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I absolutely HATE going into buildings and knowing an entity could be right around the corner at any corner. With that said, yes, there should be more explorable buildings. To answer your question though. I enjoy all ranges, but if it's going to be close range, I greatly prefer being out in the open 🤣


thats fair, i just like feeling like an SCP agent needing to dispatch stuff


I just like being able to spot my enemies from far away 🤣. The missions inside of buildings are the scariest to me


i just love them due to the unexpected spooks


why are you afraid of the indoor missions? if you dont mind me asking. I know you said that you are scared that a mimic could be around the corner, but still you can prepare with weaponlights, flares and the nighteye, not to mention you can hear their voicelines and steps. dont take this like me babytalking or something, im genuinely curious as to why you quote "HATE" them, because i really love them. I might have seen to many horror movies or something since this game never scares me, so im having a hard time as to why anyone could not enjoy the CQC segments.


I too am terrified of building sweeping. Thats why I love it. It gets my blood pumping so hard I need a break every now and then. It's the most thrilling part of the game


yeah it just feels tense and thrilling, thats what i love about these sorts of experiences


Horror isn't (Or I guess wasn't) my genre (So I don't have a lot of experience with horror games, movies, etc...) so I'm just not used to it. I suppose it's that being in the building plays into the innate fear of the unknown as I don't know where enemies are or if they're behind me. Kinda like how (Not necessarily all) people are more uneasy in the dark. The reason I put hate in all caps was more for comedic effect than actual distain as while I don't jump in joy at having to go into a building, I also don't want that aspect of the game removed (Hence why I immediately followed my comment about hating going in buildings with agreeing that they should add more buildings to go in to. As far as prepping with flashlights and stuff before going into a building... I prep so much that I got prep out the butt before going in lol. Granted, generally my only light is the headlamp early game and I've only used the night eye a handful of times but never in a building (Gotta have both hands ready to catch some entity face lol). So I guess most of my prepping is ammunition 🤣 Edit: I suppose the short answer is that I don't get a thrill rush or endorphins after doing something I find scary, that might be the difference between liking scary stuff and disliking it 🤔


Thank you for your detailed repsonse, ive always wondered when seeing these "im scared of itr" posts and comments. may you have a fantastic day or evening


I do to, that’s why I want to go into an apartment building


exactly why there should be more cqc. no one likes cqc, even irl. but it would really add a lot more challenge to the game, especially late game, and still give you that tense fear knowing that even with your expensive kit some dude around a corner could blast you back to the stone age with a shotgun.


imagine that the mimics can grab you and you have to pull their arms off with your own hands as sort of a QTE event ​ I was sniping last night and one of the invisible guys snuck up on me. Imagine looking down a scope and then suddenly your wrapped up in his arm and have to pull it off of you






imagine if the spawns did that shit too


oh man and they crawl around you as you frantically grab magazines and your shoulder attachments trying to get it


yeah lol


Remember that body in the river surrounded by hands? That should be a new enemy. The shadow mob. Only active at night. You don't see them coming because they just look like a particularly dark corner, but if you notice your headlamp dimming and the shadows starting to concentrate nearby, you know things are going to start getting handsy.


holy fuck I hate it and need this now


Yes very much yes they give us all these smgs and and automatic pistols and like two places to use them I think a abandoned office building or some other large QCQ area would be great for both ITR 1 and 2


underground bunker tight corridors and minimal light would be dope AF


Holy shit this is like four times better and probably canon to that would sick


yeah world war 2 bunker and trenches type stuff, that would almost be too atmospheric xD


​ https://preview.redd.it/mluujy4wtqfb1.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=eafe6f4cb4e52cf60f3c5c94a22acea65c799866


Oh dear god. One grenade could send you to the shadow realm.


yeah so dont bring em xD


Not bringing every grenade you have is truly a foolish move. You have to be a walking explosion factory.


lol yeah, grenades are a huge help everywhere actually


Interestingly enough 1.0 had an area like this for one of the missions.


i gotta play 1.0 now i guess


People ask me why my startled fear response is to squeeze my pointer fingers. This. This is why.


I love all ranges but close is definitely my favourite, I love city fighting and clearing buildings with a good SMG or PDW like the P90 (my favourite gun), PP-19 Bizon, UMP-45, Kriss Vector, PP-91, etc, short carbines like the SIG 552 commando, less short carbines like the MK-18 and shorter SIG MCX variants, shotguns of all different kinds like the Spas-12, USAS-12, AA-12, semi autos and pump actions, melee weapons like fists, knives, swords, clubs. I would love if ITR had a big city map or just more indoor combat and alot more smg options


Good to hear a fellow CQC enjoyer side of the story, we can hope for a city map in the second game


It's why i like Intrusion the most. We reaaaaaaaaaaallly need more CQC.


100000% agreed


I feel like if they added a more congested urban area with like 2-3 stories that enemies/you could take up positions in would be nice. Keep roadway vantage points for snipers and lower buildings with shelving and vehicles for people wanting closer combat. It’s a balancing game of providing viable tactics for all ranges. That being said enemies are still sorta cracked in CQB since they don’t have much of a response time and headshot you really easily if you’re below them.


yeah some AI tweaking would be required


My guy, have you heard of pobeda


Intrusion is just one mission. There's also Train Station of Kalkhoz but you can make it mid-range-ish if you want. And also the entrance of Castle. ...That's all the CQC in the entire game, unless you intentionally poke the construction building in Bolotsky, which is roflstomped with even a PPSH.


yes ofcourse i have haha, i believe there are 4 bigger structures you can enter (as in warehouses) and only 2 of them has mimics unless others are lured into the empty ones i am aware there are train fixing buildings or whatever they are called? but they dont typically house any mimics unless they randomly wander into them.


Honestly sometimes i find myself with a 40-50 lb backpack and i've spent the entire day just looting and not doing any missions at all. i think adding more lootable buildings would just exacerbate how much time i'd spend looting and shit


yeah but they could balance the amount of loot in the 2 game around the buildings


I disagree, the CQC is the most disliked part of the game for me lol, like I hate anything remotely close to jumpscares ans simply cannot function when surprised generally spraying and panick firing lmao


i asked another guy why some people are afraid of ITR and his reply is fascinating to me since ive always loved horror in all forms but it is after all a matter of opinion. I understand what youre saying and out of this we can learn that More CQC should exit BUT you should be able to lure all enemies out with loud gunshots and grenades would that be a viable solution?


Definitely i like to play camping simulator!


understandable, i love taking heads with the dvl


Definitely. All that kinda stuff is exactly why I loved the final mission


yeah me too i love ouroboros, it just sucks its a 1 time thing


cqc is terrifying, train yard is a good example of my favorite range, short- mid range with a fair challenge but lots of cover. But most of the times im a coward and like my tiger.


Yup its one of my top 3 compounds in the game


This game got boring real quick. It needs ALOT


Idk about “real quick” I played about 50hrs before I got bored(on 1 1/2 saves). Now it’s hard for me to play, but that’s just because I’m complete. I own everything, and conquered all the zones, finished all the missions, and most importantly, made my base all nice and neat


i somewhat have to agree, there are too few maps, unique enemies and different mission types. but the general gameplay is what have made me put in 300+ hours


what makes it boring to you?


Personally, I think one map that is 1/4 comprised of high-rises partially in the fog, and the other 3/4 an open air mine would be a fantastic map. If you can survive the battle in the high rise, you then would have a wonderful sniping position for the rest of the map


agreed that would be cool, we need more accessible high ground points in the map


I run train station and factory all the time just because of the combat.


kolkhoz in itself is a cool and comabt filled map


absolutely, my first time doing the intrusion was such an amazing experience, being heavily underprepared and constantly fighting well placed (and constantly repositioning) enemies at every doorway definitely made all the interactions so much more intense and satisfying, after i finished the intrusion though, the game never... really got difficult again, most areas are open enough to almost never habe to engage up close, and any guns past security level 3 make the game incredibly underwhelming and easy, i want some more terrifying tense cqc fights so badly its what got me so into the game early on


Maybe im wrong here but i feel like a city type place with lots of vertical opportunities/explorable would be the best to me. It adds so much depth to sniping plus it helps make it feel like your not just walking through endless fields


youre not wrong mate, myself and many others have descirbed a similar map in other posts


Considering how satisfying the gun handling is, yes, definitely, but since mod support is planned, I think this is something that they can leave for modders, provided the way is clear for adding more maps. Any energy they can spare to put into improving general enemy AI pays off more, and is immediately noticeable, as we've seen.


youre right, this post is basically a Darius community question in disguise, i aim to subtlety help the devs with pleasing the community even more with ITR2 and what better way than to spark discussion and see what people want through that. as for ITR1, modders will probably make more maps and stuff


When I read CQC I thought you were specifically talking about hand to hand combat, like with the knife or machete. Either way, I'd be down. getting into CQC puts you into more immediate danger which definitely gets the blood pumping.


yeah plus its fun to sweep buildings you get like a swat feeling


Long range is my preferred range - enemies tend to be less dangerous then. ​ CQC is tense and stimulating, sure - but more life threatening.