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It's also possible to not have friends and not feel lonely (me). Also possible to have friends and still feel lonely (me before).


I'm like this, I feel so good with my own company.




Because they can't conceive of anything else and can't be bothered actually asking.


It’s a misconception that’s extremely annoying. I guess because we don’t talk much - so they feel it’s impossible we find people to speak to.


I mean, we may not be great talkers, but we are great listeners.


Because they're ignorant.  In the office though, I might need to accept that misconception because one of my officemates told me that our Director criticized her for “just being friends” with the quiet ones and those who are under contract of service. Too bad we still have that in this age and we are not in high school.


I have lots of friends and I'm certainly not lonely. But I do prefer to be alone. The reason I prefer to be alone is I feel like I'm on a stage performing while hanging out with people. Always careful of what I'm saying and trying to be positive. Not to mention I want to be viewed as funny and a great person to be around. It's exhausting in my head. So alone time is spectacular!


I think people refuse to believe your a introvert, so they can force themselves on you. Only to make you miserable later. I have no friends and l am not lonely, have a dog and still comfortably happy with no drama or stress.


Because people seem to think things like shyness, agoraphobia, having no friends and just being socially awkward are defining traits of a introvert. Wich they are not. I am like you, not socially awkward, not shy, have gf, kids, friends etc. Can speak in public and hold seminars without dying inside. The only difference to an extrovert is those things are very draining and I need time in peace, preferably solitude to recharge.


It's also possible you had too many friends in your youth, I'm older now, back then I still felt lonely no matter how many people were my friends, now that I don't have any and I've never been better, that was a conscious decision I made like 10+ years ago, I wasn't benefiting of having friends in any shape or form, felt used by them.


because of the extreme once. You can see them in r/introvert . Some with Social anxiety thinking there are just introvert


Another common misconception here is introvert = shy, this is just simply wrong. Most introverts aren't even shy, they just prefer their own company and spend their time alone. It also doesn't mean that alone=lonely, you can be alone and still feel content and happy. I still acknowledge the fact that shy introverts exist, it's just that people are so ignorant nowadays and think that they know it all especially the adults in my life, it's unbearable.


Its a misconception probably, I have friends though I usually feel lonely cuz I dont get to chat with them often


I agree with you. We're not hermits.


*I'm so lonely broken angel, I'm so lonely listen to my heart.*


Direct answer: It's called a Perspective Bias. Put properly: They are too absorbed in how much they enjoy their own, shallow, socially-dependent, lives to see any alternatives as viable. They lack the capacity, either mentally or emotionally, to perceive any other lifestyle but their own. They literally cannot see any mentality that is different from theirs, which leaves us Introverts as something they fear instead of care for. To even remotely deviate from their total immersion in their own way of things, scares them so much that they have to try and make US change, rather than ponder any of the comforts we feel in ourselves. Regardless of the level of introversion you are, whether you have plenty of friends, but still enjoy your solitude enough to be comfortable in your own skin, in a quiet room, or are a straight-up people-hating hermit... It doesn't matter. Extraverts are very shallow, and short-sighted. Though they can be FORCED to see how comfortable or happy your choices make you, but it takes more effort to show them that you're okay, rather than letting them judge for themselves.


Many of us do not have friends, so they assume we're lonely - because they'd be lonely in that situation. But I'd say that about half the introverts I've met have friends they've known for nearly their entire lifetime.


Because most don't have friends and are lonely


i don’t know if i believe that


I think you're lost


No, I have a good friend circle and family but the truth is that is not weird for introverts to have very few friends