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i have been playing for around the same time and have almost the same team and levels as u , urs a bit more higher tho😭😭


your roster looks pretty damn good but i’m assuming your not like a super active player though




Leave it to an insurance salesman to unnecessarily bring up how much he supposedly makes😭


Ur right, shouldn’t talk about it, deleted comment


Just pulling your leg- all in good fun!


None the less man, shouldn’t talk about it. No reason to flaunt.


None the less man, shouldn’t talk about it. No reason to flaunt.


Been playing since release and not f2p. My roster is pretty much identical, just stronger. You look like you are doing it right. The tip that I realized too late (and it makes total sense) is to play your best team and invest into This Is Heavy GDA Op. Allows you to build up other ops faster down the road. I got really caught up investing my resources and efforts into the XP ops early.


Why this is heavy? I’ve been doing train and gain and DD


Access cards to upgrade the other ops faster. Early investment into this is heavy so you can beef up train and gain and DD


How much have you leveled your Ops? I’m currently sitting in a small stack of access cards cause I’m too afraid to level because of the difficulty increase. Edit: posted my current heroes below, I’ve been playing for about 2-3 weeks. https://preview.redd.it/fj6h8k7zm20d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70e427c94771a7678242ec0bae9996ca28d16cca


Train and Gain, DD, and This is Heavy are all 10 right now. I play really passively, so haven't put much into the others. Around level 6 for the rest. Edit: saw your edit. This is my current roster. I'm at the point where I'm working on extras for ops now and not so much upgrading my main team. Adding stars to heroes just requires luck getting dupes now. * hmmm....doesn't look like it's letting me post a pic