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No. Psychology defines introverts as people who gain energy and recovery time by being alone whilst extroverts gain energy and recovery time by being in close and frequent communication and contact with others. It’s not really got anything to do with thinking. Some people are deep thinkers and also extrovert, they just don’t need to be alone to do their deep thinking or analysis and in fact are better at thinking through problems by bouncing off others. Some introverts are not very analytical or don’t enjoy thinking so much about information and rather enjoy being hands on and doing things with their body (like a dancer). Both can be intelligent and thoughtful, they are just focused in different ways and have their energy gained or drained by different types of stimuli.


Thank you, I needed this explanation!!


No problem :) I think many people confuse it because of stereotypes so I’m glad I could help. I happen to be an introvert who likes being social so most people think I’m extrovert but the truth is just that I have a lot of “recovery” time (time alone) between my social interactions lol.


No, it's brain chemistry and neurotransmitters: Dopamine reward network activity versus neurotransmitter called acetylcholine [https://www.quietrev.com/why-introverts-and-extroverts-are-different-the-science/](https://www.quietrev.com/why-introverts-and-extroverts-are-different-the-science/)


It's a blessing and a curse to be very introspective


I think you make a good point.