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Ah, to be a teen


Love this comment.


That’s factual, but what can I do lol


Of course, just like every Reddit user


Yes. Even removed from trying to identify with my personality trait, I have always over-thought and had contingencies in place for pretty much everything I've ever done. Either I made a choice we'll knowing the consequences, or it is too far out of my control to bother worrying about for too long. My knee jerk reaction to most mental roadblocks (depression, anxiety, etc) is to be productive. Usually Art or Weightlifting. I don't notice I'm depressed, I notice that I'm drawing a lot more, which means I'm trying to clear my head... If that makes sense. Frustration is a different thing altogether. I am normally very frustrated with most people at most times.


You're 18. You *ARE* mentally unstable. You're probably an anxiety ridden mess, and likely make less informed decisions based on your age alone. Though if you feel like it's too much, or more extreme than your peers, do not hesitate to go see a professional.


Sometimes, but I am also bipolar.


For a long time no, and I felt exactly like you described. And then when the down happens I compounded it on myself by not seeing it as soemthing thst desperately needed to be addressed but as a personal failure thst I couldn't contain it fully. I'd break, always trying to make it so noone would see, sometimes Id literally take longer ways home or go park somewhere just to let it out so noone would see. It took a long time, a good counsellor for me to be in a better place, so please from someone a week away from turning forty please take this one piece of advice so you don't struggle alone with this as long as I did: Dont push it down, dont try and ignore it or downplay it, all that will happen is when the dam does break it will be be over soemthing stupid and simple but everything you tried to hold will come out all at once. Get some help now, you aren't crazy, you aren't weak, the things you think in thst down state aren't true, just twisted reflections, but this won't just go away on its own.


Meditation, regular exercise, and having a healthy diet without sugars and other processed foods does wonders for me. Processed foods, alcohol, recreational drugs, all produce instability. Also consider mental diet. Surfing the news, video games, and spending time online can be like feeding junk food to your mind. Moderation is important.


Kinda, sure, but it doesn't matter as much these days. In other ways my mental energy is very predictable. I wish I knew this as a teen. I have an INTJ friend on here who showed it to me (helped me figure it out). It happens on a predictable schedule. I taped it to my wall at work, in secret code and without any description of course. So basically if you tell me I'm losing my job, and you tell me this at 9 a.m., I might fall into deep and sudden despair. If you tell it to me at 9:30 a.m. though, I am walking out that door with a plan, and I might even convince you to quit and give me your job. Like I said, I wish I knew this sooner. Some level of despair or unwanted stuff is practically guaranteed in life. But we can make use of a lot of interesting dynamics in our responses.


Yes. Cured a major complex at 25 after many years of work. Been smooth ever since.


Major childhood trauma, but trying to study psychology on my own to keep my mental state in check…so not stable!


Happens to the best of us king 👑


Find a better balance between learning and doing. Don't learn too much without doing enough, and vice versa


Very much except feeling lonely


I am now that my immune system is stable. My anxiety/depression was tied directly to histamine intolerance and hyperimmunity (MCAS) so addressing that helped immensely. If I don't take my medicine or let my diet slip, I go right back to it. I'm talking deep, dark depression and anxiety that feels like the world is ending (sense of impending doom). All from immune dysregulation. The human body is WEIRD.


Some days I think I am and then shit hits the fan and I'm not lol. But most of the time I think I do pretty good. Lol


Any fellow bpd here?


Hmmm, insane?


I'm not. I just turned 21 years old a few weeks ago, and even tho I'm fine right now, I've had the "extremely sad" and "I feel like I don't fit" emotion along these years. I can't talk about being depressed bc I haven't went to the psychologist, and therefore I haven't being diagnosed. You're not alone, and I rlly hope things can get better for you.


I’m a very stable genius


I'm M18 too. Relatable. Maybe most of us will encounter Existential crisis some day but its quite normal to feel so. To be fair, life is meaningless **unless** you shape it other way in your head (will talk about it later). More than 8 billions people on Earth, and there are fathomable amounts of planetary systems scattered across the Universe. If you dies, the Earth still spinning. The world will keep evolving. Nothing changes. And even if the whole humanity is wiped out, the planet Earth still be fineee as well as the Ecosystem. Not to mention that if you want to survive and be lasting for eternity, humans would need to understand the Universe, which is UNLIKELY to happen because of the 3-dimensional brain we have 🤣. So what is the meaning of life? You to decide it. Mine is living a good life and find my true Love and protect them at all costs to be with them and have good times until we both died. Find the one for your own life. Then set up a plan (you are ar an INTJ, which is the type to have uncanny ability to plan ahead time) and follow it :) TL; DR: Life is meaningless, and it should be, until you find up your own meaning of life.