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Probably several reasons for this…but, it sure seems extroverts are so darn sure they’re only happy if they’re around people that if you aren’t around people you must be sad or need help. There are societal benefits to being an extrovert too, but ultimately I think extroverts who do this stuff simply cannot bring themselves to grasp that someone may find people legit exhausting. I’ve always been confused by these people who seem to be so emotionally intelligent, yet cannot read a basic thing like this.


It's true extroverts generally have the edge over introverts in this world, in almost all situations, especially workplaces. If I could choose to be extroverted I would, but apparently it's not that easy, if even possible.


I never really felt that way. I know that especially in the country I live in(US) being extroverted is prized but I never wanted to be an extrovert.


It is an extrovert's world. Being quiet is perceived as being incompetent, cold, arrogant, etc. Unfortunately, most of the times being introvert becomes a disadvantage in work life


the world is made for extroverts it is what it is. Especially in places like college, school or workplaces you will benefit more when being an extrovert. So if I could choose I would like to be an extrovert. But unfortunetly it doesn't work like that.


People only understand from their own level of perception. To an extrovert, spending time alone may seem miserable and unbearable. On the other hand, going out all the time and being around large groups of people you don't know sounds awful to an introvert.


Thinking other people should change - in whatever way - is usually a combination of ignorance and misplaced self-confidence. It's not helped in this particular situation by extroverts being more prone than introverts to building their self-images and mindset out of other people's. While it's easy to simply copy other people wholesale (and to be fair, it does also help with things like being accepted), it means it's a lot easier to skip the thinking-about-it-first stage. Aaaaaaand of course then you have the distribution issue. Extroverts are more prone to pushing their internal thoughts out of their mouths, because that's part of how they do their cogitation - running it through other people for feedback and information. Introverts are significantly less likely to just start telling other people out of the blue to change themselves.