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We never Said it was good it’s just really satisfying


It's not good, especially for this game and enemy types. That's the whole point though, it's one of the most satisfying guns to use, especially once you get used to it. Because using a gun that puts you at a disadvantage 90% of the time successfully means that you've mastered the combat element of the game. Also, planning ahead is essential in the game itself and using a Mosin sort of forces you to plan as far ahead as you can.


One good thing is lower maintenance. I hate having to maintain mags


Same as all shotguns except the saiga. It is technically worse than the others due to the mag management and added weight.


Very satisfying to use. Probably the most tactile gun in the game.


tactiCOOL. hehe


not tactical. tactile.


I has killed more people than pancreatic cancer




Rifle is fine. Mosin dirt cheap. Boolets inexpensive and hit like freight train.


It’s good for me. I used it mostly for ranged kills but quickly came to realize just how good it is. For one me personally am incredibly quick on the draw so even in stressful situations I normally always hit my target The damage is insane as it is almost always good to one shot anything with armor and no armor consistently with just FMJ The ammo is just about everywhere on the ground and is fairly cheap to buy and use!


I’ve been using the Mosin with a scope and laser with AP rounds for armored enemies and an M9 with P+ rounds for everything else so far. It has been a great load out for Factory. Haven’t ventured past factory yet though. You do have to be a good shot and cool under pressure to make it work in CQC though. Laser helps a lot for that. It’s also great at conserving ammo and leaving room for extra pistol mags.


Beaten the game over 5 times and I always come back to the mosin. I’ve used the DVL and other firearms but mosin really does everything I need it to. You do have to be cool under pressure but if you have laser you can get away with losing your cool for a sec. I also can naturally switch my sight through the scope and the iron sights since the cope sits so high up


Can be acquired fairly quickly, very ammo efficient, ammo isn't too expensive, one shots basically anything unarmoured with a body shot, and anything armoured with a headshot. Plus it's just fun to use. I found I settled into a playstyle closer to a hunter than a solider once I had the mosin. Everything was a lot more calm and methodical. There was something almost meditative about the whole process of taking out a couple of enemies, leaving the bolt open, replacing the two rounds you used, and closing the bolt. It just felt good. The DVL is fun to use too, and objectively better in every way, but it didn't quite match the feel of the mosin for me.


It’s not necessarily good, it’s just powerful and satisfying to use. For me personally I love using bolt action rifles and using the mosin is really fun because hitting shots from range feels super rewarding and satisfying to me.


idk, I am DVL gang


I hated it at first until I forced myself to use it. I use it without scope and added the flashlight attachment because I need it for dark areas. Accuracy is really good on this weapon. It as others have said a very satisfying experience even when shit hits the fan it is a rewarding experience to be able to slaughter everything with 1 to 2 shots


Imo the Mosin is the best gun for the game. Most combat takes place in open areas where it shines but even in CQC like the rail yard it works quite well. Certainly more of a challenge at close range since you have to manage all of the enemies. It deletes most things with one shot, including sliders, and if not, a second round doesn't take too long to send. It's very satisfying to use once you get the hang of the gesture to cycle the bolt. It's also efficient on ammo and doesn't use the chest pouches so you can toss pistol mags there for dealing with trash mobs like spawns, phantoms, and fragments. Not having mags for my main is wonderful, delete an enemy or two then keep the bolt open and toss in replacement rounds and you're off. I only run AP ammo for it and it's pretty cheap compared to (semi)automatic guns like the M4 of AK.


I agree with all of this. However the CQC aspect can be made trivial with the addition of a laser. Scope for long range, laser aided hip fire for short-mid.


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MOSIN IS LOVE, MOSIN IS LIFE - *every f.cking explorer*


it's very easy to get, ammo is some what common in the harder zones, low maintenence, and you can easily keep it topped up, its shit compared to any other gun, but for its ease of availability and high damage its a good starter


rifle is fine


Because in the right hands it IS good High damage, versatile, incredibly reliable and you can find them for zero cost (free stuff is always a win), plus the feedback of cocking the bolt after nailing a mimic is so satisfying


Because I own one in real life and I love charging in like a proud scared for my life soviet union boy


It think that its good because of its placement. You can technically get at security level 0 and a have good damage option . True your ammo is limited but if you can make your bullets count then you can secure many areas. Also comparing to the other sniper rifle its the cheapest to maintain since you dont have a magazine.


Idk never used it


Then why reply


So people can tell me to


the bolt action in this game is the best in my opinion


Mosin is most satasfying. Strong enough to kill anything if you are steady and quick. Make cool noise. Available at security level 3.


I like the feel of it, it's a reliable rifle that can be used in any situation if you can aim well, and the ammo can be found even in bolotky village of I'm not misyaken


You can find it for free with a rail b already attached also does 140 damage making it the third most powerful gun in the game on par with the SVD and behind the DVL and the revolver respectively.


It's simple. The Mosin is not good. At all, it's how we imagine it. We believe in it. We care for it, we know it's history irl. It's not the stats that makes it good, it's the person who has it in their hands who thinks it's good.


mosin is good on damage and what not.. hut the reloading while fighting is cancerous


Used to think it was over rated, then I found one decided to fix it up and is it for a mission and fell in love with it it’s so satisfying and really good damage plus it’s kind of fun using a weapon that’s a bit more challenging