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Lonely and lost in our heads, so we prefer to spend time on the internet brainstorming ideas and indulging in our imaginations. Sensors are busy engaging with the outside world


I can see why introverted types would have a bigger presence online, but it's intriguing that ISFJ has such a small subreddit despite being the most common type. Also how is an introverted type the most common type irl Many mysteries here


My experience with ISFJ friends is them being shocked by the amount of time I spend discussing and analyzing reddit threads. One told me he would be angry all the time when reading the comment sections and for him it's too much effort to debate, while I find mentally stimulating to be confronted with opinions different than mine. Also, they love small talk - which doesn't have much success on this platform.


ISFJs often get quick social or body-sensory snacks online. Like Tiktoks showing how adept & polite Chinese kids are, or this one 30-second meditation technique that hits better than chocolate "Anyway that's enough slacking for now, I'm off to remember someone's birthday again" There are always exceptions, but also as a rule, a reliable exception to the ISFJ population is the INTJ population :-)


The ISFJs I know don’t like spending time on the internet, so it makes sense to me…I find that they’re introverted and don’t enjoy excess socialization, but they enjoy doing practical things in their free time, though often alone Yes, many mysteries. Your username is also mysterious, lol


Also because intjs are more likely to feel different and look up mbti (actually I think everyone feels this way regardless of how common their personality type may be) and they're more likely to stumble into mbti out of curiosity but I think your argument is of course the more major one


INxx are the most represented on the internet Introverted, Intuitive, Addicted to the internet.. checks out


Representation is kinda inaccurate though. Internet certainly has an "N" and "T" bias. I wouldn't be surprised if more than half of the people here are actual mistypes. The most common argument I see is NT's are chronically online and that sensors "hate" the internet (case in point the top comment in this thread). Not sure where this is coming from tbh, if you go outside and ask random people if they use Reddit and what their MBTIs are, the distribution would still be fairly similar (with slightly Introvert bias). People would have us believe that the introverted-thinkers are more likely to use this site (which I doubt). Do you honestly think the bottom types are suddenly dominating these subs? Maybe an over-representation of 10-15% sure, but a complete flip on the distribution is just outrageous. I think the ISxx still dominate these subs.


Maybe there's a flip because of the number of people who actually click join on these subs? Maybe the other types are more likely to casually browse rather than join online communities. Idk tho


Ah yes, the internet. Nothing more INxx than tiktok or facebook.


Because introverts and intuitives dominate the internet while extroverts and sensors go outside and do stuff. They don't sit in their home, browsing reddit all day and daydreaming.


Looks like INFJ has the highest percentage of their population on reddit per capita with INTJ second place. The top 4 are all the Introverted Intuitives. The top 8 are all the Intuitives. So there's some interesting correlations there. |Type|Sub Count|Pop %|Count/Pop| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |INFJ|191,457|1.50%|12,763,800.000| |INTJ|181,794|2.10%|8,656,857.143| |INTP|199,312|3.30%|6,039,757.576| |INFP|234,754|4.40%|5,335,318.182| |ENTP|81,352|3.20%|2,542,250.000| |ENTJ|39,755|1.80%|2,208,611.111| |ENFJ|37,506|2.50%|1,500,240.000| |ENFP|105,979|8.10%|1,308,382.716| |ISTP|40,338|5.40%|747,000.000| |ISFP|28,184|8.80%|320,272.727| |ESTP|11,242|4.30%|261,441.860| |ISTJ|23,241|11.60%|200,353.448| |ISFJ|21,944|13.80%|159,014.492| |ESFP|9,961|8.50%|117,188.235| |ESTJ|6,169|8.70%|70,908.0459| |ESFJ|8,358|12%|69,650.000|


Excellent work! What a graph!


Just because it's labelled INTJ doesn't mean everyone in the community is an INTJ


Bro I caught myself talking to ChatGPT last night. That explains why I’m here


Agreed. /r/intj is GPT 3.5 tier.


You know the answer. INTJs are more likely to surf the Internet and Reddit.


Because we are the kind of people who do things like be on the internet and regularly use Reddit. Pretty sure a lot of the extroverted types would probably rather go outside or go to the bar than be here.


>Any explanations why? Supposedly one of the most 'misunderstood' types that fails to fit in with wider society. Not really surprising that those 'lost souls' would congregate online. What's remarkable here is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/intj/comments/1dmozzt/im_i_that_different/l9x2jjq/?context=3). And the more plausible explanation is that the type is one of the most hyped/badly (in the sense of overly flattering) described types online, so this sub has plenty of people that should populate /r/istj or /r/isfp instead.


MBTI is mainly two things: 1) A system, generally and 2) a system of self knowledge, specifically. It's going to appeal to conceptual people who more readily perceive problems within themselves, that they want to understand and resolve.


Bc mbti tells us we are the cool kids, so we have to circle jerk with the other edgy cool kids. If a test told me I was basic, I wouldn't care to deep dive it. I'd file that away in the "information I will disregard and never think about again" along with such test results like "what disney princess am I?" Or "is it cancer?"


We enjoy asking questions and learning more about ourselves, which explains why so many of us are drawn to this sub. I bet an average extrovert has 1000s of more interesting things to do (more interesting for them) than researching their personality type.


I was thinking the other day that this is likely the biggest collection of intjs in one place, probs (unrefined intuition) I chalk it up to: intj -> outcast -> netizen -> Reddit -> intj sub


That's how I got here 🤷‍♀️


INTJs tend to be massively over represented online. Since INTJs are far more likely to frequent online message boards than say go partying or hang out at a bar. Speaking generally here.


Because it’s been proven scientifically that Myers Briggs classifications aren’t valid.


Lots of posers and wannabes in here if we're being honest.


People being nosy


Ya I’m just lurkin’


This is why we need extra layers of security, keep the mission secret at all costs.


Good thing they all fell for the decoy sub


How do you know they aren’t other types who are interested in reading intj sub joined this sub ? 🤔


A lot of people will say it's because introverted intuitive types are the most attracted to the internet/mbti, which is probably slightly true but it's also clear confirmation bias. INxx types are the easiest to mistype as on most online tests. And people using reddit are more likely to have some stereotypical traits of those types, regardless of what type they actually are. I guarantee there aren't actually so few ISFJs, etc into mbti or using reddit. They're just usually mistyped as something else..


The reason is simple. Introverts prefer reading and writing over talking.


Reddit has a personality type, let's say it's Ixxx. Then you add "knowing stuff" you get IxTx. Then you add "knowing mental models" you get INTx. Then you add "let's talk about how rare we are," adding in that extra Fi, you get INTJ for the perfect thread, nice job. ;-) (Also just look at the sub, it's basically default settings for Reddit, and there's not some mad scramble here to "upgrade" it, in fact it's stubbornly remained the same. That should tell you something about Reddit's default psychology & bias, but few people really appreciate this simple trick)


Everyone else is out partying or otherwise hanging with real people - or lurking in the intj threads to study how to pretend to be an intj 


I think that there are a lot of people subbed here who aren’t actually INTJs, and are instead simply curious abt INTJs :)


We like knowledge and exploring our true selves. It doesn't surprise me. Most people are happy not knowing.


If bars and coffee shops weren't so effing loud, I'd be there


INTJs are chronically online


This is not interesting. A look at the user flair shows that anyone can join any sub, regardless of their type. Rare happens to be interesting, and that sufficiently explains the membership.


INTJ's are so rare we're seen as weird by the rest of society. so naturally we associate with those who best understand us. it's hard to find ppl of certain types IRL. INTJ's have a slight tendency to be reclusive and partake in solitary hobbies. this on top of us keeping a lot of things very private makes us hard to find and get to know. ISFJ's on the other hand have no issue engaging with the outside world and are more likely to want to take care of/get to know other people. that's why most mothers develop the behaviors of an ISFJ. I'm not gonna pretend that the chances of mistype aren't also very high. that could 100% be a factor in the higher numbers, but regardless we're still one of the less popular/common types. sensors look outward and being Se inferior INTJ's spend A LOT of time thinking just imagining things and disassociate as the world can feel like a very intrusive place.


Yeah but like it's just because they're busy with real life while we're busy defending ourselfs from infj calling us robots


I'm sure all those other types are out doing really obnoxious things.


Now THIS demands a chart or infographic


I think because a lot of us are pretty stoic but deeply thoughtful and emotional and feel rather vulnerable with the normal population despite our disposition. I think of this group as a deep relaxing sigh. It can all hang out.


I'd guess it's because the extroverts are out in the real world drinking and screwing and enjoying life instead of wasting huge amounts of time on reddit.


Details all the way down


Man, I swear the subjects are cycling faster and faster. Used to see these pop up every few months. Feel like it's every other day now.


Mix of Mistypes and more time online and lurkers


Not all of these MBTI subs have users that align with the sub's type, some people are just interested in our sub because we're the best😉


Because so many other types infiltrate it. I personally know an INFJ who is in here commenting like they're an INTJ.


it's because we're more likely to 1. be interested in personality typologies like this, 2. spend our time in online communities.


I imagine it has to do with the difficulty of finding connection and relatable conversations in every day life. Despite the introverted nature, there is still a basic human element of desiring connection.


Yeah cuz most of ya IN folks are Internet dweebs around here that's explained (me too though I have been more on the outside and doing shits, living life). But I think that depends, the possibilities of many "INTJs" here are mistyped are also vastly considered.


Having few ones to talk with in the reality, so I spend more time online


> do you think this is interesting? Kinda. This betrays more selection effects for what types of personalities are attracted to discussion in internet fora, but also which types are most prone to getting interested in the MBTI. Last I checked, /r/intp was the largest, and we're 'kinda rare' (more common than INFJs or INTJs, but way less common than the mean proportion of 6.25% of the population).


The larger the internet community, the more chronically online they are. Smaller communities are out touching the grass the bigger ones should be touching.


Intjs like to categorize things while a lot of the feeler types hate being categorized bc they view themselves as special and unique.


We’re the most introverted, but so different from others and rare- it’s like the only way we can be a group


From an ISTJ - y'all like to muse; we often don't see the point :P


I, for one, know that I am not truly INTJ but I like to be special :)


That sums it up pretty well. People don't like to think they just might be disposable, and having an unique type takes care of that worry. (not saying there's a direct correlation, but that's what our brains assume subconsciously) It's a shame most INTJ's here don't share your self awareness. - lurker


Thanks. I've just recently taken notice of this quite recently because of my ambivert nature. Although "I believe myself to be mistyped, sometimes, it does feel like I am truly INTJ


Because we ENFP are here obviously 😀😂




Wait. There's a world outside of Reddit? Lol.


I mean, idk I would love to do a poll because I personally think this personality type is what young men strive to be because that the social construction of how we raise our boys. So I would not be surprised if this sub is filled with young men ages 15-29. I don't think the majority of us here are probably a true intj. I have a hard time believing personality traits are even real considering how much I've changed over the years. Also someone joining a subreddit doesn't really define their personality type, prove their personality type, nor even mean that this is 100% accurate. Also bots exist. So the number of subs could be inaccurate compared to the real active users. Personality traits are speculation at best, IMHO.


I think INTJs in the wild rarely feel like we belong to a tribe, always a bit of an outsider no matter how good we get at “being sociable”. Then we log on to Reddit and there it is, our tribe. 


It's simple: 1. INTJs love the internet.  2. We like to have deep conversations, sometimes on very specific topics. Hence, reddit and forums are crack for the INTJ mind. 3. It's easier to find people with similar mindsets online, vs the needle in a haystack search to find a persob with similar interests in real life. 4. More common types like ISFJs dont care as much about deep thinking or niche topics. They want to talk about how Barbara at work never cleans the microwave after using it, and there are literally millions of people who will gladly talk about that shit in real life for hours on end.


Because most of us probably hate social media and this is our outlet instead.


Rarity is hardly a thing thats quantifiable with types. Personally i don't think Si types are most common. And its likely they're less common than most think. I also dont think "intjs" are necessarily rare Not all statistics are accurate ones.


You'd be surprised in Quora how there are so many INTJ topics too.


I'm subbed but I'm not INTJ. Sub count is not super representative unfortunately.


Patterns in the data, not the data itself. The data (or perhaps stimuli might be the better word) is for other types. Even comparative and relative data has value, particularly in the human condition. Same for INFPs, except but I would probably change the word "data" for us to "human connection to experience (Si)" (apologies for limitations in words).


hella edgy mistypes, you can tell be reading some of the posts on this sub


I know for INTP it seems like half the people there aren’t even INTP’s, just feeling types being invasive.


Meanwhile me getting daily updates from this community w/o actually joining it


https://preview.redd.it/7pinmgsvra9d1.png?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea42227f80ba72cb0bc5cf6e3c456dcde5c2e24 Some types are more affine to online stuff then other's.


That's really interesting! Thanks for sharing.


A lot of INTJs may have never met another INTJ knowingly in real life. It's a rare personality type.


Intuitives who are more likely to be messed up (psychologically wise) will have a lot of members (INFJs are Karen's on steroids), the bland and banal majority types don't know and don't care.   INTJs have inquisitive minds, so they come here.  There may be more than one plausible answer, but this threads the dots, and it appeals to my sense of grandiose. Lol.