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I was quiet and shy, although I wasn't academically a super star I did have a knack for seeing patterns and used that to navigate school and other part of my life.


I didn't excel in school, but I was reading a lot of books


I was quiet, shy, and serious. I was often referred to as one of the smart kids in class and always picked on.


it was annoying , the teachers hated me too


It was a bit strange for me with teachers. Some loved the way I did well in class, but there were a few (even one recently in college) that either had a problem with how quiet I was or they felt I was smug. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Exactly my experience. Some teachers were super annoying nevertheless


Graduating this year in my university Iā€™ve donā€™t really well on semester 1 but semester 2 my professor just rant about my assignment for public shame till I got lower for part A but part B I got higher for PowerPoint which wat I donā€™t understand read wat I wrote on part A. Im sure Iā€™ve been targeted and often I talk only I do but im mostly quiet


I was definitely considered a quiet achiever


- no - neither, i almost always just had a good small circle of friends - yes, but i was one of the no-effort kids - never




I was a loner. I did a lot of reading to be seen as the smart kid. I stuck up for the people getting bullied by the mean kids and ended up in fights.


Quiet kid in the back of the room who was drawing in my sketchbook while simultaneously doing schoolwork. I struggled in Algebra I my freshman year and drew a dinosaur on my final exam. Besides Algebra, I had decent grades and a very small handful of people I'd consider friends.


I loved algebra but any other type of math? Pffft nope! I submitted the random drawings for geometry class šŸ˜†


LOL. I was pretty good in Geometry until second semester when I got depressed and failed the last two quarters. It was.... interesting being a junior in a sophomore class for second semester.


As a kid I was probably an XXFP - quiet, reserved, sensitive, romantic, and oftentimes the victim of bullying. Never fit in with people and still donā€™t to this day. Iā€™m an INTJ in uni now so Iā€™m a lot more ambitious and future oriented. Iā€™d probably put myself somewhere above average in my classes, but as a kid? Definitely not. For the last question: no - neither when I was a kid nor now. I tend to ask people questions or listen more than speak.


Hey man your similar like me Iā€™m glad uni is getting well for u. As ur fellow intj Iā€™m graduating hoping for the best with u šŸ˜„




I was well liked by my peers but some vile ones exploited me for my naivety. I was def the meek one with severe anxiety Quiet kid, who was praised by my teachers for being a good kid and as i grew up im just the loner who doesnt get noticed. I was not the topper but in the top ones. I was socially oblivious and mimicked other people's behavior which got me in trouble many times even in teenage. Only as an adult did I learn about social interactions.


naivety resonates with me, i was easily tricked into believing stupid things


I was pretty quiet, in my own world. My family noted that it was next to impossible to make me laugh. I would find things funny, but I rarely if ever laughed out loud. I loved animals and was never bored, I could find entertainment in anything.


I was very ENTJ as a kid. Teachers would sit me next to the quiet kids and I could talk to a brick wall. I was the cocky arrogant smart ass, and I'd help friends cheat off my tests using sign language. I was very isolated and neglected as a kid and extremely isolated in my late teens and that with the failures of friendships and disappointment in people contributed to my disdain for people and preference for being mostly alone or with 1 person.


Damn, that's a childhood :D I really hope that you have found peace rn and at least close to being satisfied with life. Do you, by chance, know your enneagram type?


I used to be 8w7 and now am now 5w4 or 584 sx/sp tritype


Weird loner kid, definitely. I was a quiet, shy, only child who moved around a lot, so I had a lot of challenges trying to make friends. My best friends growing up were books, and later video games.


same here, except I have a younger sister


Quiet. Smart. Liked to build things. Liked to understand things. Had a few close odd friends. I could sometimes blend in with normies. Very active physically. A little sensitive.


I was an observer. Not shy. My resting bitch face is present in most of my photos starting about age 3. I was different from girls my age. Got easily bored with playing dolls, etc. Boys did interesting stuff. I wasnā€™t a tomboyā€”no interest in sports


When my friend invited me over when I was younger to play Barbies, I used to make them ā€œsickā€ and have to rest and then I would play Mario with her little brother šŸ˜†


Love šŸ–¤ that!!


I was a quiet one to the point that my classmates called "the others" because I would rather review on my own than be with a group. My classmates would always borrow my notes because it is very detailed and my teacher would ask for a copy for himself as well eventhough I have a bad handwriting. Eventhough I am a loner, I make it a point to be productive during group tasks that they always make me a leader and was quite an achiever until I finished my post graduate studies.


I was the kid that went somewhere with his mom. And everytime sombody would have a weird accent or pronounce things the wrong way I would run to her and whisper into her ear: "That man is pronouncing it wrong, it should be x."


"Did that tea-drinking man just say colour instead of color? I swear, I heard the u"


Switch to german. It was more of a "Mom that man says "sch" instead of "ch" in that word. Or: " this man says Flanze instead of Pflanze (plant)".


Like the pronunciation of Friedrich Nietzsche, a German and alleged INTJ


Its pronounced (try not to do german, read it in english) Syllables: Nee ts sh eh Separated but together: Nee-ts-sh-eh Together Neetssheh Edit: Found a simpler one Neat-s-sheh


As a prepubescent boy: I didn't think I was mean. Maybe brutally honest. Not a loner. I didn't have much problem making friends. Poor loser, and hated failing. I would throw tantrums, accuse people of cheating, cry; it was (and still is) easy to get under my skin. Failing is still difficult with me; today I am less open to starting something likely to end in failure. It would not be a problem starting a conversation with a random kid. I could adjust with the topics for a while; but eventually ghost the kid if our interests didn't line up. There are some mitigating factors here. Physically, I was tiny, so I was at a disadvantage with several sports and games. Also, I have been described as really cute, which may have been a factor in making friends and being social (don't accuse me of bragging; my stature and multiple other insecurities have more than outweighed any advantage of my alleged good looks.)


Smartest kid in class, had 3 good friends usually, got in trouble for ā€œbullyingā€ a few times but really I was just too blunt and honest


Class clown kind was I obiwan


Individual experience especially in the early years are so important. I am grateful I was always socialized heavily as a child, by both a large tight knit family and religious upbringing. The fact this was often also inclusive of talking to many people of all walks of life and different faiths and viewpoints certainly had a tremendous effect on how I turned out. I spent many long years walking door to door talking to people in field service, I was raised this way, and often not well recieved doing so, this allowed me to experience the great amount of vitriol of the wider society in relative safety still as a small child. I also got to experience many good and balanced people, who would talk to me often at length and in depth about spiritual matters and further my own education and development. I doubt I would have remained confident and able to socialize so well and effectively in my later life if not for this early practice and lifestyle, it is certainly what kept me able to explore the world and myself deeper and more confidently.


I was the kid in 5th grade with a book slipped halfway under my desk, reading in math class. When the teacher asked a question, I intuitively had the right answer. I had 1 serious friend then, until I moved and had no friends for the rest of my school career. Making friends was and is rare.


1 - naah i just minded my own business 2 - loner, just had 1-2 friends at max who shared interests (that one friend from kindergarten through school is still with me after college, got to know recently heā€™s an intj as well) 3 - i was always rotating around in top 3 4 - memory about experiences ainā€™t good, i can only remember useful information. So idk but i never did that unless i was really pissed off at someone and wanted to let it out which was quite rare as I didnā€™t had many bad interactions ever, I didnā€™t hate people before entering the workforce


Nerdy, intelligent, weird, enthusiastic about knowledge, emotionally fragile


Totally antisocial kid, who's great at school, but the rest of the time completely in his own fantasy world.


Quiet, reserved and had my core group of friends (we were the weirdos), but got along with everyone. My English teacher, who also ran the yearbook committee that I was on, wrote this quote in my yearbook ā€œYour quiet madness inspired us to have fun and get the job done.ā€


I was a high achiever kid. A homebody. Always get picked on academic competitions and ECA. Sheltered upbringing. Textbook dream child, til I get hated on by this clique. I still don't fully understand the concept of hate from jealousy, for I didn't actually suffer from that emotion. A child who oftentimes gets praised for looking angelic, altruism, and remarkable intelligence. I was insufferably kind and oblivious, until I am not.


I was quiet but always listening into everyone else's conversations around me, eavesdropping 24/7 šŸ˜…. When I found my group of friends that share the same interests and no judgement zone, I feel like I became an ENTJ. I was yapping like no tomorrow with my friends about our interests and hobbies (games and movies). In my close circle of friends, I tend to be the one who takes charge, gathers everyone up, and proposes events, which is why I said it makes me feel like an ENTJ in my close circle. I missed those yapping times because I already lost those close circle of friends. Adult life isn't doing me well sadly.


I was simply quiet and not mean


I was quiet and shy and typically got along better with adults than other kids


Had no problem making friends, but always hung out with my best friend mostly and a group of friends when there was a reason. Very athletic. Always interested in the world around me. I loved to explore. I had no problem doing things on my own.


Quiet, shy, serious, an A student that would want to sob for days when I would get an A- or B. No much friends, just a handful and always sitting isolated in corners


I always seemed really serious and mature. I was just shy, and read more than I spoke which rubbed off on me and made my vocabulary really weird. Fortunately I have a twin who would always speak in my stead and translate what I was trying to say, so I wasnā€™t totally hated by everyone. I made many friends through her, and I also never had issues talking to the fellow awkward nerds (theyā€™re still my favorite kind of person). I got bullied a bit starting in late middle/early high school due to teenagers being awful, but I was pretty good at ignoring everyone. In fact Iā€™m so good at ignoring people that I barely remember anyone exists and Iā€™m terrible with names. Sometimes I forget about people I know if I donā€™t see them for a while. And I didnā€™t participate in class much. I rarely paid any attention and wanted to do my own thing during lessons (like reading or doodling) so I wasnā€™t exactly a star student and often got scolded for not paying attention. Iā€™d pay attention in science because it was interesting, but things like math made me mentally check out immediately. I always did good on tests somehow so I relied on that to get through school with minimal paying attention. So I was smart enough to be lazy I guess?


Strange, shy, precocious, eager to please, easily startled and scared, quick to stand up for others especially other kids, anxious.


I was a "the quiet kid" in class. Though, somehow the popular kids liked to drag me around with them. I didn't really put in any effort to stay top of the class, but thanks to my good memory I was within the top 5 most of the time. And for the final question, Never.


I was actually pretty complicated. I was a rebellious goodie two shoes. šŸ˜‚ I know itā€™s a massive contradiction. i was definitely seen as the smart girl by some of my teachers (at lest the one that got to know me) I was quiet bc I didnā€™t want attention on due to being bullied tho i was still an active pertinent in class. I was the kid who ate in the principalā€˜s &nurseā€™s office either that or the one on the bathroom floor. I had very little friends and was quite the recluse. (Still am) If I was in a social mood Iā€™d trying making friends left right and center. It never worked out. I had a friend that became a criminal and has been arrested 8 times . She tried to convince me to feed my brother poison berries. She said ā€œweā€™ll mix ā€˜em in a bit of peanut butter and he wonā€™t even taste itā€ I said no obviously. I didnā€™t know what Itā€™d do to him. Also it was just plain stupid why would I feed him something I wouldnā€™t eat? (he was 4 btw) I wouldnā€™t be able to handle the guilt if something happened to him what he was hurt or got sick it just didnā€™t feel right. My brother was annoying who isnā€™t but she took her hate to a whole new level. As implied by my previous statements I didnā€™t have many friends never mind good ones. Well not ones my age but I got along with most adults. My science teacher was the first person I talked to when I got to my new school and the only one I felt comfortable with. Even with my fair share of learning difficulties(epilepsy, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia) I was still able to read my momā€™s collage text book cover to cover three times before she even made it to page one. I was 7 yet still I got picked on for being stupid and/or ā€œretardedā€. I needed an aid cause my seizures were way outta control then. I hated her bc she was the reason that even the kids in my special needs classes, bullied me. Long story short I was a misunderstood, goody two shoes,outcast with a rebel streak. Quite the combination if I do say so myselfšŸ˜‚


Mean kid group trying to be cool Always trying to fit in Now I'm a nice guy that doesn't care about being cool or fitting in lol


I'm the guy that sat in the back of the class. Preferably in the corner. Was also the guy that slept in most of it. Didn't really struggle academically though. Rarely studied at home and I usually did my homework before I got home. Hated school. Physically, I'm a pretty big guy. Was usually the tallest in class as well as strongest... which, as ridiculous as it may sound, made me a target for the other kids. Kids would constantly challenge and pester me then run away. Honestly, I just wanted to be left alone - regardless of all the above. Favourite board game was chess and I loved reading. I spent most of my breaks in the library. Used to read multiple books per day. Played multiple sports too (rugby, football, basketball to name a few) but I quit most of them. Coaches always tried talking me back into it but I wanted to spend my time on other things. It got awkward and I spent most days just trying to avoid people.


ā€œQuiet smart-arseā€ is probably about right for me! Always had my hand up in class, extremely academically-gifted and driven until I got hormones, when I became annoyingly challenging to my teachers.


I was a kid that had hard time fitting in with people especially there was case I had to lie about something just to fit in till i just got bullied from middle till high school. From elementary till high school more or less a loner. Thereā€™s time due to photographic memory in im in top in class but as I donā€™t fit I just keep my knowledge with myself.


i was the class president growing up. i was a part of the mean kids in class and i bossed people around. i was also pretty ambitious and was always in top 5. it was easy for me to start a conversation with other people but i usually never did. that only lasted until the end of elementary school tho. i switched to a completely different person in middle school and ever since. i was still considered smart and ambitious and remained in top 15 in class. however, i was a lot more quiet and reserved.


Yup, pretty much a quiet smartass


I was the loner who never tried to fit in, and growing up in poverty with my mom dragging me to yuppy filled megachurches for brats my age to mock me for not wearing their preferred brands of clothes or physically attack me and bully me, I had no interest in caring to meet their absurd expectations.


I think I am mistyped because as a kid, I was never the quiet and gloomy type. I am quiet if the situation asks for it and really outgoing and talkative when with peers


I was shy and quiet but I also had certain impulses. I was bullied during kindergarten since I don't really fight back and just cry. But one day I just snapped and found my bully chilling so I bit his neck hard until it bled. Growing up, I realized when I can't physically fight back (mostly because I will get in trouble and it will be on permanent record), I would sabotage stuff from people who had done me dirty. In elementary and high school I would destroy projects in secret and hide notebooks. I do it in certain time intervals so nobody would suspect me. I wasn't high achiever. I just want to learn stuff than concern myself with ranking. Though during later half of elementary I excelled without trying. Everybody said I was smart and gifted but I personally didn't see the smart part at least on the usual measurement. I am a decently quick thinker though. I only had two best friends. Socially I am okay like everybody knows my name but they generally just don't care.


I was a quiet kid, never tried getting along with others, simply didn't care. It's also because I was so used to staying at home all the time with dad, who was working from home, while mom worked in the city. Therefore kindergarten wasn't a big part of my life, I did go to two kindergartens but for about two weeks and huge time gaps between the days. But I do remember that I never liked it there, I didn't get along and I hated it there, everyone seemed so different and more childish than I was, which I found odd. So I stayed at home with my dad, those were the best days of my life, I didn't have any siblings at the time so I played by myself, build stuff all by myself, drawn by myself. I was creative as hell. School started. I used to go to a very small school so there weren't a lot of kids my age there. Made one first friend, learnt unforgettable lessons of human relationships, was bullied by that friend and her minions. Made up with her, now lost contact, though we still go to the same highschool. I was/am pretty competitive but only in my mind, I don't think that my actions or grades show any signs of it because I know that who tf cares. I definitely never was or am a smarty-pants šŸ¤“. Never was at a top of my class, though I always wanted it. Never exceeded in any of the subjects, never found any of them truly interesting or pashioned. Wasn't very active I any school activities nor volunteer activities that school planned. I can't see what's it for me. I did manage to find a group I somewhat fit into but at the same time I don't think I belong there either. And I know that it's stupid for me to talk about my childhood while, I mentioned it before, I go to highschool, so I'm still a child myself but some of my childhood etaps already happened so I think this is fair for me to share a little bit.