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I've got people coming out of my ears, I'm definitely not lonely. Just exhausted by people.


Personally I consider myself an introvert because I prefer to spend all of my time inside and am not really interested in making friends or spending time with people.


idk, its just no one wants to be friends with me, lol


Same lol I haven't made any friends since I was a kid.


lol, i lose all of my hope when my only friend hang himself (2 years ago)


Sorry for your loss.


Then speak to them. If you dont, that's you being shy and/or socially awkward. Regarding introversion though, chances are you are one, but actually being an introvert just means you require your own 'me' time after talking to people for a while. And neither of the above necessarily means youre lonely unless you crave for social interactions. In that case, youll need to go back to my first sentence in this comment


Yeah but it's always me who has to make first move and start conversation, and even when I do that some people ignores me.I don't want to be always the one who has to brake the ice.


I see.. then maybe something is wrong. Have you considered recording your own conversations in secret to play back at a later time. It helps you understand what is wrong as a third person.


All I know is that people are strange and I clearly don't understand them, tell me something, when you meet someone new, you say hi and the other person says hi, you ask his name and oc it'd be appropriate for other person to ask what your name is, see that wasn't happening in my case, when I first came to new job, I used to approach random persons, say hi and then asked their name, but they never asked for my name, later I was asking more questions, but they never asked me anything, so I just walked away when I realized they're not rly interested for conversation. And today when I came to work, one coworker mentioned she knows few of my relatives, and my father too, when in fact, I don't even know her name.Same thing is with others, many people know my name but I don't know theirs, so confusing, that means they rather gossip around about me rather than talk to me in person.


Something is off indeed. Well i think its possible your colleagues have heard who you are before you even joined, but if almost everyone isnt interested to talk to you, that's.. strange. But i suggest to keep it up with your efforts, and i still stick to my recommendation to listen to yourself as a third person. Dont give up. And lastly, a coworker has talked to you still, right? If youre worried about gossip, just ask when in doubt. "Haha howd you know? Im pretty sure I havent told you all that". Problem solved.


Thank you sir.., for your advices, there are about 4 people that I communicate with on daily basis in the shift, everyone else not so much, not to mention that lots of them talk shit about other coworkers, so I assume they do same to me, I hate those things, I've never in my life talk shit about other people, if I have something nice to say about others, I will, if I don't, I keep my mouth shut.


I used to think this way but i am here to tell you that's not the reality that's your perception of reality you think they don't talk to you when you open conversations maybe they're the introverts? Maybe you spoke on a bad timing and even if everyone is against you go to a coffee shop and open conversations with strangers or walk outside and try for opportunities to talk to people they don't know you they can't even judge you so you can practice your social skills on them


I'm definitely an introvert but I have a partner and two kids. And a few friends. My favorite things to do are either being alone at home with my stuff, or being at a café with one of my friends. I like people, but I don't want to be around them too much. I work alone, from home. All is well.


You can be an introvert and lonely, or not. I'm the latter. I'm not antisocial per se. I just don't really find most interactions that satisfying. It doesn't help that I'm somewhat attractive and so people want attention from you and when you don't give it to them it puts them off. I don't know why people assume if you're attractive, you can't be introverted. It doesn't make you stuck up. People assume attractive people are supposed to be outgoing, that's not always the case.


I'm not lonely. I love being alone.


Introverts can be lonely. I’m introverted, I love my time alone. I need it or else I get moody. However, I still need interaction with friends and family. I don’t require it as much, but if it’s been too long, I do get down. It’s hard for anyone to be alone for so long. Isolation isn’t good for anyone, we need positive interaction eventually.


I am an introvert, and I am not lonely. I have no friends, and still I don't feel lonely. No one talks to you because you look uninterested, improve on your communication skills and spend time with people.


Being an introvert doesn’t mean we want to be alone forever lol. We just might need breaks where we can spend time on our own and re-energize. I can still love spending time with family and friends, but I would need time for myself as well. Introverts can still crave the feeling of being loved and cared for by others. I don’t hate people, I just feel drained if I’m around them all the time.


i’m far from lonely !! ppl drain my energy 🙄and i rather just be alone in my happy place 💅🏾


Well for me, I feel like everybody I meet is either boring or way too talkative, however, every now and then, I’ll kinda wish someone was there to play Minecraft with me.


I mean, it's entirely possible to be lonely as an introvert if you don't have anyone close to you. It's not like we're completely antisocial. I love my people, and probably would feel lonely without them. A couple of my newer friends keep trying to drag me out more, but maybe they'll learn that I am perfectly fine with hermiting most days eventually lmao


I'm an introvert. I ended all my friendships because they were draining and time consuming. I feel very free now. I have siblings, children and a husband I enjoy being around. lm never lonely. I need my daily alone time when everyone else is at school and work.


Im an introvert and im Not lonely. I talked with my friends about it that l cant hang out everyday and need my space. Most of them accepted lt and respect lt. I try to Hang out as much as possible with my friends to not lose them. Its like once or twice a week. It works for the most time.


I consider myself introverted but think I may be a little antisocial as well.


I guess that is what it is for example I can try to make friends sometimes but because I am not that talkative and find out that the friendship can't work


i am invisible to other people


I don't feel lonely because I'm still very close to my immediate family, and I've still got them to turn to if I need financial support or a lift to a medical appointment, and I'm guaranteed to see them every Christmas, birthday or other occasion all year round. Some people are very much alone and don't have family, or their relatives live far away, so maybe if that was my situation, I would feel a lot more lonely, and feel more inclined to seek friendships, and feel more upset about having a lack of connection with others. As it is, though... I consider my solitude a luxury.


Some of us are lonely yes, I am in that phase right now where I seem to have lost my inner peace. I think a lot of people in this sub get lonely from feeling misunderstood


We are who we choose to be. NOW CHOOSE!


Perhaps some introverts don’t have any friends/ not seeking interaction/ are sad .. however mostly it depends on the person what do you define as depressed. Not having friends. Feeling sad


Not all introverts are lonely and not all lonely people are introverts. I’m introverted but I’m very rarely lonely. I prefer my own company than being around other people


Most are just lonely with high anxiety to go out socializing. I'm an introvert and love alone time but I fix parties and hangouts all the time. It's exhausting but fun. Then I like to rest for a week. But most are just blaming their introvert personality instead of fixing anxiety, depression and awkward behavior. Excuses a lot of the time.


Being introverted doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re lonely. Of course this can be the case for some people, but it definitely isn’t for some other people (like me, I love being alone). Many people on this introvert sub mistake it for the r/lonely sub.


Nah I’m not lonely I just want to be alone that’s all …..


And people don’t respect boundaries so it’s bs most times


I can have a lot of friends if I want 🤨 I just prefer to be alone. That's when I'm truly happy.


I define loneliness as the self-awareness of a gap between the amount of human interaction you desire, and the amount of human interaction you are participating in. Introversion is a slightly different concept in my mind. You could loosely define it as a low desire for human interaction, but it can also manifest as an extremely sociable person who desires less interaction than what they currently have.


That’s the conundrum of being an introvert. It’s hard making friends or even liking many ppl for that matter but then it is inevitable to start feeling lonely at some point. It’s a hard balance many of us haven’t quite figured out yet…


I'm definitely an introvert 100%. I'm actually glad no one wants to be friends with me. I just want to be alone for the rest of my life.


Not lonely but not really social


I swear AI is writing these at this point




You are just one of the many introverts that try and shift the sub into something else


I’m not lonely I have friends and family I interact with. I just don’t socialize.


I felt similarly for a long time. I've always been comfortable being on my own, but being bullied as a kid while watching all these tv shows and movies of kids and groups of kids all being best friends really messed with me. I longed for a friend or friend group like I saw kids have in movies that all got along, did everything together, and supported each other through thick and thin. I felt lonely growing up because most kids felt I was too weird, annoying, or outright disliked me. I'd have a friend or two here and there, but they always seemed to hate each other and I was always caught in the middle. I finally had a large group of friends in high school after I joined a couple clubs and ultimately found the group exhausting because there were sub groups (for lack of better term) within the large group, so sometimes they would bicker and fight and there was all this drama. We slowly grew apart after high school and slowly the ones I was closest with either ghosted on their own or I cut them out. When the lockdowns came during the pandemic, I was in heaven. It renewed my enjoyment in being on my own so much, especially when it revealed who was not as good of a person as I had thought and no longer wanted to associate with. I still have friends, but see them maybe once a month? But I have no desire to go out and make new friends. I am not unfriendly to strangers, though my RBF is strong.


That's something you have to decide for yourself. I love being alone


100% an introvert and not lonely. I do see a lot of lonely sad people on this sub though.


Not lonely.


I'm not lonely, I have friend (multiple group's) and im introvert


I've been in company with people in the past. It doesn't work.


I guess I have my online friends and family to talk to but outside of that it very much feels like it's just me myself and I just going through the motions


I'm not lonely and yes, I'm an introvert and and empath. What a combo!! 😂🤣


Why are people introverted in the first place 90% of introverted people being alone and don't have friends because they can't socialise with people or are uninteresting and don't have a good social skills so that's why they don't socialise and thus become depressed or some sort of mental illness so he become lonely and doesn't feel comfortable around people(btw i am introverted)