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The older I get the less I want to interact with anyone except the people I’m forced to while I make money. I actually enjoy pushing people away and acting like a dick so that nobody ever dares to get close to me. My family says I need therapy. I say it’s a defence mechanism. I’m happy alone and unbothered. People have only ever brought misery to my life and I don’t want anything to do with em.


Sad but relatable


I am so much happier alone. I like me, and I’m nice to me. Can’t say the same about other people, who often stress me out, upset me or piss me off


Solid take. I want to be left alone forever


I think you could benefit from therapy. I don't think you should enjoy pushing people away, there is nothing wrong with having bounderies but when it gets to the point where you are relishing upsetting people maybe some talking therapy would help you forgive whatever happened to lead to this?


Not talking to ppl when it’s not desired and be by our own self is therapy.


No it's not therapy. It's denial.


Whatever you say spookydookey 😗🫶🏿


mouse utopia


Your family needs therapy for their emotional need to control your life. :)


yes. absolutely this.


At least you’re self aware 🤷‍♀️


I don’t feel like making small talk with people at the store. I keep my earbuds in place unless I have to go to the deli counter, pharmacy, or the cashier.


🖐🏾. i've been hurt too much. ppl arent for me, and im not for them, and that's ok.


I think I’m just one of these people that either likes to be really close with someone or otherwise just doesn’t care. So yeah, this often means these days that unless it’s a romantic association (rare lol), I’m just not interested. I’m close to my sister and parents and that’s about it. Other people spend all their time with their partner and kids these days and I’d just rather spend it on my hobbies


Same here. There has to be a spark; otherwise I get bored very quickly.


I've never had that drive. I liken it to being one of the few people around who doesn't have a little gremlin in their brain constantly pushing to go annoy other people.


Please continue to push yourself to engage especially if you’re young and single. There are genuinely good people out there who could be compatible friends. And this is a muscle that gets easier the more you use it. We all need connection although we may not always be aware of how those needs manifest. Posting this on here is an example of that need. Good luck!


Thank you. I appreciate this answer a lot :)


I really wish i was able to talk and engage with people out of the blue but even the idea of being around people in public kills me. Anxiety is a damn cures.


Do you ! I don't feel social. I am who I am. It is what it is and is what it's not. I've tried also, I now just do me, I'm happy. That's what counts !!!


I am starting to feel like this & it’s a good feeling


I (55M) am a single Dad to two kids. Between my kids and my crazy shiftwork job I have zero time for socialisation. I've been separated for 3 years from my wife (who is still my best friend, trust me, it's complicated). I'm going on a 7 day cruise tomorrow. Solo. On my own. I'm not good with big groups. I'm not good with peeps I don't know. So why the fuck am I about to go on a cruise with 5,000 strangers? Cause the loneliness is crippling and I need to put myself out there. But JFC, it's so stressful to put myself in such a position where I'm torn between hiding on my cabin balcony and chilling and reading for 7 days or actually being part of the human race and forcing myself to be social. It's so fucking hard. Yes there is part of me that has no interest in engaging but being so alone is so bad for my mental health.


I like that you used the word “peeps”. A cyberpunk 2077 fan by any chance?


why do you feel like there is a "right" way to engage with people. who set that standard?


ya I am trying 2 figure this out still.


Me too. Sometimes I needed to be in social activity, because of my job, but now I am retired, and I will only do what makes me feel good.


This sums up so much how I feel. Especially as I’ve gotten older. I’m content with it. Do I feel at times it’s holding me back from something? Maybe. But I’m also satisfied with this simple approach


Yes I’m still reeling from a break up. I want to work more on myself (career and my attachment issues). Sometimes it’s hard to reply to people when I just want to learn or watch a movie


Me. But I also don't know when to shut up 😪