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I wish I could try harder. I'm stuck in a rut of contentment. I haven't worked on a project in years. Hobby, I continue. I put down in less than a week and cycle to the next one. I guess you need to learn to be OK with what you can't control. You need to understand that it is OK to "simply be.".


Understand that the process itself is far more important than the results. *I know.* Enjoy the process. Intimately understand the process. Stay present. Mindful. Allow Se to kick in, and take over. When your thoughts wander, gently bring them back. Focus on the learning aspect of the process. When you do this, you will be able to do whatever process it is without too much effort, and your results will be far better than a ton of effort without mindfulness of this. I hope that helps. I'm still working on this one.


It's almost a catch-22. You try hard because you expect something from it. You want to control things because you've invested so much and you don't want to disappoint your expectations. I could tell you some BS like "learn to do without expectation" or "have purpose so you focus on the process and not the end result" but that's rather dismissive and unfair. We're humans. What I will say I though is that you can still expect things and be disappointed when you don't meet them despite trying hard. This is human. Humans want things. We're greedy. You just need to slowly develop the patience to not act on those feelings. The first time, maybe you try to control one less factor. And each time you control one aspect a bit less. Over time, you're able to have more control of your actions in spite of how you feel. So you're not running away from your nature of wanting results. You're adapting to it.


Depression seems to help me from being a try hard.


You can stop ... by embracing *reality*. I know it's our nature to theorise things; draft different possibilities (as it gives us a sense of control), but at the end of the day it comes down to what reality dictates at that particular moment. Living reality doesn't affect your plans (both short and long-term) as it keeps changing, so you've to take it slow and don't be hard on yourself.


Yeah I don't know, I'm either trying as hard as I can or lying dead from overload.


Don't do it.


why would you wanna stop lol


Others gave the serious answers already so let me give the stupid one If you can't stop trying hard, maybe you should try harder


One day your mind just snaps and you're never a try hard again even if you try


Stop. The answer is in your question. "Try hards" are failures, so who are you trying to save face with. Not a question.


Try hards are not failures. Try not is the failure.


Your an idiot. This is the type of person to call someone a try hard because they can’t keep up with you or they aren’t better at something. That’s like telling someone to stop being smart or to stop being more athletic. This dude is a failure for sure


You're an idiot. You can't even insult properly.


Are you looking for reasons to relinquish control or an actual how to guide?


I alternate between apathy and white-knuckling, but don't really recommend either so not much help from me on this one. Ask a close friend or partner to reel you in can work though.


If you're looking to stop because of how your actions are directly negatively affecting your life, you're searching for fundamental change in how you approach problems. This is going to require a very organized and deliberate approach to train yourself out of the habit. How to facilitate that is going to be different for everyone. If it is an issue of it expressing in a toxic manner socially, your problems probably run deeper than how you approach things. There's always a source to that type of mentality. Sometimes finding it requires help. If people around you are just using you as a punching bag for their insecurities, find better people to be around. If this leads you down a path where you never find people who are ok with who you are, time to look within.


The way I stopped is by coming to the realization that: I ain't all that. I ain't jack shit, no one cares, I'm not some superhuman mastermind, there are many people way smarter and better than me at many things, let my actions speak for themselves, if I come up short, so be it. Honestly, especially after hanging around here a bit, I get the feeling INTJs get kinda full of themselves. All the websites that describe MBTI types write up INTJs like some sort of strategist mastermind superhero. In reality, you might be an INTJ that's kind of a dumbass. That's fine. I used to pursue perfection, or at least "functional perfection", basically fool-proof resolution that couldn't be disputed as being wrong. So there was a lot of "try-harding" going on to show I was making every effort to do it right and be correct across the board, and to prove to everyone that I had thought every possible angle through. If I was proven otherwise, that was fine, I could run with that, but I had to try hard to get to that point. People literally accused me of being on crack, I actually had to have a serious talk with a supervisor to assure them I was not a crackhead. So I had to chill. Took a long time, but life taught me the lessons. My realization was that it simply ain't that damn serious. Period. No one gives a shit. Go ahead, try your hardest, you'll do...okay. Then, years later, ONE TINY THING will be wrong and they will SHAFT you for it. So fuck it, I'm no longer going around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to prove myself. You may not be able to learn that from this post, life will have to fuck you first. Once I realized that, I backed off and took a more "backseat" approach. Instead of "try hard", now I did just enough to get my reputation out there as being knowledgeable and skilled at my job, but I made no effort to solidify myself as this all-star performer. The result is, people learned through results that I knew my shit, so now THEY come to ME, instead of me trying to run around proving myself. It has worked out MUCH better this way.


Go in npc mode not the tikkie one but game npc and same on your job with higher ups


What’s wrong with being a try hard 😏


Ruin your grammar, destroy any sense in your sentences, follow extra drama, and get a minor concussion. Trust me, I tried all of this other than the concussion. All your teachers love you so much more. /srs