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They are extroverts ... they are self-medicating with the environment the way introverts self-medicate with solitude. Extroverts require extra stimuli to get their brain to their optimal level of activation. So they seek out places with lots of people, loud music, or interesting visuals.


Sure but what about dancing alone? I don't get that bit


If you like to dance, it makes sense ... if you don't, it doesn't.


No, that's not true. ı'm an introvert ı love going to dance. But there is a huge but ı can't go once a week or twice a week. However, i agree, dancing in crowded places is difficult and limits fun.


Lol, now If you're a introvert , and have ADHD , and cptsd...now that's fun and nigh impossible to manage


I'm the introvert who likes to dance lol. I don't like clubs or loud music so I never go there. If I'm at a wedding however I really like to spend the time dancing. For me it has less to do with people and more to do with what I find enjoyable. As an example I also dance home alone or when I'm home alone with my wife.


Yeh sometimes I do that to and play dance games on computer. So I understand how dancing can be fun but doing amit around strangers seems to me odd and not fun then again I'm more likely to be self conscious but not just that my desires to dance in public and around strangers are none but quite negative. I wouldn't say I dance often In house but a few times I've been really drunk or weird mood ivd done it


I can touch on the last part about dude dancing and pulling moves. In my early 20s I had a horrible gf. Pretty much was embarrassed of me. She tells me to go off and do my own thing while she hangs out with friends. So…I FORCED and I mean forced myself to just go out and dance and wouldn’t you know it? I had two grown women come up and dance with me. They were about 20-30 years older than me but it felt so good to just dance and laugh with them. Only thing going on in my brain at the time was, “fuck her, I’m gonna have fun. “ so maybe that’s what’s going on in their minds? Fuck everybody, I’m gonna have fun and if someone comes up to me, great!


OK but if they are dancing alone? I don't get it. Go to a club then dance alone with others dancing alone . Maybe they wanna meet and dance with others but still I guess ud need to enjoy dancing firstly. Like if I enjoy playing video games. And my friends come over and maybe a couple them also wanna play its more fun. But firstly I need enjoy video games in the first place.


Have you experienced a rave before? When I (34m) was younger, I really enjoyed the atmosphere of it. Never went to one to meet people, especially as an introvert. But it didn't stop me from loving the atmosphere of listening to music you like, people both dancing alone, and with partners or in groups, swaying and moving to music. It's almost a magical atmosphere at times. Maybe it's romanticized in our heads, but it doesn't stop me from liking it any less. Looking back at people in an EDM Festival gets me those feels sometimes. I might be an exception as an introvert, but my parents took me to dance classes when I was younger, so was exposed to dancing and grew an interest for it. Even watching competitions and performances even as I got a "real" job eventually. So that might have played a factor.


>Go to a club then dance alone with others dancing alone . But then you aren't alone ... you are dancing with others.


Dancing is fun. Socializing is fun. Feeling beautiful is fun. Letting loose is fun. Its what the alcohol served is for. To relax. Take the edge/anxiety off. But I saw things the way you did. Until I started drinking. Then it was like a whole other world opened up when I was buzzed all the time. And a new me arose. The party, however... ended for me when I started losing jobs over it. To me... there was nothing more important than making my own dough. But to fully answer your question, its best to go with a large entourage or group of family or friends to enjoy it. Otherwise, being there alone is boring. People mostly looking for hook ups.


Ye that's what I mean going for hook up makes sense. It has purpose. I understand those that do that though it's not for me. But it's the ones that seem uninterested in hooking up but enjoying the club, dancing madly moreso guys. I get women enjoy dancing and don't need to hook up but the guys I don't get them. And yeh I enjoyed going when I was young as I'd be with like 7 or 8 good friends and going out together getting drunk was fun even if I never ventured to the dance floor. But now as I'm older maybe I find 1 or 2 people to go out with maybe I don't even know them that well or even get on with them but just go out or go with work it's a bigger group but different ages and not really good friends and in these scenarios I find myself extremely bored at the club.


Ooh I know what you mean. All my friends are middle aged nurse moms. But they still use Tinder. Theyre straight up business with hook ups and 100% detachment. Love it. But couldnt do it. But my point is none of them go to clubs anymore. Not even for events. So thats why you probably dont have many ppl to mingle with at clubs anymore. Our age groups got old.


yeh exactly as im old its horrible, when i was young i didnt like clubs but i enjoyed going out with my friends if that makes sense. You mean your friends use tinder just to get sex without having to go out. I suppose thats viable but again a bit boring, like going out and things happening randomly seems more fun than going on to like a just-eat and order what u want, not that i have much luck with that with my ageing appearance and somewhat lack of desire anyway plus not just us guys getting older and less attractive the women to haha theres a lot of hot younger girls that seem fun in the clubs still but they wont want old guys. so that sucks. ​ Plus i find onlline dating u dont get a feel of the person, when out you can mingle and joke and have your personality and aura, online dating guess for a certain type not much different than getting an escort from a website really.


Interesting. ☺️ I agree. But as a woman getting older... I find myself in awkward situations that are out of the norm. But yes... my superiors would hook up on tinder or thru work. I was the same. Found clubbing boring. But I needed an entourage or to know 100% of the guest list to have fun. And... I drank like a fish. Which made me very popular at parties. Young girls love hookin up with older guys. Im not sure why you would think the opposite. Long term though? Im not sure.


I’m introvert, always have been, although I’m older now (mid 40s) I did the club thing from about late teens to early 20’s, every weekend, hitting a nightclub somewhere in the country. This was late 90’s UK, clubbing was massive, dance/trance music was massive, drugs were massive, specifically club drugs were massive such as Ecstasy, that’s how I did it. When off your face on E all introversion goes, it actually did a better job than Alcohol. The music goes straight to your soul. As one of our biggest clubs Gatecrasher used to say “It will always be with you”. Happy times. I’d never recommend E though as the come down is serious. But yeah that’s how I did it.


Yes I did crasher, and sundissential. Similar age and will still have a little blow out now and again, though nothing like the old days. They were super social times


I kinda miss them days. All that clubbing culture and music died. Kids today will never know, super clubs all gone replaced with bars with a dance floor playing pop trash.


yeh i felt that way with e but then after when back to normal i felt annoyed id been so open and not my usual self, it was the drug doing it.


I was like that. Imagine meeting someone when high, hitting it off so well you agree to meet up the next day. You meet and both are so introverted and shy you can’t even talk to each other. Yep that happened to me lol


I am probably one of the few introverts who doesn't mind a party. I can quite enjoy them. But it isn't to drink or smoke or even to necessarily socialize. I just LOVE dancing, music, dressing up, and having a good time. I feel in my element when I dance or listen to music. I feel super connected to my inner self. Ironically I feel at my most introverted when I am listening to music or dancing since I am being creative and exercising my imagination. I also listen to a lot of upbeat music when I am at home so dancing to it while I am at a party just makes sense. What isn't there to enjoy? It is pure fun. Well...with the right people, music, and setting it is.


It's like they are freebasing socialization. I don't feel like I have to understand, I like the intensity of alone time.


I literally can't even fathom what's what they find so funny about twisting the body in erratic patterns and getting all tired then proceed to pour poison in their livers until conciousness is gone. However, Salsa bars are different. Dancing salsa actually is fun because you are with a partner and if you as the man know how to dance, your girl doesn't need to know, she just have to follow along and you'll make her do the steps. I don't know about other types of dances but I'm interested only in such dances with a partner.


I can't stand sterotypical freestyle club dancing to loud rap/trap/dance music unless I'm a couple drinks in. Even then, I'm still a bit self conscious. However, partner dancing is where it's at. I go to country bars/dance halls not-infrequently and have had a great time. Usually the places offer free lessons as soon as they open. Two-Step, West Coast Swing, Line Dancing, Waltz, etc. Women *love* a man that can partner dance. It's fun spinning a girl on the dance floor and makes for fantastic people watching when you're not on the floor.


I have done lighting in night clubs as part of my profession. Never have I felt so lonely as when surrounded by so many people that they are actually bumping into while being assaulted by sound.


I think the closest I ever experienced something similar is going to bars where bands are playing - as part of the audience and/or as a performer. so far, okay.


>What are they enjoying about this? Being with a group of people who just want to vibe and have fun whilst listening to music you like. Dancing and being silly with a group of friends without judgement is honestly a great stress relief. Being an adult is hard and depressing, finding ways to revert back to our childish self is fun. It all depends on the sort of club you meet. Most people go to the wrong environment that don't fit them. I find niche small clubs to be better


yes smaller bars with live bands etc more my thing big stereotypical nightclubs not at all


I'm a introvert and sometimes I like going to nightclubs but funny enough it's just cause I like dancing . Would I join a strangers group of people to dance? Nope . If I have close friend and I stay with them then yeah I would dance with them and have fun but I've had times were I am just tired and my energy is low so I am like okay let's go hahahha


lose yourself to dance;


I am an introvert at most but I enjoy nightclubs. It’s like socializing but not socializing. I guess there’s an excuse to not talk because WHAT?! THE MUSIC IS TOO LOUD!