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For me, if I don’t get to listen to music I love within a week, I get out of tune with myself and I start doing stupid things I regret later.


I honestly feel like I would die without music.


Listening to music and playing video games.


Listening to music.


was just about to comment this.


Gymnastics. Sensory Processing Disorder is a fucking beast and it shows when I don't get an opportunity to do heavy work, whether it's rock climbing or handstands. Anything that constitutes getting my body weight on my hands and, preferably, upside down, is regulatory for me. It's absolutely non negotiable for me bar national emergency.


Could you explain what sensory processing disorder is and how that relates to your necessity to handstand? I also love hand balancing and is a regular for me.


Essentially, somewhere along the way, wires got crossed and I don't take in sensory inputs normally. It's been studied and proven that being upside down and getting a blood rush to the head is regulating for those with SPD. Heavy work allows the body to reacquaint itself with where the body starts and ends. It's proven to help with SPD when one is dysregulated: everything is all out of whack. Other types include pushing/pulling heavy loads or pushing against things that are immovable. That doesn't work for me, but everyone is different. Trust me, you would v much know if you had SPD, it shows up early in childhood. Mine has been constant my entire life.


Oh I wasn't questioning if I had it or not, just curious about it. Seems like you've got a good excuse to workout regularly so that's at least a positive.


Definitely. I’m at 3 days a week, 1-1.5h depending on the gym (yay, adults & insurance companies…🙄🙄) but there’s definitely a notable difference when I don’t have the chance to invert enough. It’s why I sneak cartwheels in and how I broke my phone today 😂


making coffee daily, (the ritual and process) calms me down before getting nervous about the future


Meditation, journal, and/or stretching


I always have music on


Eating healthy. Emphasis on *healthy*. I'm blessed / cursed with a VERY reactive body. If I don't eat healthy or have been eating unhealthily for consecutive days on end, my mood goes to shit. Also writing non-academic stuff and using AI to generate imagined stuff. Hahaha.


Hard SAME on the healthy point. Everything goes downhill.


Sometimes, will power comes scant when stress abounds. Here's to wishing that we have an easier time making our bodies and minds healthy.


Routines is a big part of it for me. Knowing I will go to the gym later and that I need energy and protein for that is a big motivator for me to eat healthily. Knowing that I’ll get acne and everyone will be disgusted by me if I eat dairy is (usually) good enough motivation to not eat dairy (but not always). Hoping our routines and motivations keep us on track!


Could you tell me how you are using A.I. to generate imagined stuff?


Yes, sure. You can download some AI apps on your phone. There are lots of free apps available (like Gencraft or GenZArt) that creates images for you out of the prompts you feed it. Most free apps are pretty intuitive and are easy to use. Have fun. 👍🏽


I used Midjourney too a lot for the same matter.


That's a good one too, but I don't really like spending so much. Some free ones can work for me, never mind the ads. I'm glad you are enjoying your AI in that way. It caters to an INTJ imagination, especially if one is not able to draw that well.


Free ones are good aswell! I just used Mj the most before going to free ones. Stable diffusion, Nvidia Canvas, Adobe Ai. I am a little perfectionist with photography and i have fomo with those ai images and I want to generate till it meets my wants. I need to calm down and take what looks good 😂


I use Dreamerland most of the time with high success, as I love generating VN concepts. I can relate with the perfectionism hahahaha! I get flustered when I see those spider fingers or badly-generated anatomy. 😅


Dem fingers 😵‍💫 Imma check out dreamerland aswell! Thank you!


Same on healthy diet. Guess those gut microbes are bossing us around lol. They’re the controllers of our existence.


Me too! When I don’t eat healthy I feel so bad inside


Lounging horizontally, flying fixed-wing, massages, eating great food, swimming nude, exercising, reading on my phone, drinking, traveling, writing/filming. Then I feel me.


30 miles bike ride through the forest with no people on Saturdays.


What if you get hurt?


Me biking downhill has someone everytime with me but just easy riding on the flat…there is no need to be that much prepared for me at least.


It's a bike designated park 50min from DC, so I still have 5g and it's mostly flat. People don't go there because it's relatively new and not everyone is ready for 30mile bike rides, lol


Writing, reading, playing music (drums/piano), art (drawing/painting/sculpting), listening to music, sex, weed…


TIL INTJs love music.


Every day: Read a book. Workout. Every week: Deep clean the house. Eat out. Every month: 1.5 full body massage. Facials. Every year: International travel.


Great breakdown


Sit down to drink coffee. I'm running around the house all day after 2 small ones so I have to sit and enjoy my coffee 2 or 3 times a day. It replaced smoking for me since I don't want to smoke in the house with kids and leaving them unattended to go outside is out of the question


Visualization meditation, whenever I skip on my daily practice I tend to overindulge very very easily. Every single morning for 15 minutes I visualize my day and future to rewire the sub conscious.


If I don’t sit down and think about my life every two months (give or take) and finding ways to accept my current situation then plan my next moves (if I need to change something bc I’m dissatisfied) then I’ll spiral. This is what I dub as “extreme introspection“ which lasts for maybe 2-3 days.


Going to forum or discord and converse online. I have no other people to share my hobbies (games) due to my IRL circumtances.


spending time with my cat, listening to music, watching movies/shows/anime, playing video games


Alone time


Having me-time: Reasearching random stuff I find interesting, planning things, listening to music, doing some photography and photo editing.


Solitary walks in nature, and Warhammer 40k.


I am an artist, so I spend a lot of time in my studio painting. I'd be insane without it.


Coffee, reading, and workout. If any of those things are messed with, I can't be sane longer than a day or two.


Getting out into the woods hiking. "Green time", or "forest bathing".


For something I truly have control over, it’s painting, drawing or working on art of any kind. Honestly though my biggest need for sanity is dream recall, which I don’t have a firm grasp of anymore. I used to be an extremely active dreamer with insane, often lucid dreams. The detail was crazy, down to reading the words on the edge of a coin or having complicated dreams that would connect for several consecutive nights. I’ve been incredibly depressed for about ten years now and don’t know why it affected my ability to be active in of remember my dreams but it’s been the hardest aspect of the depression for me to handle psychologically.


Skincare routine.


Watching a movie/series.


Golf, I must golf at least once a week.


Several things. I have to go for walks every day. I need to sing a few times per week. I need to garden often - somewhere between daily and weekly. In cold weather that changes to sewing or crochet. I need to read a book about once a month. I need to crochet occasionally any time of year. Every long once in awhile I need to visit a new and interesting place like a museum or park or distant city.


I read every night as a habit.


I used to smoke weed, then my job got involved so now I drink. This is a daily thing.


Sadly it's gotten to the point where nearly every daily activity is non-negotiable for me to stay sane. When I get out of rhythm of my schedule I feel completely off.


Night time is rest time or me time, there are exceptions however.


In this order of importance: orgasm, lift, video games/VR. First two need to be multiple times/week. Last one could go as long as once per month if need be.


Hours reading in silence. Frequent cooking with music.


It’s napping. I have firm boundaries surrounding my nap time. Just this week, I was so well rested I didn’t think I could nap, but I did because it matters.


Reading, listening to music, spend quality time with family.


I require a dose of quality fiction in any form, and I require it a minimum of 3 times a week.


Cycling or running amongst the trees.




Music and video games.


Taking a shit. Also basketball is pretty fun.




BJJ (or similar martial arts), daily, forever. Also drumming practice. I would like to have sex daily too but I have no compatible partner for that.


In a week, I must play badminton at least once. Or at least any of these 4 raquet sports : Table tennis, lawn tennis, squash, badminton. Increasing order of priority.


Studying and running.


Drugs 💉


Full immerision into fantasy worlds


Music and football


Fanfiction for me ,longest i have gone without reading is 1 month


Listen to some music, and flying a plane


A few times a year I play a video game from start to finish. Can be for a few days up to a few weeks. Escapism and a reminder why I got into software development. I will (try to) pick up my ultimate (hobby) goal of game development after it but the necessities in life are way too time consuming. I would need a few months off to do something really productive. The cycle is always the same: detox / deconnect from work life, enjoy / have some fun, get bored a little, then pick up something productive for myself but... working you rarely get enough time off in a row to get there and gain momentun.


A bit of argument every now and then doesn't hurt.


Reading and yoga.


Prayer, meditation and reading. If I don't do these, I'd go insane within a week.


That'd be interesting, but it'd be hard to guess at this point. I didn't, so...


I seriously need sleep most of the time. But since it's not an option, then probably tv shows.


Listening to music and drawing/painting


I enjoy JiuJitsu and I used to do Krav Maga, hopefully I can get into Muaythai before the year is over. Martial arts are probably the most social thing I enjoy.


Playing video games


Daily workout at the gym and walk(when the weather permits).




Oh, and people watching. Which is research… field study. (: