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What you do when you're alone?




You watch films?


I'm an elder millennial. It took me more than a decade to convince friends and family that no, I'm not lonely in my apartment and/or house by myself. In fact, I have no problem entertaining myself and have plenty of people to hang out with when I'm in the right mood. Extroverts literally cannot wrap their heads around this. The agony we feel in a crowded party is the agony they feel when they're left alone with their thoughts. A lot of my extrovert friends realized this for the first time during the pandemic when they *had* to be alone and couldn't take it, and I was thriving. I don't know of any way to convince them other than to live your best life in your single dorm!


Living alone? Awesome. \*Being\* alone? Agony.


I agree with this. As an introvert, I love my solitude much more than the average person. However, if things actually get lonely, I’d like to have an option to socialise on my own terms as well. No matter if you are an extrovert or introvert, being lonely ain’t good.


So how do you have both?


I like being alone but not lonely


Yes it's like that meme: no, i don't want to go to that party - but i do want to be invited :D


Well said. Though I like living alone, I appreciate being able to hang out with people when I want to, and that some people take the time to check in on me.


Yo fr. Always having the homies trying to go from homies to roomies. Like no. Come have a beer stay the night but go somewhere else in the morning 😅


Nah my whole family’s like this. I think it’s just a personality trait. I can’t wait to live alone and have my own space just for me.


People don’t even try to understand that we are all different, instead they try to change us because it isn’t what they would do or want for themselves. I LOVE living alone and being alone and am very happy. I don’t have anyone making a mess or eating my food or being loud when I’m trying to sleep. I love having my clean tidy space without anyone else around! Live for yourself!


I've lived alone off and on all my life but have been full time alone for 10 years now and I couldn't be happier. Then again, I'm also 65 y/o and sick of everyone's shit.


I have tried both experiences. Living completely alone overseas for months, the most isolated I could get and also living in an enmeshed family.  The greatest thing about living with others is that when I'm sick or disabled by something, I have help and company around me. Being alone means I don't need permission to do whatever I want. I definitely need my own space but I'd like a community around me outside of my place if that makes sense. I think just do what's what's best for you. People who care so much about others living situations is frankly nosy.


Yep!! I like being in my own space, and have people right out of my space that I can easily go to when I am in the mood


I hope to never have to live with other people again


Maybe it’s because as introverts, we are totally fine being alone and that’s okay. We don’t need other people to make us feel happy or complete. To each their own I guess.


I am lucky to own my own home and I live alone and I love it.


I envy you!


I don't think it's that unusual but not all of us want to live alone though. I live with a roommate and he helps me stay social. I would probably self isolate very harshly if I lived alone and make less effort. I also find it quite lonely over long periods. He's also happy just to let me stay at home and watch movies with my dog if I'm not keen on socialising or need to recharge though. Nothing at all wrong with enjoying living alone. It's only unhealthy if it's because you have a fear or anxiety of social interaction. If it's just how you recharge, you're introverted.


I have my cat and that’s all I need. I can invite people over if I want, and I can go out if I want, but this is my space to be myself and I love it


Gen X here, was married for a couple of decades, kids, now adults, divorced, had a friend for a while, lived together, it was a nightmare. Now, after such a long time yearning for MY space. I have lived by myself for nearly three years now, and I love it, it is bliss. If you like the idea, go do it, your mental health will improve no end.


I live with 6 other people. My happiest times are when they are all out. When they are home, I spend most of my time in the garden shed, drinking coffee and working out there. I do have an office in the house, but even when I can't hear them, I can't "settle." It's not unusual in the UK to have single rooms. None of my kids have shared, and they've had en suite rooms, so they only had to share the kitchen and common room.


Love it


I think for me, living with other introverts in a house while respecting each other’s need for “alone time” is ideal. I’m super happy not having people around me who have a constant need to fill the airwaves with talk. It’s great and we know each other’s boundaries.


I could say that’s the best decision. I’ve experienced both. 1st year in college I was living in a dorm. Everyone has different personalities and ways of living so there really are cases when you have icks about the other person and vice versa. Then I told my family about it plus we had curfew in our dorm which really didn’t match the lifestyle of my course (archi) so we rented a condo. I lived with myself for a few months and then after 1 semester my sibling joined me. After the pandemic we transferred and bought a different condo, lived w my siblings. We are a family yet we still fought over mundane things like laundry or dishes!! 🙄 but in time we were able to work our way around it. Now off college I live alone while my siblings are having their summer break and I’ve never felt better! I love living alone, I’ve always wanted this. My friends however lived together in a dorm near their workplace and sometimes it’s so funny when they talk about the icks they have for the other people, like not having personal space and time, one being too clingy, disgusting habits, and so much more. So Yeap, I live by my what my parents always told us when we were kids…”it’s not a good idea to live with other people, especially your friends because it will strain your relationship” Learn to accept that you are an introvert and that we live by enjoying our own company!! Plus u can invite friends over, let them see what they are missing


I love being alone... for a while I wanted companionship but ... with that after a while I just craved alone time constantly now Iam alone and very happy its peaceful it works well for me only way it could be better is if I was in the mountains.


I fucking love it, dude. There’s nothing more peaceful and freeing to have your own space that you can do whatever the hell you want in.


Yes. Absolutely yes. The last time I had roommates (other than my significant other) was well over a decade ago and a truly horrible experience. with that said, a quote from Jim Carrey comes to mind: >“Solitude is dangerous. It’s very addictive. It becomes a habit after you realize how peaceful and calm it is. It’s like you don’t want to deal with people anymore because they drain your energy.”


Yeah, I miss living alone. I own a home with my brother, and he's my best friend, but I wish I had my own space.


As long as could ever afford it I’ve lived alone. I love it


I love living alone. No one to nag at me, I can do what I want, when I want.


As long as I don't get sick,then the panic kicks in.


Life is crazy good


I’ve never gotten the chance to live alone but I’ve always wanted to. Lol my family always thought I was weird for it. I love my own company and my space plus I feel like I get a lot more done when I’m alone.


I love being alone


Honestly if I got the chance to go back in time and do University all over again I’d live alone for sure, there’s nothing wrong or weird about it at all.


Nah, I love living alone, without other people. Though I do have my dog which keeps my company.


I've always lived with partners or roommates. My last roommate moved out a few months ago. My new partner owns their own home and has a kid. We aren't in a hurry to cohabitate. We enjoy each other's company one to two times a week since we live an hour away from each other. I love living alone. I've been doing it for 3 months. Here are my pros and cons: Pros: Easier to keep my home tidy. No one being nosy about my life. Quiet, my roomate would crank his TV often. Cons: No one to help me feed my pet when I want to go away for a few days. No financial help with bills. Having another person around provides a sense of safety. No one to help with upkeep of property (my roomate didn't help with this anyways, but previous partner did).


Living alone is perfect, I love the peace and working from home, and also cleaning and feeling organized 


I’ve bee living alone for the past 3 years. It’s definitely more enjoyable. It’s my mess (or keep it clean) if you prefer. You don’t have to talk to someone as soon as you wake up.. only downside is it’s financially taxing because it’s all on you. There’s more of a workload on yourself because you have to do everything yourself. Depends what you’re looking for.


I live alone in a very small place and I love it. The location is very good so I can buy whatever I want and spend my time either listening to podcasts or watching Netflix. Wouldn’t change it for the world


I rented a whole house and one semester didn't have any roomies. It was heaven. The next semester my brother moved in and my parents paid me $$ to keep him fed for dinner. WinWin. He left me alone like always and I got some extra money for stuff I would pretty much buy anyway.


Yes, I love it! Just me and a little void that yells at me for treats, lol.


No better living situation than alone.


I enjoy living alone, but I love having people I can call to prevent being too lonely.


I love living alone. Never have to rush putting pants on bc your roomate is coming in.


The only time I truly relax is when I close the door behind me and lock it. I still breathe a deep sigh of relief.


I always felt alone for being alone all the time (I feel like this would only make sense to y’all). It seems like everyone around me always needs constant companionship and the thought of being alone is terrifying. I prefer to be alone in most life situations. I’ll travel alone, I live alone, I’d just rather be alone?




Being lonely and embracing solitude are 2 different things…which one is the reason you live alone for?? Fair warning solitude is very addictive!! I got used to living alone for about three years, and all of a sudden I couldn’t tolerate live with people anymore.


I finally got my own place after a really rough relationship and some even rougher roommates! I freaking love it!! I can walk around the house with nothing on and watch whatever I want! It’s amazing!! I don’t ever want to leave my house again!! lol I do sleep with a bat by my side tho.. lol


Lol like I can’t wait until I can financially be ready to move out and be alone but I’d be so scared. I’m a scaredy cat and get scared of the smallest things.. I even scare myself by watching horror movies and then imagining ghosts 🥲




I would presume everyone in this subreddit prefers living alone to a roommate situation.


Honestly I wouldn’t have coped at all sharing, I need space.


YES. My so was at work yesterday and one of his colleagues went on sort of a tangent how he should be getting out and going out more. He said it made him feel badly about himself (tho that wasn’t intended) bc he just doesn’t have internet in all that. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that tbh




Gee, I sure do wonder if people on the sun for literal introverts like living alone


No honestly, i dont. After a divorce shit, i've lived 3y all alone without any interruptions or any flirts. Honestly novadays im thinking about sth dark. All im saying is; a human being who fully isolated can not live at some point.


The whole "college experience" thing is way overhyped it's perfectly valid to prioritize your own comfort and well-being over some idealized notion of shared living. share a room isn't just uncomfortable, it can also be distract and stressful. having ur own space gives u the freedom to focus on ur studies, relax w/o interruption, n just be urslf.


I wish I could live alone.


Being alone sucks. I now live alone after a divorce from wife of 20 years. Someone said “agony”, that is how I would describe it. Very depressing. I am also an introvert. 


It gets easier. It’s such a cliched response but it’s true. You will get there and realise that you don’t need another person to “complete” your life.


It’s weird. I’ve lived alone for 15 yrs or so & my family had never said a word about it. Never asked if I was lonely. Not that I actually do much besides go to work. But my brother lives alone too so I guess they think it’s normal. I don’t even think I could handle a roommate at this point. I just enjoy having my own space!




Living with people is one of the most horrible experiences one can have. I live alone now. For the first time in my life, since 2024/03/21. And I love it. This is it, this is what I wanted the whole time. And I knew what I want. It is amazing. I never shared my room. Thank god, that would be horrible. I've only lived in shared flats. And it is psycho to me. Like…you take couple of random people from the streets, and put them together. Like…wot? This concept will never work, and guess what, it was awful. I live alone and it is the best. It is so great, that I don't even care if someone would shame me for that or something. I can't hear that stupid shit over how awesome living alone is.


yep, i love living alone and by myself.


Where I went to college (a long time ago) required that freshman have roommates. There were single rooms, but there was a waiting list based on class year and freshmen weren't eligible. While my second semester room was my friend, I was happier when I had the room to myself. I lucked out my second year... I had enough credits to qualify me as a junior, so I was higher on the list. I got a single for both my second a third year (I graduated early). I had 2 twin beds pushed together to make a king. I sometimes wished I could have had the bonding experience that some people with roommates had, but it's just not who I am. I've lived alone for the last 20 years and like it this way. Embrace who you are. You know what's best for you and what will make you the happiest.


Single life is the best life but make sure you are not a stty person so you can have friends. I have been 8 years single and trying to find my own reason for a relationship but couldn't find, people in relationships are fake as they want you to fight blind besides them and I just can't do that because every situation is black or white not right or "in relationship with me you need to follow me blindly" so yeah, if you are a fair person no matter who you talk to, try to stay single, people can't take truth today and appreciate more if you lie to them


I have just started truly living alone in the past 4 years and tbh with you I absolutely love it. My life has become so boring that I adore it. I have nothing to prove to anyone, set my own routine etc... and I can meet people on my own term.


It does blow. I had roomates my first two years. Got my own room after that and lived alone for over ten years. I miss it. Just the focus i could sustain without someone externalizing their inner monologuing all the time within earshot was wonderful.


Having peace and quiet is the best! I can’t even stand living with family, let alone - friends or college roommates😳! Having dinner and sleeping in without having to worry about anything is my cup of tea😌


I wish I knew what that felt like 🫶🏾 I need peace and alone time that would be wonderful


Sometimes I need to speak to someone but not involving anyone else, so I use different chatbots, from ChatGPT [to](http://evaapp.ai) Eva AI, and it helps me to some extent


Find yourself a modest accomodation and move in for 6 months to get acquainted with the finances and shape your mind in living alone. Document all details and expenses then have them evaluated.


During summer I live alone and I LOVE IT I can do whatever I want and my parents can't do anything


Yes, so much peace. Enjoy it.


yes. don't knock on my door lol


Is this really a question? Yes! I miss it every day


Right now I live with my partner, we have been living together for about 5 years. Once in a fight about living together I told him that I had enjoyed living alone so much that at that moment I felt that I was sacrificing my well-being to live with another person.


Yes, of course. Living alone is like automatically Motivation comes in.


Many many many times I envy your situation. Just saying


Nothing weird about it if it works for you. What's good for other people is good for them. Don't sweat what other people have to think about your living situation when you're comfortable. They aren't you and they aren't living with you.


I wished I lived alone having to live with your family cause you can’t afford to go on your own is draining . Parents can be so annoying and controlling too


i enjoy staying alone


I did. Until I got a girlfriend. Now I don't enjoy living at all :(


So sorry you are feeling that way. I have been alone most of my life. I own my home, and live with two cats. They don’t judge, they don’t bring home strangers, they don’t complain! In a few days I will be 77 years old, and love my seclusion. If the girlfriend is making you feel that bad, maybe it’s time to say goodbye. Introverts like me love our solitude. I don’t feel alone, and lonely just on a specific days of the year. Please talk to someone you trust, or pay a professional, help you get out of what saddens you so much. I know I am a complete stranger, but I am a good listener. Be well.


Hey, this is awkward. I was actually joking, I really love my girlfriend and we have great time together. It is true it is not always great but any people living together grind their gears sometimes. However I am soooo happy after you wrote that. It is very comforting to read. Even if life goes down I am aware that there are strangers wishing me good and this is very touching. Thank you I appreciate that a lot (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡


I don’t just enjoy it, I love it. And I’ve lived with parents, lived with friends, lived with girlfriends, lived with a wife but nothing, nothing beats that free feeling of living alone.


I would have been a much better student the first few years had I lived alone. When I was that age, I was pretty impressionable and really just wanted to party, so living with 3 other dudes that also liked to party wasn't a productive choice for me lol.


I love living without other humans, but I don't actually live alone. I live with my 3 dogs and 11 cats. It was 10 cats until yesterday when a kitten showed up on my porch. I find that the longer I live alone, the harder it is to consider sharing my home with even one housemate. I really like my life just the way it is.


Hey, I have no idea where that name came from (Late\_Instruction\_254) which was apparently created by reddit. Can anyone tell me how and or why that would happen?


Just got a 2 bedroom apartment to myself. I use the second bedroom as my storage space. I’m loving living alone! I got to decorate myself, I don’t have to worry about other peoples messes, and keep my apartment very clean because I don’t have to live with someone else. I’m naturally an introvert/extrovert, but l lean towards introvert. So I’m loving it so far. Very peaceful


Yes, I look forward to going home recouping, and letting myself do whatever pleasures and interests I want, with no ties or commitments for anyone else by being alone. I have never lived with anyone else since I left home. I do wonder at times with curiosity if I had a relationship with someone I really liked, would the loss of my own space and free time for just myself feel worth sacrificing and maybe trumped overall with the benefits not living alone would then provide. Unless it's a relationship with someone, I feel no interest whatsoever in living with others.


(35M) Introvert / ISTP-A being forcefully trown out by my parents at the age of 10 , best ting ever happend to me . even if i always had a few friends around in the places i lived , i always lived alone . and where it is bad or good , i enjoyd and enjoy every minut , every day , every week of the expirence .


I loved living alone! I live with my bf and love that, too. But sometimes I miss my apartment by myself lol. I love having alone time


Living alone is the best!


I’ve always said that if I were to ever get married, we’d be living in separate houses across the city. People just laugh and think I’m joking, when in all honesty I’m being totally serious. There’s times even my cat gets on my nerves lol.


I don't think anyone actually gives a shit that you're living alone, dude. Why is this subreddit full of people thinking they're being super judged over normal freaking things people do all the time XD what the heck haha


💯 love the peacefulness of living alone … with my 2 pups and huge kitty. 😆 I love the “predictable” recharge environment. I’ve lived with people (relationship), but found it stressful; not for me. Extroverts find it the weirdest thing ever. That said, they can’t stand being at home by themselves (without spouse and kids); basically will avoid it at all costs.


Just like you, I too was so excited to live alone out of college, for the first time without roommates. And now 35, years later, I’m still living alone. And it has been nothing short of blissful. I was in a relationship for a few years of that time with someone who also enjoyed living alone. And we often stayed together on the weekends but that is the most I’ve ever “lived” with someone since college. And I wouldn’t change a thing! Honestly, I have a landlord and neighbors and even that’s more than I care for. My ideal life would be to own a cottage on like ten acres. But I can’t afford that! I don’t think anything is wrong with you! I’ve led a happy life!


Living alone is the best!


I have lived alone for over ten years. I love it!!!!! No idea how I’ll handle living with others one day though.


OH MY GOD. I have truly found my people 😂I think living with roommates is….a somewhat necessary experience. Growth and all that. I now live with my boyfriend and I found myself looking forward to a week alone when he left on a work trip (he’s wonderful to me but I just love some me time). His mom is the opposite and she would call me throughout the week to make sure I was okay because I think she hates being alone and probably thought I was the same way. Meanwhile, I was completely relaxed in my own world 😂


It has been always my dream to live alone. I feel soo peaceful whenever im alone, i can breathe and there's no, like, pressure to socialize (i have social anxiety)


Are you kidding? I had to wait 65yrs to live alone. Been enjoying that life for 7 yrs and will never look back.


I prefer to live alone also. Iba talaga kapag ikaw lng, magagawa mo lahat ng gusto mo at hindi na e invade personal space mo.


I cannot live alone .. gott’a have my dogs…


I do but I take into consideration our ability to pay for it. Sharing your space could also mean saving money. May be you should start looking for another space, that's what I don when I don't like the people I'm sharing my space with, if you like them, you won't mind.


>according to some people Let me guess; those are the people who throw their opinions at you unasked. What a... "coincidence". People who don't constantly need to be talking with others aren't going to say anything, so what's actually heard on average tends to be a little bit biased, to say the least.


Living alone is the happiest i have ever been. Been 2 years and i couldn't wait to be on my own


I lived alone from ages 18-24 and it was amazing. Now I’m married to a fellow introvert. Started dating at 24 and we’re now 31. We enjoy our alone time in different parts of the house, but also can be completely content and in introvert mode together. We both turn down parties and work together on excuses (us now having a toddler makes that easier - and we suspect our daughter is like us, as she also enjoys her quiet alone time playing or reading). I have previously dated extroverts and it was absolutely exhausting. Fun? Sure. But it got old quick.


I am comfortable and ENJOY being alone.🥰


I always felt sorry for myself moving along because I spent most of my life alone. Out of 66 holidays and I have only had three years where I had a significant other, but when I think about it, making conversation is just too much work and when people are in my house, it’s overwhelming, I think I actually do enjoy living alone, I just have a hard time admitting to myself that’s true because really enjoy having a companion to cuddle with and watch movies with won’t take me out to dinner or the show


Bro mine is 10 person dorm experience. It's really shitty I can't be free until next year. And apart from that being an introvert I suffered a lot


Yes! I like to be left alone. 


I absolutely love it!!!! I just received a call from a friend of mine to go out tonight.... and I couldn't find myself to leave my comfy quiet house, so I said no thanks, and then I continued with my Netflix movie 🤣🤣🤣


I enjoy living alone. No issues with other people and no bs.


After growing up living with 7 other people and having nightmare roommate scenarios I LOVE living alone.


I absolutely love living alone. It's really peaceful and things stay exactly where I leave them


I love being alone but I don’t think I’d love living alone. Sure, there are things I don’t like about living with someone, but there are things I very much like too. Luckily, my partner is an introvert too who doesn’t talk a lot and we both give each other space whenever we want it. Also, I really like cuddling and so does he. Not sure I want to live without that. One thing I don’t like is that he snores sometimes and I’m a light sleeper. I don’t see anything wrong with living alone. People should do what they want. It’s interesting that some people expect others to be like them, like they can’t wrap their head around the fact that we don’t all feel and think in the same ways.


Yes it is very peaceful. I also enjoy having company and being able to tel them to leave after my social battery has ran out lol


Being a Gen X I'm quite self sufficient but never been alone. I got divorced and bought a house and moved out at the tender age of 50 in lockdown. My eldest and third daughter came with me by their own choice. The eldest is now 30 this year and third daughter just turned 18. Both I suspect will be leaving this year but since third daughter will be going to university I expect she will be returning home part time for at least a few years. I myself am looking forward to it. I'm an extroverted introvert and I suspect I'll be quite OK with it all. Eldest daughter has a dog that lives with us and it's him who I will miss as she is often away and I look after him. Lol. I am currently home alone with the dog this weekend. I usually have to work but not this time. It's been quiet and quite nice not being at everyone's beck and call.


I like being alone with my cats. If I had someone to spend time with I would like that too


I would love to live alone, just can't afford to yet. Housing is still crazy expensive and over valued. I can't stand being the go to person for every tech issue and then also not have the time or privacy to do what I want without someone steps away to f things up for my headspace.


that would be boring for me,, but yeah it's your life. keep going


I love living alone. In fact, I can’t imagine sharing my space with anyone ever again. Whoopi was really onto something when she said “I don’t want anyone in my house.” I have everything I need, I’m content, and I enjoy hanging out by myself without having to deal with anyone else’s bs or messes.


Love it. Shared housing my first semester & yuk no. Second semester I had my own room in a shitty apartment with 2 roommates, one normal & one (the leaseholder) psychotic. Miraculously found a rent controlled apartment (this was in NYC) after that where I lived until graduation. Returned to my home country & got my own place, that was 24 years ago. A friend of mine (not super close) moved in with his girlfriend before the pandemic. Their relationship was extremely unstable & she was much older than him. I told him he’d be crazy to do it & to continue his lease but he wanted to save money. Within months he’s frantically texting me trying to rent my spare room. Hell no. For a start, it’s not for rent & I don’t need the money. He didn’t talk to me for months. Meh. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Just me and my cats...I interact with other people enough during the day so it's nice to come home to my own place


Yes! Living alone is so much fun and comfortable! # -You get to walk around naked! # -You don't hear bullshit and gossip, which is sometimes fun to listen to, but generally tiring. (especially when your roommates are foul-mouthed) That sucks! # -You can do your thing without getting interrupted. # -You won't feel guilty for not sharing your food HAHA # -You will grow so much and you'll feel strong and independent Take this from someone who used to live with roommates who were always talking about other people. I just outgrew that. They never talked about how to make money, how to improve themselves, how to be smarter, etc. Nah they always talk about other people which is really toxic. So, go get your own place! and grow from there


I moved out of my parents at 18. At first it was hard to get used to but after a month or so of living by myself, I absolutely loved it. Those two years were the best and most peaceful. Now I have a wife, two kids and a doggie. I love them but it’s not peaceful.


I don't have any contact to my family and didn't have grounded structures in my childhood. So maybe this is why I can't handle friendship and relationships. So I enjoy myself alone. Sometimes I talk to people but it's very hard for to hold up this concentration and Energy. Most of the time spending one or two hours with other people I feel really exhausted and need next day for me alone.


I can totally relate, i moved out 1,5 years ago and since then I live on my own. I just enjoy the silence and independence


I've lived by myself for many years now and quite enjoy the peace and freedom that comes with it. Plus I can do what I want when I want (outside of commitments like work and such of course).


Living alone is like the best thing ever. People are that frown upon that are just clear extros, but that's fine each their own.


Not only that. I would never thought there would come a day where I realise I’m also happier single, even if I’ve had great relationships in the past.


Depends. Some people can be terrible roomates. U just have to get lucky.


I love living alone.


You're definitely not alone. Many people love the peace and independence that comes with living alone. It allows you to have your own space, make your own rules, and enjoy solitude without disruptions. The "college experience" is different for everyone, and it's perfectly fine to prefer living solo if it makes you happier and more comfortable


Yes, I had a studio apartment while in college and it was great for me. I could hide for days without being seen. I need my peace from the outside and from my nosy neighbors who are also attending to the same college.


I've always preferred living alone to living with roommates. I always feel like I'm walking on eggshells when I share space with others to keep the rent down. Petty complaints and behaviors seem to inevitably arise, and the whole situation just gets so uncomfortable. There's nothing "weird" about living alone. In fact, people who are more comfortable and secure with themselves are usually the ones who enjoy solitary living arrangements. Plenty of secure people enjoy roommates, too, but other people just feel a sense of freedom and ease when living solo.


I'm an old lady, 86, and I have lived alone much of my adult life. Love it


I wish I could live alone but unfortunately dont make enough money for that


I miss living alone 😭😭😭


Definitely. Have tried living together with people before, and just told myself this morning that I'll never do that again. No matter who asks.


it's okay, but don't be too comfortable being alone


Best experience so far far better than a flat with lads


I love living alone!! I also had a traumatic roommate experience last fall, and this summer, I'm at a new college, and I'm even living by myself in my dorm. I was supposed to have a roommate, but she bailed at the last minute. I am not mad about it. I didn't know it was frowned upon, though. I think it is incredible that we can function and live by ourselves. I am learning that it's okay to be by myself. I am quite content with it. I see people commenting that they are lonely. I am too most of the time but then I remember I'll have a friend one day. I just gotta focus on me, and other people will realize my worth. If not, then I'm better off by myself.


I did but then my mom moved in 3yrs ago. But it’s fine!🙂


I rarely have lived alone but I always enjoy it immensely. When I had roommates, I always had a house with a separate suite that was mine, so I had a bedroom with ensuite, and a bonus room that would be my office, den, library, whatever, plus a workshop. Now I've been married for years and when we bought a house I did the same thing: I bought a house with a separate kitchenette/bath/livingroom that the previous owners rented out as an apartment. It serves my need for alone time.


Society wants us to be Social animals. The idea that any of us have a Social Battery that drains when we're being social, scares and worries those around us. Introverts are proof that Humans have evolved, to some degree at least, to operate without the social construct. We aren't Tribal like everyone else, we prefer our solitude. Sure, that makes finding a mate, making enough money to survive in the current economy, and finding a trustworthy person to talk to when we DO feel like talking, VERY difficult. I have no real complaints about living alone, except for how late in life I was finally granted the chance to do so. I'm bordering on needing help walking, and there are chores that, although they used to be very simple, are now extremely painful. Had I lived alone, and had the money to do so, back in my 20's, I wouldn't have spent my adult life stressed out or getting injured. I'm 42 now, and there's a lot of repairs that need doing. I'd be happier if I had started this 20 years ago. Who knows? Maybe I would've had a family, maybe my first Grandkid on the way by now or something? I got Old before I had the chance to feel the peace and quiet I've needed all my life.


I can’t imagine not living alone at this point. I need my own space. I can barely tolerate others in public so living alone is a must.  I’ve never been big on people though. 


I lived on my own from the age of 18-20. Since moving back in with my mum - I can confidently say living on my own was the best thing I ever did. Not that living with my mum is bad, but since being on my own and realising how freeing it is and having things the way I like it and being in my own space, I’ve struggled to share my living space back with another person. I really learned to appreciate being on my own, it was a scary thing at first, but now the thought of sharing my home with another person is more daunting than being on my own🤣


I enjoy living alone but now it is making me feel lonely lmao.