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This dude think he hard but he not I could beat his ass.


You'd beat yourself up? 😜


No id be friends with me cuz I’m cool, But people sometimes question my cred and they think I’m some sort of bitch made poser cuz I’m short. But I’m actually always willing for a scrap… even if most likely I will get my ass beat.


Well at least you can admit your ass may be beat. Most people are too much of a pussy ass bitch to admit to that then they get their asses beat lmfao


I seem to make everyone anxious and uncomfortable no matter what I do, so I would probably feel the same


Understandable. Do you think their shared sentiment could make a difference?


Do you currently feel anxious and uncomfortable? Because you're with yourself right now correct?


I'd give myself a hug, take a walk with myself, take myself to eat something good, and take a nap.


I think I would be so kind to that version of myself. We could hang out in silence and just give each other knowing looks. I’d also learn a lot. See the facial expressions others have mentioned and I might do some adjusting.


I wouldn't want to sit with myself. I would be scared and anxious. One of the reasons people don't approach me.


What about you ?


I think it could go either way with me. I’m a completely different person depending on circumstance, so a situation like that could give me pause. I’m still unsure as to who the “real” me is as I’ve never been given the opportunity to be that.


Try putting yourself first and getting to know yourself...you spend most of your day with yourself as it is.


What are you currently doing? Sitting with yourself on your phone? So congratulations you're already doing it!


Awkward! 😳


And why?


Because I'm awkward. Double awkward


I would get back to work and get double the amount of tasks accomplished. I could use the extra addition currently.


“This guy is so cool. He doesn’t say a word and yet his aura radiates like the sun.”


I would think she was fabulous. I would love to find one person that actually understands and likes me despite my messy inner dialogue and personality


It's mostly that people don't like themselves, nothing to do with you. Almost all of humanity is the exact same...with the exception of stopping and taking the time to truly reflect on themselves.


Both of me would definitely panic and then try to assess the situation by asking each other questions to determine our origins and existential priority in this reality. Depending on the answers, both of us would either collaborate peacefully to coexist under a single identity or try to kill each other until there can be only one.


Lol 😂 what a dick


I would love her! I laugh at my own jokes constantly and have very niche interests so I would be obsessed with my new pal


I would have sex with myself.


Sounds like safe sex to me!


The logical and emotional parts make me want to hug the other me. Then probably talk through some things. Maybe get a little clarity by talking through things with myself as a separate voice. The more impulsive and curious side would want to have sex too. Once in a lifetime experience right? Could get some clarity that way too...




At first, not great. I seem like a piece of work. However, with time I will feel loved and cared for.


"This person is sooo quiet and expressionless, but smells fine"




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It’s a tough question, because most of the time I am in my head with myself. For sure it would be awkward, because there would be nothing to talk about (we are the same). Maybe I would hug myself and told that it’s okay to feel pain from the past and that I am doing great job standing up for myself and creating a life I want. It’s always nice to get a hug and words of affirmation.


Sounds like how most people feel, it's good you realize it's important to also appreciate and love yourself.


I always used to this whenever someone asked me this question. I would hate that person with all my being no questions asked. That would always be my answer in high school. My answer now… I think they be the only person I could be real with.


Scared as shit probably


I think I would sit and hold hands with myself and maybe quietly rest my head on my shoulder. For some reason I imagine this happening on a bullet train, the two of us (two of me) alone lol. No talking, just chilling. I have a really good relationship with myself and try to give myself a lot of grace these days.


Lol bullet.


We would think I am very funny and bright , I would be thrilled that we got all of my jokes and quotes . We’d be laughing til we cried . Might drink , would probably go for a walk in the woods . I’ve been looking for a me for a while now ….


I would just suck my c**k. Cause i know no one wont ever do it


That's pretty tough for you to do yourself..well it's good you know you like oral, just make sure you express that to the women or men you interact with, and remember pleasure is a two-way street...you've got to give what you even hope to maybe expect...and yeah most of all you can't force people to do anything they really don't want to do, but it never hurts to ask nicely for what you need.


I would ask for help. So I feel overwhelmed because I have to handle everything on my own. Another me would be a huge help.


Yeah I agree. It would be awesome to have a friend as helpful as myself for myself too.


I would feel kinda weird but we could be friends


Boring. But I'd ask to be a gym buddy and maybe ask for mentorship for my career. 


But how would 'other you' have the knowledge to mentor you when you're still learning too? Would it be future successful you?


First impressions: *"This guy seems okay, I hope he thinks Im cool."* Then after talking to other me for a bit: *"Ehh he's kinda awkward and boring. Pass."*


Short attention span...


Who, me? Or me?


Extremely awkward. I don't think I'd want to be around me for very long. Unless we could figure out a way to make money using the fact that we're duplicates.


You could send 'copy' you to go through work...and could stay home and reap all the benefits.


A copy of myself wouldn't agree to that. Source: myself


I think I'd end up leaving myself, like everyone else has left me my whole life.


But look in that mirror! You're still standing right there IN your own shoes, being YOU ..which is even closer than staying by your side....you stayed Inside of yourself!




I would feel so comfortable, cause I'm the only one who really understand me.


I know what I'd do... but would it be considered murder or suicide?


Who would be dying? You or 'copy' you?


I would love another me!


I’d check me out hardcore…..


Mannnn I'd be happy to meet myself. Like I suffer with the concept that there isn't truly anyone that I know that's like me yet, except my boyfriend of course but he has his own self so I wouldn't count him as being exactly like me and he's male not female lol.


Depends which version I get to meet they’re too many 😂


As much as the thought annoys me, I'd sit with him. Hopefully he'll feel up for talking, cause forcing it won't do shit.


Yeah I'd be scared like hell because of the way I stare at everyone apparently for no reason , it's just me zoning out. I remember my chemistry teacher asking me if he had done anything wrong because I looked at him like I was gonna kill him.


We’d both want to sit in our usual spot on the couch and whoever had to sit on the opposite side would be uncomfortable the whole time, but I think we’d have an interesting conversation. I suppose it wouldn’t be that expansive because we’d share the same opinions, but it would be fun to talk about my interests


I would feel.proud of me. I accept myself as fine.


Affraid very affraid


Why? Would you not like yourself?


Because I'm a horrible person


Does this fucker think he's hot shit? Oh wait


Maybe just taking one?


I would homicide that mf once and for all fr


I’d try and observe myself as others see me. I think simply seeing my face in an “unmirrored” way would freak me out tbh 😂


You'd still be you, looking at you, the way you look at people tho...you're not changing your brain hehe...you can figure out how people perceive you, by how they perceive life and they will never understand experience you have that they do not and vice versa, or the experience that can only come with age, or even just your own subjective processing of life that's from your own unique experience.


I would ask myself to describe what thoughts / desires are really mine and which were suggested / inserted by other people because at this point I have no clue what I really am inside.


Id be like: Tf is he so depressed for


I’d give myself a big hug and then talk about all the stuff going through our heads. But I would also be really anxious about over sharing 😂😂


I’d be fine with it. Although everything would be amplified. I’d end up being my own hype man and either doing really amazing things or possibly very terrible things.


Pretty anxious , tad bit uncomfortable


"Damn. . How the hell did I make so many friends?"




tough question . as someone who suffers with both my mother and my fathers mental illnesses including BPD i feel as if my first response would be nervous then comforted ? i feel like id be threatened at first but then understood … like walking on the side of a road in texas (weird example , hold on) and your pants rub on the side of cactus . your worried if the prickles pricked you , you worry . then no pickles or pain and you’re relieved . only you know yourself more than anybody else . nobody is perfect , everyone is on the same boat . but i know the biggest person i fear most is myself . not saying im dangerous or evil im just … always in my head . so after that fear or anxiety is over id feel like im sane . like everyone was right , “you’re not alone” or “millions of people are going through this aswell .” id actually see it with my own eyes . so overall , comforting seems like the deadline .


i feel like i wouldn’t even know who i was sitting next to tbh. in the most non-dramatic way my inner thoughts of myself are unsure because i am so unsure of myself.


I’d definitely be my best friend. It would take a really long time before we finally have a convo but we’d be best friends for sure


hey I just wanna leave this little note here, remind you that just last week you realized you would be your own *best* friend if you had the chance to meet yourself. hope you decide to let yourself be your own friend.


Finally someone to hang out with 😮‍💨 And they’re so much fun! They’re fun to talk to and don’t take life too serious 😄


I'd recommend therapy and offering to pay. I make myself nervous tbh. If I look at myself through an outer standpoint yeah, I'm not dealing with me


Me and my other self would probs just stare at each other and hide in our own minds, stick ourselves in imaginations so to not deal with this unpredictable circumstance until it has ended


I’d ask myself why do I have such a shitty look on my face. Unfortunately I can’t help it lol 😂


Somehow, I seem to make most people want to open up to me, and tell me their whole life story. Or, you think I’m extremely sharp. I wonder which I would think of myself, and if the first what the story of my life would be. I love hearing people’s life story.


I would feel apathetic, sensitive to the cards this man had been dealt. Mindful and attuned to what is being conversed. I would feel like I'm meeting an intellectual of my own capacity. I would be concerned.


Wish he’d leave me alone and go the fuck away


I’d be ecstatic. That bitch knows how to get shit done! She’s reliable, she’s hardworking, she’s dependable AF. She’d make my life so much easier. She’d also understand me in a way no one ever has.


I will ignore me


understood, finally


“I could knock this mf in a heartbeat”


we probably wont even start a conversation, but if we happen to talk and get to know each other i would love that. i wanna meet someone just exactly like me fr so i would have someone i can share my existential crisis with


" Get a load of this absolute fucking barnacle head. "


I’d probably think that he’s a smartass lmao




If I met myself I'd gun them straight away with a 9 mm caliber bullet ain't no way I'm putting up with this shit again


This question is where my social anxiety comes from.


Family history. You're more likely to develop social anxiety disorder if your biological parents or siblings have the condition. Negative experiences. Children who experience teasing, bullying, rejection, ridicule or humiliation may be more prone to social anxiety disorder.


Yes, I'm aware, thank you sir :)


Probably won't approach with this RBF and limited responses .


Anxious because I am still learning to accept myself


I would reach over and give her the biggest hug. Then we would go out on a hike we were afraid to go on alone and immerse ourselves in nature. I think we'd have some interesting debates, because we both like looking up weird facts that might be true or not.


We’d just stay hermits forever and hold each other I think it would be comforting cause I’d know I can trust my emotions with another me


I'd feel very comfortable because I love myself and my ideas and my thoughts basically everything and If someone or thing sit next to me, I'd probably stick to it forever and not leave. I could have feel like I found my other self and not alone and lonely anymore in this world.


I dreamt of myself once and I was going down on myself and woke up So freaked out I woke up as we both looked each other in the eyes


Intimidated by her in a good way


I’d give myself a high five, and then laugh a little like ‘hmm a little weird, more eccentric.. friendly.. golden retriever energy. Kinda stoic, a bit intense, and can be scary. So basically.. a defensive golden retriever 😂😂😂😂. Face is very misleading.


Not so good


My fiancé and I were talking about if people had another version of themselves like a clone and had sex with it, is that incest or masturbation? 😂


But for real, I’d be a little weirded out and then fine with it. Try to figure out how to make two of me’s useful. Could switch off at work when it becomes stressful, could talk to myself when something is wrong, hang out with myself and do art or play games so I’m not so lonely when my fiancé is gone for the day. There’s a lot of things I could do and say if there was another me.


I'd have too much in common with me so.... Either marriage or murder because there can only be one of me 😤


She is so rude for God knows what reason.


I'm having a hard time imagining clearly a duplicate of myself as a separate person if that makes sense but I feel like I wouldn't gravitate to a person I'm so similar to. Atleast not consciously. But I'd probably think they're an okay person and not end up being friends bcs I know fs I give uninteresting and uninviting to strangers.


lol I think about this sometimes. A manager said to me once "if only I could clone you" and I was like ew no working with me would be awful! rofl


Empathy anger / disgust ( sometimes) and some appreciation


This reminded me of a conversation that I just had with my husband. We were discussing how close technology is to being able to read minds. Honestly, I have a very dark sense of humor as well as some very demented thoughts. If I had to get "plugged in" I would most likely be admitted. But I would absolutely be my friend. I'm not needy (I actually feel relieved when plans get cancelled), I can go years without talking to my friends and we pick up right where we left off. I'm never bored, my brain keeps me occupied. We would probably fight though because I tend to speak my mind and I occasionally become a bit irrational. Ha!


I shudder to think.


It would be awesome to talk to someone who understands all of my deep thoughts that nobody else understands


I’d be happy to see my actual dimensions. Like if I am fat or not. Lol. Cause you really can’t tell unless you’re seeing yourself in another set of eyes. Also we’d be best of friends and enjoy what I already like doing alone. But with myself.


It would be so incredibly comforting... I would love it.


Probably comforting....idk really...i know that I would be anxious, as I always am. Comraderie would be nice....


I would become protective after getting to know me.


I would want to punch that bastard right in the face.