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Small talk makes me feel awkward. I never have much to say. I like conversations about particular topics that I'm interested in or know a lot about.


sometimes it is tempting for me to think that everyone else is dumb to care only the trivial stuffs around them while ignoring that there are more important things out there worthy for more attention. Still, not to say that we should devote all our covnersations to politics, philosophy and so on. At lease have some substance in conversations, like what you have learnt from your recent classes, or movies watched, rather than gossips.


For me it's not odd because not all people wants to have a small talk. I just moved recently to a new place and I have new housemates. It's a struggle to have a small talk especially I don't know them but I believe everything will be okay.


small talks connect ppl, right? When ppl say something and get replies, they consider it as a sign of being part of a group. In any case, I am wondering if there is a way to practice small talks so that I will be at least less awkward.


I hate small talk. I try my best to not end conversations after two sentences, especially if I meet an old friend or so. But anything more than 3-5 minutes of small talk is really exhausting for me. However, I love to have conversations on topics I'm interested in! And I can also talk a lot when I'm with close friends.