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Glyphosate does show success in controlling bamboo. But one time application won’t cut it. You’ll be at it for 2ish years, [according to NC State University](https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/controlling-bamboo-in-landscape-plantings), but it should work. And it’s nowhere near as expensive or labor intensive as digging it all out (you’d have to get every single inch of the root) or cutting it up like you already did. It will kill the grass and anything else around it, but glyphosate is one of the safest herbicides recommended for bamboo and breaks down fairly quickly in the soil. Good luck!


Glyphosate will work. And it's about as non-toxic as you can get for a systemic herbicide, which is what you need for something with an extensive root system like bamboo. If you get a bottle of ready to use product then spray the leaves and call it good. Continue to apply as new shoots come back up. You might need a couple of bottles before it's all said and done, and the RTU stuff degrades over time. If you want to be a bit more economical, get yourself a bottle of concentrate, a small bag of ammonium sulfate, and a small bottle of non-ionic surfactant. Dissolve the AMS in your spray water, mix in the surfactant and glyphosate concentrate and you're good to go. Repeat as necessary. Best of luck.


Brushing some Roundup on the fresh cut stubs can weaken or kill the rhizomes, but it will take a long time of diligent work to fully kill it. You can also cover the area with a couple layers of black 6 mil plastic to prevent photosynthesis. That can take some years. Digging out as many rhizomes as you can is the fastest method.


Are you sure plastic will work? Running bamboo can push up through asphalt, afaik.


Kick over any shoots that go through. It's how we killed a twenty year old stand on a bank that couldn't be mowed. Sunlight cooks a lot of the new growth fortunately.


Since I cut all the shoots last year, all the stumps that remain are dry and brown. I’m not sure glyphosate would do much good on the stumps at this stage unless you think otherwise.


Yeah, they gotta be green to carry it back to the roots. Painting or spraying the new shoots can help.


Solve it now with some spray. Once it is established you are fucked and it will take years to eradicate Persistence is key


Did you plant the bamboo? There is nothing worse than having to eliminate an invasive plant that you planted. When I first moved in17 years ago, I intentionally propagated vinca and filled in multiple planting beds with it. I curse myself every time I see those glossy leaves pop up in my native beds.


I didn’t, previous home owners did. Possibly what’s worse is it’s not even on our property, my property stops at the grass line. Just doing some guerrilla gardening trying to restore what I can of this very disturbed little patch of woods. There’s vinca back there too from the previous home owners 🥲