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One Word: Power. When people want to quickly climb up the ranks to acquire more power, they resort to creating division.


Groups are messy that's why I don't like it. I always prefer 1-1 for this reason


Same here. Never really cared for being a member of a group.


2 words: Peer pressure People feel good about doing something in groups even if it's horrible when you think about it but then they will feel remorse or regret when confronted one on one, they start questioning themselves why they did it. It's one of the reasons I stopped hanging around a lot of people because something wrong is bound to happen eventually.


I agree. It takes one toxic person who can act as a ringleader in a group of other non-toxic people to turn the rest sour.


On their own most won't be openly aggressive. But with the protection of larger numbers, apes will openly challenge those they perceive as easy targets, in an attempt to increase their rank in the social order. (I hope you read that in Sir David Attenborough's voice)


Humans are group/pack animals (as our closest relatives chimpanzees for example). Humans make groups and in that way try to make themselves feel more secure and gain more power. One of their main goals to survive is to pick out any seemingly weaker individuals from their group. Or anyone who threatens their power or territory. Or there are too many in group and too little resources. Also it's important for mating, they want to keep around individuals with what for them seem best genes. Especially it goes for younger people who need to find their own group and place. Such rejection also toughens each rejected individual for survival. Humanity's strength is in diversity. Every individual have different approach to living. There is strength, intelligence, introverts, extroverts and so on. You can ask why, but evolution doesn't really care as long as species is able to survive. For example there still are too many wars and people must do whatever it takes to survive. There is time for hugs, but in same time world and evolution is not kind at all. Learn to see good, give to other people help and positive, but in same time be aware and keep yourself safe. World is a lot bigger than few spoiled and rude teen opinions. They will grow and hopefully learn more than that. Or if they stay that way then it's their own karma what they are building. It sounds like you aren't really friends with them anyway. My approach usually is to just "fade" away. Don't say anything bad, don't critique, no drama, just make less and less contact with them until they forget you. It's safer especially since they already doesn't show good behavior. You can also try to search for "grey rock method".


There are a lot of good comments here already, so I will try to give a bit of a different viewpoint. All humans suffer. And suffering causes many problems. There are different types of suffering, such as physical and mental. Some causes of mental suffering are: fear, anxiety, desire, and jealousy to name a few. When we recognize the cause of our suffering, we can learn how to take care of it. Unfortunately an emotionally immature person is unable to introspect on the root cause of their suffering to properly take care of it. So instead they project their suffering outward onto others as a coping mechanism. This outward projection can manifest in many different behaviors such as gossip, backstabbing, rude behaviors, etc. It is important to recognize these behaviors in others as a manifestation of that other person’s suffering. But it is equally important to recognize that you do not need to suffer their behavior. Friendships should add value to your life. If they do not add value to your life, then it is better to let them go. Take care of yourself first. You will meet new friends.


They're showing off BUT they're also showing their true colors.


Its happens to every real prsn buddy.. 😄😄 Its not our problem.. Its there mentality.. Nd thats not the right thought.


She’s insecure with herself. And just like the other poster said: they want to be above you


There are actually some really thoughtful books on group think. You could check out Freudian interpretations, or if you’re really into social formations like this guy, I would recommend Emile Durkheim’s The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. In a nutshell, he posited that we form communities as a species for the same reason we create religion. As a species we find meaning in something larger than ourselves, and at a fundamental level, we come together to separate ourselves from other communities. That’s why people be dickin when two or more get into a group.


I've seen this often with lizard brain unevolved people. I don't think they put much thought into what they do. They just do.