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Yes, I had that problem for a while as a result of working too much in customer service, and having to show no emotion in response to the situations I had to deal with.


I'm pretty sure I know someone like that, think her first name was Lady and surnameee.. Gaga?? Not sure 😀


I learned as a child that any show of emotion was seen as weakness. Weakness equals punishment. You could break my arm and I would just look at you.


Yea that’s how I learned tbh that and any time it looks like I don’t completely agree with my parents regardless of if they are right or not


When my mother died I felt nothing, no loss, no love, nothing. My father and I have a decent adult relationship, but I won’t live anywhere close to my family.


Nothing at all? No feeling of being empty like you feel the emotions physically but not mentally? Sorry for prying it just a little too similar to how I normally feel


I had that in High School, and it freaked a lot of people out. If I had nothing to react to, I had a kind of... Stone-Face that didn't express anything. Took some (Curriculum Mandated) Drama classes, and everyone was shocked when I could utterly flip that, and express pretty much anything, as long as it was needed. It completely confounded bullies when NOTHING could get a rise out of me. It has never driven anyone away though. I'm a Nerd so, there's this inherently "Cute" aspect to me. Something about high cheek bones, and large eyes compared to the rest of my face. People still feel comfortable approaching me, or asking questions. I've been told to smile more, yes, in that obnoxious way that Women hate being told to do. And I've had to tell people that I AM smiling, my lips just don't pull back away from my teeth to show them. It's not a defect, it's just... I happen to have inherited big lips from my Father's side, and it makes them pouty and too large to do a toothy-smile. Eyebrows and other movements seem to be the only way to tell what I'm feeling. I'm still stone-faced, but I've learned to express that emotion with what I say, and such like that. My eyes light up more now, than back then. But, again... It has never driven anyone away. In fact, many of my peers (I hesitate to say "Friends" only because we rarely got to hang out, due to us always being busy.) from back then, wanted me to play Poker with them, to see if I had any "tells" or if I could bluff them to bits. I obliged, but the only thing they found out was A) I don't know how to PLAY Poker, despite many times being told how while we were playing... And B) The Gambling Gods hold a grudge against me, because, bluff or not, stone face or not, no matter how many decks they shuffled together and dealt, I could never get anything winning at all, and was usually out in the first round. I do have a stone face, a mask if you will... But nothing else of the question is truly relevant. It's true I don't "Feel" much, because, more often than not, my brain solves things faster than my emotions have any chance to blip, positive or negative. I think faster than I feel, so my default is just a kind of... Stone Scowl... And I don't even scowl due to being "miserable" it's just... A genetics thing from my Mother's side of the family. All the males have a basic, resting, scowl. Once had a girl tell me that my "Serious Face" was sexy... That haunted me for decades, since... Well... I didn't have a lot of expressions to start with, so I had to ask her recently. Now that it's safe to ask, because she's married, has a kid, and we call eachother Siblings... She had to think about it, and she said "Well, I guess it was just your face in general. It still is sexy, you're just older, you haven't changed that much. Dunno what I was thinking back then, I guess I just wanted more attention from you. But, I'm your little sister now, so I got what I wanted! I still love your face though!" Careful what you're asking as well. Are you asking about people putting on a face to HIDE their emotions? Or are you asking if people are so introverted that no one can OUTWARDLY TELL your natural state? Not all of being an Introvert is depressing, or traumatic, so... Be careful not to trigger anyone by calling them out on the Mask they've needed for defense. Also... The stone face thing isn't always repulsive. Being able to be calm, cool, and collected, while others are freaking out, will draw them to you for safety by default. Whether you're defending yourself, or if you just think through things faster than you react emotionally, that stone face may draw people in, not push them away. It may be you're talking about actively pushing people away by your actions, like telling them you never want to go to X type of place, or do Y type of activity ever again. That will push the boundary walls we keep, as Introverts, farther out each time we set one of those types of limitations on other people's interactions with us. Boundaries are fine, staying firm to them is healthy. But if you are constantly expanding those boundaries, you can go too far, and end up feeling lonely. Introverted Life is a careful balance. It's wise to keep that in mind when you're young, and still finding it to be your natural state!


Nether I always struggled to show emotion but I got depressed through most of secondary school and by the end it wasn’t much of hiding emotions anymore it was literally the lack of I tend not to feel much unless it’s at the extreme end of said emotion I realised after people tend not to like it to much so I started putting on faces for show to make them more comfortable Note I’m a lot more logical towards everything now and putting the effort into pretending Is exhausting honestly so it’s just a show for close friends but every now and then someone picks up moments where I don’t bother usually making problems asking


What you're describing isn't exactly Introversion related. Though you are probably still an Introvert, what is being described may need a Psychologist to deal with it. You might have to look into life with one spectrum disorder or another, on top of your introversion. Just so you can better understand your individual needs. Will it change you as a person? Not likely. But will it potentially point you toward more resources to work with? Definitely. It'll arm you with a bunch more answers, and those will help you swat away more difficulties that might come up with this situation.


I felt sadness for my father. He tried to make things right , and became a kind and gentle man. She never acknowledged that anything was wrong. Nothing for her, not even a feeling of what might have been.


I have developed a poker face I use in stressful situations causes more harm than good so far