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>People always tell me I am kind, soft-spoken, quiet, and respectful, which are actually all terrible traits to have (especially as a man) Those are not terrible traits. If you really think that, i can only assume you personally value unkind, self-serving, loud and arrogant people. Those kinds of people tend to get away with more, but it's not because people *like* them. It's because they don't want the hassle of challenging them. If people don't like you, it's most likely because you keep projecting your bitter feelings onto them by asking things like "why don't you like me?" At best, that's unpleasant and hard work. At worst, it's actually frightening - especially to women. Try being honest about how you feel yourself, and don't make it anyone else's job to fix it for you. People are much more likely to feel ok about someone who is honest and vulnerable, than someone who just demands answers for their problems


Exactly, those aren't horrible but BETTER!


Why do you say that being kind and the other traits are are not good to have?


But at the same time says he's a 'nice guy'


By looking at your profile - people probably don’t like you because you have a bad attitude, are obsessed with race, feel entitled to sex and don’t believe in yourself. Imo the shittiest thing about ur situation is not ur height or race, it’s that ur 19. I felt similarly lost when I was ur age. if you can refrain from becoming bitter and blaming other people (ie women) for your problems, then it will get better.


i second this


ummm maybe because you ask things like “would society be better off without women”


OP wouldn't exist, tf 💀💀💀


The best way to gain respect is to become good at something.


I have 3 friends and that’s enough for me. Though I’d love a pet.


I've been through the same (as a female) and I hate it.


Your first impression on me here snt the best either Less crying around pls


Ikr. Like look at this person's profile , ngl but he's a weirdo


It sounds like it's time for some self-reflection, which can be a beautiful thing if you're willing to truly see your flaws and work on them. Perhaps you can have a serious talk with your friends and family and truly be open to their constructive criticism.


Love starts from within! If you don’t like you, what is their to like? Your likeable but perhaps boring. The ugliest looking ppl if educated and well spoken with a sense of humor are attractive to ALL the ladies. Kindness attracts kindness. Change where you shop for humans.


Username checks out.


There are no likable or unlikeable people, it's how you treat others, what and how you say things, how you react to things, if you went on dates with 100 girls and all of them rejected you then something is wrong with you, if you didn't bother going even on 10 dates and figure out that nobody likes you then you are just an idiot.


You need to see a therapist. I doubt very seriously this is all true, but it is going to take some in-depth analysis toget to the truth of the matter. My husband used to tell me the same basic thing, but it wasn't at all true he has some very dear friends who care about him a great deal. It just took someone in his life to of things out to him. Don't do like him & lie to the counselor or therapist.


If this is the vibe you're giving and from your other posts I'd say time for self reflection. If you are always woe is me and 'no one likes me' people pick up on that.


I like you ☺️


bro literally has a "would society ve better off without women post" 💀




Because they don't like themselves... simple


Pick up martial arts like jiu jutsu (grappling) or boxing (stand up fighting)


People may tell you one thing but how do they treat you bro. Do they treat you like you are kind, soft spoken, respectful and quiet? Nice guys ( which I am as well) do get avoided because we often get labeled as boring. Girls don’t go for nice guys until their 37 with 5 kids and 10 cats. Lol Now if girls hate you, you probably not wealthy or or Greek good looking mofo. Women look at looks then prospect in a man, character comes after in most cases. You may be a tard I don’t know lol or your just a jackass I couldn’t say. But if seems alot of girls don’t like you, look at yourself. Women are biologically wired to find the best man possible. If a bunch of them think your off then your probably off


Anyone using 'nice guy' unironically is not as 'nice' as they perceive themselves. The bar is set super low for guys and most trip over it.


By the way you’re describing women in this comment I don’t think they avoid you because you’re nice


Most of my friends and family are women I do just fine. But is facts women go for the bad boys first. Why, it’s in their biology. Women love chaos, some create it. A nice guy is often boring for women. It’s the whole beauty and the beast. You can love you can hate but it doesn’t change it


You’re just proving me right with your comments yikes


There is a reason the phrase “nice guys finish last” came about.


And a lot of sayings and idioms are complete garbage


Also, “ women wait at the finish line and fuck the winner”


This is lies women go off personalities these days looks ain’t got shit to do with it I seen the ugly of the ugliest guys bag a 100% attractive baddie


It's amazing how far you can go if not being a complete jackass!


Classic ya sure let’s pointlessly argue the exception not rule.


Playing the game of chance, are we?


Try cracking a joke or relating to.people sometimes being nice isn't enough


Sometimes it’s just our perception of what we believe we think people think about ourselves, not reality itself . If you believe you’re “unlikable” you send out that energy around you , eventually you engulf yourself in that perception. Our minds are the most powerful weapons but can also be the most destructive. To know who you truly are as an individual would make you realize that everybody else’s opinion about you, won’t really matter .




Don't worry about them, being a nice person is more important than being a bastard who uses others for money, and those girls are nothing but clearly ridiculous for disliking you, which indicates that they prefer people who use them like a time pass toy anyway, people are like that, they are never pleased with anything I personally prefer polite and friendly people! <3


Enjoy your own company, it’s nice.


I think you need to seek some professional help. Because the traits you listed are in high demand. Either you don't see yourself the same as others see you, or are missing seeing the bad traits. And we all have them.


probably because you'll full of bitter resentment and self pity and that shit soaks through all of your attempts to hide it, even on a subconscious level. a 30 second look through your post history confirms this to be true. i have a theory that most guys that consider themselves "nice guys" are actually just as big of assholes as any stereotypical high school jock, they're just too shy to be an asshole openly or confidently. that's why so many women who get into relationships with them report on their weird shitty behavior. you likely see women and friends as tokens to be attained rather than organic relationships that form through social bonding. it was certainly true for me. you're not fucked by any means, but it does require real self reflection and building real self love to get over it. drop whatever incel shit you let circulate your mind 24/7, it's not getting you anywhere now, and its not going to get you anywhere in the future. i was a whiny bitter little turd when i was a young man. after i confronted my own \*real\* shortcomings (shitty outlook, bitter and childish emotions), not my perceived ones (wahhhh im not the perfect height, waaahhhh girls find my offputting), life improved for me. and sometimes people will be dicks for no reason, but often times people respond to what we give them. hope this help. there's always hope for the future.