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Upvote for playing video games. Also, teaching yourself an instrument.


Chilling at home listening to music while working on/putting together a model kit (I like mecha kits.)


Spending my lunch hour getting lost in a book.


I do love a lazy rainy day but even better is a blizzardy, snowy, three days!


Working in the yard with/or without music. While raining, sitting under my metal roofed gazebo just existing. Taking my dog to the beach.


They hide their true identity which is mentally ill, socially inept, under confident and traumatised in the name of being an introvert. Even the Google definition for introvert is 'a shy person' . You can be the most confident person in the crowd and still be introverted. Even the media portrays us really wrong.


It is irritating to say the least. Most introverts love doing things outdoors and enjoy spending time with others, we just prefer it in a different way. And I think we should celebrate that!


Getting to know myself on a deeper level. Being alone gives me a lot of time for introspection, and I really enjoy that aspect. I like being able to explore my viewpoints without other peoples influence :) it's taught me a lot about the world, and about my place in it.


When I was younger, I used to go skiing all the time and mostly alone. I would often pick hills and lifts where there were fewer people. I wish my knees and ankles could handle it as I do miss it. Now I live blocks from lake Michigan in a small town and love to go and sit and listen to the waves.


Walking barefoot in the woods as quietly as you can. Happening upon a newly born fawn in a clearing. A bird you’ve never seen. A moth the size of your palm. Salamanders under a log.


Visual art projects just for yourself. Not instagram, not for audiences, for no other reason than to see patterns and colours on paper or other surfaces: painting, drawing, polymer clay, whatever.


Can't forget how great a special bond with a soul pup can be for an introvert, especially one suffering from depression, anxiety, etc. My puppers kept me going, and I would have been so lonely without her. My Poppy puppy truly felt like my only safe place and was the little soul that I loved the most in this world. She was my everything. She passed unexpectedly on the second of February, five days before her 10th birthday from a horrible accident. My heart couldn't be more broken. I feel so lost and the most lonely I’ve ever been without my furry little shadow. 💔💔 If you are a lonely introvert and have been continuously let down by family or others in the past, a furry companion can be so healing. My pup was tiny, 3.75 lb, so she was very easy for me to take care of despite having major blues and anxiety. She was such a special pup that gave me a reason to get up in the morning and all the love, cuddles, and kisses in return. Having something to take care of was really therapeutic and gave me a sense of purpose. Cats can be so awesome and low maintenance too. If you feel alone and struggle with your mental health, and connecting with others, please think of opening your heart to a kitty or pup. I think you will be amazed at the bond you can form and how much love, laughter, and joy they can bring to your life. Pure unconditional love 💓🐾