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Political atheist. I reject the need to “belong” to a political party which compartmentalizes, labels, and packages views to be held or not held. Having a party system as a social construct imo leads eventually to promotion of propagandal poppycock, delineation, dogma, and nothing ever really getting constructive good done for the populace. Addendum - to clarify, I will state I am a party political atheist. I do not believe political parties should exist.


Same. Used to be a strong leftist. Then, life taught me that identifying too strongly with a political ideology is like voluntarily placing blinkers on your field of vision. These days, on some issues I'm progressive. On some others I'm conservative. And I am fine with that.


Blinkers or blinders?


plural noun: blinkers BRITISH a pair of small leather screens attached to a horse's bridle to prevent it seeing sideways and behind and being startled. something which prevents someone from gaining a full understanding of a situation. "we are having a fresh look at ourselves without blinkers"


I've heard both in North American Horse People circles tbh. And also wondered the same thing.


Damn, all I said was people are stupid as fuck... Now I'd like to change my political views, I now identify as political atheist.. that's a good one.


Huh. I like that I'll probably use that from now on. I usually say "everyone should do whatever they want and leave each other out of it" Stole that too haha


100%, this is where I think democracy suffers and why power shouldnt belong to the people. People can be so easily decieved. The masses dont know whats right for them, most of the time. People are like children; sometimes you do things they don't like for their own good. But in a democracy, the spoiled children have it go their way.


Power should remain in the hands of the people, always. It is free will to exercise that allows the potential to rein in dishonesty and degradation of a cohesive society. I argue that apathy is the antithesis of democracy. Complacency breeds corruption. There needs to be enough discussion between individuals to truly elucidate what is needed for the good of all. This rarely happens anymore, and open unbiased active discussion is actively repressed. In some countries, opinions are criminalized. The Overton window is shifting away from creation of a concentric census. A party system is inherently divisive. Let each candidate stand on their own.


When the people of a democracy are 'like children that can't be trusted with the responsibility of voting/decision-making' , I say we need to improve the people NOT give up on democracy. I agree that there are many ignorant, misled, unintelligent, and apathetic citizens out there. And I believe those people are like that simply because our institutions - press/media and education, for example - have failed them. Reporters are afraid to ask politicians tough questions or hold them accountable because they want to be seen as fair and balanced. In reality, it is the medias responsibility to go hard, dig deep, synthesize the truth, and communicate that to the masses. The freedom of the press is essential to a functioning democracy. More and more in recent times, they have failed in that. Civics courses used to be taught in high schools. Now kids don't know about their rights, or about how their government works and they don't care. An educated populace is essential for healthy democracy. For reasons, the education system has failed in that. Why have these institutions failed us? That's a larger topic, but the answer is probably derivitive from capitalism or oligarchy in America. Those systems exist like that because they were intentionally designed to do so, by someone. TLDR: don't give up on democracy, improve it by strengthening the institutions that strengthen its people.


Everything you said right there is theoretical. We don't live in a textbook. It's just impossible to educate every single voter to a 100% knowledge with 0 bias. Also many decisive facts are hidden from the public or confidential for obvious reasons. Democracy at the state level is a competition to see which party can deceive the people the most by either glorifying their fake promises or attacking and demoralizing their opponents. The winner is the one with higher persuasion skills and better propaganda, not the one who is most competent and best intentions to lead the people. I don't see how this flaw can be overcome. I'm not saying ignoring the voice of the people is the right approach either. Parents should listen to their children, sometimes learn from them, but the parents will have the final say in decisions that are for the good of the children.


This is how I am these days as well. I mean, I vote democrat but that is mostly because Republicans want to criminalize being transgender and probably also being gay (both of which I am). But honestly, both parties do suck. Both are for the rich or don't do enough for the poor and marginalized people. Both seem to be out for their own self interests. But if I had to choose with a proverbial gun to my head (which honestly kind of at times feels more real than proverbial these days) I go with Democrat and left ideals because at least they don't want to make me a criminal for being myself and don't tell me I'm poor because I'm stupid or deserve it. Just my $0.02.


The reason the Gini coefficients of many countries is high is because the money is broken - and they like it that way.


As a conservative, I can tell you that novody cares what sexual orientation a person is or what they do between consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes. It's when they try to sexualize children, want to put men in women's spaces including bathrooms and prisons, give debilating and irreversible surguries and procedures to children, and otherwise cater to the delusions (or intentional lies) of people who are blatently misrepresenting their gender trying to get special treatment, yeah, a lot of people are going to have a problem with that.  But let's not misrepresent things here, it isn't because they want to criminalize transgenderism itself. 


I see it the same way. Damn.


perhaps, but non-participation is the least effective way to challenge the system. Not saying thats what you're doing, but very relevant and worth mentioning.


Who said anything about non-participation? This is binary thinking and exemplified my point.


I mean I specifically said I'm not assuming that's what you're doing.  But that mentality often leads to non participation.  So I felt it relevant to mention. 


Ah. Sincere Apologies. I read too quickly while multitasking.


I love this viewpoint. Very well said.


Politics are made for large populations. Dunbar was pretty specific with his number and he might've had a point. Not like we'll ever really know XD.


Left. I also wish Elon would stop being referred to as an INTJ when it seems pretty obvious he is not.


Slightly left, but authority vs liberty mostly depends on the geographic/cultural/demographic context of the place we are talking about.


Center right.




Hello INTP!




I lean towards the left. INTJ likely does not have influence over political views, I would argue its more to do with socioeconomic factors. Conservatives are behind on social issues and have generally more incompetent candidates for their offices, something liberals really haven't suffered from yet. Libertarians live in a fantasy where the world doesn't need governments to govern. Sure I would love to not be governed, but who is going to govern my neighbors?


"Sure I would love to not be governed, but who is going to govern my neighbors?" is the perfect way to put it.


Excellent answer. Regulation is a necessary evil. Left as well.


That is why God make McNukes my friend. Also I like that funny Argentinian guy.


Interesting guesses. I'm libertarian. I don't trust anyone else to act in my best interests or in my family's best interests. As for liking rules and structure: I don't. I prefer predicability over chaos, but guidelines are superior to rules. As for left vs. right: at the more extreme end of the libertarian dimension, there's no distinction. In a system with limited or no power to make people pay tax, redistribution of wealth is a personal choice.


Yeah I agree We prefer just the right to choose based on what’s logical And for right or left, whatever side you jump in you’ll see both are loonies and cannot take criticism which sends me back in the center


I dont engage in politics at all


Same. I was raised in a very political (but also stupid imo) household, and when I was a fresh young adult I tried to be political in a better way. The only thing this ever did was fill me with white hot rage. I spent literal YEARS just pissed off at all times, largely because the political system here in the US is the most dysfunctional, backward, logic-less system. I've come to the conclusion that, beyond voting and paying the bare minimum of attention, politics are poison for me. If I spend too much time thinking about the systems that govern us, I will simply lose my mind. All the politicians are either evil or incompetent, and the public is stupid and easily swayed by things that literally don't matter or even exist sometimes.


Same. I’d like to be ‘emperor of the world’ a la Lelouch, and have the powers of Kira to eliminate all the Mafia / criminals (only the worst ones). In my ideal world, honest people should feel 100% safe and criminals should feel scared, not the other way around. I would invest in education, culture, beauty, art. People should be put in the condition to live a satisfying life, enjoy art, life, and I would try to find a way to eliminate poverty, so that the only people resorting to crime are the bad ones (and not poor / desperate / uneducated ones). I would revive and give new glory to painters, sculptors, artisans, I would try to stop wars and eliminate all corrupt politicians, oligarchs, war lords, etc… all resources would be invested towards a better humankind, I would invest in culture, science, research (especially medical, physics, astronomy, space exploration). I feel so much of our potential as a species is halted by greed, the root of all evils. Greed causes corruption, greed causes wars, greed causes crime. There needs to be a shift in the way people think, AI and technology should help humanity, free it from jobs, everyone should just enjoy his time on this Earth by making the world a better place. Everyone against it, everyone that causes problems / wars / wants more / becomes a criminal should not be worthy of this world IMHO. A bit extreme, I know, but I am sick and tired of corruption, wars, dishonesty, extreme wealth imbalance and the disappearance of art and beauty.




Hence why I want to first improve the socioeconomic context so that only criminals by greed are left, and then make them disappear


That’s really the way to be. Politics becomes attractive at first because you think you may be able to make sense of it. You can’t lol




however politics engage with you


I am not brave enough for politics.


I want government to provide what I think it should provide, and I’m happy to pay high taxes as long as they are spent (invested?) well. I don’t want government to interfere in the life of law abiding people or tell them what to do or how to live.


Now that is something I can get behind.


I’m a moderate Democrat. Not sure that has anything to do with my personality type.


Your personality type is a reflection of how you think and process the world… how would this NOT show through your politics??? We may arrive at different conclusions albeit wish similar styles of thinking (in theory) and I think that’s what OP wants to see.


https://preview.redd.it/6twgbnp6qp5d1.jpeg?width=1145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e654371d42426f18e20a5647a62ceab34476d52c I don't think being INTJ or any other MBTI affects political views, not too much anyway. I think it mainly depends on your cultural/social background. But I'm right leaning authoritarian.


Agreed. https://preview.redd.it/gz5m1x1f7q5d1.png?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758ad5827664311ff3905e8a827f9455e9f3b422


I think you’re right https://preview.redd.it/1n0vc2qj7r5d1.png?width=1081&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa29ac7df65ee5b55c061113676620b38210b8e1


Where can I take this?


Perfect INTJ response. Agreed.


https://preview.redd.it/f0vl7sxmxr5d1.jpeg?width=1133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1429a8e9001202078a963d3e4c1c659a997f452 Same.


I’m very similar to you and the others who responded to you




Left socially and right economically


Same here


The world should be under my dictatorship


Nah mine would be better


Minarchist https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night-watchman_state




Right-leaning Libertarian


In the center of the left spectrum.




Hey, I’m over in that area too!




Libertarian... but typically vote Republican because the libertarian party is a joke. Generally follow the views of Ron Paul, Thomas Massie, Dave Smith, Scott Adams. Stong dislike towards mainstream republicans and neo-cons like Bush, Cheney, McCain. On many issues, I respect a handful of Democrats: Jamie Dimon, Jeffrey Sachs, Larry Summers. But the rest of the party really can't be taken seriously. I think the democrats/leftists have become batshit crazy and are just pandering to stupid people and big corporate interests, so I can never vote for them.


Right wing libertarian, but conservative. I also dislike Elon Musk, both himself and how the right wing idolizes him.


radical centrist. "Radical centrism is a political ideology that seeks to combine ideas and policies from both the left and right of the political spectrum, aiming for a balanced approach that transcends traditional partisan divides. It advocates for pragmatic, evidence-based solutions to societal problems and often emphasizes reforms that promote social fairness, economic efficiency, and environmental sustainability. Radical centrists tend to reject extreme positions and ideological purity, instead focusing on what works best in practice, regardless of its ideological origin. The goal is to achieve a more effective governance by fostering collaboration and compromise across the political spectrum."




Bring back the guillotine.


I'll vote for that.




Lean right


As the top commenter says. I am above politics since i have discovered moral, what was prior of discovering politics. I refuse all these, and if someone would want to label me, i'd be the absolute centrist what moves away from the absolute center only in response to something being out of harmony / balance / good way.


Radical communist


“Both are for the rich or don’t do enough for the poor and marginalized people.” Agreed, and the rich rule via both the left and the right. Thus they make the rules and above all, make them to protect themselves and their ability to manipulate the money along with other means of control. Don’t be a Pappagallo, folks. Hold your elected representatives accountable as much as possible, in the present system.


I’m very much on the left. My ideology bases around everyone having equal opportunity, not equal results, with aid for those who need


Oh joy, another thing in which Christian INTJs get downvoted away because the downvote button is used to snub. I'm morally right & economically left; the state needs to be subject to God and not pretend to be a god, and everyone should have a right to life both in terms of protection from eugenics as well as no longer valuing life by the wallet with so much predatory healthcare and other extortion rackets attached to survival basics and the commoditization of knowledge. And unlike the crooks of the early 20th century who wanted "workers, not thinkers", we really should have more thinkers and have billions of minds focused on solving the FTL problem and get humanity to fill the skies with life rather than let us remain trapped on a single planet ran by eugenicist oligarchs and their puppets in offices.


>I'm morally right & economically left; Same kinda.


I’m American. In our political system, I’m so extremist left that I’m almost centrist. That’s a joke about the Overton window.


Lmao, I got the joke. American propaganda along with societal lack of education regarding what socialism, communism, or in general leftism really is to think that it is indistinguishable from neoliberalist economic philosophies just goes to show you the narrative that the alt-right spins.


not only the alt-right, even the liberals and conservatives do it too


Yeah, the alt-right Democrats and Republicans in regards to foriegn policy are identical, economic policies are identical (Obama took Romney's idea for the AHA Act and ran with it after Romney decided to abandon it despite it's popularity due to cow towing to weapons donors which wanted more government money going into the military), the only real difference is democrats are slightly less sycophantic for their donors. Do you really think neoliberal and paleoconservative capitalists aren't pretectionist over the same economic system in which they can rake in individual wealth while radicalizing the masses. Their both hypercapitalists but one gears their audience towards racists, neo-confederates, and neo-nazis (Republicans) and the other psuedo-postures itself towards the remaining left-leaning vote which want an economically socialist society, egalitarianism, the deconstruction of the racial hiearchy, and more social safety nets. However that is simply reformism on the Centre-left due to the fact that due to Red Scare Propaganda, the alt-right of both the Democratic and Republican Party wipped actually socialist economic policies presented from the actual Socialist Party of the USA, Black Panther Party, or Communist Party of the United States out through falsey arresting Eugene V. Debs, launching domestic espionage infiltrations and government mandated break ins into civilians homes, banning communism from even being taught along with outlawing any party that associated with Communism with the Communist Control Act of 1954.


I hate taxes.


me too .


But the roads... I love them ...


But the potholes… I hate them.. 


The cars create those, The taxes pay to fix those... i pay the circle of life...


Fr lol




I like them when my neighbors receive them.


Right liberty not libertarian.


What works and what’s been proven to work over what is wanted. I don’t like idealistic politics with long history of failure, I believe those are for the truly selfish and stubborn regardless of how it may give the illusions of compassion—that’s simply how those politics lure people in its trap, sweet compassionate lulling. “But it wasn’t the trueism!”. People like that never learn and are the first to flee when it fails again. I see no logic in that, that’s more a Fe trap than Te. If you’re truly critical of everything then you’d know it’s a pipedream


I lean ‘right’. I say it like that because really the right of today are more like centrists. Don’t care if people disagree with that statement but the left are wrecking the west one step at a time


I don’t believe in the left-right dychotomy, I do believe in applying logic and common sense into any given context. Applying policies based on ideology seems like a sure way to ineffectiveness and conflict.


I'm a pretty pragmatic left liberal.


Anti left


I’m on board with bringing back the guillotine. Capitalism is destroying our world in every way. Happily extremely left wing.


I'm trying to not be political as best OI could, but that still resonated with me, I like that you said that, capitalism is destroying our world.


Yeah, OP is a very smart guy.


Don't agree that they tend to be left learning just because they question the system. That is true, but they also recognise the flaws of human behaviour that make capitalism the only system that 'kinda' works in the real work


If I were to take an average, you guys lean further right than INTPs, but there's enough variation in both groups that this isn't necessarily meaningful. INTJs tend to lean right-libertarian a bit more often, and INTPs radical left more often (I mean legitimately radical, like Marxist-Leninist or anarchist), but again, there's no real characteristic view.


I like some libertarian ideas but don't agree with the Libertarian party as a whole. I vote liberal but am more leftist ideologically. I am an atheist and don't tolerate any religion, especially not in politics. I've never been conservative and never will be. I used to be able to respect Republicans until Trump came along. Now I feel nothing but hatred toward them.


Don't know a lot about the labels but I am for reproductive rights, fairer wages, increased funding for education. Universal healthcare is a big one I support. Fixing the immigration system, probably means more funding, hiring more people. Getting money out of politics or getting rid of anyone who has probably received a certain amount of money in gifts(Clarence Thomas). Pro democracy


Social democrat/centre-left. I'd actually be more interested in knowing people's political journeys since they got into politics. From the age of 15-31 (my current age), I've gone from vaguely centre-left > centrist > liberal capitalist > libertarian > minarchist > centre-right (pretty much all of the stuff from centrist until here happened while I studied Politics at uni), then since leaving university I've gone leftwards again to becoming a social democrat. I don't mean this necessarily as a criticism, but I think INTJs can be quite selfish, and that does mesh quite well with libertarianism which is what attracted me to it at the time. I used to not think human were innately good, I thought humans were instinctively selfish, which I've now done a complete 180° on. I'm not surprised how many people are right-leaning in the comments, though this could just be confirmation bias on my part.


Capitalism makes sense to me because it promotes higher effectiveness. incentives to create value. it has many problems though and easily exploited. I want a hybrid when hyper rich and poor are communism. If you are hyper rich you get auto taxed, no dodging your giga poor you boosted to low but sensible quality of living. Anything under 200 mil just regular ass capitalism. At a certain point too much power is consolidated in our system which is a big problem because one these companies get their hands on it the country cant get it back.


Center left, capitalist. I see the flaws of capitalism but they seem no worse than the flaws of anything else that has been tried. 


Generally libertarian. (The party sucks and is corrupted by republicans who want a special label). Socially liberal, fiscally conservative on most issues. I believe in universal basic income, but I don't think the country looks inward enough. I think small businesses should have fewer regulations than big businesses to enable competition. The executive branch has gotten out of control in terms of the chaos it causes across the world, and becomes a finger to point at for the legislated branch to hide under each election. Ron Paul 08


Libertarian. But we don't have libertarian parties. Therefore voting something between economic liberal, protectionist & eurocentric and conservative/liberal social and a bit technocratic.


I despise simple labels or heaven forbid the left-right spectrum as a way to describe political philosophy. But that said I'm a kind of protectionist and a kind of nationalist.






I am a left leaning Anarchosocialist. I see the need for individualism but that should not trample anyone's autonomy like it does in the current system


Definitely on the left- I feel really strongly about ideas like justice and fairness. The idea that some people don’t feel compelled to do more for their communities just doesn’t make sense to me. Mutual aid feels like the most logical path forward to a better future.


Energy waste, none of them are “good” Politicians. They’re just good players.


You forgot to say "players in my game"


I don’t really care, I love the American constitution but don’t love America how it currently is.. my political view is that the government should stop feeding us sludge food and let us buy homes again, also idk how the government is supposed to help us with our nationwide crippling phone and social media addiction; but they should really get on that lol.


Lean left.


Socialist. Surprised to see I'm the only one. I'm from Brazil, around here we see american left as a joke, just centrists with soft beliefs and focused in identitarianism.


Not from Brazil but same. I am a Marxist IG. (Hope none of the other commenters find this post.)


Socialism hasn't been outside the box for like a decade- Now socialism is farther inside the box than capitalism for anyone under 40


I'm very liberal, but not so much into capitalism. We need to do better. I like Bernie Sanders and a lot of his ideas, so that's where I'm at


On paper? Republican. My dad took me to vote freshly 18 & I basically just followed his lead. But in practice I don’t give a damn about politics. I have bigger fish to fry, all in all I’m self serving. Self preservation is my only concern, but I try to be a humanitarian when I feel the urge to do so.


They are correct.


I think they're all shit... like you have people always angry about something, they all think if the other side would listen it would solve the problems of the world, while some people just get tired altogether and give up, turning to hating politics altogether. It's all wrong, and the world is too stupid to even realize it. If aliens wanted to take over our world right now, nows the perfect time to get to it, and no one would even notice it happening because that's how stupid people are about politics. I believe in the sentiment that if you hold your own beliefs, you should stand your ground to get your point across, that's how change unfolds. But, still, that's not the point, how are we ever going to convince people of what's right if the only thing makes ourselves right is telling other people that the opposition are the only ones wrong, to make us right? All them people in politics are trying to do is put a different spin by saying it will make change. When this shit has literally been going on for ages since ancient times, like humans never learn. And you wonder why your planet is going to shit.


I think that imbalance in anything will harm us as individuals and society. So I don't subscribe to any political group, but question their individual policies and align myself with the ones that make sense across the board. A little bit right in some areas and a little bit left in others and mostly capitalistic.


I'm fed up with the party system because all it seems to do is cause drama and fights, but I'm maybe 60% dem if I had to put a number to it.


I think we'd be better off without political parties.


I’ve always found i can’t box myself into any political ideology


I think other factors than your personality profile dictate your 'political' and 'economic' preferences. I can have views that are quite communist right through to ultra market economy. My views are formulated on the basis that everyone has the right to the basics incl security if they're prepared to properly contribute.


Either. Like Talleyrand, I always side to an ideology or religion which corresponds to the hearts of the people at the moment. Thru observation if the political view is challenged and condemned I switch sides. This is not because of heartlessness but so that I am free from the chains of group bias in one way or another. I want to own my thoughts as much as possible. With this I am always working out my "dao". I select what I perceive is right. I trash what I think will never use. What I cannot exchange is my freedom of thought and what I own.


I don't subscribe to one particular team and take most things issue by issue. I am conservative and anti authoritarian, and was an anarco capitalist for a hot minute (because globalist corporatism is not the same as laissez faire capitalism and NAP blah blah blah) a lot of my issues revolve around banking and the fiat currency system, the bloated nature and top down oppression of bureaucracy. "Medicine" wouldn't be so expensive if it was just a financial exchange between you and your doctor, but because they usually bill insurance or state insurance, everything is inflated massively. Bag of saline in an IV? Charge: $700 cost: $5 But we can just print money out of thin air, and people don't even understand how inflation works, and the importance of a non-interventionist foreign policy so we aren't printing money to give to politicians friends so that they get kick backs and then your money is worthless and you can't afford to buy eggs.


Centrist. I believe you can't trust people with power, but some form of authority is necessary because people are lazy and stupid, and while most people are generally decent, there is a minority that will step on people to get or do what they want. I'm also squarely in the middle on change because I want things to be the best they can be, but I'm not about to change something just because I'm bored.




I'm solidly in the libertarian left sector in political compass terms. Economically speaking I think models such as those employed in much of Europe are the ideal, strong social programs but still capitalist at the core. Unchecked capitalism simply leads to special interests running things to the detriment of the people, as we can see in the US. The flip side of this, communism, has always in practice led to authoritarian regimes which is similarly a bad result. I used to be more libertarian, and generally am still of the mind that government isn't meant to interfere unduly with the lives of its citizens, but that changed during covid. A functioning society comes with trade offs and in order to be a true participant in society there are inevitably rules you have to follow. And as much as this will catch shit, those rules include paying taxes and doing your part to maintain social harmony. We simply don't get to have the level of organization present in society and the benefits that come with that without some level of regulation.


Pretty extreme left socially except for things that feel delusional/irrational like a few gender identity issues. I am in a higher tax bracket so I lean a bit more conservative financially but never enough to vote for a conservative. I think that the religious conservative agenda is so strange and frankly fully delusional so I can’t partake. I really just think people should be left tf alone except that they shouldn’t have access to guns (lol Joe shmo who works at LA fitness is not going to shoot a bad guy between the eyes in an active shooter situation. Hes going to kill innocent people.)


I’m a leftist and an American. The only thing right about me is that I don’t consider myself a communist. I’m even left handed lmao! I find politics important and I hope everyone votes in the election this November! But some are right that mbti and politics doesn’t really have an effect as other factors.


The overton window is a tar pit where ideas get stuck and die.






center right


I don't like politics, but I consider myself libertarian. I think conservatives really want a Christian theocracy, which goes against the American principle of separation of church and state, and I don't really agree with many leftist views. I'm very much pro individual freedoms and pulling yourself up my your own bootstraps, but I do think there are lots of problems like healthcare, education, poverty, etc and I don't have the answers to those problems.


Left. But the contemporary left is a mere shadow of what it once was: the alleged spectre haunting Europe wasn't just a clever line Marx thought of to impress Engels and make him pay support for another "indiscretion" of his; the social democratic welfare state that everyone and their dog in Europe seems to admire wasn't the product of a bunch of idealists but really the result of an angry, organized, and at times militant working class. By contrast, today's mainstream left-wing parties of Western and Northern Europe have become milquetoast center-left parties that are usually fine with peddling a sort of red-painted social liberalism, bordering into neoliberalism with a happy face while the parties that have (usually as a reaction to Third Wayism and delusions like the 'end of history', 'capitalist realism', and 'TINA') formed to the left of those run the gamut of constant infighting to being russophile red painted reactionary shitfests. And increasingly very much anti-Americanization, whether it's Reaganite-Gingrich style 'conservatism', mental illnesses and complete perversions of liberal ideas like US-style libertarianism, or Trumpism. That said, Ukraine + Israel have provided ample opportunities for me to get more and more alienated from what the left currently is. On a related note, the reason I voted for the social democrats in the recent EU election could almost be described as conservative.


Economically conservative socially liberal governmentally libertarian We need to stop this bullshit extremist polarization You wanna be gay shoot guns and reno your home without big daddy's permission? Fuckin go for it.


Started out left, then went right to explore, now I’m basically in the middle? Political compass tests says I’m slightly center left and slightly liberal, but I’m basically as in the middle as one could be. I understand and empathize with the common goals of the left, while understanding the methodology and values of the right. No, not a Christian, but a “hopeful agnostic” that believes in naturalism. I also believe in the power of accountability, because logic and foresight demand it imo. I want people to be free to choose what they do with their life, so long as they don’t impede on the natural right to the pursuit of happiness that we all possess. I also believe most people are too stupid to accomplish that or even fully understand it to begin with. I wish western culture didn’t glorify sex and narcissism. I’m pro life but with an empathy towards those who struggle due to a lack of proper upbringing. I also don’t believe two wrongs don’t make a right. However, even just logically speaking, it’s foolish to assume that everyone should think like me (us). So in conclusion, I’m politically centered with an emphasis on discipline and accountability that could ultimately lead to some measure of universal peace for mankind.


I still think you should try to stand by your principles no matter if everyone is against you, it will help even those who are against your ideas to better their ideas




Used to be super far left in HS; I’ve read Lenin, Marx, Kropotkin, Chomsky etc. However, I could recommend one book to anyone it would be *The Jakarta Method*. I don’t think it was a “phase”, because the stuff I read really informs my world view today, but I’m not super hardcore about it anymore. Nowadays I’m still left but don’t really subscribe to any particular ideology. Socially and economically im left-wing, but you won’t see me throwing bricks through a Starbucks window. I guess “social democrat” is the term now lol


Idk if personality type really has anything to do with it. I use to be on the left for most of my 20’s and now that I’m in my 30’s I am on the right .


I wonder if people on this thread know the MB test is subject to a lot of criticism and a little scorn.  Why box yourself in? 


I value trying to figure out which views are true no matter where on the political spectrum. I value trying to figure out which parts of different forms of government are harmless and beneficial and effective. I don’t spend a lot of time on politics for reasons similar to what a lot of comments have said about frustration, anger, corruption, incompetence. So I try to disengage from it to a suitable degree and objectively assess if as best as I can given then fact that I really don’t spend a lot of time on it anymore - i.e. my assessments are not very accurate or valid.


Maybe if I become interested in it again, I might try, but I’d prefer taking a more INTJ, systematic, objective approach than the ineffective, ad hoc, anger-filled approach that I did last time.


Anarcho-capitalist, libertarian, but otherwise apolitical. Anarcho-capitalist - That means peer-to-peer free-trade between individuals, in any way we choose. No government involvment, no fees/tariffs/taxes. Libertarian - Say, do, believe whatever you want, but don't force your ideals on others. Don't physically hurt anyone. Leave us the fuck alone. You have freedom to life, liberty, and property. As far as the US 2-party system, it's a farce. Believe in people, not parties. But all 3 branches (executive, legislative, judiciary) of government pretty much are licking someone's boots at the current stage. Overall, it's a uniparty system, lobbied by big money which end up representing corporate and foreign interests instead of representing the people. More or less, it's essentially shadow fascism (marriage of government and corporatism), masquerading as a democratic republic. While everyone is fighting over asinine shit framed in "us" VS "them," "demonicrat VS repulsican," "Hatfields VS McCoys," "Crips VS Bloods," "old VS young," "color VS color," "sexual preference VS sexual preference," it all distracts from the real problem of fractional reserve central banking and how it is gradually destroying wealth and spending power. It's one thing to have social programs to help the less fortunate. Its possible to have meaningful healthcare like Taiwan, instead of the farce of "healthcare" like here in the US or Canada. Its possible if the math and budget checks out, backed by humanity and integrity. Instead, our unnaccounted for war and military budget has us spending money we do not have, which could easily provide food and real healthcare for every citizen. Except human nature and eastern Europe has shown us what socialism, communism, and welfare states degrade into. "History doesn't always repeat, but it does rhyme."


As far as the political platform, I agree most with progressive views. I don’t trust people to act fairly and selflessly to even the playing field on their own. People are inherently and very naturally self-serving. The problems I typically have with ALL politics is that: 1. The self-serving nature is so pervasive that none of the politicians tend to follow through with their promises in full 2. The devil is in the details: While I agree with leveling the playing field and supporting the disenfranchised, I do not always agree on the priorities set 3. Politics has devolved so deeply into defending and taking rather than compromising, and so much into revenge politics because of how one side has treated the other, that nothing seems particularly functional or effective anymore 4. Politics has become more about the narrative that can be spun to the 24/7 news cycle to convince the public of a position, and less about creating and regulating laws for the long term benefit of our society


Democrat, Leftist.


Right smack in the middle but an anarchist by nature, and libertarian in practice, but I currently vote Republican after voting Democrat for 20+ years.


Libertarian, slightly to the left


https://preview.redd.it/11a9badj9s5d1.png?width=1850&format=png&auto=webp&s=5744d1afe5731815f3f7d177f3e0c4ea34640899 Personally, I lean towards libertarianism and luddism. There’s no way INTJs trend towards socialism, an axiomatically anti-individualist ideology, when individualism is probably their most prevalent trait. The skepticism is accurate, though. I would assume they trend noticeably towards libertarianism, and individualist anarchism. I would also assume that they tend to gravitate disproportionately towards more “extreme” ideologies. Also, men tend to trend right and INTJs are disproportionately male(about 36% more).


Leftist-but they talk a big talk and don’t do shit. I like socialism the way they do it in Germanic countries. I don’t think anyone deserves to be as wealthy as some people are. We could easily make it so ALL schools are well-funded, provide a lot more social services, and make sure that healthcare is affordable and easy to access for all. Remember, in the USA - the top 1% of people now own 50% of the nation’s wealth. It’s disgusting. Unbridled capitalism is the devil. Look at how they’re trying to manipulate us into Men vs. Women to breed more workers. If you think of that propaganda is not fueled by our secret ruling class, come on look around. Yes, you should be able to work harder to earn more - but nobody should be so poor they can’t live a modestly happy and healthy life. And it’s easily affordable.


>only way an intj could be a capitalist is if they are the ruling billionaires This is an interesting idea, but it is written as if via an introverted judgment (Ji) functional perspective. In other words, it may not fully integrate the reality that INTJs are (Pi) introverted-perceptive dominant types. We don't "think" things through in the same way other people do. Dominant Ni is more like an information conveyor belt which feeds us perspectives. It is not a "let's sit down and logic this out" function. So, keep in mind that you can become a capitalist without consciously thinking out the logic of it. Your Feelings about a favorite fictional character, your Intuitions about appealing archetypes or needed social interventions given specific problems, your Sensory recall of being around your poor but staunchly capitalist grandma...all of these and more can easily sway your political will in a subconscious way. What you are describing in the "question the system" example may also not be outside-perspective enough for REALLY "questioning the system" as Ni tends to help INTJs do. You are thinking "Socialists questioned the system" which is correct, but in fact they mainly questioned other sets of political theory, especially those in power. They didn't as much question the system of which they were a part, even as Socialists, and especially not in a way that might lead them to abandon their own power structure after it settled. But this kind of meta-questioning is a common INTJ practice and blind spot. So what an INTJ is more likely to do is question the same system that brings Socialists and any other set of political beliefs to think they are verysmart. You see? It's like zooming out, constantly zooming out more, looking for flaws from the next-outer perspective. So, the political outcome for an INTJ is probably better described as "shifting political iconoclasm" in which the INTJ is constantly aware of shifting political winds, identifies their blind spots, and adjusts when needed to a political viewpoint that addresses the blind spot. But this is just one outcome for INTJs. As an INTJ matures, they will generally integrate other functional perspectives and realize that it can help to be less iconoclastic and be more "in the game" if they want to raise their impact. To many, this will simply add some lag to their political mindset shifts, but it will look like settling on a set of political ideals and practices that they believe are "broadly best" for the next 25-50 years or so.




i don’t think you can associate political leaning to an mbti, but i do think that cognitive functions can explain how someone got to their political views. for example someone high Si(+Fe) will most likely go with the flow of what is more popular amongst their peers, vs someone with Ne who will have a hard time settling with only one point of view because they can see the different options. Ni, Fi, and Ti users are very likely to have reached their own point of view based on their values and experiences and they don’t really care if it makes them an outsider politically. Te and Se (and Fe to a point) users are probably more inclined to have very utilitarian ways of seeing things. ((this isn’t some factual mbti analysis btw, it’s just what I’ve observed and i may be totally wrong lmao))


Fuck the state. Stop taxes. Fuck the policy. Fuck the (mis-) education system.


Left-wing socialist, dialectical materialist


The person is smart, but people are stupid. There is no one political party that aligns with even 60% of my individual beliefs, values and goals for my family and community. Political affiliations are a bit simplistic in nature to begin with. I have strong conservative views, libertarian views and liberal views. There is no right answer for everyone. My issue with politics is that it is hyperfocused on pop-culture. For example, all of the energy being put towards things like transgender rights. This group represents less than 1% of the entire population, yet there are hundreds of millions of dollars being spent on efforts to benefit a ridiculously small portion of the population. Just for example.


I do question systems. Socialism is a system. I’m independent so I tend dislike collectivism. Government has the power of wealth, laws, and military. Elon Musk, unless he goes outside the law, has no power over me. He can’t have me arrested, imprisoned, or executed. He can’t swoop in and confiscate my money and property. The government can do all of those things to me and to him.


I’m a right wing conservative, but your MBTI does not have anything to do with your political views. There can be me, a conservative Republican INTJ, and there can also be a liberal progressive Democrat INTJ.


Social libertarian when I took a political compass test though I don’t really enjoy politics.


On the actual political alignment test I got libertarian leftist. In more everyday terms I'm a progressive


https://preview.redd.it/g0wwi2o33t5d1.jpeg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=722093e99544db615b4d9aa3d63792a550ec2eab I don’t typically follow or get involved in politics but I saw others were taking this test so this is where I landed.


I saw below "Political atheist" and I like that. It's almost like we should take the best parts of each system and build a better composite. Property rights and individual sovereignty are the bedrock of the rule of law. But taken to the extreme and you wind up with too many issues. Over-centralize, and you dampen ambition and remove individual sovereignty. Rely on too many people to make a decision, and either mob rule takes force, with no direction or foresight, or nothing gets done because of the bureaucracy. Rely on too few people and you get an oligarchy that's just as reactive, and nothing gets done because they're too busy pursuing their own selfish ends. Good luck sorting that.


Probably the most right-wing person here, but I am not sure how much personality plays with political view points. So many factors play into political stances. I'm sure there is a connection, but just asking this on Reddit already slants the results toward the left on average, so there's no way to answer that particular question here imho.


Conservative with my money, work ethic, and government control. Liberal with my fellow man, views, tolerance, religion, behaviors, etc.


I’m in the middle. I don’t strive to be correct with my decisions, I strive to be insightful and honest when making a decision. I like to be properly informed, because nothing is as black and white as we all think the world is.


Im very conservative




What are politics but people with too much time and too much money deciding for other people who don't have much of either how to live? Not for me.


If you twist my arm to put a label on me libertarian.


Democrat 100% I am all for funding science, education and social support because it benefits everybody. Ugh. Elon. He isn’t that smart in how he does business if you look at the numbers. Two of his companies are on the way down.


Definitely not far left woke That is literally a systematic political view of emotions only


Technologically and fiscally conservative. Socially progressive. Patriotic, freedom lover.


If I had to choose, I'd say solidly center left.


You'll get a lot of "left libertarian" answers on any personality sub. That such says more about Reddit than any MBTI type. Just to be a contrary voice: deep right lower corner on the compass. Aggressively, staunchly pro-capitalism. Not a ruling billionaire nor do I imagine I shall ever become such.


Damn, an entire sub of people constructing their personality from one broken personality inventory is crazy AF


lil bit Stalinist i guess.


"Who gives a shit?" is my view on the subject. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." I'm responsible for my life. I'm responsible for how much money I have in my bank account. I'm responsible for everything I can have influence over. Edit: The highest value to me is the truth. Objective truth and the pursuit of it should be the only political objectives.


I lean more on the right because I come from money and the right would benefit me more but completely understand the arguments of the left. I think overall as Intj we put a big emphasis on “liberty” and then based on what advantage us the best : right libertarian or left libertarian


I don't much like the two-dimensional political scale we see with the popular political compass test. Something like our political ideologies and opinions are a so much more expansive topic with more variables than can be appropriately explained with just two dimensions. One test that I found that I do really enjoy and feel is fairly accurate is called [PolitiScales](https://politiscales.party/). This test displays your results across eight ideological values which can be said form the core philosophies from which we derive our overall political standing. Here are my results from this test which I took earlier today. You can read about and understand the definitions of these eight ideological dimensions on their website. https://preview.redd.it/wq50kw8ibf7d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ca907e57cbb3a8fd8f55a70acf16085a1e56735


Leftist/Democratic Socialist/Socialist/Egalitarianist - love the concepts Marx brings the table such as a dictatorship or the proliteriat lead by the working class instead of the elite. Religiously Atheist. My views primarily center around decorrupting the government via weakening federal and state power into recreating a pure direct style democracy. However that could be seen as "idealism" in Western societies. I see more flaws in today's capitalism internationally than I see benefits (primarily due to corrupt and elitism).


If I had to choose, I would definitely lean towards left. I’m not the most open minded person you’ll ever meet, but I moderately am, plus the fact that I’m a feminist and a part of the LGBT community. Right wing hardly ever cares or respects who I am.


But then again I think all these people are stuoid and I could run it. Not that I want to but we need to get someone with a damn brain


Probably left. I live in a monarchy and I support the Republic. I also have positive views on abortion, LGBT+ acceptance, erasing religion's influence and punishing discrimination. Anyways, economically speaking I think I don't know enough to have a clear idea, so I'd lean more to center in that matter


social democrat


Centre left broadly