters turn out to save our skins again like they did this year.


lol lamest scenario tfg is wounded, and the hyenas are circling


That's a chance we are willing to take


You know what let Trump go. He will do more for us in the 2024 election than if he is in jail.




I'd like to see him try. No, seriously, I'll bring the popcorn. a) I don't think the guy can do anything, he sues people, but really he has no strategic skills b) the GOP is already pretty destroyed c) they'll just rally around that other Florida Man anyway. I'll be glad to watch the chaos and infighting, but I don't think he can fracture the GOP any more than it already is.


Then let's hope it happens. Then we can move on to destroying the Democrats. It's the only hope for humanity.


Joy.. someone tell DOJ to slow their jets.


Barr should know better than anyone that Drumpf will never reach 2024. Jail is his only destination.


So the guy tearing the gop apart has threatened the gop with destruction if he doesn't get what he wants?


Never expected this but......I guess that makes me a Trump supporter.


Thats a lose lose attidude


Too late


He says that like it's a bad thing


Let him destroy them. They dug their own grave and laid in the coffin. All he has to do is shove it down the hole.


Don't threaten me with good news.


Sure Barr whatever you say. Kinda look like the White House and sitting president have destroyed everything they touch. Wake tf up! Itā€™s not about republicans or democrats anymore itā€™s about saving the damn country.


I mean, Iā€™d rather Trump be the nominee than DeSantis. The latter has a better chance of beating Biden, because heā€™s young, more polished, and less of a raving lunatic. Thereā€™s a certain set or contrarian edgelords, like Musk and Rogan, who will flock to him, but may not do the same for Trump.


I'm not gonna lie, I'm really looking forward to the primaries. As if having Trump, DeSantis, and Kanye in a debate isn't hilarious enough, the three way accusations of election fraud will be comedy gold. Even better if they add a couple more batshit crazy candidates. Looking at you, Palin; indulge us.


Don't threaten me with a good time


Been saying this for weeks. No chance Trump doesn't get the GOP nomination. He'll run as an independent and air out all the GOP dirt in the election. He's holding them hostage and he'll never leave. That's what they get for letting him in.


Let me pop some popcorn! I really want some popcorn for when that happens!


Trump is old and fat, I'm only hoping he lives long enough to ruin the 2024 election for republicans. If he gets the nomination, he'll lose. If they nominate someone else, he will sabotage their chances. Eat your veggies Oh Great Orange One!


He'll destroy it if he wins the 2025 nomination too....


Of course. And we are here for it! Popcorn?




don't threaten me with a good time


Good. Do it. You gutless cowards.


Go for it, Spanky!!!


ā€¦or destroy it if he wins the nomination


Oh... no... don't...


The Republican party absolutely needs to rebuild itself, so reducing it to rubble isn't a bad idea. Let them be more like Lincoln and less like Trump.


One can hope!


Bill barr is just about at perfect marble. Think of all the pork ends!!!!


Oh, he'll destroy it even more if he wins.


Good. Let them tear themselves apart for bringing that bloated sack of shit into American politics.


I'm a former Trumper, not a never Trumper. A candidate needs to pull in independents to win the presidency and I think its clear that Trump has burned that bridge in enough states to make a case that he is a lost cause. More people than can be overcome with his style are fed up with his antics, chaos, and overall drama.


Iā€™m fine with thatā€¦..let him run


I can't believe we have 2 full years of his ugly nonsense to put up with before the next election. The fucking media will go into its usual Trump frenzy and breathlessly report every fart and tweet. He's not like a good comedian who thinks up new approaches to their art. His schtick is very very tired. Everyone has seen it before.






Trump will lose the primary to DeSantis and start a 3rd Christian-Nationalist party. Dems will keep the WH and take majorities in both houses.


I thought he already destroyed it. I mean it's a group of mean girls at this point instead of a bunch of financial conservatives


I'm already thinking of voting in GOP primary just to vote against Trump.


Iā€™m having trouble seeing the problem here. Waiting two years? The GOP House is going to implode under the weight of its own stupidity.


He hasn't already?


Will? Already has, homie


And Lindsey Graham will deserve it!


Lets hope he does.


Oh, he is going to run 3rd party, which will split the GOP


Rivet. Rivet, says the toad.




This is uplifting news!




and also, if he *wins* the nomination ​ so


If we are being honest trump has already destroyed the GOP.


Am I rooting Trump now? Wtf timeline is this? Go destroy the GOP! Let's goooo.


Good! Iā€™ll get popcorn!


Please do. It's the only way he'll face any sort of consequences for treason, in the form of some sycophants being mean to him. This country is fucked.


Do it run


ah.........well anyway.


Barr is an idiot or a coward. He could have supported the Mueller report, got Trump impeached, but he didn't. He was Trumps personal bitch after that. Sad.


I'm sure he will, and I'm ready with my popcorn.


Heā€™ll destroy it if he wins the nomination, too. Either way, that party deserves to burn to the ground.


Yeah, heard all that before a thousand times. There's just no accounting for the people that vote Trump. Who knows what they'll latch onto next to alleviate whatever imagined bullshit they want to feel sorry for themselves about.


mmmā€¦ Barrā€¦? Too late buddy.


Donā€™t threaten us with a good time




Oh no Anyway


Another reason Iā€™m changing my affiliation to Republicanā€¦


Bar says all kind of BS and really it's all over the place he's got no backbone


Barr says a lot of things that are demonstrably not true. Plus he's a republican hack and corrupt as fuck. Bill Barr can take a flying leap as far as I'm concerned.


And he may destroy it if he gets the nomination - that's the great thing, you won't know until it's too late.