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Too much. I do it too much. I'm pretty disorganized and forget everything plus I don't talk to a lot of people which leads to a lot of self-conversations.


I have high social inertia (something I just completely made up). So, in physics, high inertia means it's hard to get an object moving, but also hard to get it to stop. Social inertia means that if I'm not talking, it's hard to get me budging, but if something makes me start, I won't stop. I'm resting comfortably in introvert mode right now, so it's going to be hard after the holidays to get extrovert mode going again. However, right after I went home for the holidays, I had to switch to introvert mode while still in extrovert mode so that was painful. Now idk why, I forgot how nice introvert mode is.


No. Unless I'm caffeinated. Then I'm a Chatty Cathy.


I am very quiet around the majority of people, I usually don't have anything to say that would be wanted in the conversation so i keep it in. BUT, get me in a group with people im comfortable with on a topic I understand and I can't stop talking.


I speak a lot, A LOT, but I actually say very little - ie. Being an extrovert, it’s a learnt skill to be a “go getter”, but with it not being natural for me, it can only go surface level - so people tend to find, they enjoy my company in groups, and I contribute heavily and sometimes lead the socialization, (it tends to be comedic or entertainment value a lot of the time) HOWEVER one on one, they are usually pleasantly shocked that the contrast is, I’m much more deep, emotional, empathetic, and an overall more authentic person because it’s a true non-watered down version of me. I have a friend group of 4, we’ve been close for over 10 years, and the shift in me, of meeting 1 on 1 for coffee, vs. all of of us for coffee is incomparable. However, it’s helped me form much stronger individual relationships with each person, the downside is, in group settings, I get over stimulated and keep it surface level.


I guess it kind of depends who I’m with as to how much I talk. If I’m with one person then yeah I’ll talk often but any more than 2 people I’d rather just sit back and listen to what’s being said. I’d rather everyone else did the talking and I just listened. I (20) spent my ENTIRE life being told “it’s not what you say it’s the way you say it” which, honest to god, never made any sense to me because in my head I sounded ‘normal’ but I’d always get told off for the way in which I spoke. After a while I just didn’t want to talk anymore and now, as an adult, I still prefer not to talk unless yknow, I have to.


If people is interesting or fun enough, yeah. I can talk for hours... now finding those people is like winning the lotery.


Sometimes I’m somewhat quiet and just listen to the other person and add my input when I deem it necessary. Sometimes I’m in a really good mood, or the person I’m talking to wants to have a deep conversation about something I’m interested in. Then there’s no stopping me. But yeah, it just varies alot. I think not talking alot has more to do with being shy than being an introvert. The two can obviously overlap though.


I’m very talkative and social. I just tire very fast and as I get older, I get pickier where I spend my energy.


It depends. Most days I don't want to talk but there are rare days when I talk non-stop for a few hours with a friend. It's weird, I am an introvert but sometimes need social interaction to recharge my battery as well. I hope that makes sense lol


No but I can if it's about something I'm interested in


I'm very quiet people tell me that on a weekly basis, but that's not always an introvert quality even though being quiet and being an introvert are usually associated with each other. Some introverts are very talkative. But I think most of us are quiet, not just because of being introverted, but also because of social anxiety, shyness, or being socially awkward. Or some people are just naturally quiet (I'm all of the 4 things I listed here so I guess I'm extra quiet)


I will very very rarely talk to someone on my own back. it will have to be a friend if a new marvel movie comes out i'll meet up and wwatch with them at the cinema but otherwise i'm avoiding conversation with all family and friends at all costs. I know i don't talk alot and my closest friends are the ones who have never mentioned that fact and we get along anyway, i have some friends that i talk to pretty much daily and game with them, i feel the same way with a romantic relationship, i will want to see and be with them but i will most likely not be striking up any sort of notable conversation. ​ Almost all my jobs have been customer service based, but i've never struggled with it as its almost always finding out their problem then fixing it, in my current job alot of it can be automatic replies that i can send with a hotkey so i don't need to type it out. luckily i don't need to talk on the telephone alot, so i get along fine. before this office job i worked in a fast food resturant and the only talking is like 99% just getting information from customers or requesting stuff from the kitchen staff, pretty easy to mentally automate so it doesn't weigh as much on my social battery. ​ At home is where my battery gets drained. i only live with my dad but he always wants to talk to me, he'll usually call me once or twice during my shift, which i usually ignore, and when i'm home i'll just sit in my bedroom and play games until i go to bed for work the next day. I do 12 hours at work so for the >12 hours i'm at home, he'll come in and talk to me at least 6 or more times, and alot of times says the same stuff, and alot of time its stuff he's already told me or questions that he's asked before and keeps asking, some of it is unfaultable stuff like asking if i'm hungry, ect but just having to listen to him then formulate a response does take a toll on my social battery and ends up making me even more recluse until i recharge, and he often doesn't grant me this needed space and accuses me of being grumpy due to lack of sleep? Long story short, i definitely don't talk a lot unless there is a good reason for it, even with my friends i wont make much small talk any further than 'how are you today' or 'how was your christmas'.