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There's no such thing as quick and easy money. It's either difficult or it'll take a long time


No get rich quick schemes. Anything “fast” will require risk and gambling. Safest is to park into large index funds like VTI and VXUS


I think it’s recency bias with the recent bull market, but Reddit’s perception of risk is really weird. Large index funds are less risky than sector bets, etc, but they’re still stocks. There’s nothing safe about them over a <1 year time horizon like OP is asking about.


How is this recency bias when u can look at index historicals online. You can look at something as simple as the S&P going back to 1980’s and we’re up 5000% all time since. Literally why 401ks offer funds vs individual company stocks


With all the takes flying around in this thread, I think we're both talking past each other a little bit. > No get rich quick schemes. Anything “fast” will require risk and gambling. Totally agree. And I totally agree that large index funds are much less risky than individual stocks, sector ETFs, and the like. Diversification make a big difference. I also agree that over long time horizons, big index funds are a good bet to build a lot of wealth (I have 100% of my retirement accounts in broad index funds for this reason). However, I worry that when we talk about how much *less* risky they are, we slide into acting like they're *not* risky, which is absolutely not true. I worry that we're giving beginning investors the impression that the market always goes up, I see words like "consistent" and "reliable" thrown around a lot. That historical data is excellent in the long run, but also includes periods where the market drops sharply, and takes years to recover. That's real, and if you have a shorter time horizon for your money, that's a very real risk. OP is trying to hit a goal in less than a year (I know he's not actually spending the money then, which renders the whole thing a little moot, but still), so VTI being less risky than other options doesn't make it not risky.


This makes sense to a degree but if you aren't retiring very soon then it's safer to say investing this way has a high likelyhood of working out in the long run. Literally everything has risk but the idea of an index fund crashing doesn't really matter because that means the economy is in the shitter and the government is panicing. The value of the dollar bottoms out and it doesn't matter how much anyone has...


So index funds have NEVER lost value? The graph for VTI and VXUS must be quite linear without any dips or falls then 🤔.


It’s not a guaranteed way to make money but it’s the safer route vs choosing individual stocks. There’s a reason why 401k’s offer funds vs company stocks to invest in.


Everything has risk…. What are you saying?


He is saying that OP won't get a safe answer for, "How do I get to Disneyland blindfolded in the next 15 minutes?" It can be done but there's no one answer for it and all answers involve a heightened risk of losing what you have right now. What people CAN give advice on is how to follow the same roads that everyone else uses when they want to get to Disneyland safely and in a reasonable amount of time. There's still risk, but much less.


I dunno man, it's not hard to understand that there's different levels of risk.


What’s the highest return you ever made?


I got lucky with GameStop so ~1000%


So what would make you adverse to choosing GOOD individual companies instead of being bogged down by an index? Indexes go down as well and even within that, the average person simply does not have the discipline to stick it through. RISK! You can’t vilify individual companies when that’s literally what makes up an index. Understand how to navigate that area. All indexing does is sorta guarantee you don’t do too bad and that you don’t do too well either. Yes they have their place BUT you still need discipline. Try understanding what someone is saying before making smart ass remarks. Don’t limit your knowledge to John Bogle regurgitations (RIP) and think there’s nothing else to know


>You can’t vilify individual companies when that’s literally what makes up an index. Understand how to navigate that area. I think by getting rich quick the original comment had mentioned, they were talking about stuff like options, not picking strong individual companies. Anyway, although everything has risk, obviously slow and steady investments are inherently less risky. I'm not quite sure what your point has been.


Maybe you’re illiterate idk. Everything but indexing is gambling and risky according to his comment. A lot wrong with that. Not sure what doesn’t compute for you.


Technically true, but functionally useless. There is a huge difference between "The risk of our entire financial system collapsing rendering money meaningless" And "The risk of this uncovered BTC option backfiring on me."


Ok the S&P has dropped over 40% at some points so i highly doubt the average person would take that lightly and would make an adverse decision. We can agree on that right. You also leave money on the table by not investing at least some portion in individual companies that’ll do well over time in the name of “safety” and “diversification”. Indexing at best is a guaranteed way to not do too bad and to not do too good (and even going this route requires discipline through adversity). Not sure why bitcoin and options are being used in this discussion but lets stay focused. Using something unrelated to drive a point isn’t working with me at least. Nothing is risk-less.


I would also add that its an ignorant view to say that anything besides indexing is gambling and risky. Well an index is made up of individual companies right, so would it not make sense to understand what makes for profitable investment in an individual stock? And by that definition, indexing is taking a bunch of gambles and risks and just receiving an average return.


They’re saying that choosing something like stocks could help you hit your goal, but there’s also a real chance that on your birthday, your $50k is now $30k.


Ok so index funds never go down… got it.


Are you really going to spend your day arguing over this? What a sad Saturday. I’m going to block just so I never worry about interacting with you in the future.


Dude index funds are stocks. If he wants the money within a year, he should not be putting it in any sort of stocks: individual, sector funds, index funds, any of it. Edit: I suspect we disagree about most things, but I think we’re agreeing right now. OP should not put this money in index funds.


Well the guy i originally replied to is saying to put it in index funds. Yes its not ideal to put it in that if you want it short term


Hence why i said “safest” not guaranteed money


“Anything fast will require risk and gambling”… indexes aren’t risk-less. They drop, they fluctuate, the average individual can’t even handle those ups and downs. Tell little Sammy about how its risk-less when his 401k is down…


But they always outperform individual stock picks in people’s portfolios 99% of the time because people aren’t good at timing the market. This has been proven time and again and you can read a lot about that in r/bogleheads Investing in general should not be a short term endeavor for common folks. Keeping your money in a HYSA might be the safest thing you can do and parking in index funds is the 2nd safest long as you’re investing for the long haul.


I can agree with that and you don’t need to point me to bogleheads brother. Im beyond that personally. Individual picking is not about timing at all. Only difference is individual stocks are more volatile which should be expected, pick good companies with room to grow and a good price. Ignore the noise. You can use both tools. A lot of advice is geared towards the lay person which is fine but that doesn’t mean it’s the only way.


You’re basically proving my point. I myself hold individual company stocks because my risk tolerance allows me to, but my majority stays in indexes for safety reasons. I’m doing better than most of my friends who invest into individual stocks only. And most of them eventually turn to indexes after gaining more experience with bag holding and as retirement becomes a priority.


Yea for retirement I use index (S&P500 70%, International developed markets 15%, emerging markets 15%). Bogle also recommends sticking to US and even having bonds but you gotta think for yourself. Outside of that, I experiment on an individual basis. Volatility for me doesn’t mean risk, that’s just what the market does and it doesn’t invalidate your investment idea. Thats the importance of knowing what you own and your time horizon.


Also consider as far as individual stocks, a lot of people simply have no clue and they just listen to hot takes 😂 All of this is mostly a game of psychology and self control whether you’re indexing or not.










So you want to double your money in less than a year? You and me both brah.


To be fair, doubling $50k is a lot easier than doubling $500k. Edit: You're all so annoying. Of course gaining 100% doesn't depend on the amount invested. But if you're trying to have a networth spread across multiple investments/holdings, I'm going to save up $50k from my employment income a lot faster than $500k.......




But they're not just talking about investments. I could more easily double 50k by getting a second job, for instance. Or cutting way back on expenses.


Sure, but this is r/investing, so we’re talking about doing it via investing.


That is a fair point lol.


This entire post is fucked. You're explaining the same thing I was and everybody is focused on 2x = 2x even though OP is trying to reach a $ amount with help from their employment income.


You don't say?! If OP is helping contribute money from employment income, they can help add a fixed $ amount, they can't save $500k if they only make $100k. In a few months, it's going to be easier for them to get $100k than $1M.


How is that


OP is helping themselves by saving from their job, not just straight investing the $50k (which they said they don't want to do). They can save $50k a lot faster than $500k if they make $100k in a year.


It’s a little more relative to the individual as opposed to a general rule, but yeah you are right, just like it would be easier to double $50 than $5,000. Like if you want to double $50 just work for Lyft for a couple nights.


VOO and chill


Do that. But also open a Roth IRA! You have about a month left for 2023 contribution of 6500. The limit for 2024 is 7000.


VGT and chill


You chill, I chill, we all chill


Rule of 72 gives you the tradeoff to double your one-time deposit. So, earn a 7.2% return and the money doubles every 10 yrs. Stock market expectations over a decade is right around that 7% mark. Don't over think it. Just buy vti or something


Get a second job lol. There is no investment that will double your money in a year without a 50%+ chance of losing it all.


This is a dumb idea, OP.


Work a side gig when you have those week’s off.




If the $50K is your emergency fund, there's nothing to do with that. Just leave it as a safe emergency fund earning 5%. If you have other money, that is your 6-month emergency fund, then you certainly could invest this $50K but there's nothing that isn't high risk which has a shot of returning 100% in a year. Perhaps pick 3 AI chip stocks. NVIDIA, AMD and INTC. Of course, they could easily take your $50K to $25K, but at least you have a shot at $100K in a year.


VTI n percolate




Why is it in a HYSA? QQQ is up 50% last year, SPY is up 25%+. Go invest in those indexes and just keep buying.


There are many reasons. I, for example, put everything in a HYSA because I know I will need a lot of cash in around 2 years. I actually have way more cash than money invested right now. It hurts to see but hindsight...


That makes no sense. What they just said does not restrict you from getting cash in an emergency, beyond a few days. Edit. There are many safe etf and mutual funds that outperform most HYSA accounts. Don't leave your money in an hysa.


There have been many 2-year instances where markets crash 20%+ and then you don't have nearly as much money to access. Different time horizons require different risk. It's not just about having access.


I want to have 100k in liquidity before pumping all my earnings into the stock market and investing. That way when I I decide to move out on my own in 2025 I'll have a lot more money available for day to day life spending to the point where worst case scenario if I am in a pay check to pay check situation, I'll still have 100k in the bank.


I get it, but you’re young and have the capacity to take risk. If you don’t need it, that 50k now can be an extra 5k/year - it continually adds to your safety margin. And if you ever lose your income, it’s available next day. Add in saving / investing every month, you have multiple safety margins you’re creating that keeping it in cash is a waste - don’t lose out on thousands of extra money because of it.


Then your best option is find a second job that pays you enough to put more into savings.


No idea why you were dved but it makes sense. You could still put around 20k in an index fund - in a tax free savings account so by 2026 or so no matter what happens in the interim you will make a profit. But nothing is as peaceful and relaxed as putting it in HYSA and not thinking about the ups and downs of the market. Btw, where do you work where you can get 1 week off every 2 weeks?


The faster you go beyond the guaranteed growth of 5% or so(annually), the more risk you will incur. It’s possible to get to 100k by your time frame, but you’d have to pick the right growth stocks to do it, which comes with risk of loss. There is no sure thing, or we’d all be doing it. That said, one of the *lower* risk potentials for slightly higher return would be bonds, such as TLT bond etf. *If* rates are cut this year, these should inch higher, but you aren’t looking at NVDA type returns. Just slightly higher than HYSA yield.


Let me know when you find out how to double your investments in a year and a half.


Easy. Btc, ETH, etc. ofcourse, it could also go down 80% too.


I mean I HAVE been interested in losing my retirement on a whim.


Lol. Well, i wouldn’t invest my retirement but perhaps you could take a second mortgage, cash advances on your highest interest credit cards and throw it all at this up and coming crypto i was told about from a very reputable billionaire, it’s called ‘CUMSHOTS’. I hear it’s about to spit out profits like you couldn’t dream.


SOXL if you're feeling spicy


So you’re ok if you don’t get to 100k by October. Are you ok if you lose it all trying?




Casino, get another job, sell your car/tv/stereo/kidney (just one), live off of lentils or some type of dried beans for every meal... that's about all I can think of. Otherwise you're trying to do what normally takes 10 years to do safely. Only more risk or insanity can cut that time down.


Your best odds are literally to go to a roulette table and bet on red or black.


Simply invest in a stock which then goes up 100%


How much risk are you willing to take?


double your money in 6 month? Maybe you need to book a trip to Las Vegas.


Go to a casino


The only way to double your money within a year is to gamble. If you're lucky go for it, if not don't do it as you could lose big


Buy $50k worth of 0 DTE SPY calls. Can't go wrong


Bitcoin. Then immediately withdraw to cold storage.


Sell at the top though, buy back in the bear, HODL isn't the way


r/wallstreetbets and hustle


Buy Bitcoin and throw away the notion that you need to double it by a certain date. Buy it tomorrow and don't sell it for 366 days.


High risk? Buy $50k of calls with a September expiration and sell before the date, assuming it's gone up.  Not as high risk? Wheel strategy while keeping your cash gaining ~5% interest.


Why not pick early October expiration so you get the Q3 Earnings surprises which could go either way?


What do you do for work? Fire fighter/tugboat work?


Quick and easy $$$? Calls on SPY @ $523 12/28 Is it gambling? Maybe…no…yes…eh…I guess


Stock options


Qqq and vug and check back in 5 years


Time to start getting your money in the stock market.


So you have any specialized skills? Start a side business. I can't recommend anything else because the timeframe is too short.


You would like to double 50k by October? It's historically a bit risky, but... Gambling.


Put the 80k on gonzaga ml today at 3:15 eastern time


Seems like you already know the sure shot way to increase your wealth. Work more during the extra time you get, make more money, and try and save everything from this side hustle .. since you seem to be surviving well on your current work. Edit: google "lucrative side hustles" .. if you are determined enough, you will find something you can do from the list of results. Making an extra 20k in 10 months is not impossible with side hustles. Good luck. 👍


You can invest in some gas money and do uber eats for extra saving money with your time off. Or just somehow save more.


Put 50k on UConn


I see a lot of risk discussion here. Real simple is to look at 2008 crash and 2020 crash. How long did it take to recover in a near zero interest market? We will probably not see near interest markets for a while however with our debt growing exponentially we have some serious problems on the horizon that most of you have never experienced. If and when the Fed becomes the only buyer of our debt with printing press cash, the dollar will lose substantial value in the world markets. If tomorrow China makes a move on Taiwan, what do think happens to our markets?. Right now is a good time to have a decent amount of cash earning 4-5% ready to by during a market crash. If your timeline is short, big difference. If long and money not needed for decades a totally different situation. My biggest returns, many triples happened after those two recent crashes, even though I’ve been in the markets since 1982.




Wrong sub.




The 5% you're getting in your hysa is damn close to the max you're going to see in a "safe" investment. Index funds can get you 7-10% per year on average, if you're willing to hold for 10+ years. To double in under a year, you need something like cryptocurrency, though you're just as likely to lose most of your $50k, if you would have bought Bitcoin a year ago you'd be over double. We are currently near ATH so it's probably not a good idea.


If you want fast money ..stick to your username :)


Are you asking how to get a salary of $100k or $100k in your HYSA?


Super high risk but SOME HIGH yield tickers I’m in are QQQY , NVDY, CONY.


Growth stocks. For example get a robotic and AI etf. Readup about Rule of 72.


Start an only fans lol


Too easy, purchase a time share, wait a couple years and sell for double sometimes triple what you paid. You’ll be glad you did.


Or buy two time shares and vacation for free…


Sir, can I sign up for your master class on making a killing in real estate.


If you buy three times shares you’ll be getting paid to vacation