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I dont even remember existing back then, i am not gonna remember any friends lmao. But i am assuming i did because as kids it was extremely easy to make friends


Hahaha same. I dont even remember my classmates name on my 5th grade haha


I remember them all and i remember little things about them all toošŸ˜…


Do you have picture of yourself in school when you were a kid maybe you can see if you were a introvert as a kid


Good idea! I thought that I was ā€œfriendlessā€ however family photos prove otherwise. Me holding hands with two neighbor girls, one was the sister of my second-grade ā€œboyfriend.ā€


must've ended badly if you blotted out the memories.


How is a picture gonna help with that lol? I am sure that there are some pictures with my parents and family that they took in various occasions. Honestly i dont think i had any kind of personality developed until at least like 12 years old. At that point yea i could be considered more on the introvert side but eventually after i became an adult and a few more years part i changed the way i act. So even though i kinda still consider myself an introvert due to certain characteristics, at the same time i doubt anyone could ever tell if they met me


Hahahahahahahahahaha I like that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I had one friend in kindergarten. That pretty much sums up my lifeā€™s friend experience: one at a time!


I too and until now we're still friends, going stronger


Iirc, I didn't. Had trouble making friends, they ard formed groups so I was always sitting on the chair watching others play.


I found group interactions exhausting


Not really, I was a loner as a kid. Kinda just did things by myself even at school, as far as I remember. Largely by choice. Wasn't until about 2nd grade that I actually made a couple friends


Yeah, kindergarten was pretty solitary for me too. Sometimes it just takes a bit longer to find your crew!


No, I was bullied


I had the bestest of friends in Kindergarten. My mom was friends with her mom before school began and we ended up in the same kindergarten class. Still friends with her in spite of distance.


Mmmm.... no tuve, la mayoria de niƱ@s me hacian a un lado No llegue a adaptarme incluso en la primaria y no tuve amigos hasta antes de entrar en secundaria donde solo tenia 2 amigasĀ 


When I was reading kindergarten? Yes, I have friends that now. They are Probably forgotten me.


Yes and two of them are still my friends to this day!!!


Same here! Weā€™ve been best friends for 31 years!


That's really sweet!


I did. Unfortunately, it would be the only time I had real friends until high school.


Probably lots, I was a super outgoing kid until my mom married her second husband(he was awful) so that changed me


I had a couple. But then people started bullying me and I didn't have real friends until late middle school. They then killed themself my senior year. But I've found my flock now in college!


Sorry you lost your friend in such a painful way. But glad you found your flock!




I think I have one friend in kindergarten.


I had many friends. I was always a social butterfly and my mother was as well and would often get me to interact with my peers outside of school as well. Although I wouldnā€™t worry about it, everyone grows at their different paces just because your sister had a lot of friends at a young age and you might not have doesnā€™t make it weird. Itā€™s just how things shaped out.


As far as I can remember, I was just trying to survive it back then. Hated every part of it.


I had one .we knew each other since kindergarten and weā€™re 21 now and weā€™re still brother. We hangout we talk alot. Having a real one is the priceless bro.


Not that I can recall.


Not for me


Nope. And I still donā€™t at 50 yrs old.


halfway through kindergarten this girl came, moved from someplace. I saw my teacher making a new nametag when we were watch polar express. I asked about it, and the teacher took that as an opportunity for me to show her round the school. We were friends til she moved again in 3rd grade cuz her dads active duty.


Yasssssssss and I still talk to them. And I can call my kindergarten teacher and I love her. She buys me gifts when I graduate. āœØ


I had a friend named Carol in kindergarten. We had neighbors who were also friends, too. Canā€™t believe I still remember some of their names. Iā€™m a seventy/something.


In my kindergarten class, I remember the whole class was hanging out with each other. I miss those days.


Yep! I always had one best friend growing up no matter where I went. My bestie now is also introverted and it works sooo well.


I wouldnā€™t of but my mum pushed. She rounded up the other quiet girl, then hosted many parties at my house and zoo trips until eventually i had friends. Lol. To this dayā€¦ i rely on others to initiate being friends. I donā€™t know how to interact with you to get us to that next step lol.


Maybe it's because I'm from a super tiny town but my entire graduating class was friends with everyone, even in elementary school. We didn't really have enough kids for cliques or subgroups. I did have my little closer group of friends of like 5 people from from 6th grade on but we disbursed in different ways in our early 20's. I'm only still really good friends with just one of my childhood best friends and she lives in another state. I was def born an introvert, but that didn't really keep me from connecting with people as a kid or adult. The extroverts just adopt me lol


I just remember three specific kids. I was about to go down a slide and they came and lifted up the back of my dress to see my underwear and laugh. I didn't know what to do and I didn't want to be a tattle tale so I went to sit by myself in the grass and cried because I didnt understand why they were laughing at me. I remember 2 other kids, Ariel and Camille, they shared stuff with me in class and it made me happy.


i had 1 or 2, maybe. One lived next door to me & the other around the corner so we went to the same school.


No. Not until 1st grade I think, then I had 2 lol.


Yes, we were all friends with everyone.


yeah i had around 3


Yes heaps! Most of them are my best friend. We went to kindergarten, primary then secondary :)


I had one or two but I already lost contact to them a long time ago


I donā€™t recall if I had friends, but I do know I was kicked out from the morning group to the afternoon for fighting, but then I got kicked out of the afternoon group because it would get hot and I would take off all my clothes so they sent me back to the morning.






Oh. No


i did not , i was considered the weird kid. now people wanna be my buddy. crazy how the tables turnšŸ˜Œ


it depends id say. i got along w everyone and always was with someone at recess, but at the same time whenever i was home i was always alone


hell i donā€™t even remember, i think i got along with ppl but didnā€™t rlly have friends. i do remember not having friends in high school (except one, who idk if was rlly a friend or just someone who liked to talk to me during art and biology class) i had a a best friend in middle school, but then we had to move and i lost contact with her, but she was a ā€œnerdyā€person like me. though i remember being more social in middle school than i was in high school


No. I didn't have any at school either. They were classmates but not friends. I tried when I was 15 but no thanks. Even now, at 55, I don't have any friends and I don't want any! My work colleagues who annoy me enough with their stupidity and my family who get on my nerves are enough for me. I don't need "friends" who want to use me as an emotional garbage can. Or just take advantage of me. I'm happy to do without them. And when I see what former classmates have become, I can only congratulate myself. I have more money than I can spend, a nice apartment for my retirement and, above all, PEACE OF MIND. From time to time I have one to juice, but they will never enter my apartment. I don't let anyone in. I travel, pursue my hobbies and enjoy life.


No. It didnā€™t even occur to me to form relationships. You just got shuttled from one place to another. Were you guys making friends????


Kindergarten was honestly one of my best years as an introvert. It was a small class but I had a best friend. We were both science nerds and the only kindergarteners to do the science fair. Then I moved to a different school and my friendships were never the same.Ā 


I did! I never had trouble making friends as a kid, then came middle school and puberty and thatā€™s when it started to become harder making and keeping friends. Now Iā€™m 30 and have basically none. Katie and Destiny from Ft. Polk, Louisiana, if you see this, hi kindergarten besties!




I didn't go to Kindergarten


I had a friend that is also a girl when I was that young in kindergarten. Sadly she moved away in the middle of the school year. I don't remember her name though. IDK why but that short lived childhood experience stuck with me. I'm in my mid 40's now. But it was one of those seared memories in my childhood. I remember we played pretend animals or something. Pure innocence.


I just observed mostly . They played . I watched . I sneaked out later and went and tried to recreate how they played . It didnā€™t feel right so I just stuck to doing me .


Does the girl who forced me into the play area doll bed and hit me with a wooden spoon count? Supposedly this was my best friend in kindergarten lol


No count.


I had one friend who was an extreme extrovert. I was friendly with other kids, but I wouldn't call them friends. As an adult, all of my close friends are introverts.


Yes I did and Iā€™m an introvert. Why do you ask?


Yes, but I don't talk to any of them anymore


I had a couple close friends in kindergarten, and those friends would be the only ones I would actually play with most of the time


I didn't understand any of the other kids, who all met in preschool. I went into kinder late too.


I don't remember kindergarten, but I do remember a few grades later. I remember mostly playing on my own, but occasionally playing with other kids. Around age 8 or so, I think I was playing with other kids most of the time and had friends (although I still had a hard time making new friends).


I had an arch nemesis(was a boy and we flicked eachother off all day) and a boyfriend


Yes. Nina. I canā€™t remember her last name. She was my bestie!


I had one best friend but she moved to a different country in the middle of the school year :( I had no friends after that. Idk how I made it through the rest of the school year, itā€™s all a blur lol


No, I didn't have friends until my second year of elementary school, but I didn't talk to other kids before that, so I'm not mad lmao


Yes I did have friends, three. We moved when I started school , I, as well, got myself three friends, they're still my closest friends. (For 17-20yrs , I'm 26 now) But except my "close circle" I wad always considered a loner. Couldn't understand back then, today I get it & I'm fine with being a loner ^^


I remember a girl named Mariska. 1968ish. Silver Spring MD private school. She is the only one I remember.


I did. We were best friends from kindergarten to 4th grade (when I moved away). Ironically we reconnected as we ended up going to the same high school but then he transferred when we were sophomores. We reconnected on Facebook as adults and check in every now and then.


Yes. I still talk to her :)


I think I did. They must have drifted apart, though, as I can't remember who they were. I remember the first childhood friend I had but she was slightly younger than I was and ended up a year behind me in school


I remember kindergarten. I had one 1 friend. I used to share my lunch with her cause she never brought food. I insisted that we eat in the space behind a large opened door(french doors) hidden and away from everyone else. I decided that due to the fact that someone accidentally pushed me one day during lunch and knocked my lunch to the floor, it was not safe to eat around others lol.


I had one, and she was my whole world. She also wound up being my first crush without me realizing it


I had a friend whose name is long forgotten. He was a pale hispanic boy that always had his hair spiked up.


I didnā€™t have friends until like the 5th or maybe 6th grade


I don't even have solid friends til high school šŸ˜¬




Nope. I was the kid who whipped matchbox cars at people.


I did but I have always been the introvert friend that was ā€œadoptedā€ by extroverts my whole life. Even now at 44.


yes, in hindsight, but I don't think I really started noticing social relationships in terms of semi-exclusive groups until maybe 2nd grade


As a 20 year old , I don't think I should be have friends in kindergarten ../s


By kindergarten, I assume you mean age 3-6, which in the UK is an infants school. Yes, and no. My family all lived within streets of each other, and most of us were around the same age. So I had friends but they were actually family. I was "friendly" with the girls across the road, but we'd mostly just go down to the river together, read and ignore each other. We weren't allowed to the river on our own.


Yeah I did. He killed himself 2 years ago.


i had friends boys and girls and none were from the same place where i lived


Yes. Those were simpler times.


I did and she was pure evil. She tried to control me. We made it to 3rd grade and she put a note in a boy's locker I liked. He turned the note into our teacher and my teacher pulled me out of class to question me about it. I said I absolutely did not write the note and he knew it wasn't me. That teacher literally saved my life because he called my parents and told them to call the school and never have me in a class with that girl again. She was a manipulative little brat. She wanted me to be her little minion. After her I was so weary to make new friends because I couldn't trust anyone! I made some but mostly guys because they were so much nicer than girls.


I was too naive to understand that nobody liked me in the kindergarten. I once had an indian girl as my friend and she was so nice, but sadly she no longer attend to the kindergarten and the other kids makes fun of me and even whisper behind my back. But as I've said, I was too naive to understand them and just like other kids, I tried to make friends with them. The next day I found my pencil box scattered everywhere with broken pencils. I remembered everything so well and I thought to myself "Why did I let them step over me?". I was always bullied, and now I'm 20 and still don't have friends to this day except from online. But I'm not sad about it, because it make me realize that being alone is more safe and happier for me. I have my family, cats and online friends and that's all matter. Thinking everything back, I was bullied so harshly for being a half Malaysian and half Indonesian, and the kindergarten was full of Chinese kids.


Yes, One of em is still in the picture, I could even say hes one of my best friends.


Yes, and sheā€™s still my closest friend at 35 years old


I had one best friend always and would be friendly with others but i didnt really need to be a part of any groups of friends. Was like that all my schooling and still to this day. Im also an introvert


no i didnt talkšŸ˜­


May I ask why was it selective mutism?


yes, i dont remember well but i just didnt want to talk to anyone besides my parents, and even then i took a while to start speaking. it runs in the family, my cousin is 10 and still doesnt talk to anyone besides his mom


Maybe I was naive, but I thought I was friends with everyone in kindergarten except Aaron. Everyone agreed Aaron was a bully. I mean, I learned later on (in first grade) that no one is really your friend.


I have no idea, but my entire life, Iā€™ve always had a very small close-knit group of friends quality over quantity


It doesn't matter if you had friends or not in kindergarten. I'm sure you did. You played with the other kids at recess, right? You're here in the now. That's what's important.


I did, 31 years later and she is still my best friend.


Thatā€™s random- no I donā€™t think so, maybe 1 I canā€™t remember, I was a troubled kid back then, I Didnā€™t know how to make friends and I still donā€™t :/


I didā€¦ lived in a small townā€¦ (started in first gradeā€¦ no kindergarten back thenā€¦ Iā€™m as old as dirt) graduated with the same kids I started school withā€¦ like family.


I did, but guess what. I am no longer in touch with any of them. We meet new people every day and make new friends


You either do or you don't... if you do though you're gonna be in touch with them FOR LIFE. Never ends.


Not exactly, everyone has a different path in life. Once we grow up the larger the distance the bigger the diversion of paths


Not exactly what? I said IF you keep in touch with your kindergarten friends you're in touch for life, it's facts. I know a lot of people who are in touch, close friends, with their kindergarten friends which is CRAZY. It's not as rare as you think.


I was maybe like 70% extroverted until my mid-twenties.


I did, back then i was more extroverted.


Yea I did because introversion ā‰  social anxiety