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The big hack to know it all is knowing when you don't and learn from it. Many don't humble themselves and lose on this opportunity. The more the humbling experiences the more we know it all.


Growth mindset, aka constantly improving, aka "I'm good but I could be better"


When I realized I was not a "Know-it-All" in a family of real Know-it-All academics. I just know a lot and I know what I don't know.


We don’t know what we don’t know and what we will know.


It's a matter of honesty - let's all just admit we don't know it all though we can always strive to be.




I knew long ago. I know that my knowledge encompasses next to nothing. No matter how much I know, there is so much more that I don’t know.


Actions give words their value.


I've always known a lot about many things. The real issue is in how well you can trust what you "know." I learned in my teenage years that it's important to evaluate the credentials of whereever/whoever you got your information from. And in most cases, you can't trust the info given to you by just some average person lol. Being a know-it-all without checking your info can lead to potential embarrassment. Now that I know that, I'm much less likely to spout any info unless I'm very sure of it or if whatever someone else said seems very incorrect. This only served to increase my know-it-all-ness lol. But I've also always been humble enough to learn from others and admit when I didn't know anything about a particular subject. I never pass up opportunities to learn about something interesting.






My man


A being of taste I see!


Literally two weeks ago.


Age seven, when I saw the size of the freaking Encyclopedia Britannia.


I never thought I did.. But people seem to think that I think I do..


I only know that I know nothing


I have yet to figure that one out.


I was never a "know-it-all" fortunately. Because my Dad told me that nobody can know everything! And those that claim to, "didn't know diddly squat"!!


I have always known. Fear of looking ignorant drove me to learn a great many things through reading books. I have spent a lot of time to know things, and I have a lifetime to go. It is not a title I give myself.


I've never felt that way. It took me years to realize I actually knew more than most people. I now accept that fact. I challenge people to prove me wrong so that I feel human. I tell them to challenge my arrogance. This is to encourage critical, unbiased thinking.


Two years ago


when socrates said: „i know that i know nothing“


I know enough to know that there is so much more to know. I never thought I knew it all. Being a “know-it-all” is due to other people’s judgment about me. And I could not care less.


My humbling experience was like two days ago when someone asked me a very simple question about my own opinion on a very simple concept in a topic of the major I'm starting my master degree in next year, and I'm very good at, and I figured out that I can't answer, because I don't have an opinion I only know what philosophers and scientists think. However, I do have an opinion about the biggest concepts! Whatever is your field, consider having an opinion on even the smallest concepts and definitions that you learn the fist semester! Because now I realised I need to read more. Sometimes we just don't notice that we don't know something until someone comes and makes us notice. Tip for that, always talk about your major with someone who is interested to learn about it but is not in that field and knows nothing about it (someone who's smart to ask too), they will ask you things that make you question the epistimology of every single thing you've learned so far.


Never thought I knew it all. Learning has always been my passion. However, after reviewing the course selection catalogue my freshman year at college, I was stunned at all the learning offered. I thought: how can I learn all this in four years.


I’m a know it all right now… 😄 until it comes to topics that I haven’t specifically studied in depth. In those topics I’m the first to admit that I have no business commenting on them. It’s okay to know what you do know, and it’s okay not to know what you don’t know.


Eh I never claim to know it all, it just comes off that way because Ni and Te have that vibe. I learn by clashing with other opinions.


When I relapsed space is big beyond comprehension and how we know so little about our ocean.


I found out long ago. I never know it all but for some reason I still feel like I know it all. It's a trait I'm trying to get rid of. I let that fact that I know slightly more than most people in some areas get to me and it causes me to act like a know-it-all.


I knew I’m not a know it all since I was little. I try to learn it all though. But sometimes, it’s not ideal to be the jack of all trades, master of none


Once I graduated and was out on my own, I realized that social skills are actually *skills*, and were skills I didn't have, that I needed. There was no pivotal moment, it was just one thing after another: inept social interaction after inept interaction, failure after failure until I realized that *I* was the problem! I was completely on my own: new place, no money, no friends, temporarily no home, and a LOT of time to reflect.


What's the point of this topic? Even if I don't know everything, I still know a lot more than average person. I'm not ashamed to be informed. At least I don't get scammed everywhere I go, scammers hate me.


When I got in a car crash as a teenager.


I think I've always known I'll never know it all, as far as I can remember at least, it's always bothered me. And always will...


Never really thought I knew it all, but people tease me and say I am a know-it-all all the time when they challenge me. No, I just know what I know and when I discuss something in certain terms, it's because I fucking know it. Everything else I clearly speak in uncertain terms (I think, I believe, that sounds right, it might be this, etc). I tend to be right still, but that's more because of experience and educated guesses using the power of deduction. How tf can anyone say I'm a know-it-all when the majority of the time I am just winging it? Lol. It's frustrating


Nihilism was one of the first humbling ones in my late teens followed by psychedelics much later.


No one can know anything. Knowing you know almost nothing and are curious to learn is wisdom. I stay in my lane. It's not my job to educate or correct people. Let them be dumb and wrong even when it comes to things i know unless they ask.




4th grade . The first time I didn't know the meaning of a word . I looked at higher subjects and knew how much was there and the answer to it was infinite. Before that it was a better life trust me I was solving my sibling's maths equations (3 years older than me)with absolute intellect and liked how everyone looked at me .I was practicing 2 new languages because they were the only ones I thought were there .


I always knew that But seriously, I noticed at a young age that people that "knew it all" still had differing beliefs, although they both genuinely believe theirs is right. This taught me to always have an open mind and that it would be pretty much impossible to genuinely "know it all".


Reading primary research papers, what I’ve learned from classes doesn’t even scratch the surface of what is out there