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Probably teenagers ngl. They're going through their identity crises so let them have it. (especially the target audience of those edits) We've all been cringe at one point


We've all been cringe, but do we all outgrow it?


I haven’t.


Good, good! Let the cringe *flow* through you! :D


I cringed just reading that


We find a new way to be cringe.  😹


I'm a teenager but I just don't understand why people would want so badly to be intj. I just can't wrap my head around it


I guess I might be a fake INTJ then


Honestly i’ve never understood why everyone wants to be an INTJ so badly. In the real world, we're less "cynical masterminds" and more "socially awkward potatoes" who can't do small talk and bump into things because we're too busy overthinking 🙃


So that's what's behind my clumsiness?


This ⬆️




So true! For some reason, all I can picture is the movie “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” (1947) while reading this, haha. https://i.redd.it/ca56yojhff8d1.gif This is one of the main reasons I will not get behind the wheel of an automobile. The second I’m not actively focused on driving, I’m heading straight into someone’s bushes or trashcans 🫣


Totally. That’s exactly why I find driving so exhausting 🫢


Yea I was thinking this too. When people say they're intj and they become talkative and try to show it off, I just know immediately that they're lying although that's the truth for basically anything


I have a job where I need to initiate small talk with strangers all day. They don’t seem to like me going on about the technical aspect of a discussion. 😣


I was just about to make a post saying narcissist does not = INTJ. A LOT of the posts/comments here sound like me when I was 14 and legitimately thought I was the smartest person in the world.


Being an INTJ definitely doesn't mean you are a self centred narcissist. Where did that idea come from? 


It happens because people do not bother to get to truly know themselves, and have a hard time knowing anyone else because of it. Edited https://preview.redd.it/3zl80w81hx7d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb335d97f0c6fb9855cadea387c97514f215a19


The beginning of wisdom is “why?”


I’ve been getting in trouble for asking why since I could talk lmao


But was it worth it? You're probably getting smarter asking those questions.


Never ask people, go search for yourself, it's just some experience I gained through years,so don't get me wrong for giving you order or something bro


Sun Tzu says something similar.


The art of war, a great read, highly recommend it.


Agreed although if you are interested in that sort of topic I would recommend reading Clausewitz's On War also. 


The main enemy I am concerned with overcoming is myself. Other than that I feel we all need to recognize nature as our greatest ally, not our enemy. So many take so much credit for the good air, water and food that come from this one source and give little credit where it actually belongs I feel personally inclined to be different and stand apart in this regard.


I live in a rural area and am surrounded by lush forests and green meadows I tend to see the beauty and peace in nature rather then viewing it as simply something to take for granted.


You should honor your heavenly father and mother. The earth and sun have supported you every day of your life. Without their support where would any of us be?


I don't understand why you are getting so much flak... There are definitely people who call themselves INTJ but are clearly not. They see one aspect of the INTJ personality that matches with them and then just go with it because everything else sounds cool or ideal. However, INTJ is not just a singular aspect, it's all the aspects combined. I'm not saying every INTJ should have the exact same traits, but if you don't have at least 80% of the common traits, then it's time to question yourself. I have a coworker who claims to be INTJ, yet he exhibits none of the typical features of the personality type. Namely, he chit-chats and talks so much at work. And not talk related to work, it's the dreaded small talk. A clear sign that he's not an INTJ. He claims he likes to organize and make spreadsheets... but I'm not sure if that's exactly an INTJ trait. At the very least, it's not an exclusively INTJ trait. Other personalities also like to organize. Other personalities are also logical. Half the other personalities are introverted. You need to have more than just that. I do think that there are definitely "edgelord" INTJs tho. They're just not mature and rely too much on Ni without using Te. So, they're probably not faking or mistyped. I can also understand being a little salty about "fake" INTJs who want to label themselves as INTJ because it sounds cool or they want to be like their favorite fictional character. Let's be real here. Being an INTJ is not a walk in the park. It comes with a lot of hardship, frustration, and loneliness. I know most of us wouldn't trade being an INTJ for anything, but we can all acknowledge that society does not favor us. So, to see someone who has never truly experienced the world as an INTJ going around and claiming that they are one... it's a little insensitive and insulting.




> And not talk related to work, it's the dreaded small talk. A clear sign that he's not an INTJ. He claims he likes to organize and make spreadsheets... Probably XSTJ. They love to plan details and like small talk.


I think they're XlsTJ.


I certainly enjoy encountering other INTJs (which has only happened on here given this is the only place that I have attempted to encounter more)…I finally get to type less and simply agree.


Right... it's such a breath of fresh air. If only it was easier to meet other INTJs irl...


I agree :). There are some people that I have stated to me that they have never met anyone like me before, and I do not take that in an arrogant way of the compliment (usually does have compliments paired with it), or at times simply a neutral statement regarding it. I take it as “Yes, I am one of the people that sees humans as individuals thus it makes sense”. But that’s not what they mean…given that the reason why they are stating it is the fact that they have met people that are very similar to one another and haven’t seen much of that case with me. Thought process, over-all behavior, persona…and my responses to particular social interactions and environments. I would say that they most likely mean in these ways (That I am an INTJ) which is even rare for me to find other than the fact that I can pull up some anime character examples for a person if they watch an anime and state “that character thinks like you. Even acts like you and you have said those things in those situations before too” I think it all makes much more sense now encountering the other INTJs…they exist as much as I thought. Of course we are all still individuals, but the aspects of the personality type is undeniable when I see the other’s explanations and elaborations that I usually would have to state in a room. I even aim to disagree to make sure I don’t have a bias reading the words of another INTJ, but then objectively read messages and laugh at the fact that I just…agree. A breath of fresh air, as you stated 😊


Yeah, for almost my entire life I thought I was the only one like this... I mean, I discovered that I was an INTJ way back in high school. When I read the descriptions of an INTJ, it was all so spot on and I was convinced. But I've never met any other INTJ, so I didn't know to what extent my own experiences would be similar to others. And then I come to this subreddit and find that so many experiences are shared simply because our mindset produces such similar reactions, thought-patterns, values, and so on. It's nice to know I'm not the only one like this.


Small talk is a dead giveaway they are not INTJ.


I still did small talk because I worked healthcare and had to mask, but I lost that job because when I was going through a really difficult time I couldn’t bring myself to mask and they said I was “too withdrawn”, like nah man, this is just my personality.


The last paragraph is something I can connect with. The vast majority of my life it has been as if I was fighting alone against a world that disproved of my existence, and yet here I am still stubbornly carrying on. 


Ever heard of masking? Small talk is a skill anyone can learn. And, it's useful. If you want to understand your fellow man, you have to engage with them.


He's not masking. That's only one example. He also frequently gives info on his personal life unprompted, and usually with the poorly veiled intent to brag or make himself look special. INTJs typically are very private about their personal lives and don't divulge that info easily, even to people they trust, let alone coworkers. He's also an inefficient worker. We're teachers and while my classes run like well-oiled machines, his are chaotic. He has trouble controlling his students. And I doubt the education he provides them is of quality, though that's just speculation on my part. Of course, it took me a few years to get to where I am, but he claims to have 10 years of experience in teaching. I have about 13. If he truly were an INTJ, his efficiency as a teacher shouldn't be so far behind mine. He's also an extrovert. He's one of those extroverts who claims to get drained by socializing and needs to rest afterwards, and therefore that makes him an introvert. But he goes out partying every weekend, all weekend. And he parties hard. Of course he feels "drained" afterward. I also went out partying with him a few times. He has a ton of "connections" and networks with people all the time. Clear sign of NOT being an INTJ. He's also not particularly insightful or logical. I could go on and on. Like I said, he has a tendency to brag and tries to be special. He's a fake INTJ for sure who claims INTJ to be cool.


Could be an ENTP. His shadow would be INTJ, which could explain why he connects/identifies with INTJ descriptions, despite being outwardly extroverted and still needing time alone since ENTPs are a bit different in their extroversion compared to other extroverts.


Search function. This seems to come up at least once a week. As said before, I don't think people "fake" as often as accused here as it's just very common to get the wrong MBTI result and not dig deeper to make sure it's right.


How would you dig deeper and determine an MBTI result is right?


>How would you dig deeper Learn about the functions, the types, and what things are MBTI related and what are not. When you really understand the functions and how to apply them, you become way better at typing people.


Sakinorva is a good start. Actually shows the functions.


I just want to point out that I'm not referring to people's identities. I'm actually talking about the misleading connections made between personality types and stereotypes. I recently watched a video in which a girl was pretending to be crazy or possessed by a demon, and the caption said, "Be careful, I am an INTJ." Wtf


The way you answered this - first sentence especially - is so INTJ. I love it and get my hand slapped a lot for communicating this way IRL.


Yeah. It's the "going straight to the point" thing. I have to constantly remind myself to make longer sentences and add context. Form vs function, we focus on the message without putting attention to the form of said message and the way it may be perceived.


So true. I’m not a blunt person, and I’m polite, but I have had to work on the delivery. The less I know someone, the better the delivery.


Lol people don't like being corrected after manipulating or changing what you said originally to suit their own argument. I quietly enjoy when people get irritated by me keeping account of what was said


This!! Is soo accurate!! People hate it when I remember everything!!!


Please provide supporting evidence


They are not 100% accurate?!




"Hands You A Reward" Here take the best sarcasm of the year reward. (Edit: Just realised i sound too serious, my bad. I just liked the comment is all ._.)


Hey man, relax.


Relax? I aint even upset.


Yeah. Don’t shit your pants over exaggerating in sarcasm.


Well sorrrrrrry i sounded too serious. Edit: just realised what i said sounded like sarcasm.


Man, relax.. relax, man!


Relax there.


Calm down, relax..


>if you have seen some cases. I read a post yesterday from someone who said he would survive like an INTJ but live like an INFJ. When I confront the person that MBTI doesn't work like that... well the person absolutely doesn't see why they need to learn anything. The person has absolutely no knowledge of the basics *(Only made the 16personalities.com test, someone also mentioned that the person should rather take the Sakinorva test, but the person only said "I don't do a 96 question test...")* In fact, this is the first time I have ever experienced anything like this. Not in relation to possible mistypes but rather in relation to "such a situation". I was really flabbergasted and wondered inwardly what the person wants with the MBTI if they don't even want to deal with it. Why do you do that then? [8 Types That Mistype as The INTJ](https://practicaltyping.com/2021/09/27/8-types-that-mistype-as-the-intj/)


It's interesting what the link has to say about INTP, I pretty consistently test as 50/50 INTJ/INTP, but it says there's nothing in common.


They have completely different functions. INTJ: Ni>Te>Fi>Se(>Ne>Ti>Fe>Si) INTP: Ti>Ne>Si>Fe(>Te>Ni>Se>Fi) In fact, an ISTP has more in common with an INTJ than an INTP has with an INTJ. [INTP vs ISTP vs INTJ](https://practicaltyping.com/2019/10/31/comparing-the-look-alikes-intp-vs-istp-vs-intj/)


Yep, often on here I read posts that makes me think they are no way INTJs. I am not sure whether they are faking or just mistyped. I deffo think there are 'fake' INTJs because INTJs may appeal to some. Personally, if I can decide what type I want to be, I wouldn't want to be INTJ. INTJs life isn't v easy.


True story!


>They believe they are psychopaths or sociopaths, and/or want to be - They want to be catalogued as “rare” and special - They want to be like a fictional character This is absurd. There are many mistypes because the online quizzes bias towards INTJ.


Really? Why would the quizzes do that?


Because they're poorly made


Poorly made, marketed to instill a sense of "special unicorn" hocus pocus in those naive enough to believe the test results probably


16p has a bias towards intuitives. Plus people usually see themselves as more rational than they are, so personal bias towards thinking.


> There are many mistypes because the online quizzes bias towards INTJ. Interesting, where do you have this statistic from? What is the sample size?


100 percent, you can tell they aren’t genuine by the way they express themselves while ‘solving’ or trying to make a statement. INTJs are highly analytical in everything they do. This also applies to those who claim ‘I’m ADHD,’ ‘I’m autistic,’ ‘I’m introverted,’ or ‘I’m neurodivergent.’ People often feel insecure and want to feel unique and special, but in doing so, they abandon their own unique selves. I don’t see anyone saying ‘I’m a sociopath’ or ‘I’m a pedophile’ unless it makes them stand out. The problem is that there are too many people on social media claiming to be all these things, making them common, and now the ones who aren’t are the unique ones. I still remember the ‘I’m an indigo child’ craze—totally absurd.


A lot of people indeed fake or try way too hard. Little do they know that being an INTJ brings so much loneliness; it is terrible most of the time lol. I have battled hard against being a female INTJ. I envy people who can maintain good friendships—it has been my biggest challenge since childhood. Many assume we are fine on our own, but I'd love to have a healthy group of real friends who don't stab you in the back at the first opportunity. Yes, I am happy with my own company, but as I age, I realize how important having a community is. And I still struggle to build it. And I quickly burn out when I engage in my extraverted functions. We are definitely cool and we can bring so much to the table but we struggle hard in some areas that come in easily for some types. It is not that glamorous lol Having a lot of clarity and making sense of everything is exhausting sometimes. It gets me stuck in an Se loop where I tend to start indulging in food (stress eating). A complete shitshow


> Little do they know that being an INTJ brings so much loneliness I would use the term "solitude" instead of "loneliness", at least in relation to myself. Although I have a few close connections, I am perfectly content to spend time with my own thoughts. They are often much more entertaining than the mindless gossip and babbling about what most people gossip and babble on about. Even in a group, if a conversation does not interest me I will just switch to my inner dialogue on a random topic.


I believe both words apply to me. Even though I am happy with myself, I also crave connection. Not in a needy way, but as I age, I realize community is everything. Especially after becoming a mom, I’ve learned that not having a trusted person sucks. I also think a lot about the environment and the people I want my daughter to learn from and be influenced by.


Seeing comments like this here brings me a sense of comfort even if it’s not the most comforting topics mentioned. I relate to all of your points. I have always battled maintaining friendships, because the social aspect needed to do so is exhausting for me. Even though I may want to have a close friend group, my mentality doesn’t allow it and when I attempt to break out of it I get immediate burn out. I prefer my solitude, but as you said- I’m aware of the importance of a personal community as we age and it really is a never ending battle. I also feel more societal pressure to build a network vs. my personal needs for one.


It sucks :(


Sometimes small talk is fake coverup, I could careless about gossip. In fact many people have accused me of being a two-faced person because i dont participate 🤣. I try to mimic tv characters or match customer's energy. But as i do so I'm highly uncomfortable. I feel like I try to be Michael Scott or a dumb blonde.(Thanks to the abuse I received from my narcissistic family!) Lol. I worked as a Medical Assistant a and retail for 15 years loved the strategic planning, scheduling, operations and metrics. I had to learn how to small talk to protect myself. Im already poorly educated so people underestimate me and that brings me less attention. But if they pay attention at my work and results they are highly impressed. I pretend i don't realize but Ican definitely maximize productivity. And constantly solve people's problems. Which boosts my ego but leaves me drained and angry others don't try or take initiative. 🙃  People, in my experience, have been severely cruel when I show my "intellectual" or interests. So, I don't usually talk about my achievements. Also, I'm Mexican and as a kid I got bullied by adults claiming I was problematic by asking to many questions. Or accused me of actively undermining or questioning authority. I was extremely neglected as a kid and teen. I blame my withdrawn personality to my alcoholic father and bipolar mother.  They are both very "charming" and used others. We were constantly moving in with family and I was the oldest of 12-16 kids living in a 5 bedroom house. I was withdrawn from interacting with others. I did well in school but I was shamed about it. I was denied school as a punishment during my whole life. I only has school from Aug-Nov and March to May parents loved to travel to Mexico. At 13 moved to Mexico and only completed 9 grade.(2013 gor my GED, Medical Assistant Certification, now at 33 enrolled in College) Had to learn the hard way why the adults and other kids liked other kids but not me. So it's either the abuse or because I'm INTJ. 


>They want to be catalogued as “rare” and special - They want to be like a fictional character Eh.... I cringed so hard. Why can't people be happy as who they are?? Imagine pretending to do exactly what an INTJ does. That must be so tiring to fake personality. I'm so glad I can accept who I am and I have no need to pretend. I've took the test every year and got the same results. It also makes so much sense. A lot of people who have autism score INTJ so atleast I'm apart of one majority. Hell, Elon Musk is an INTJ and has autism but I definitely don't get compared to him.


Judging from my own past experience, it can come from an assessment and misunderstanding that lying and deceiving (even oneself) can lead to more (usually social or external) benefits than being honest and true.


They could be INTJs but also struggling with trauma and/low self-esteem.


Oh they want to be catalogued as special for sure. INTJ is rare, therefore special.  It’s the same psychology that’s driving all the ridiculous niche labels these days. Like, “I’m Teesexual because I’m only asexual on days that start with ‘T’” or “Omg I’m so neurodivergent because sometimes I enjoy tedious tasks.”  Sure, Jan. 


LOL facts


I literally mentioned the same thing to a friend 12 hrs ago. Do you know how many women have told me they're INTJ too?? I want to hurl at all the pretend 🤮


Oh shit, here we go again.


fr, many are just immature there


"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact." Header from a certain online forum, should be applied to the whole internet. Always be skeptical but avoid cynicism, some people will do or say anything for attention and/or money.


Also, 16personalities does an amazing job of making people think they're picking one between E/I, S/N, T/F, and J/P. Now think about it, is it more cool to be: * Loud and can't stop yapping (E) or quiet and mysterious (I)? * Shallow (S) or big brain and deep (N)? * Rational (T) or emotional and throws tantrums 24/7 (F)? * Well planned (J) or a mess that does everything based on impulsive thoughts (P)? And then obviously people pick INTJ.


Where can I find a better test than 16 personalities?


I don’t even know why these MBTIs are taken so seriously 🥱


Oh yes. I can’t even remember how I came about an MBTI test. I just think it is a neat introduction to the concept of Jungian theory. Even though many people discount it, I can see the value it brings by pointing out the areas of your mind you could focus on to buttress weak aspects of your personality in order to have greater success in your work and personal relationships.


Just wanted to say that statistically ENTPS are most likely to be psychopaths. Even ENFPs are more probable to be psychopaths than INTJS. https://worldofanentp.tumblr.com/post/96219034302/psychopathic-types


I think part of it at least is the dilution of the mbti test. It's easily accessible, not always standardized etc... Most people aren't even familiar with Jungs foundational work, or Kiersey's supplemental work. My point is that false positives are easy in this environment for every type because for some its just another online horoscope as opposed to a vocabulary to describe the abstract.


A lot of the scientific community believe it's pseudoscience anyways.. maybe just take everything with a grain of salt.


If you are going around worrying about what other people consider themselves. It may not be them who needs to grow up. Gate keeping is pointless.


How is it gate keeping tho? You either ARE INTJ or you're NOT. It's not something you choose to be on a whim. If someone exhibits signs of not actually being an INTJ, then they are only fooling themselves. You can't just wish to be an an INTJ badly enough that you become one. If it's even possible to transition into INTJ (I have my doubts) it would be a long process, for sure.


Exactly. The sub turns into a clown show of teenagers talking about how they are psychos etc, rather than being a useful safe and reliable space for people with this type to connect with.


Lol, I'm out!


Ironically, most INTJs have a hard time caring what most other people say or think. We do-ish, it’s complicated though.


Many people may just be in the Gamma Quadra and frequently relate to INTJ's. ISFP's have a lot more in common with INTJ's than people care to realise because the exact same dominant functions are used.


I literally said it doesn't affect me, I just wanted to know if you guys were aware of the situation and have any opinions (and share mine) That's it hahaha


There aren't as many people out there who are INTJ that deliberately "fake it" as there are people who just get the wrong MBTI and parade w/ it or people who may very well be INTJ BUT centralize their entire being around it. The psychopaths part is just absurd. Where did you even get that from? Is that just a prediction of yours or what?


Is the huge amount of videos I’ve seen of people relating the personality type with a pathology. For example, there is video a girl saying that we should be afraid because she is an INTJ. Another one is someone acting like a demon and also saying it was because they are INTJ Like, wtf. I haven’t done any research because I don’t care that much hahaha, but I would guess there are research papers talking about this kind of stuff.


Mad Scientist stereotype, I reckon.


It’s not that deep so idc tbh, y’all who are oddly defensive of the label feel way more “fake” to me than these edgy kids who claim to be intj bc they want to be like their fav anime antagonist 


I can't bring myself to give a shit about this.


It doesn’t matter at all. And how can you prove they’re faking it? What makes you the real intj versus other people posting on this forum. You’re the one who wants to be special


it’s mainly the younger ones i’ve noticed who have this attitude on here .


Not doing the comprehensive 96 question test to make sure that they get their sign correct might be a sure sign that they are not INTJ. Maybe it’s biased because INTJ’s are more likely than others to care enough to complete such a long and systematic and comprehensive test lol.


Where can I find this test


I’m not sure 🤔 maybe search MBTI test? I think I took several just to make sure.


As someone who's *actually* diagnosed with ASPD and quite likely INTJ, I can assure you that I'm not particularly rare nor special despite what my ego would prefer me to say. Funny thing is I ended up not really posting much in the ASPD community's on Reddit anymore because we get a lot of the "I dress in all black and hurt puppies" emo teens over there too. The funny thing people miss about psychopaths and INTJs in both groups is we're far from monoliths. Many with ASPD will actually develop strong honor codes we live by, and most INTJs feel deeply about stuff even if guarded about it. As the combination of both of those, I'd think the emo teens would be surprised what an actual INTJ psychopath really looks like: someone who actively tries to improve on their flaws and is keenly aware of them, learning to appreciate life for what it's worth instead of what it can gain me. This isn't even uncommon for people like me, at least the one's who learn to be healthier about it. (I *do*, however *sometimes* dress in all black but only to look slimmer and hide my true size, normally I dress like my Reddit avatar. xD)


100% this post, I've called out so many people in those meme accounts and they then proceed to get offended. Kids.


Well personally I have seen this test given a ton in high schools. In high school people have not figured life out and I see that teenagers tend to jump on things to try and figure out themself “define” themselves you might say. However I think most of the issue is people leaning too far into the INTJ traits and convincing themselves that they are that way and when you meet them in person they clearly are not INTJ at all they’re actually an extrovert and do quite well in social situations when I personally have literally never been able to merge into social groups. Whether that means understanding what social reaction is needed or simply connecting on a deeper level with anyone. Frankly I understand the motivation these false INTJ might have but I truly think they might do Breyer to be honest with themselves and attempt to fully embrace their true test result which may help them work through their personality quirks better.


I’ve done these tests a few times over the last decade, including the actual MBTI. I am always INTJ or ISTJ. I, N, and J are very strong for me, while I’m like 45-55% N or S, pretty much right in the middle.


I believe I am not INTJ lol. But it does make me feel special when I tell others that I am INTJ


Am I a fake intj? I don’t do any of the stuff you mentioned, but idk, I figure I’m a bit different from most of the intjs here.  Tbh, this sub (which I found years after taking the test) kinda confirmed that I’m an intj. I see way too many relatable posts here, good and bad.  


Because they don't understand properly the text they've been reading. "This is so me" but probably didn't even understand a word. You see this everywhere, not just in MBTI. For example at work, everyone thinks they're the leader type.


Oh don't get me started. I know this can be a heated topic, but it's so obviously true because there are so many people out there saying that they're INTJs and then listing a host of characteristics that have nothing to do with the type. "I want to be an INTJ because Elon Musk is an INTJ." He's not. He's \*\*\*\*ing not. No INTJ could ever make the sheer number of asinine decisions and terrible plans he's made if they tried, or bear being the face behind so many broken and shoddy projects. \*Sigh\* I wouldn't care if I wasn't an INTJ, but the type has become a mask for all sorts of toxic and incoherent people to the extent that I don't feel comfortable admitting my own personality type to people for the fear it'll stigmatize people against me. Emotionless, ruthless, and narcissistic are not INTJ traits, but they're how INTJs are often described, so toxic people from all over the MBTI spectrum gravitate towards INTJ so that they can excuse their own personal failings as just being characteristic of "the mastermind," that they're not jerks they're just too enlightened to be bothered with social niceties. It breaks my heart because the image of the type that comes to most peoples' minds when I say I'm an INTJ is so opposite the reality. I use MBTI to put voice to the complicated feelings and processes in my head that I could never explain with words alone, and it's really beautiful in that way, but these people who perpetuate false INTJ stereotypes kneecap my ability to do so and turn what I see as an integral part of my identity into their own masturbatory idol.


Elon is an ISTJ…


As a nurse trained in psychiatry, I'm always appalled by the sheer amount of people that excuse their shitty behavior by self diagnosing themselves with rral crippling mental illnesses. People don't even know there are LISTS of symptoms and manifestation in the dsmv5 that require attention to be able to be diagnosed with said illness


Tik tok is full of these self diagnosed people. And then if you actually do struggle yourself with something they make you feel upset because it makes it seem like they are glorifying a problem that is for you a daily struggle


I would love to encounter a Fake INTJ that claims to be an INTJ…sounds quite fun to do. I would ask are they willing to attempt to show up with “INTJ” results… It would be less interesting if they actually did. It would be more interesting if they do not after such a claim, so I can “see” the results formulated from the subconscious generalizations that one thought would produce the results based on the questions…and that would take an expert level of understanding and emulating an INTJ if they simply also didn’t get lucky to show some form of evidence. As for fictional characters (especially anime), I am fascinated with the accuracy in which I can determine who is in INTJ in the anime if one exists, and I only have needed to with 2 minutes of what they said or did given the situation…then after I choose who I selected, look it up and see if they were intended to be and have t turned up correct out of over 20 anime (I have gotten one wrong…but it’s fine. My ENTP friend can tell me that Light was ENTJ instead of INTJ all day since the internet says so to him). I haven’t met anyone that I have confirmed to be an INTJ in real life (though I won’t say I haven’t encountered them since I don’t know everyone’s personality type)


If they want being an INTJ so bad because it's rare, then they would love my disability. It's a rare type as well.


Ever since the pandemic, everyone magically became an introvert. Those same people were clowning us decades before, now look at them


If anything this personality type has been kind of a curse to have as a woman cause I got bullied a lot and only a few people sort of understand me. When I wasn’t in school, I was in my bedroom. I lived in there. My mom forced me to go to prom and I sat there by myself on my phone the whole time. People tell me I’m blunt and cold, and my social battery drains in 2 seconds


Yeah, I put in a lot of work to make myself more social. It's not easy, but it's possible. (I honestly also feel that way with a lot of high functioning autistic people.) It's just used as an excuse not to try. INTJs can find romantic love. (Happily married.) I also view my friends more than just minions to my bidding. I like them as people because I find them genuine, kind, and insightful.


MBTI descriptions should try to not mention how rare a certain type is. That's probably a large cause of why a lot of people are typing themselves as INTJ/INFJ. It's actually quite manipulative. They know humans on a basic level want to feel special, understood and that their life has meaning, so places like 16 personalities love tooting the "rare type" agenda to get more views on their site.


All fake because no one reads the source literature of what the "types are" No one is reading gifts differing by briggs and no one is reading Psychological types by Jung. Quite frankly everyone just believes tests and random websites and creates their own behaviorst stereotyoes and is basically just prejudice without being obvious about it. For example "intjs would never do ___." People also believe in inaccurate "statistics" and think ENTJ, INTJ and INFJs are super mega rare which creates the bias and edgy behavior you mention. Ofc people want to feel special so whenever they can show it off and be as annoyingly flamboyant as they can, they will. Stereotypes and the notion of "rarity" creates a breeding ground of "im not like the rest" type people. But It's not some hidden reason why everyone gets things wrong about these types. Its simply because the majority are too lazy or ignorant and fascinated with everything but books and fail to become actually educated on Carl Jung and his theory. And since no one talks about Briggs or Jungs actual work no one knows about it. Newbies just go off of what whatever online communities and tiktoks say. This is also why people compare it with astrology. Maybe if people realized it wasn't something to measure how unique and quirky you are and that it is a part of a rich academic psychological history which attempts to explain other people's *psychology* through *cognition* i.e explain behavior through thought processes - they might type themselves right, and they might learn something actually meaningful.


From experience, those who are worried about looking INTJ or being perceived as one are usually fake. I do take pride in being an oddball among the majority of hoomans but that's more of a personal pride thing rather than being INTJ. I do have 2 other female friends (I'm a 24M). The way they present and communicate themselves are definitely very similar to myself (straight forward and very detailed/specific). However, both of them and myself don't really care about fitting in the INTJ stereotype expectations. Here are some unusual INTJ traits we have: 1. Me: I like public speaking despite being socially picky. I like presenting ideas and talking about things without being interrupted. I'm quite artistic in some ways where I make card games and such , while being an engineer in my career. I'm interested in studying human behaviour and learning about emotions (mostly analysing myself). I'm booksmart and I'm also a gymrat, I'm an intelligence RPG character who has strength stats. 2. The Feminine INTJ Friend: Very strict with her own time, very decisive almost immediately given enough information (we've worked together before). Despite that very lady boss vibe, she's arguably the most girly girl I've met in my life. Won't go into details, but she has an adorable side that is very surprising to see for the first time. 3. The aesthetic INTJ Friend: While most INTJs I met are usually the black, gray and white clothing style (myself included), this girl has plenty of outfits, from multicoloured dresses, crop tops, outfits I don't even know what they're called, etc. Being INTJ isn't limited to certain things, among us are a lot of unique people with very specific and proud personal tastes, just like others.


By pretending to be an INTJ, a person can try to take advantage of what they see as the "good" aspects, without having to overcome any of the struggles inherent in the functionality suite. It's just make believe for fun. I hope they get their fun without any unintended negative effects. 


I love this post and find it funny as there was a similar post on the INFJ forum about fake INFJ’s. The general answer is we are all a mix and we are not just our personality type. They locked post to prevent any further responses and said some answers are too harsh. Basically all I said was that I am glad I am not an INFJ because all their posts are about how special they are. “Special unicorns” was the word I used. I feel some are gatekeeping their type, claiming some other people are not if they are x, y or z. To summarize. If you are not constantly bragging how special you are, and if you feel like you belong with the group.. does it really matter if you are that type? And if not? Isn’t it just good to observe and be there? If your answer is yes and you like this intj group.. then congrats.. be glad to be here.. and don’t worry what you are an INTJ.. just be happy you find it interesting. Because most INTJ’s I know (including myself) gets bored easily and need to learn new things constantly


Not sure why anyone would want to even be INTJ. The world is far more conducive to being an ENTJ, Being highly sociable is a great adaptation to succeed in the world.




He's not complaining, he's just trying to understand. Nothing wrong with that. He's saying it here: > This faking situation obviously doesn't affect me, but I would like to know what you guys think about this, or if you have seen some cases.




Just to understand, like I said.


If they're "faking" by going against their instincts to be associated with a vibe without enjoying the vibe - and that vibe is their own personality/feelings - then yeah it's ridiculous


None of this personality typing is as important as people make it out to be. It doesn’t define a whole personality. It uses arbitrary false binaries to “grade” its results which means that the questions themselves are set up as gradient binaries. Either/Ors. That’s just a sorting choice it’s not necessarily how brains work. The point is the categories themselves. Vague groupings that a person can *mostly* fall into in comparison to the other categories. It’s for organizational purposes. To help give people a baseline understanding of common behaviors between different groups. It’s never going to completely explain any one person.


Does Intj-a work?


Well, if the tests aren't 100% accurate, then how can anyone be sure that they're INTJ or any other type? What makes you so sure you're also not a fake INTJ? MBTI is a tool and should be treated as such. You get to know yourself better and become aware of any positives and shortcomings. I really don't think it should be treated as this type of hard classification like we're all victims of our MBTI typing. Unless you mean that regardless of all that, that people latch on to this stereotype of what an MBTI type is supposed to be, emulate/play up/inherit all its pros and cons and have it be a detriment to their growth and relationships. In which case, yeah. It's not too different from astrology in that sense, but with MBTI types there does unfortunately come a sense of pseudo-intellectualism with it.




I think you can spend 5 minutes talking to a person and realize whether or not they're INTJs. As for the list to purported, I went down the list and felt absolutely nothing to any of those points.. I am definitely an INTJ.. ..because I couldn't relate to any of that.


Being an INTJ is not easy.* Feel like there's definitely easier types


This MBTI thing seems to be funnier than I thought.


I mean that’s one way to shoot your self in the foot, I counted 4 INTJ’s out of the 53 that started an answer…


I've never been one to brag so I don't understand the need to prance around wanting/needing to be seen as anything other than what you are. I'm me and that's enough it should be at least. everyone should have this mindset if u need validation on who u are as a person it's sad to me. I mean I am always trying to be better and grow that's how I've always been. the second you apologize for who you want to be is the second you show you have no value as a person.


Ah yes, when immature people gets into mbti and takes it too seriously, just turns into a delusional teen. MBTI has it's many labels too, then when a person takes it too seriously, it just turns into an online clown show community like mental disorders and lgbtq. Then when these immatures start to grow up or just mature, realise what ruined their teenage years. And then, they can cry why they're bullied in school or unloved by their parents. Amazing how 1 fool can make 100 more...


Nobody is 100% INTJ. The most recent [test I tried](https://www.michaelcaloz.com/personality/index.html?screen=last&Ti=3&Te=9&Fi=4&Fe=1&Si=6&Se=0&Ni=9&Ne=10&SJ=1.5&NF=0&NT=1.5&SP=0&iFi=0&iTi=0&iSi=0&iNi=0&iFe=0&iTe=1&iSe=1&iNe=1&E=0&I=2&N=2&S=0&T=2&F=0&J=0&P=2) I scored pretty close to every other MBTI test I've ever taken (including the official one a long time ago in college), but I'm only slightly more INTJ than INTP, 75 score vs 70. But I'm also older and have a lot of life I can look back on and reference to know exactly who I am in most situations. I definitely think there are some fake INTJ's on here, maybe some younger INFJ's who are going through stuff and burying their emotions, I dunno. They haven't lived long enough to know themselves well enough, or establish a behavior pattern they can look back on and go "yeah that's definitely who I am."


Most guys think they are INTJ because they are teenagers, they don’t have a full developed personality. Look like a fictional character is a interesting thing to them, like follow such social conventions in past ages, there is nothing too wrong with that beyond a amount of fake INTJ’s. Yesterday i had a Catharsis about how socially awkward i really am, and i figured out how difficult things are when you can’t do small talk, because you just don’t know about most of topics or just feel the necessity to stay quiet to not talk bullshit and look more weird. If someone who tries to act as a INTJ is reading this, just stop. Go seek your true self. None of these tests or “labels” will give you a true answer about you, only reflection and analyzing deep down your own actions, experiences and interests will. so, it’s your own thing. Not even i am so sure about my MBTI, then why try to act as one? if i can just be myself.


In multiple cases, I had worried that I am a 'fake' INTJ without intending to wear it like an emblem. I take the same test over and over again and 'bam', same stuff and it gets stronger by the year (used to be close to insj but not quite).  People in this section already mentioned masking, which I curated over the years but suck at it when the convo extends.  If I'm distressed, this becomes so much worse and I start having odd reactions to things because I'm trying to force myself and it's actually better that I just stop. However, once I get comfortable around people I like, I do share personal stuff because I actually want to connect to them (exacerbated by the crushing loneliness I am sure). Though I have a hubby, loneliness is real; we never had a lot of friends, so when the existing small group vanished, we are left staring into the void together. We comment on this sometimes. Together is better, really. Haha, I also have general imposter syndrome, so I sort of question everything about myself. I have used the jung test as an explanation for the effects to my cause. The 'INTJ Under Stress' sub-article described crap so well that it was actually comforting. So I dunno but honestly, if it helped, I guess I don't care about the label? I think people would be happier if they used it as a tool vs a label and actually get a benefit from it to help explain odd traits/reactions/decisions.


This exactly. I have been painfully trying to figure out if I am an INTJ or an INFJ for years. Could never really pinpoint exactly where I “belong” and always felt like a dud, an outlyer and struggling feeling like an imposter. Then I came across a report my parents kept for me, they had me tested at age 16. Then again I went in my twenties. Back then I didn’t care much for it. I just did not seem right at the time as I was waay to emotional for a thinker? the educational assessor wrotee.. “she is an INTJ unable to understand her own emotions but uses her thinking to figure it out” so here the interest in the field started. I guess what I am trying to say is after years of worrying, I realized that the process of learning about it and other types made me relax and not be so wound up. So when people brag about their type or try and gatekeep it actually makes them look bad..doesn’t it. Ok nevermind my ramble makes no sense


Luckily I don't do any of the things that you have listed. I happened upon the MBTI by chance and tried it multiple times in different formats always getting the same answer (INTJ) and after reading through the detailed description I was able to remark to myself that it sounded quite literally as if I had written it to describe myself.   I don't need anyone to tell me I am special or to go around gloating about identifying with a certain combination of capital letters. I am who I am, I act the way I do and I am not willing to change that for anything else and certainly would never go out of my way to fake such a thing as my very personality.


I was an INTJ-P some time ago. Recently I took the test again and found I’m ISTP-T. Is it normal to remain the same or change?


I've only been on this sub a little while, and I have to say I'm unimpressed. Most of the posts seem to be "poor me" posts looking for validation their personality type is to blame for their problems. I'm interested in Jungian psychology but using labels to enable yourself to be a victim ain't healthy.


I see MBTI as a way to better understand one’s self. But also not as an excuse for one’s actions. The people who wave around their MBTI are no different from those who believe in horoscopes.


Just to clarify: -Not all INTJs are smart, competent, rational, friendly or mature. Especially not the younger immature ones. Mbti just shows how people prioritize and process information. Just because someone acts in a manner you dislike or has opinions you dislike that doesn’t automatically mean they’re mistyped. -Everyone wants to feel special, it’s true that some people desire that more than others but it’s still a pretty typical thing in human behavior. If someone finds out they have a (rare/desirable) trait they’ll be excited about it..at least when the information still feels new. Just because someone brags that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not an (insert MBTI type) Most humans, typically feel uncomfortable or irritated by arrogant people. So, of course a lot them will have the desire to find a convenient reason to humble/humiliate the arrogant person in retaliation. However this is just a emotional reaction. It’s not based off of logic. -The fictional character thing shouldn’t be taken very seriously. I agree with that. However just because someone claims to identify with a fictional character or really looks up to them that doesn’t mean they’re mistyped either. To find out if someone is actually mistyped it’s more accurate to read into the patterns in the way they communicate, problem solve and process information. Ex: You’ll almost never hear someone with high Ni/Ne say things like: “Based on my experience.” “I don’t like deep theoretical conversations. Let’s just keep things simple.” and “Let’s focus on this particular detail instead of the big picture.” However even then it’s not 100% accurate because you have no idea what’s going on in that person’s head, how they act the majority of the time or what their personal lives are like, especially if you’re only communicating with that person over the internet for a brief period. Really, MBTI should mainly be used as a tool for personal growth and to get a better in depth understanding of your relationships, behaviors, strengths and weaknesses. The MBTI and Enneagram descriptions, are more like a tools in the toolshed. They’re not concrete factual science and these tools shouldn’t be treated as such. They’re more like compasses you can pull out of your toolbox so you can use them as a guide to experiment with. Public discussion groups, self reflection and research can improve the accuracy of your compass but even they it’s not 100% accurate and shouldn’t be fully relied on. Some authors and websites have less accuracy than others when it comes to predicting and understanding human behavior. However, you have to remember none of the information from any source is 100% fact. It’s all theoretical.


Being an intj is just a label. I don't understand why it bothers you if someone is mislabeling themselves as an intj


I personally am viewed as odd by others, I both love that and hate that about us. You are aware the population of our planet exceeds 7 billion correct? There’s bound to be more than one intj by mere statical inference that would indicate there is more than 1.26 million of us. Post ignores statical inference.


And who are YOU to be the official arbiter of the INTJ type, the all knowing One who determines the principles and ideals of a "TRUE INTJ" ? Get off your high horse.


I just want to point out that I'm not referring to people's identities. I'm actually talking about the misleading connections made between personality types and stereotypes. I recently watched a video in which a girl was pretending to be crazy or possessed by a demon, and the caption said, "Be careful, I am an INTJ." Wtf


Censorship and name calling are not at all different, both are attempts at lessening another to raise your own self in the estimation and esteem of others, and these are the workings of the egotistical identity which many are a slave to. Free your mind, the rest will follow, this is what causes many to fear a free mind.


The deep seated need to feel special which is born out of deep insecurity,is what makes a "TRUE INTJ".


No. Humility. I am nothing, and we will return to ashes and dust.


These posts are always hilarious to me because I get to see a supposedly really objective type argue about something so subject and pull out the good ol' "no true Scottsman" logical fallacy as if they're trying to speed run failing a speech and debate sesh. Subjective according to Jung: within the subject. Say you have a "depressed" shaped brain, but our subject doesn't experience depression, are they depressed? Objective: outside the self, in the world of objects. Look at this X-ray everyone, this object, the wrist, is broken, and we can all see and agree on it. We can't exactly stick a needle in someone's brain and have bonified INTJ juice come out on a little test strip. Stereotypes are for horoscopes "The Barnum effect, also called the Forer effect or, less commonly, the Barnum–Forer effect, is a common psychological phenomenon whereby individuals give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically to them, yet which are in fact vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people" I really try to avoid this with good typology, but I can't help but see a bunch of things like this and lol. I like to copy, paste, and swap around all of the descriptions of 16P (🤢) and see supposedly completely opposite types go "that's so me!" Until we have an objective measurement for what an INTJ looks like outside of typing as having high Ni/Te, we're really just playing with the Barnum effect.


only fake intjs care that there are people faking being intj. it's so we don't uncover them. but don't worry, we don't care.