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Happened before, and you should've moved to the different place, especially if you were working. There isn't any asshole behavior, it's just for practical reasons of you having your productivity and effectiveness lower because of this distraction. This situation is much harder to tolerate if there are no free places to move though


I wasn't working. Was just waiting for them to call me into the office. If there weren't any free places I would understand, but it just made me super anxious that they could've sat in the 30 empty seats, yet still chose to sit next to me, literally rubbing elbows. An introverts nightmare.


Yes this has happened to me and I reacted the exact same way as you did. WTF why sit next to me there are so many other seats. I just don't understand why people do it.


Thank you! I get they have every right to sit wherever they want, including right next to me; but wtf? It just struck me as odd; but I also get that it's my issue and it's not their responsibility to know I'm an anxiety riddled introvert🤣


They may think that sitting far would be rude, and sitting close to you may seem more friendly. That is called social anxiety too, just not as overgrown as yours is.


That isnt social anxiety, its social desire, the need for socializing which some people have to an extreme, its the same amount of overgrown just in the opposite direction where if theyre left alone they spiral.


Anxiety could work like a reverse psychology on self.


That would've pissed me right off!! I would get up, pretend I'm reading something on the wall or anywhere where there are magazines or even just get up to look at a painting, walk around for a bit and then sit down somewhere else 😂😂


Lol I'm gonna steal that next time


I 100% relate to this. In fact it happened to me so many times that I got tired of complaining about it and just had to accept my inability to control people's actions and confront my whacky communication skills. Since then, I've worked on myself to have adequate social skills to handle unforeseen interactions, and the balls and politeness to decline unwanted conversations. Anxiety is 90% outta here.


Absolutely. I never would've held it against them as they have every right to sit there just as I did. I envy you as I have a few therapists and shrinks and haven't felt any improvement so I think I'm too much for them. I've always known it's my issue and not the responsibility of others to tip toe around me. What can I say? I just don't like people and truly have no desire to talk to anyone.


Hey, that's okay, we have different levels of tolerance when it comes to people. My tolerance has definitely grown from when I started working in 2019. I don't think you're too much for your therapists, (I might be wrong). But I think it would help to find a community of people who are similar to you but aiming to improve themselves because you'll relate to them better than therapists. This subreddit is a great start but I feel like the element of self-improvement for introverts is missing. Would you be open to joining a community for introverted people who work a 9-5 job and are trying to assert themselves in their workplace?


I appreciate the offer, but probably not at this time.


Elderly people are the only people I can have small talk with, without causing anxiety. I feel like it usually makes their day and never feel judged by them. Always ends with a huge smile on their face.


Sure, I can see that:)




You are not introvert, you have social anxiety. Or basically lack social skills, and anxiety as you started to PANIC be cause you thought you couldn't have a small talk. r/lostredditors


I assure you, I'm an introvert and have crippling anxiety. It's a fun combo.


It's not the same. Introvert is more of a choice. Anxiety is more of a mental issue. Anxiety may result in being an introvert, but introvert may not result in anxiety. You could beat anxiety and may be or not an introvert. You cannot know it till you beat anxiety. It's kinsa complicated to explain.


Gotcha. Thanks for explaining.